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Everything posted by Mocha

  1. Travel section is generally good to announce/advertise, and the Deli...just be sure to follow the guidelines ?
  2. ...because I feel I’m getting near to that point. As in, cutting bars, cutting social networks, etc. Despite it being Pride month, and it’s the time to give “reverence” to those who fought for our rights, I don’t feel any spirit of “Pride”. When I look back over the past couple years, it seems like every time I meet a gay guy outside of my clients/escort network, it always ends up drama and disappointment. It’s almost like every few weeks, I’m being let down by someone I trusted or started to get to know. The most recent was last week, prior to that was just a month before. I’m starting to feel the only way to keep drama and disappointment out of my “space” is to avoid any gay associations that’s not related to work. I just don’t know what it is, but whenever I try to cultivate new friendships/relationships in the “scene”, it rarely lasts, and it’s always someone with a 1 track mind. Either they just want to fuck, or they claim to be a “friend”, but end up being 2 faced, or constantly critical, put downs, competing for each other’s dudes etc. (especially and mainly from other gay black men). I’m just tired of it. I now see why some guys I come across, they never go out, they’re not out looking to meet people. They seem closed off, but considering the type of characters out here to contend with, it’s no wonder. I wonder how this would affect business. Would I become a more focused, ambitious companion, or would I need to find ways to compensate for the potential drop in social life. Edit: Even if I do, I would plan to keep all existing friends/fuck buddies (unless they too happen to drop off). I don’t want to be that person to cut off people for no reason. But seems like I need to discern all else.
  3. I can understand the thrill of the new client, however there’s a saying in business that it costs (I believe) 3 times as much to secure a new client than to keep a current one. And it’s true. I have regulars I’ve known for years. And I also want to pull @Robster into this conversation because we both misunderstood a situation I discussed awhile back, about escorts “taking” certain clients of mine. To be clear, there was no taking of Pelham 123 (10 year anniversary haha). I was so wrong. This particular escort didn’t take my client. It just so happened that the escort was in closer proximity to my client, therefore they began linking up more often, and naturally, my client couldn’t afford to hire us both. Well...just this past week, I finally reconnected with my “client friend” (we’ve known each other about 5 years, but haven’t met in about 2). Spent a fun 3 days together, went hiking in Yellowstone Park, took some AMAZING pics, and in fact I reached out to the other escort (at the suggestion of my client) and let him know I’m open to link up. Even though he wasn’t available...there’s a good chance that at some point we could end up in a 3 way situation, as all 3 of us seem to be open to it. Just goes to show, a good regular will always be around for a good escort even when other client or escort options abound.
  4. Trust me, I believe you. And it is true. I’ve discussed the same topic many times before. I was one of the (only) 1st escorts on this forum, to question why there wasn’t more reviews on Black providers here. But what I am saying is, I don’t care anymore. I don’t care if other White escorts are getting paid or reviewed more. I just care that the clients I do have, keep seeing me, and that I’m doing what I need to do to make it. I may not have been paid $25,000 for something before, but I do have reliable clients in other states who I can contact at any time, and they’ll come thru for me. I’m sure the $50,000 client will likely be a 1 time thing.
  5. Well sounds like you’ve got quite a bit of insider’s information for sure. However, I’m always a bit skeptical ? when it comes down to numbers being thrown around. $50,000 sounds like an “offer”, but did it actually go thru? It just doesn’t sound like a real thing. Not saying you’re not telling the truth (and of course you know I’m a fan of a lot of the tips and advice you share), but I don’t feel the twin’s or whoever it initially came from, story adds up. I already know clients don’t generally “offer” money. It’s more of an ask and you shall receive, and you may receive some extra on top of it too. So maybe the twins asked for 50,000 to do a 3 som. Who knows. But unless I actually see it myself, I just don’t buy “i once knew” and “another guy I know” stories. And about that italicized part...I get what you’re saying, but I don’t want to feed into that too much. I personally don’t feel White/Whitish guys are at any more of an advantage than myself or another person of darker ethnicity. In the past I felt like they were, and in the big overall picture of all gay related things, yes gay White guys are generally going to facilitate more when it comes down to mainstream advertising. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a high demand for Black either. I recently had the relative of a client who passed away, donate to me his collection of porn (which would have been unnecessarily thrown out, had it not been for my persistence). There’s several dozen videos, all of them except maybe 2 or 3 were focused on black porn models, mainly interracial. I believe the whole Big Black Cock/interracial genre has an edge over the preference you mentioned, because it’s not just gay clients who are into that. I can’t tell you how many straight, male clients of various races have come to me...wanting to bottom. And many have told me, when they want to bottom...they only look to have a BBC. So the potential is there on our end. The issue is making sure we command the value, and get that across. No, I’m not going to fuck you raw for $100 , my rate starts at $250.
