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    Mocha reacted to rogerG in What do you think of this as a business practice?   
    Mine too. Plus, I will never be that desperate for cock.
  2. Like
    Mocha reacted to hypothetically in Why Don't y'all visit Charlotte NC?   
    Well you ARE comparing two different extremes. No city in the US can rival NYC’s market per the scale of its catalog.
  3. Like
    Mocha reacted to marylander1940 in Why Don't y'all visit Charlotte NC?   
    hotels are surprisingly expensive and the aren't enough potential clients. Even Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill can barely maintain their escort supply.
    At least you're paying a lower mortgage/rent but there are consequences to moving out of NYC.
  4. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + IronMaus in How OnlyFans Changed Sex Work Forever...   
    Well...to an extent. But some of the articles posted seem to explain and answer those facts.
    I feel Rentmen has become an onlyfans of its own. That’s why I said 1,000 times already, private pics and videos need to be paid for. They don’t wanna listen to me though. So people keep looking at free content and wasting our time. Fortunately, it’s made me smarter in charging for my private pics, and collecting $10 “conversation fees”.
    I’m very close to just not talking to anyone unless they pay me $10 upfront. That’s not being greedy...that’s just not having the manpower to answer every single text that comes in to me, from people who don’t end up booking or who “drop out” of the conversation right when it gets down to the money part.
    This wasn’t as much of a problem when we used to be able to post rates. Like someone said to me last night in Milwaukee, “there’s guys out here sucking dick for blunts”. So it would make sense some of the rentmen clients contacting us may not be expecting livable rates.
  5. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from Walker1 in .   
    Yeah, see in that case I woulda just kept my mouth shut. I just already know people won’t see eye to eye on certain political topics. At the end of the day, you do you, I do me.
    By the way, I’m just putting this thread on pause to address another topic.
  6. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from Leyte2019 in How OnlyFans Changed Sex Work Forever...   
    Good article...it just reinforces what I already know and feel about social media:
    “The internet has become a place to treat identity and anonymity like a stack of cards in perpetual shuffle, whether on Second Life or in the quarrelsome forums of Reddit. Social media platforms function as digital canvases of endless self-creation and branding.”
    I don’t know. I am just an old soul to an extent. I can appreciate how social media (specially only fans and such) can bring people to normalize an “influencer”, but my experience with people who are “influential” on social media and give off this constant vibe that everything is rosy, and their pictures always show them looking sexy and flawless....usually have all sort of issues. But they portray and live this image of some type of idol. I’ve met guys who were big on social media, but had no car, lived with their grandmother, no job, no money, alcoholics, disrespectful, unreliable...but yet their social media was brimming with likes and followers as if they were such wonderful people.
    I just feel like we’re at a point where nothing is never enough. Being an escort posting face/nude pics isn’t enough. You’ve got to be on social media. Social media alone isn’t enough, you’ve got to be doing porn. Now doing porn isn’t enough, you’ve got to be on onlyfans and winning “subscribers”.
    I’m not saying one has to do all these things to be relevant, but I feel like every couple of years, I feel like I’m not doing enough...because there’s something else and another that you should be doing. The blogger also made a good point in the article: An influencer may be advertising content to God knows who of what type of people. You just don’t really know.
    At this point, I’m trying to take the direction into filming, but I know that’s like “old school” now. However, I don’t see getting anywhere with onlyfans just right off the bat. I’m doing better focusing on my individual clients and making sure people who don’t follow thru send me my cancellation fees, rather than putting into a full time business of trying to keep interest going on onlyfans.
  7. Like
    Mocha reacted to nate_sf in How OnlyFans Changed Sex Work Forever...   
    This article on onlyfans/justfor.fans appeared in the most recent issue of Wired:
    It takes a bit of a different angle, focused more on the blurring between social media "influencers" and porn, but makes some interesting points. Social media stars/porn stars/escorts... a Venn diagram of sorts?
  8. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + keroscenefire in A potential recession   
    And Denver is a good example of that: it’s more expensive now after the “boom” and more and more people are struggling to make it on their own there.
