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Everything posted by Mocha

  1. I’m familiar with Denver and familiar with California. What happened? I will say both places take consistent screening measures to maintain sanity in. The Denver market has become just as shifty as California. I’ve not had any “bad” encounters in California, but have had some “this is different from what I’m used to” type of encounters out there.
  2. At the same time...don’t pretend it doesn’t bother you, and let him off the hook entirely. “He doesn’t owe me any explanation”. He absolutely does owe you an explanation. He just increased his rate for the very same service. It’s in his best interest to explain why. Did his rent go up? Was the repeat encounter with him more demanding than it seemed initially? Shifty behavior in the m4m community (I won’t even say gay because it extended to bi, curious, and gay guys) is at an all time high. Not to get off subject, but I really don’t feel like making a topic of it because it’s already been discussed: In my personal life, I’ve had about 2 people this year in my “best fuck(s) ever, this could turn into a regular thing” category just go completely stone cold on me. Dudes are finicky as fuck, and guys need to stop being bitches about shit. People think they owe no one an explanation. It’s funny how guys will suddenly perk up with an explanation once I call them out on their shit. By then, the “relationship” is over because guys get butt hurt anytime you ask them to take any iota of responsibility for their flaky, multi/personality bullshit. But you’ve got the right mindset, sometimes it’s better to just walk away from such fools and be on to someone new. Because you can’t reason with some of them. Guys nowadays are stuck up their asses so much, they don’t care who’s feelings they take for granted.
  3. Thanks very much for the conclusion there. Ultimately, I made a pact to start last week...to start taking small “breaks” here and there throughout the week. I realized I wasn’t really putting up the “not available” sign enough. Or I’d just casually let myself be “available” even though I wasn’t really available. And I still thank @Aaron_Bauder for giving me his take on things, that’s it’s okay to turn calls down and not be available round the clock. But this past week, I’ve been practicing taking a whole day or 2 to be not available, and turn my ad number line on do not disturb. It’s definitely helped smooth things out a bit more. I can’t really afford to take a long break or “retire” (or even want to, shit I’ve had 4 stellar clients this weekend alone, 1 of whom I had to turn down due to weather). So yeah, don’t get me wrong by any means. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. But, I just realized I needed to practice actually being “off” for a day (or even part of a day) and not just “off duty” like a police officer. I’m a male escort, not a member of the armed forces. They get privileges to do that, I don’t lol. No responding to texts on my off day, no answering calls or emails. Maybe I’ll work on my ad and change my pics and such, but nothing that’s going to possibly stress me out.
  4. Thanks for clarifying. It’s exactly some of the things I’ve contended with. However, rather than delete/block...I save the texts and when they hit me up again (which they usually do), I will tell them something like: “I noticed you contacted me for an appointment back on June 5, 2017...and when it came time to confirm, you did not return my messages. Are you serious this time, as I do have a cancellation fee. I had a guy end up meeting me after I told him that. He contacted me in a different city like a year prior, then went radio silent mid-message. I also distinctively remembered that convo because it was late night, and I was in a position at the time where I wanted to see a client. But once we met, he understood.
  5. @HarryReems4U , several good points made. However, I won’t get too deep into the ethnic escort thing right now, as that’s gotten me in trouble before. But I will say, there’s many variables at work. I don’t think anyone should “feel” like they have to charge less based on their race, and also one can easily squash stereotypes simply by the presentation on their ads. I can actually give someone thuggish or elegant if they wish. And still be paid equally the same. It’s really just a matter of asking and you shall receive. With today’s no rates allowed on most sites and hookup apps dominating the way gay people meet for sex, anybody coming into the industry is going to have to strategize rates. Otherwise...I’m at a point right now: I think I need a break from gay/gay men in general. Too much drama dealing with various gay men. I just had a “relationship” go south on me, not to mention the recent workflow issues I’ve been having. This has been the 3rd gay “friend” to create anxiety and negativity in my life in the past 30 DAYS. 1 happened to be a client I became friends with, who was just dramatic and switchy, he put that shit on me and had me all fucked up in the mood. I had to get away from him. I think I’m going to print what @Aaron_Bauder told me in the other thread about the 10 commandments of keeping sane in this biz lol. Its just another reminder of how volatile the gay “scene” can be. Someone’s feelings always getting hurt, people always changing their hearts and minds. And it’s hard to distance away from it, because dealing with gay men is our jobs (although I have less drama sticking to clients versus miscellaneous) Unfortunately, I don’t have much social life outside of “gay dating” right now. Without having a good support system, the pressures of it all can send a person into a complete tailspin. I think what I need is to refocus on getting set up in a new city, and getting the logistics together. I’m considering deleting social media and just cutting off anything that’s not conducive to getting things done. I’ve already told myself my next trip needs to have something to do with relocation.