  6. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19523398/truth-about-hgh/
  7. That’s quite surprising for Chicago. I’d imagine it’s the XXX Capitol of the Midwest
  8. I had a photographer friend offer me a large supply of HGH. Needles included. I was convinced, but ultimately decided not to take it. I regretted it, but couldn’t risk getting pulled over and searched by the narc unit, and seeing all those needles. Needless to say, two months later on a road trip, the exact thing ended up happening. I was like damn, good thing I didn’t have that HGH with me. Not 100% sure if it was a two month supply, but I was going to be using it just a few times a week. Other research I did suggested it may not necessarily be worth the side effects. I did take 1 sample though, don’t recall feeling a sense of sleepiness. But I have heard from another source that the fat loss thing is real.
  9. I recently had 1 client and his partner hire me. I was able to alternate between one and the other for the introductory part of the session, and then include both during the main part of the session. Couples can be different though. Its usually 1 guy who’s coordinating the hiring, versus it actually being 2 clients. So when it comes to rates for couples, I usually just do my mid-level rate for the hour. However, if it really is 2 clients...then I’d charge 1 rate, and y’all figure out how to split it. Booking back to back under the same 2 hour time, seems a bit complicated, depending on that provider’s rate.
  10. Ha. Maybe I got it wrong then. So what are you trying to say about the overall post all together?
  11. I know you weren’t directing that statement at me, but I’m going to step in, in defense of @Monarchy79 You said: I didn't care as I'm on PREP (and I'm not looking for comments but being at risk for other STI's.) Guess what? There’s no way around it. You asked a question, then included something which insinuated you were okay with the switching of protective services. So if you didn’t care, then why would you care whether the escort posts safe and then does bareback? You can’t contradict or make it seem like your choice is better than theirs. Are you trying to say you wish the guys who post safe would simply put bareback, so it would make your choices simpler? If so, that’s a different topic. But if you’re going to discuss bareback and say “but I’m on prep, I didn’t care”, you have to be prepared to get a wide array of responses.
  12. That is true. Barebacking isn’t the only way to catch something. Catching Giardiasis from eating ass or getting a sore throat and realizing it’s not “just a cold”...are all possibilities. Otherwise, he’s right. You can’t live in fear, so I found one of the ways to prevent STI’s is herbal remedies. I take urinary tract supplements, Cranberry juice (has to be 100% juice and not mixed with other juices) for preventative dick infections, and Black Walnut and Wormwood for preventative parasite infections. Even though the testing clinics don’t recommend using herbal remedies to treat stuff, I can say it’s kept me clean on many occasions. I tell them, well hey...I’m not trying to be worried about being up in the doctors office everytime I have sex, so I have to do things to protect myself in the interim in between testing.
  13. I did read it. But my God, that was depressing A.F., why would you think I’d enjoy reading that? I did find another interpretation: The first poem encountered is “The City.” In it, someone (Cavafy perhaps) is regretting their life of failure and is blaming the city, which has assumed an ominous personality, for this failure, wondering whether another city would have been more rewarding. Let me just be clear: Because I can read between the lines when a person is trying to be funny and slick. I’m not blaming cities, and I’m not having a life of failure. I could show you my phone right now, with my 1,600 pictures, and you can see how I’m doing. My photo album is like a travel magazine and novelá erótica book all in one. With that being the case, I still don’t necessarily see myself living in every city I visit. I know a lot of people who are living and appearing happy and successful on the surface in a particular city (take Madison, Wisconsin as an example), but they’re not living there because they are necessarily “in love” with the city or its people, they’re living there because that’s where they have a job, and possibly a social network. And like I posted earlier, many don’t have an option to go elsewhere, even if they want to. People who say, “oh you won’t do any better there, you can do what you’re doing here” are talking out of their ass and generally living in a bubble. 4 months after I left Nashville, I had bought a second car, my number of reviews started going up, and I was doing much better for myself. When I left Florida in December, I went from having 1 or 2 clients every couple of weeks, and barely making ends, to gaining several additional reviews in just 2 months. So don’t try to be brash. Otherwise, it’s a cute poem and perhaps I can find a relation to it in other ways.
