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Everything posted by EZEtoGRU

  1. What's tragically comical is that that that you have argued for months that COVID hospitalizations were not increasing. Now you matter-of-factly acknowledge that Michigan COVID hospitalizations have more than doubled since April 1. In the same breath, you say "nearly nobody is getting sick BECAUSE of the virus". News flash: Being hospitalized due to COVID means you're getting sick because of COVID. Honestly, just throw in the towel. Your theories have been fully debunked. The curtain has been pulled back great wizard. The gig's up. Omicron is raging. Hospitalizations are up everywhere (which you have consistently denied until today). COVID isn't over.
  2. You must have been looking in the mirror when you composed this line. Meanwhile COVID hospitalizations are up again this week in Michigan. This is now 6-7 weeks of continuous increases in COVID hospitalizations in the state. From 473 persons hospitalized on April 1 to 1146 on May 18. Hospitalizations in Michigan have more than doubled since April 1. Yet our faux doctor is pushing the theory that no-one is getting sick from Omicron in the US. Complete B.S. and he knows it. The test positivity rate is running between 14-18% here depending on the day so we have a high rate of transmission resulting in a continuous increase in COVID hospitalizations. This has been going on now since the end of March.
  3. Don't even bother debating with him any more. He's in some fantasy world unto himself pretending everything is hunky dory whilst Rome burns.
  4. I cite actual figures/data from real sources. Every news story on COVID nearly everywhere is covering the COVID hospitalization increases throughout the country. Literally everyone is talking about the increase in hospitalizations. Well everyone except you that is. Sad sad Unicorn.
  5. Patti LuPone chastised a theatregoer for not wearing a mask properly during a Tuesday Q&A panel in the theatre. Good for her! Proper masking is the rule. Whether you agree with the rule or not is irrelevant. If you want to go to the theatre in NYC, you need to mask-up properly. Full stop. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/patti-lupone-claps-back-broadway-044146910.html
  6. As COVID hospitalizations are increasing everywhere and with COVID deaths increasing in some places, our "doctor" is now saying deaths attributed to COVID aren't actually COVID deaths after all. People are dying from other things and just happen to test positive for COVID at the same time. I guess that means that the doctors and real health professionals that officially attribute someone's death to COVID don't know what they're doing. "Doctor" Unicorn will literally say anything now to desperately hang onto his narrative that whilst cases are increasing, COVID hospitalizations remain flat. That is patently false...and he knows it. Sad sad Unicorn as he watches his theories and predictions swirl down the toilet. Masking needs to be mandated again anywhere indoors where people are together. That's the main takeaway here. I still mask up anytime I'm around people anyway.
  7. What a complete load of crap from our esteemed "doctor". Updated numbers in Michigan today. Hospitalizations now up here for the 5th straight week. Michigan hospitalizations on April 1 were 473 patients....now as of today our hospitalizations are at 903 patients. Unicorn thinks that is staying "relatively flat". Complete bunk. As far as deaths go, Unicorn says its "practically zero" yet we are still losing about 10 per day to COVID here in Michigan. 76 Covid deaths here in the last 7 days. I guess those 76 people don't count for Unicorn. Here is the latest report: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/05/11/michigan-covid-cases-deaths-rising-hospitalizations-outbreaks/9720866002/
  8. Would you do what Vicky did in order to feel it?
  9. I wonder how she thought this would all play out once they escaped? Was is all worth it Vicky? Of course we'll never know the answer.
  10. Sadly Vicky White has died of her injuries from the gunshot. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/09/us/vicky-casey-white-alabama-manhunt-monday/index.html
  11. I'm totally with you on the leg thing. Meaty calves are a must. But the most important trait for me is masculinity. I love my men to be uber masculine.
  12. The sauna scene in PA used to be fun. I remember Plataforma and Mezzaninu (mentioned above) and two others that pre-dated them...but I don't remember their names. My initial trips to PA were work trips in the 90's so the saunas that were active there were different. The scene was always inferior to SP and RJ. Having said that you could sometimes find a real gem of a guy at the Porto Alegre saunas. It is true that Porto Alegre can be rather boring during the day. Especially in the winter months of June-August.
  13. He claims to have practiced medicine. I seriously doubt he actually did that based on his track record of comments on this board. There is no way an actual medical professional would be making the sort of statements Unicorn has said here.
  14. I have no idea what I said that you consider "childish...but I think it's such a hoot that you believe I am childish yet you post a selfie photo of yourself with a soda can tab in your mouth. Who's the childish one here? Yes I was on a flight with coughers/hackers coming back from Vegas. Remember I was masked the entire flight thankfully (the coughers were not masked). I assume that saved me from catching whatever they were spreading. Exactly why masks should still be mandatory on planes.
  15. I guess the CDC doesn't know what they're talking about. Once again you are not up to speed on things and continue to give sketchy recommendations on how to conduct oneself during COVID. Sad. https://www.wlrn.org/news/2022-05-04/cdc-reiterates-its-recommendation-for-masks-on-planes-and-trains
  16. LOL. Now that's the funniest thing I've heard so far today🤣.
  17. That's been the go-to argument during the whole pandemic for people who don't want to wear masks on planes. Meh. I pay zero attention to folks that claim you can't get Covid on a plane.
  18. ...but not on airplanes...which makes zero sense.
  19. Yup...hospitalizations up everywhere. Based on the weekly numbers issued yesterday, we're now on our fourth weekly increase in Covid hospitalizations here in Michigan. Deaths increasing in some places. I stay masked when I am amongst others.
  20. That will be hard to determine. For those that suffer long-term health problems tied to the lockdowns...is that better or worse than dying from COVID had there been no rules or lockdowns?
  21. I've been travelling for about a week now...Primarily LA and Las Vegas. Only about 15% of people on the planes are masking up...that included me. My time in LA (one day) was primarily in a hotel and at the Greek Theatre. My observation was only about 10% of people were masked. Here in Las Vegas even fewer are masking. LV is incredibly busy this week with the NFL Draft starting here tonight. We know Covid cases are on the rise nationwide. Hospitalizations are also up in some places.
  22. Believe it or not, we discussed this list years ago. I assume it's the same list...Ecuador was at the top before as well. Interesting to read the prior comments. My comments from then still hold. BTW, I've been to Ecuador many times over the years...mostly for work. There is no way on earth Ecuadorian men have the largest schlongs on the planet. https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/45066-penis-sizes-worldwide/#comment-419069 Thanks to deej for his prior submission!
  23. What an ass. Never heard of Sean Murphy before but my goodness.
  24. I watched the first episode and just didn't get it. It didn't work for me. Maybe I should have given it more of a chance. Do the critics like it?
  25. Thanks for that. Those gel-packs were my main concern regarding the packaging. I think Freshly at one time claimed the gel inside the pack could even be recycled. I never understood how that would be accomplished. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly. Anyway, it's hard for me to reconcile the convenience benefit of delivered prepared meals versus the incremental environmental impact compared to normal shopping at the grocery store. If they could get to a point where plastic use is eliminated and a more environmentally friendly shipping/cooling process is used, I would try again. Like I said above, we generally enjoyed Freshly when we tried it.
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