  6. That is true. I just have to also learn what my rhythm is. I don’t mind being available anytime, but also some of it is due to logistics. I’m not in close proximity to the city at the moment. The other week, I was able to catch a last minute client in the city (and ended up in a hot session at midtowne spa...people were watching like we were doing a porno). However, I’m not always in close proximity to the city, and when I’m at home base, it’s a logistical nightmare trying to get to the city (I’m effectively seeking to relocate to a more permanent city situation ASAP). But that’s the thing too. Many of these texting clients need to understand: they don’t know what on earth a provider may be doing when they call. It should never be assumed that a provider can just jump up and see you, at a time YOU name. Some clients name a time, without much notice, and expect us to be there. Then, when trying to arrange something more convenient, they can’t do it. There’s one guy in particular who did that to me twice. The first time I went out of my way, dropped what I was doing, and met him short notice. I was inconvenienced, but didn’t mind because I wanted to accommodate. The second time, he did it again. Saying “by chance if you’re available”. I had just got back into town the night before, having drove 3 days from Florida. I asked if he could do 1 hour later than the time he requested. He says it’d be too late, but he may could do Thursday. I text him Wednesday to reconfirm. No response. Thursday, he says he can’t do it, he’s going to Chicago that weekend. I let his ass HAVE IT. And not in the way he wanted to have it. I told him, “you wanted me twice to interrupt what I was doing for you, but you can’t be bothered to go 1 inch out of your way for me. Just send me my cancellation fee then.” Never heard from him again, and don’t care to either. Irritatingly thinking the world and all its sex workers revolve around him. Those type of people I can only deal with when I’m sitting in an apartment with nothing better to do. I can’t rely on them when I come to visit because they just aren’t dependable for anything beyond “right now”.
  7. Thankyou SO MUCH for sharing that, I really needed that read. Numbers 3 and 5 I need to work on. And that last sentence about engaging 24/7 and with every prospect is a bad habit I been doing and need to end immediately. I’m just going to start cutting MOFOS (allegorically speaking, of course). The hard part is trying to determine who to cut. There’s just so many clients out there that just don’t uss etiquette, but turn out to be good when I work with them. But I think if I listen to my gut, and they give me that obvious gut wrenching flaky feeling...I might just go ahead and cut it. But I’m confused about number 7, missed connections. What are considered missed connections? And why delete them, versus following up a later time? I agree with all. However, I don’t think it’s anything wrong with a sales pitch if you look at someone’s pictures (then again, it’s for that reason I’ve locked my pics and only open for those who are looking to book appointment...my private areas are not a real estate/used car magazine to be flipped thru and “passed on”.). It shouldn’t bother you to have someone contact you, after seeing their pictures in all their glory. Also you say you’ll never pay 200-300 for penetration, but mention providers cumming in 5 minutes. Unfortunately, you kinda get what you spend for. $120 for a massage and penetration is not sustainable. That’s an amount guys who are starting out, new to the biz will charge. I know because I started out charging that amount before I became professional...it’s degrading and humiliating because you still have to deal with all the crap for half the pay. Plus that person has to see more clients in order to make it doable. So surely, you can’t expect a marathon. I know this shouldn’t be a factor of rates either, but I used to work in banks and have even found the occasionally client’s ATM receipts in the “envelope”. Why in God’s earth would I be asking for $120 for full service, and this person is sitting with 20, 40, 60 THOUSAND in cash in their bank account? That doesn’t mean I’m going to charge that person more, but it means I don’t want to sell myself short. In some cities, all I get is 1 to 2 client a week. It’s rare to see multiple clients per day, even though my text messages seem to indicate I should. But 3/4 are flakes. Even some regulars only come around once in awhile. I’d be living in poverty charging $120, selling my skills for pittance, when that same client would have no issue paying $1,000 to put his dog on a plane. And what if the provider shoots in five minutes, and then in 55 minutes, shoots again ? https://rentmen.eu/male-escort-videos/play/76922