  14. But remember...regardless of prep or what other guys willingly do, prep doesn’t protect you from the other nasties: HPV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, Gonorreah, Syphlis, Chlamydia. Not sure if you’re top or bottom, but if you’re a bottom you could have some without recognizing the symptoms. People throw prep around as if it’s a force field and all around vaccination for everything. It’s not. And like @Keenan said, clients and gay men in general can’t just have their own pleasure and preferences in mind, without thinking about the health ramifications. And each time a person gets a venereal disease, that’s 1 to 2 weeks without sex. Aka, no money for a sex worker. When you do bareback, you don’t know what the guys you meet are doing outside of your appointment. They could be fucking women bareback, fucking men bareback...you never know. I recently had a discussion with a favorite client of mine, and I was happy I was able to give him a broad perspective, because you really have to think of the big picture. For the record: I’m not being judgmental on anyone who does bareback. Hell, I ain’t gonna sit here and lie and say I haven’t either. However, clients who ask me to bareback before I even meet them...I generally don’t see them. It’s just kinda tacky and if I feel like it’s something they regularly ask for, it just seems too risky. Point is: People need to stop parading “prep” around like its some cure all, which allows them the green light to talk of how much bareback sex they have.
  15. For a moment I was offended (sounded a bit catty), but then I read into it further and noticed a good point you made. I guess there really isn’t a “right” or “perfect” city. I suppose there’s only choices in cities, and choosing what place is conducive and desirable for that specific goal or desire in time. But I still say, the longer you stay in a city, the more you become adjusted and preferred to your surroundings. Like the one poster who said he lived in Dallas for 38 years. That’s longer than I’ve been alive, so at that point...there’s nothing to say about it other than, “but you can’t expect someone who’s lived elsewhere to embrace the idea of living there for 38 years”. And that person shouldn’t get his jockstraps in a knot over it either. It’s just all about what a person is looking for and willing to tolerate. I’ve known people who’ve lived in Atlanta for 40-50 years, but I also have a friend who broke his lease to leave after just a few months. I also had to look into the interpretation of your quoted poem as well: The main topic or theme of this enigmatic poem would be the transient nature of a city's glory. Whichever position you take, this poem is all about the loss of former wealth, glory, and power. Its main theme is the decay of a civilization in structural, political, and societal terms: "What is the main topic or the theme of the poem "The Ruined City"?" eNotes, 4 Aug. 2015, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-main-topic-theme-poem-ruined-city-486587. Accessed 5 June 2019
  16. Thank-you so much! Don’t get me wrong, North Carolina was for a long time, a considered state on my “list” when I was looking to leave Colorado. I wanted the whole beach, mountain, city, 4 NORMAL seasons. And the Smoky Mountains, Asheville, and Raleigh Triangle area are all worth visiting. I even went up there last summer and visited someone from the forum. However, something about it after a few visits just didn’t “click” for me. Something was missing. I’ve spent more time in Raleigh than in Charlotte though, just to be fair. But I’ve been to both more than once. Despite the growth and spreading Liberalism “sounding” progressive, I still get this vibe out there of racial oppression and an overall “system”. Of course this is present in so many southern states as it is, but North Carolina is no exception. I went to a diner in downtown Charlotte, mostly Black patrons, pretty popular and well reviewed. But there were 2 cop cars parked in front of restaurant. When I went inside, they were posted up like ushers, ready to drag someone out if anything broke out. Fortunately it didn’t, but it felt like “master was watching”. And as contradicting as it may sound, Charlotte and Raleigh can be ghetto...especially Charlotte. I just don’t like being in cities where racial tensions or stereotypes are high. That’s why I had a hard time in Orlando. Texas can be the same way. Chicago can be the same way. There was no room to stand out and be unique. But places like Salt Lake City where @VictorPowers lives, I feel like I have the opportunity to present my own narrative of who I am when I come to a city.