  9. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from OneFinger in Business in Detroit?   
    Not sure what happened with this thread, but figured I’d follow up with my latest experience in Detroit since I was just there the other day. Stayed from a Wednesday to Saturday.
    This was my 2nd trip to the surrounding area(s). I mainly went to see 2 of my favorite regular clients...but I did have a couple of days to assess the market. Now, at this point with my travel experience, I’m well aware of 3 facts:
    A) 2 or 3 days isn’t long enough to really meet all your potential in a market.
    B) A City may not be good 1 week/month, but could be good on another week/month
    C) some cities have changed over the Years.
    However: my verdict on Detroit is I won’t be eager to plan another visit in the near future. I had several people reach out for a appointment on Rentmen and non of them except my 2 regulars showed up. Not to mention, A4A was not happening there either. Like I said, I wasn’t relying on meeting new clients because I was set. But, I wouldn’t go to Detroit unless I had something lined up anyway. I also tried remotely from some of the surrounding cities, Ann Arbor, Lansing, The Saguatack (can’t get that spelling right), Grand Rapids. All I got was a bunch of “feelers” from people who send, “are you in (insert name of city)”. Then I’d take the time out to respond, and they end up not coming thru. Again, it could be different another time...but I’m not eager to find out. Plus when I was in Detroit couple years ago, I noticed people were doing the same thing. Reaching out for bookings and not following back up.
    Detroit pretty much reinforced my vibe of many rust belt cities, and Chicago is 1 of them too. The potential is definitely there, but being it’s not really on the way to any places I visit...I can’t see any reason for me to go back to Michigan unless either 1 of my regular clients invite me back. So @ChristianCronin, its good that you already have another job lined up...If it were me I’d certainly want to have my hands on other things as well.
  10. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + MakeMeCowboy in .   
    Yeah, see in that case I woulda just kept my mouth shut. I just already know people won’t see eye to eye on certain political topics. At the end of the day, you do you, I do me.
    By the way, I’m just putting this thread on pause to address another topic.
  11. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in .   
    Yeah, see in that case I woulda just kept my mouth shut. I just already know people won’t see eye to eye on certain political topics. At the end of the day, you do you, I do me.
    By the way, I’m just putting this thread on pause to address another topic.
  12. Like
    Mocha reacted to buckguy in Business in Detroit?   
    It's very spread out and carbound. Your clients probably will be downtown, the northwest suburbs (where businesses cluster) and the near northern suburbs like Royal Oak & Huntington Woods with sizable gay populations. There used to be some elements of a gayborhood along 7 Mile radiating from Woodward but that seems to have dissapated over time.
    The downtown area out to the area around Wayne State has gone through a remarkable amount of change, but the city remains filled with vacant homes and neighborhoods filed withe mpty space. There are some nice, relatively affordable neighborhoods near 8 Mile Road such as the University District (near U Detroit) but it wouldn't work for incalls because guys won't want to come to you.
    A lot of native white Detroiters (and the children they raised) have never really gotten over the 60s riots and the acceleration of white flight that followed. African Americans who can afford it also have departed to the suburbs. The idea that parts of the city are pleasant & well maintained or truly coming back is still a hard sell.
  13. Sad
    Mocha reacted to + augustus in .   
    @Mocha It wasn't the complaints about all the hassles about the clients that drove us apart (from the longtime escort I had). It didn't bother me. It was politics. We are on opposite sides of the political spectrum and I didn't care about his political beliefs but he tried like hell to prove that he was right. I told him lets not talk about politics but he couldn't control himself. A couple of times he got seriously nasty so I ended it. He was shocked. Thought I couldn't live without him I guess, but I did care about him. Life is strange.
  14. Like
    Mocha reacted to + tassojunior in How OnlyFans Changed Sex Work Forever...   
    I wish there were a good comparsion out regarding how much one makes off OnlyFans vs Chaterbate. My experience as a client is OnlyFans rooms are usually $10/mo and there's other things I can get for $10/mo more exciting. But when I'm in chat I often throw $10 of tokens and sometimes more very often on a guy. Less control.