  8. I’m not in the position to “retire” at this point, but I think I will pay more mind to turning on “not available” and “do not disturb” during the times of day/week when I’m not in the position to take text messages. I may even need to resort to posting a message that I’ll only answer texts/calls between certain times. Any other time, phone goes off, email me instead...and that’s checked once a day also. I can’t be bothered round the clock. But sometimes even when I’m in the position to texts, I can’t deal with the ones who don’t bother to read (or choose to ignore) that I have a 2 hour minimum notice or that I cannot host without a full day of notice when I’m in at “home base”. I also get annoyed when trying to plan something with a client via text, they seem sooooooo unavailable. One return client of mine got on my last nerve because one minute he had to end the text abruptly because his wife walked in. Then he could only meet between noon and 2, said no other time would work. I cancelled him. but then he changed it to he could meet at 6 pm the next day after all (the time that would work for me). We finally met, but all the run around beforehand made me think we’d not end up meeting. That’s the thing. Some of these RentMen clients need to get out of their heads that we are here to prance around their schedule. It don’t work like that. If they are so busy that they can only meet when I have to drop everything, go without eating, scramble around like an egg, that comes off unappreciative and views me as a servant, not the adult male relaxation consultant that I am ?
  9. I’ve decided to start taking days off. I actually felt good not being available these past couple days. Let people know, I’m not available round the clock to text them back and forth. The ones that have been really irking me lately, are the ones who contact me...then flake out by being all apologetic. Case in point: Sorry, I'm not gonna be ready. We should have texted sooner. Sorry. Not trying to waste your time. Apologies A Denver judge once said, when you say sorry/apologize, you sound guilty. That mother foe was guilty AF. Yet this MOFO was trying to waste my time. I have on my ad to text me for same day visits. Being his pigheaded self, he ignored the instructions. 1st he told me he could get to my hotel in 30 minutes. Then asked if I had availability “tomorrow”. Then never bothered to follow back up the next day. Ironically this was someone from A4A, which isn’t out of the ordinary for that site, but when push comes to shove...most of the nitwits are coming off the rentmen is sites versus a4a. Majority of the texts I get from A4A, lead to appointment. Majority of the texts from RentMasseur don’t, only a portion from Rentmen does. I’ve even handed out my business cards to random guys I’ve met out in social settings. Even those guys don’t text me to waste my time. So why in the hell does so many come from Rentmen? That’s why I’m saying Rentmen need to recognize their part for some of this bullshit. Every since they took off rates, it’s caused a Pandora’s box of BULL to be contended upon us. I don’t know who some of these people contacting us are. Some probably don’t think we are for hire, some think they probably get to text to us for free because our numbers are up, some don’t know who charges what...it’s a mess. They are trying to be so safe...that they’ve deviated from the whole purpose of the site. If I don’t have this issue when giving my number out on my biz card or on adam4adam, why is it so prevalent on RentMen. My question is, these people who are finding rentmen for the first time...what is their initial search for, escorts or porn videos?
  10. That could become a possibility at some point as well, but the drawback with email is...if a client is looking to meet “today”, using rentmen email can be a bit too slow. So I try to discourage people from using it for same day appointments, but it’s okay if it’s something in advance. Especially if the client has a profile on rentmen with their pic, makes it all the more personable. Thing is too, I don’t mind texts (when they’re legit and not jive). And when I’m around family...I can’t really take calls, also don’t like to be caught “off guard” with phone calls either. I could be doing something very un-escort-like (I have a side hobby as car doctor, and I don’t like answering my phone and getting sidetracked when I’m in the middle of a possibly oily and sticky task...and not like those dungeon porn videos that some people think they’re using used motor oil as ass lube), and my sexy voice may not come thru at that very moment.