  17. True...or the least, he can let those feelings exist during the session, in the moment and fantasy, but keep it in perspective. ...And even if it was a date. I’ve had so many out of this world sessions with guys (free and paid), and they still end up never seeing me again after the 1st or 2nd time. It may not be a flat out no reply to messages, but they may play the busy card, or only meet if it’s convenient for them (such as, I must host). I met a guy in Nashville who was very into me. Muscles, tattoos, gave head like no tomorrow. He was all into me, asking if I’d consider seeing someone special...but I was moving at the time. However, I had made several subsequent visits to the area since, but haven’t seen him since. Every time we’d try to meet up, he’d drift off. I don’t know if @Scotty is new to all this, but the gay lifestyle can be very flighty. I’ve been doing guys since 2003, and let me tell you...the apps and social media of today has made it harder than ever to keep up with dates, despite it being so easy to connect with everyone. They can’t reply to texts, because they’re so busy Twi-nsta-booking. That’s no jab at any of us who stay busy on social media, but it’s really true that many guys don’t need to text you back, because they’re getting their social needs via those outlets. That’s why I said, you can’t take everyone you meet with a social media profile seriously. I learned that the hard, hard, HARD way last month. Even though escorting is supposed to be business and professional, and not the stereotypical gay “scene”, it’s still the gay lifestyle. Hard as it may seem...try not to get whipped on the 1st or 2nd meet. Once you start getting into meets 3 and 4, then you know you’ve got a regular on your side.
  18. Lol...maybe someone did the same to Donald Trump’s Washington DC drivers license, and the shutdown was his way of getting reparations against TSA lol. ALSO note that this occurred in Orlando. Not the brightest bunch of people there. Which reminds me, I need to change the city location for my daddy’s reviews page. I haven’t been based in Orlando since December of last year.
  19. Thanks for your input...lol, porn hamster ? wheel though had me cracking up. I don’t want to upset anyone off by picking at anyone’s particular porn choice activities. However, I can say I really think some of the porn out has indirectly brought me business. That’s why I’m feeling so magnetized towards it right now, because when I see the things some of my clients want, it’s similar to the fantasy that the porn industry (more specifically, producers like chi chi la Rue) has driven. But as I’ve said, I don’t want to go into porn until I’ve settled any flaws that may hold me back. I’ve heard how cutthroat the business can be. At the same time, I feel like I should be ready. I’ve done the nude photo shoots, I’ve fucked in front of people at swingers clubs and bathhouses...I feel I’m at the point where I can take that step. I can say I was offended by what 2 people said to me last year (who shall remain anonymous). One asked if I’d wait until I’m 50 to do porn, and another said my “time was up” long time ago. No honey, my PRIME just started. I think the ages of 30-40 years of escorting are going to be the best of them all. I’m already seeing the results. I’m getting clients in their 20s in addition to the main 30-50 segment. When I was in Florida, I had a client call me and call a popular porn escort. The client ended up meeting me instead, because the escort wanted 400/hr. He still ended up giving me 700 by the end of the night. Me and that client are still in touch today. So, people (even clients) shouldn’t make us non-porn escorts feel irrelevant or inferior to those who are in film. By all means, I respect and admire those in the film biz, but ain’t no 1 group running shit out here. For 6 years I wasn’t on any social media platforms, and was still getting them like clockwork. Porn is porn, escorting is escorting. But for the most part, my feelings of where I’m at in the biz still echo the words in this video: [MEDIA=dailymotion]xpqb4i[/MEDIA]
  20. First off, I know how you feel. I had the same thing happen to me in Las Vegas with a guy, except we had spent 5 days together. Usually when the no replies start coming in, it’s not a good sign. However, I think you might be jumping the gun just a little bit. You met a professional one time. This was not a 1st date, or audition for the bachelor tv show. You shouldn’t allow your feelings to be hurt or to be torn. The nature of the business is: you call, you meet, you pay/or get paid for the service you want. Hopefully a good service. That’s all that matters. Anything afterwards is no obligation. There’s no guarantee of a future encounter. The only time you should be annoyed is if the guy flaked or stood you up on the next