  15. Like
    Mocha reacted to Zapped in How OnlyFans Changed Sex Work Forever...   
    I follow a couple of guys on onlyfans, each of whom occupy a niche that does have anyone IRL in my area. Plus I can get off quite a bit for a lot less money than an escort.
    If one of those guys did escort work, and we were in the same city at the same time, I’d make an investment!
    I know a guy who’d like to do porn and may start with onlyfans. He’s not into escorting, though. Separate of sometimes overlapping skill sets.
  16. Sad
    Mocha reacted to KrisParr in What’s the lesson here? Newbie asks ...   
    Flip it around, man. What if you hosted him at your hotel and he snooped in your stuff when you were out of sight? You would be surprised at how many people carry heat - seriously.
  17. Like
    Mocha reacted to + keroscenefire in A potential recession   
    Recession is a pretty specific economic term. It means a decline in GDP for two or more consecutive quarters. An economic depression is generally defined as an economic downturn (decline in GDP) for two years or more and/or a decline in GDP greater than 10 percent. The recession in 2007-2009 was the worst economic decline since the Great Depression but because it lasted slightly less than 2 years December 2007 to June 2009 and the GDP only dropped 4.6 percent in that time, it was considered a recession. (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/recession.asp)
    I think generally you are right though..there are winners and losers to boom times and bust times. The gas thing is a great example. For many of us, low gas prices are great because it helps keep prices down generally because it lowers transportation costs across the board. But definitely it hurts energy companies and areas with a lot of oil production. And a recession could be great for those with stable jobs not affected by the recession because it could mean lower housing costs and maybe the opportunity to buy property when it is more affordable. Basically all my friends who own houses in Denver only have them because they were able to buy during the last recession. Very few would be able to afford a home in Denver today with their middle-class salaries.
  18. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + augustus in .   
    Wow, so you’re saying the escort shared a tale of woe...but he just went off about it too many times?
    I try not to explicitly share with clients in person about experiences with flakes, unless I need to use it to make a point. And even then it’s very general. Something like, “yes I have to do the deposit because a lot of people say they’re going to show up to the hotel, then they don’t...So I rather hold this time just for YOU.”
    But like I was saying earlier...some of these assholes may very well be perfectly good people. The problem is they get on Rentmen and lose their common sense and courtesy. It’s like I can scatter business cards all over the Las Vegas Strip, and likely deal with a load of crap. But if I individually hand them out to prospective clients, I’d doubt I would.
    That’s why I say part of it needs to come thru filtering thru the websites. I still wonder how it would work if Rentmen were to charge each person $1 to text or call a number (because let’s face it, we’re already there because numbers can’t be shown in profiles). Maybe they can buy a “package” of 10 phone number allowances for $10. I can imagine that it would cut down the crap and up the seriousness drastically (Stuff I’ve already mentioned to them previously). But of course as I’ve said before, there’s still guys out there who are credit card shy and won’t pay...but that’s where Rentmen may have to get clever. Maybe sell it via Groupon lol (being Rentmen has rewarded me for my suggestions, I don’t mind sharing some free info with them).
    It’s funny how my number is shown in my a4a ad. I used to think I would be getting prank calls up the ASS by putting my number out in the open on adam. But nope, it’s not coming from there. Most is coming from Rentmen and RentMasseur...which leads me to believe there’s a quality control issue. They gotta stop these mother flakers at the gate. I can only do much screening and filtering, but if a client isn’t taking shit seriously because it’s so accessible to just text a bunch of escorts for free at random, something needs to goddamn change.
    People shouldn’t have so much access to us, to be contacting us, bullshitting and wasting time only to say, “I didn’t make an appointment”. Then why the fuck you calling me then? You don’t call an escort if you’re not booking an appointment. Then they got the nerve to say “it was just an inquiry”, despite texting me up asking if I bareback, this and that question, where I’m staying...and then they want to deny deny deny, when I put responsibility on their word.