  11. I ask because I’ve been toying with it for a few days, and decided today to turn my availability off on Rentmen/masseur for the next 3 days. I know that’s not real long, but I need to start somewhere. I’m at my wits end, probably facing a bit of burn out. My issue is not with sex or clients, because I’m regularly horny and ready for sex on the daily...plus my sex drive seems to have gone up lately (part of why it’s hard to tune out). My issue is the TEXTS, as I discussed in another thread. These past few weeks have been building up frustration. I’m tired of people texting me round the clock, yet out of every 3 to 6 messages (depending what city I’m in), only 1 turns into actual meeting. I understand if that’s “how it goes”, but it has to be considered that on average, it takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour before one really knows whether a client is actually going to go thru. Even some of the ones who seem as if they are ready to meet “today”, still end up taking that long by the time of exchanges, breaks and pauses, sorting logistics, etc. I tell guys, I don’t get paid to bullshit on the phone, text them, and they go around play this duck duck goose game with me. I got into a heated altercation with someone today over text. He disturbed my evening meditation last night, sending me texts 1 by 1 in rapid succession (which makes my ringtone go off each time), his picture, making me think he was all for a session, only to abruptly end the exchange after he asked if I “party” (which usually indicates various street drugs, the same kind that one Black Hollywood kid died, fooling with some druggie client). I said beyond poppers and wine, I DON’T parTy. I was already not in a good mood to begin with. I told him how I deal with dimwits like him, and if you aren’t contacting for a session, leave me the F alone! He got all rude and nasty, left voicemail trying to intimidate me saying he’s going to “take me down” and “send me to jail”. And this is someone who contacted me from Rentmen. Cute. I made a suggestion to rentmen, that if they can’t encourage clients to contribute money for our private pics, perhaps they can encourage them to contribute for each time they click on our phone number and “contact” us. Have them pay $1 or $2 to see each escort’s phone # before they contact. Maybe that’ll set the tone for people to take us seriously from the get go. They’re doing a lot to mitigate these things to begin with, but it’s not enough to only let registered members contact us. Many clients don’t have profiles on Rentmen, so there can be more done. Until then, I’m limiting my accessibility, and have turned my work phone to “do not disturb”. I have personal responsibilities that I need to finish, and I can’t get anything done in my life when my phone is constantly getting bombarded by text teases wasting my time. I just wonder, does anyone take “breaks” (referring to turning off work number and/or putting ad on unavailable) once a week, once a month, once a year?
  12. So is the escort in question also the OP? If so, perhaps it’d be fair to let him respond. Either way..sounds unfortunate. Hope in the future y’all can make it work.
  13. ...and to add, I wasn’t placing blame on the OP for texting, as I understand it’s a 2 way street, and we all fall into the texting game at one point or another. Also, society and norms dictate that texting is “what you do”. At the same time, what I am saying is to not necessarily rely on texts to judge whether something is “on” or not. Rather than contact someone else, how about lift the phone and call this prospective escort. Last week, I had gotten into a text scuffle with a client over something silly. I had to pull myself together, and man up and call him. We cleared the situation over the phone...but still texted leading up to the visit. Then he came over and I fucked him, and all was well. Had I not made that phone call, I probably would have lost him. When you text, you’re having sex with your phone, not an actual person. Sometimes you have to just jump back into reality, and speak to a live person if things are not going on track.
  14. Welcome to the club... I can’t speak on the specific reasons for the person you refer to, as I don’t know his particular situation. But, that’s how people do nowadays. Finding gay sex has become a game of validation, unaccountability, and a numbers game. Now that craigslist has gone, I keep forgetting these creeps are making their way to us...with no outlet to express their “I want to talk about sex, but don’t actually want to meet”. Today I had to stop, breathe, meditate. Collect myself. I’ve let myself get caught up lately in becoming bothered by situations and turning to a monster. This is not who I am. What people need to do is, STOP fucking texting. Stop that shit. I don’t flirt over text with prospective clients, regardless of what people think you should. It’s direct, to the point, and anything else is just fluff. I think texting has become a scourge on society. I’ve ended 2 friendships over the last month via text, and I can’t even count the amount of bullshit mother f**kers coming thru the lines on text. If you don’t like being ghosted on, stop texting. You don’t know who, what, when or where these people are. If you’re going to text, use the phone to solidify the date.