meeting. But at this point, there is non arranged yet. And by the way...in my experience, anytime someone says to you in person to follow them on Instagram/Facebook...they’re just attention whores. I would have given you my business card instead, and said call me next time you’re in town. I went on a couple of dates (one which included sex) with one guy some years ago, and he wanted me to friend him on facebook. Yet all the while, he had no intention on going on a 3rd date. Let’s just say we didn’t remain Facebook friends for long. Anybody I date who thinks they’re going to play games with me, and think I’m going to sit around and Kiki it up with them and give them “likes” on Facebook, end up blocking me once I call their asses out and embarrass them. But, I’m working on getting away from all that nonsense. After this last situation, I’m not falling for anybody else via social media. If they ain’t supporting my endeavors, they can get the hell on after we fuck for all I care. Ain’t got time to worrying about some MOFO who’s not contributing anything useful to my lifestyle. Google the social media definition of, orbiting: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.teenvogue.com/story/orbiting-is-the-new-breakup-habit-thats-worse-than-ghosting/amp
  21. In case anyone is confused on what the question is, there isn’t 1 in particular. It’s just a general point of view, and seeing what the overall consensus is regarding the 3 subjects.
  22. This Is Why It’s A Good Idea To Own A Passaport Card ...I have only used my passport card 1 time. But I pretty much use it as my regular ID, and my driver’s license for car stuff. Why? Other than using it to verify my ID on Rentmen and RentMasseur, I don’t like when I’m in a new state, and someone says, “oh WOW you live in (insert state of my license). My cousin’s husband’s nephew’s brother’s uncle just moved there too! But I also get tired of simple, basic, never traveled anywhere people grilling my passport card like a pork chop and as if it’s a not a real government form of ID. Like BITCH, do you have any idea how much paperwork I had to fill out to get this thing???? So I usually just hand over my passport card, because it doesn’t have my address or state on there. Just my state of birth:
  23. I hope I can convey this to make sense. But, the other night I was out hanging with some friends having a good time, when suddenly a wave of emotion hit me, and I had to quickly excuse myself. Eventually a friend was able to help me pull myself together, but the tears seemed to have helped me clarify what I was feeling. The next day, I started piecing together what lead up to the breakdown. I was able to find some solutions within, but I’m still working on the steps to take in order to get there. Basically, I been at a place where I’ve just not been content at where I am, 10 years in it. This is along the lines of a previous thread, discussing porn stars and how I feel they get much more recognition. That’s not being jealous or envious, but I feel just the very word “escort” has been subtracted off of so many websites, that I feel we’re a “suppressed” breed, and porn is the way to get recognition out here. With Rentmen reconfiguring their whole site to advertise “porn stars”, it further insinuates that porn Star is preferred over escort. In a general sense, not individually speaking. Yes we as escorts are valuable and important to our clients. But, that’s not what social media and websites are displaying. That’s just 1 aspect of it. I’ve also realized that I’ve not been networking with other guys in the business as much as I could. Palm Springs weekend was a great opportunity to come out and meet other guys in the business. But outside of that, for most of my time in the business, that’s been the largest way to interact in a setting with other providers. Lately I’ve been trying to commit more to Twitter, not just for business and marketing, but to connect and feel connected. However, I’m noticing that if you’re not doing porn and steadily putting out material about your sexcapades with other names, you’re pretty much irrelevant. And I’ve been wondering why I’ve not been getting the level of followers like other guys have, and after browsing thru and seeing who’s the most popular...it’s the ones who are doing porn, and doing it regularly. Then, it made me realize I’ve been wasting my time all this time, meeting people outside of the business who aren’t doing nothing to enhance my career. All these random Grindr, nights at the club and occasional Facebook/Twitter meets with guys who aren’t in the business. Me thinking I’m “just having fun” and trying to “have some “me” time outside of the business”. It’s all been a waste of time, because other than the sexual pleasure from it, most of it didn’t lead to any sort of committed relationship