  19. Like
    Mocha reacted to marylander1940 in .   
    Specially now with an allegedly family values goverment... plenty of hypocrites.
  20. Like
    Mocha reacted to + MakeMeCowboy in .   
    @Mocha... Nope, that was my hope for all. I limited it to print because that's the only ones I can verify.
    Again, for all, every time 'I assume' anything, 99% of the time I'm wrong. I digress, sorry.
  21. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from Pulgasari1991 in .   
    I’ll assume you’re addressing me on that tip...I’ll address that:
    It’s not so much a topic of leaving the business, it’s more of a topic of how much can a person deal with, before the work outweighs the reward. That I don’t mind putting into print, because it needs to be discussed regardless. I know there’s not so much can be done by just talking about it on here, and the real solution is going to have to come with either greater escort tolerance/screening or Rent guy platforms having a better filter on who contacts us.
    I have an interesting experiment I’ve done: I have business cards. Occasionally I’ll pass them out to random people (usually in an already gay atmosphere). But usually I only give them to clients as a “souvenir” or if I need to prove to a client on Grindr or Adam that I’m not just out here trying to make a quick ?
    Do you know that not 1 person who I’ve given my business card to, has contacted me to waste my time or bullshit me? Even people who may not want to use the service, and even the people who are interested in me. I could go around and pass out my business card to 10 guys, and most likely wouldn’t be concerned with them wasting my time or calling. I even used a separate number to track who called my biz card versus who called my online ads. Why is that?
    I believe people carry on the way they do on Rentmen because they know we can’t see who’s on the other end. They can see us, but we can’t see them...so in their mind, there’s no need for accountability on their end. That’s not saying how all clients view things, but more of general perspective of from how it is.
    So, it’s not about a lack of enthusiasm...it’s about the inconsideration on a daily basis, that can interfere with overall enthusiasm.
  22. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from marylander1940 in .   
    Thankyou for addressing him directly. I’ve been too busy to notice him talking smack behind my back, I’m just not even going to exhaust myself argue engaging in arguing with him. He can talk shit about me, and I can talk shit about him, and it’s just going to be a shit storm. I don’t have time to argue with people who are only going to dredge up the past, dilute the “message” by calling it negative/complaints, and simply want to be “politically correct” when it comes down to it.
    People will say whatever they want to say. Until they’re in the driver’s seat, it’s just talk. When I see JJ with an escort ad or 2, then I’ll listen to what he has to say.
    And I definitely don’t need anyone to “coax” me into staying. How many times have someone or 2 around here said I’m not cut out for the business or that I should leave? So I’m certainly not waiting around for someone to make a decision for me.
  23. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from liubit in Beware. Border Patrol Searching Phones.   
    I don’t blame you. BUT...
    Don’t let the whole border “crisis” scare you for too long. We’re the land of the free...to do what you want behind closed doors. When push comes to shove, despite everything political that seems to be going on, people still doing what they want to do. Plus it’s just so much ground to cover. I travel 2 to 3 weeks out of the month, and there’s still several cities I’ve not been to in months and years.
    And remember, there’s Palm Springs, which is in the lovely state of Mexifornia...which is surrounded by CaliBama. But when you’re there, the atmosphere certainly isn’t political in the sense of things.
    If I were a tourist to the US, the only reason I wouldn’t want to come is because it’s so expensive for a night in a hotel everywhere. But seems like most tourists from overseas use air bnb to offset the high hotel costs.
  24. Like
    Mocha reacted to marylander1940 in .   
    Mrs. Jerkedwood (that's how I interpret your SN):
    I just don't like it when there's a pack attack on member. I have sinned, and so others and you too as you acknowledge.
    Welcome back!
  25. Like
    Mocha reacted to marylander1940 in .   
    It sounded like a pack attack to me at @Mocha who was just expressing his opinion as usual.
    Many guys have retired and come back, just like Sean Xavier for example.
    Actually @TruHart1 told me that's what it means. I don't know if he was joking or not. I'm moving on too.
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