  15. I’m just saying, because at the current...that’s not where most of the “ick” is coming from. Most of the ick is coming from the main sites. I just spent a good part of my Thursday, replying to text appointments from 4 different people: 3 from the rent sites, 1 from a4a. Didn’t meet a single one because they contact for appointments, then have some bullshit excuse as to why they can’t meet. The a4a replies I can usually mitigate because atleast I have a pic to go by. The other sites, even running a background on the numbers, I have no idea. It’s that kind of nonsense I speak of. Sometimes I wonder if there’s some sort of jealous rivalry at play, but at the same time I know that people can do these sorts of things all on their own. My next line of defense, and for my own sanity and to NOT be in a bad mood over Mother’s Day, is to just go ahead and cut my work phone line until I’m ready to leave out of town next week. People are catching on that I can become a fucking DICK, real quick. Some people think I have to sit around and be nice and complacent and excuse their bullshit ways. No, they’re going to get that ass straightened out, because I’m not dealing with annoying people who get on my nerves, and I don’t fucking have time to be raising someone else’s kids. Grow the fuck up people! I got too much stuff on my hands, to be texting round the clock to people who make my life difficult when trying to making an appointment. Fucking hard headed people don’t want to listen, don’t want to read, think everything revolves around their schedule, don’t want to wait for shit: Last time I checked, who’s running this? The worse ones are those who stalk my ad, wait for me to get back into town, and then ask for an inconvenient time. When I try to schedule something more convenient, they can’t meet. Just wasting my time.
  16. You refer to RentMasseur in the first part of your post. That’s the one I’m referring to. Rentmen allows a bit more tracking info. I am debating the merits of continuing to advertise on RentMasseur. I recently dropped the gold placement and have switched back to basic. I do get a fair share of clients from there, but I’m getting close to dropping that ad also. Mainly because the majority of correspondences coming from there haven’t been panning out. It may just get to where the only sites I’m on is rentmen and adam4adam. (And @hypothetically can “yuck” adam4adam at will, but I actually met about 2 well to do clients from there the other week.) And to update: every since I’ve taken my private pics locked, I’ve been getting more clients sticking to appointments.
  17. Interesting you mention. Lately, most all of my bookings have been day of apppintments. I don’t mind advanced notice visit, but I find those cancel less than some of the ones who schedule the day of and then cancel. I’m finding some of the ones who text for info and disappear, are suspect. I wouldn’t ignore it, I’d investigate it and make sure it doesn’t happen again..because they always come back around and do it AGAIN. I pay for a background service, and I went without it for the past 3 months. I just resigned up today, because I need to get on these MOFO’s asses again. I looked up 3 numbers today from people who cancelled/flake, and all of them had mismatched name information, or no information. One appeared to be a 28 y/o female, but the person claimed to be a male in his texts. Didn’t address my name and didn’t quite the proper website. One had a google voice number that went to “please state your name at the tone”. Some of these mofos think they’re slick, but I be on to their shit. And whatever fake contact info they want to use, will be reported. As I did today.
  18. This is where we need to be ourselves, because straight people aren’t afraid to flaunt their indecencies. “Oh my fiancé is having a baby.” “Yeah? I just bred a guy last night myself!” And the week before that, 2 guys bred me. Yet all my tests came back negative” Same difference!
  19. How far in advance did you schedule him? Some (many) clients these days contact on the day of, expecting us to drop everything and rush to see them. I went off on 1 guy today, because I spent all night before bed coming up with specific instructions about scheduling a visit with me. He had the cheek to say he did read it, but was hoping to see “if by chance” I was able to do it differently. Then adds, “I’ll catch you on your next visit” when I will him otherwise. This same imbecile contacted me 3 months ago, and didn’t follow up. So this time, I told him: if he’s a recent college grad like he claims he is, then HE MUST know how to read. So I said, “you must be playing dumb”. He didn’t like that. Not saying this case is the same as yours...but some people out here operate only on the imagination that men posting a profile on a rent website solely exist to cater to their schedule, their timing, their spontaneous reaction to meet.