to build a life. I’m still single, and fucking them didn’t make ends, unless they gave me permission to film them..in which case it likely added some spunk to my Rentmen profile. I’m not trying to say, “I’m only going to have sex to enhance my business”. But these losers I’ve been meeting haven’t been bringing nothing to the table. I met a guy in Las Vegas (via Twitter fan), had an amazing 5 days together. It seemed like he was consistent in staying in touch, but 3 weeks later, things didn’t work out and he blocked me on social media. I just felt so dumb. I got my hopes up over someone who added no value, didn’t contribute anything to my business, networking, or anything. I even suggested to him we would make a killer duo because we both are ethnic, tops (out goes the myth that 2 of a kind ♥️ ♥️ can’t have fun lol) and have big Uncut dicks. But he couldn’t “do this type of work”. At this point now, I’m just trying to figure out what’s the next step. Why haven’t I got into porn? I ask myself that. But I know why. I wasn’t 100% comfortable getting on video most of my career. I didn’t even realize it was necessary. And even now, I could still maintain without being on Twitter and porn. But beyond the reviews, there’s not much other recognition. That’s not to say all attention is good attention (or conducive to business), but I don’t want to be in the business just to be in it. I want to be respected, acknowledged and admired just like the other guys. And I want other people to know that, not just in he privacy of the bedroom. One of my friends was like, are you wanting to be popular? Not necessarily. I’m not really that “I’m friends with everyone type of person”. Lately I’ve slowed down reaching out to other providers though. I feel some guys get so fixated on “the business”, it can almost suppress my own zest and creativity, when there’s so many opinions and “you should do this, or you should be doing that”. So lately I’ve Just been keeping to myself. However at the end of the day, I still want others to help me be known and appreciated and I want to know and appreciate others as well.
  24. One of my high schools in central Florida was all about Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, and...can’t think of the other one. The gay dudes in Nashville push the preppie look a lot. One of my lil ghetto ex friends from Memphis would occasionally go out trying to sport the preppy look. Many guys in Nashville did not step out of the box when it came to fashion...and if they did, it was the typical “scene queen” stuff you wear at a gay club. I will say though, some guy in Nashville gave me an American Apparel tank top...and of all the ones I have, it accentuates my shoulders the most. There’s only 1 reason why I would live in LA: and it would to be around Alexander King Palms all day. For some reason, I can only find these in Los Angeles area. It’s hard even to find these in Florida. ...and that relates to me how?? Veterinarians are like hookers, they can make money anywhere. Except they charge far more. That’s not being bitchy, but I get tired of people (mainly the media) associating the success or business ventures of a select few people, as an indicator that a city is “booming” or going to serve the same results for everyone. Tennessee still doesn’t have expanded healthcare (Colorado/Wisconsin/Nevada does), the customer service at the restaurants are horrible (I had to publicly tell a woman off at a Waffle House (I know, not necessarily world class dining, but I had just drive from Chicago and was hAngry) because they ignored me for 20 minutes for my to go order. The weather in winter sucks, rains all day and night. Brown, gray, and wet. Summer is rife with allergens. On top of that, the gay guys in Nashville are fake, phony, artificial, and half way fraudulent. Not to mention racist (from all 3 race main groups, not just from the Whites), segregated, untrustworthy. I went thru nearly 2 years of HELL living there. As much as I was thankful to be living rent free, I was suffering miserably out there. I met some good people here and there out there, but most of them proved to be inconsistent and unreliable. All in all, I’m only cool with 1 person in a Nashville since I left. He happens to be deaf, but I rather associate myself with a deaf person than a 2 faced, artificial one any day. On the other hand: if you’re living the affluent life in Nashville, living in Brentwood, Cool Springs, Vanderbilt or the areas around downtown...and have a reliable social network to boot, I can see Nashville being a perfect living choice. I’ve experienced the high life in Nashville while I was there...and met lots of people, but as I said, non of it lasted because they are all about “cliques” and the next best party out there.
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