  20. Even though I use Lyft “sometimes” (and usually rather take the risk of going to a bar in my own car, and simply managing my liquor)...I have my opinions. Lyft/Uber has made catching a taxi “cool”, whereas before I hated getting inside a metered cab. Most were stinky and the drivers from the Middle East. Just wasn’t very glam. However, many Lyft/Uber drivers...I just don’t always know their level of driving. I think it’s an exhausting line of work to do. For example: I have no problem driving 500 miles to a new city. But doing an Uber round the clock, in city traffic, crazy drivers (and maybe passengers), for the amount of money per mile...it’s just not my style. At the same time: look at how FOSTA and stuff like Grindr affected our bottom lines. You can’t say something “can’t” be blamed. But it boils down to: will Lyft and Uber eventually meet their demise as a fad, or will there be a merger (perhaps Uber/Lyft buy up the cab companies, pay more, etc). I know one thing: People have foregone cars to take Lyft/Uber everyone. To each is own, but paying $11-12 just to go a mile or 2 adds up in a major way.
  21. Oh God no! I see what you’re meaning, but Please don’t treat us like your boss and definitely not a contractor fixing a leaky roof! Whenever a hurricane blows thru Florida, all those roofing “contractors” start going door to door sticking advertisements on the doors, and I hear half of them are shady anyway. After hurricane Irma, most people just left tarps up on their roofs, and I wouldn’t be surprised if even now they’re still up. That said, I think one of my young clients in Florida is a roofer/builder or some sort of contractor. He be giving me like 300 everytime I meet him, so I know he’s making bank...if that’s what he’s doing. So I can’t say they’re all shady.
  22. Same here, same here. It’s ridiculous. But, I’ve also had 2 really good clients come thru over the last couple days...and this is despite the fact I have taken all my nude pics to private. As we get closer to graduation season, the flake factor will likely rise. I actually thought my client today was going to be a flake,but I really try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes the paranoia of a string of flakes can program us to see all calls/texts as flakes. Also: to follow up to my initial post here, one of my flake clients from 3 weeks ago who I was saying threw off my whole Palm Springs roadtrip, sent a cancellation fee just the other day. Things got nasty, but eventually we squared it away. One of the others is just completely ignoring me, and that’s okay. I just won’t deal with him anymore. I have had to sadly cut some repeat clients off. Sometimes I feel bad that I do, and I tell myself maybe I should have just let it be...and perhaps they’d come around “next time”. But I’ve played that game before. Let people cancel on me and leave me hanging, and be “understanding”. But unless they were physically robbed or seriously had something happen, there’s no reason to not be reimbursed. People can feed you any old bullshit story over text messages. And that’s perfectly understandable. We were never promised truth and dependability when we signed up for this business. At the same time, I ask myself...if a regular client really respected me as a person in business, they would reimburse me something, even if it’s $10, if they have to cancel. The ones who don’t, to me are just selfish and they don’t give a fuck. Therefore I can’t be nice and sappy with them, because once they show they don’t give a fuck about me, no amount of nice will change their lack of integrity. Then I turn into this nasty person they didn’t expect. Yeah, because you fucking lead me on for a few days, and then play this bullshit game like we never had such a conversation or made an appointment. You damn right I’m going to go from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. (I’m going to write to my Oscar winning client and ask him if he can reach out to some producers and see if another remake to that movie can be done next year lol)
  23. I’m sure people who ask to deliver horse breeds are paying deposits. If someone was shipping a horse from Kentucky to Texas. They’d probably get $1,000 upfront of their $60,000 that it costs for 1 horse. How does 1 horse hung stallion differ from another ? Prices on Thoroughbreds vary greatly, depending on age, pedigree, conformation, and other market factors. In 2007, Keeneland Sales, a United States based sales company, sold 9,124 horses at auction, with a total value of $814,401,000, which gives an average price of $89,259. I’m selling myself cheap! I’m changing my rate to $7,500/hour starting TODAY. Those horses aren’t even fucking them, and they’re paying $89,000. Either that, or I need to start passing out my business cards at horse ranches!
  24. You put words in your mouth. You did fault him. There’s no taking it back. It’s said and done. But, I can see how it could have come off more haphazardly than intended. Like I said, all great advice...but you specially said: if HIS presentation was better, THEY wouldn’t have flaked. Despite me sitting here right now, and giving my whole life story about how people can flake. And that’s just 72 hours worth of flakes. Imagine 10 years worth. And you can see why I’m so fed up. And what they are now, are far more vicious than 10 years ago. People back then used to BOOK within 1 single phone call. All the blame should go towards the sociopaths and possibly their parents for raising them wrong...because they should be on medications, like adderal. Because they act like they have ADHD by making appointments and not showing up. But I give credit where it’s due, what you’re saying is very true and a good way to manage it. It’s easier said than done for some of us...I just don’t have a lot of leniency for people who hit my phone up, bullshit me with text messages, interrupt my day, then don’t follow up with a meeting. I don’t have time for that shit. I’m not a customer service center. I have to report people EVERY WEEK because they have no regard for wasting my time. That’s EXACTLY why I’ve taken down all of my nude pics on all sites, except Twitter...and that’s just promotional. I’m not showing shit to anyone anymore who isn’t planning an appointment. No reason to. And they don’t get the code either. Tired of people getting to see all of me, but then not treating me like I don’t deserve a little courtesy. Before I decide to go on “strike”, One guy tells me he’s not comfortable paying upfront, then blocked me. Well I’m not comfortable showing you my dick upfront then. How about that?
  25. I’m reading all what you and some of the other posters are saying, and it is good advice IF this was simply someone asking how to advertise themselves. But in a nutshell, in this case you’re basically saying “it’s your fault they flaked on you”, and that’s a dangerous game to play. I recently spent 2 days of texts deliberating with a (non-escort/now ex friend) because whenever I (foolishly) go to him about a client who treated me LESS THAN what I FELT I deserved, his first reaction was to fault and blame me: “You’re always late, YOU did this, YOU shouldn’t have done that, etc.” He was so quick to judge, yet the mother foer hasn’t ever escorted a day in his life (except the couple times I invited him to a 3way with a client who requested it) to understand what all goes into the business. Especially when you’re traveling. For example: I’ll even address one of the Palm Springs event late arrival. Now, @Epigonos was my “date” for the evening. Saturday I was the last person to show up for the dinner, but fortunately we were still all served at the same time. So what was the ROOT of the lateness? A degenerate who flaked on me earlier in the week (his excuse, fell asleep while waiting for his kids to go to sleep), on a TUESDAY. How? Because he completely no showed on the day I was scheduled to leave. I had it all planned out my road trip from Kansas City to Palm Springs. I ended up waiting for his lying FUCK ass so late, by the time it was evident he wasn’t going to show, it messed up the “timing” of my trip, which in turn caused me to have to leave the next day, a Wednesday. And I had to be in Palm Springs Saturday by 5 pm. Regardless, I carried on...but the flop equated to less cash than expected (because I paid all my bills before the Palm Springs weekend so I wouldn’t have to worry about it while I’m out there, as I was confident I would meet clients along the way, and I had them booked). So, when it was looking like I wasn’t going to have enough cash to complete the trip, I had to end up taking a last minute client 1/3 of the way thru the trip. And it was an incall client, which meant I had to stop and get a hotel. By the time the session was over, it was late at night and I was too tired to continue on to my 2nd destination after having already rode 6 hours. So, I ended up having to leave for my 2nd destination on Thursday, the day I had clients scheduled! Both clients could only meet before 5 pm, and my trip was 8 HOURS. Not to mention losing 1.5 hour due to a BS narcotics harassment along the way....which was a complete nothingburger of a situation and wasted tax payer money. Fast forward, once I arrived, neither of the 2 clients could meet, and cancelled. That was $850 LOST...gained $100 in cancel fee because one of the clients said he reserved the whole day for me, but then changed it saying he had to work early the next morning...which was NOT mentioned prior. So here it is Thursday, I done lost close to $1,000 in planned finances and only recovered $350...which ain’t shit when gas is $3+ a gallon, V8 engine takes premium at 21 gallons, and the trip is 1,500+ miles. So Friday comes, things are looking not good. Fortunantely at the last minute, I get an outcall appointment Friday evening. 2 hour session. PERFECT! But mind you, I’m still 11 hours out from Palm Springs. Knowing I have Palm Springs dinner at 5 pm Saturday, I headed out that night after the session. I literally drove until I couldn’t anymore...5:30 am, when the sun started rising and the animals started running across the road...and stopped at some rural Route 66 motel for 4 hours of sleep. Ultimately, I still made it to Palm Springs at 3:50 pm. Over an hour before the dinner. However, time flies when you have deadlines, and by the time I waited at traffic lights, waited for people to cross the street, checked into my resort and meet and greet with the owner for 20 minutes, shower, get ready...it’s almost 6 pm! Still not bad, but people without a conscious like my now DEAD (to me atleast) ex-friend, will paint me as the “inconsiderate late person”...not realizing all the effort I make to make these encounters a reality. I was late to one of the other gatherings, but some people didn’t show up at all. I attended each planned gathering because I respected each one as if it were school, church, or work. When you’re in a new city, new surroundings, doing it all on your own, and trying to meet the schedules of others that may be different from your own “routine” (I generally eat dinner between 8 and 10 pm) people who are a little OCD like me end up running late. But I still respect it and SHOW UP. I almost didn’t show up, but out of respect to @Oliver who counted the attendance for Sunday and the restaurant who expected all people to show up, I went despite being late and braved any sort of embarrassment or criticism that may have arose from that. People who don’t appreciate others will only call out their shortcomings: “you were late”, but not seeing behind the scenes to see WHY a person may be late. But as you can see...what created a distraction in my plans, was the fact that 3 different clients “fell thru”. I initially didn’t want to rely on @Epigonos to send me a deposit because I didn’t want to touch the “contribution”, as I didn’t want it being used up along the way. I wanted to be able to “earn” the honorarium and fortunantely I was able to accomplish that. That said: I know some would think the whole trip (and me) sounds crazy and why didn’t I just fly to Palm Springs. Well, PS was just the MAIN destination. But I turned it into a whole 3 week “exploration”. Despite the cancellations and frustrations, I met an Oscar winner client in New Mexico’s filming industry, met several amazing people in Palm Springs and brought some cool accessories, made 3 new friends in West Hollywood, found my boyfriend in Las Vegas, finally ended my trip by treating myself to a nice leather coat and spa (it just snowed yesterday where I am) Despite the disposable connotation of the gay man, I wish people would look within themselves and have a little more compassion for those who step out of their way to accommodate them. One of the clients who cancelled, normally gives me $600 each session. He wouldn’t even give me a dime for cancellation fee. When I tried to reschedule, he was busy. Sometimes people need to compensate the “preparation” and not just the “action”. It’s like if a horse breeder (or whatever it’s called when people drive horses around the country) was delivering horses, and the “client” says “sorry, too late I can’t make it”. Well, who’s going to pay the gas and feed and transportation costs for these horses, if that person has to then turn back around? But that probably wouldn’t happen because the average person treats their animals with more respect. Some consider “us” lower than dogs (watch Black Klansman). That’s one reason I’ll be escorting for as long as my reproductive system allows. I refuse to be treated like someone’s sex puppet. I met people who’ll spend $1,000 to fly their dog, but can’t even give me a extra $100 to offset my hotel costs. I want to tell them to get the Fuck out of here! Or I may just quit without notice because sometimes the money isn’t always worth dealing with such hierarchical minded males who think you should only be paid if you perform for them when they want it, and anything outside of that “doesn’t work for them”. As if airlines don’t occasionally get delayed, cancel flights, or experience turbulence. They just finessed the art of getting paid upfront, so regardless of what happens, they’ve got you by the balls. You can get sick, get placed next to crying baby, get your ass beat and dragged by TSA, but they still get your money upfront. Yet, ME who has nude photos and simply providing a good time, has to argue and fight for a measly $100 deposit? Goddammit I’m tired of being disrespected and taken for granted. I just hope one day, people will be judged for how they treated others who went out of their way to accommodate them. Until then, I just have to do my best to stand up for what I deserve.
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