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Everything posted by BasketBaller

  1. My parents and grandparents were big old-movie buffs, and I grew up watching great old films. When my sister was taking tap lessons, her teacher lent her a VHS tape with a bunch of numbers on it, including this one. I mentioned it to a friend and said I bet he didn't know who Eleanor Powell was. In fact, he didn't know who Fred Astaire was!
  2. As I expected, my results were mostly British Isles with a bit of Western Europe (French Canadian great-grandfather), and a small amount of Northern Europe (maybe Viking invaders in Ireland?) But there were trace percentages of Iberian, Italian/Greek, and Middle Eastern, which I have decided to believe comes from Roman Legionnaires from when Britain was part of the empire. I'm sticking to that! Interestingly, Ancestry.com also identifies groups you may be related to, and mine was French Canadians railroad workers in New England, which is correct.
  3. First time with a girl was at 14. First time with a guy was at 31.
  4. @BabyBoomer sent me Fathers' Day wishes, so I thought I'd share a little for those following my saga. I only have DePaul twin at home today, and he's going to grill us dinner. Navy twin is on a destroyer in the Pacific for training, so not sure if I'll hear from him, although maybe an email is possible. Eldest is in Boston for an internship until July, but we Skyped earlier. I can't believe how adult he looks and sounds. His girlfriend's family has him over for dinner today, in fact I think they've had him every Sunday. DePaul twin and his gf took a break last semester, and he got a taste of college life he hadn't quite had. A chance to talk to girls at parties or on campus with the possibility of it going somewhere, although I'm not sure he truly dated anyone more than once. I have refrained from asking whether he took a turn sexiling the roommate, but I note that he hasn't mentioned his roommate's active love life since he came home. And now that they're both back in DC, he and the gf have reconnected "for the summer," he says. I hope your day is great, too!
  5. I love steak tartare with plenty of capers and onions mixed in, and seasoned liberally with cracked black pepper. Precede it with oysters on the half shell and it's a raw dinner fit for a king. And, at least in my mind, a mighty sexy one.
  6. Since others have branched into organ meats and seafood, I'll add brains, tongue, sweetbreads, kidneys, sea urchin (you know the edible part is their gonads, right?) shad roe, and conch.
  7. I have now had similar experiences to the OP. I decided to try Surge, and in a week have had four guys start to chat, always appearing to be about 2 miles from me. Nice looking, ordinary guys. But very odd language, saying "am" for "I am," ending many sentences with "okay" with no question mark, almost immediately calling me "baby," etc. One said he was Army but didn't reply when I asked what he did in the Army. Usually their location changes to thousands of miles away, as much as 5500. And they all want to take the chat to Kik without explaining why. Since I usually let it drop at that point no one has asked me for anything or suggested meeting, but it definitely reeks of some kind of scam.
  8. I recently had alpaca at a restaurant in DC. Over the years I've eaten venison often, squab (pigeon), bison, wild boar, ostrich, quail, and alligator occasionally. It's protected now but before it was I had terrapin a few times.
  9. Okay, as much as I miss the boys, I'd never want them to stay home (without a job) into adulthood.
  10. Yes, he's hoping to get a job, but he'll be here all summer.
  11. This is last year, and it's amusing. It ends with the class singing "Navy Blue & Gold," the alma mater, after which they pound their chests, raise their fists and shout, "Beat Army!"
  12. An overdue report, and a milestone. I can't refer to Plebe twin that way any more, as today was the Herndon Monument climb, which marks the end of Plebe Year. He and his shipmates are still Midshipmen 4th Class until graduation, but no longer Plebes. More liberty, fewer restrictions, and a general easing off. Many things change-- Plebes can't sit down outside, for example, so some made a beeline for a bench. There have been past posts here about the event, in which a 21-foot granite monument is greased (today with lard, butter, and oil) with a Plebe's "Dixie Cup" cover (hat in Navy parlance) on top. The Plebes have to get to the top and exchange an upperclass cover for it, at which moment they are "Plebes-no-more" and basically go crazy. They use their shirts to wipe away as much lube, er, grease, as they can, so it's mass of shirtless, sweaty, greasy young men and women, all in great shape, trying to pile up high enough to make the exchange. It took them about 2 hours to do it today, which is about average. This is last year's climb, and it gives you an idea what the whole thing looks like. This video is from four years ago, and shows what it's like being in the fray itself. Navy twin (that will take some getting used to) stays at the Academy until graduation and commissioning on Friday, and the next day goes to San Diego for his first summer training block which he'll spend on a surface warfare cruise, shadowing enlisted sailors and doing what he's told. Then back to the East Coast for a block of sailing where he'll sail from Annapolis up the coast, with stops in NYC and Newport. The crew will be all Midshipmen! Then third block he gets leave for about a month-- then back to the Academy, where He'll be a 3rd Class Mid, or "Youngster." I went with my Dad and twin's girlfriend, with whom he's managed to continue the long-distance thing. DePaul twin and his gf, however, have taken a break. I think it was just too hard to see his friends having fun and he felt he couldn't (I assume she felt the same). I'm not sure how his social life is, but I know he's been on some dates. I wonder if his roommate has had to go elsewhere when the room's in use. He'll be home soon, but he and his twin are all but passing in the night. Older Brother has an internship in Boston, where his gf lives, (hmmm how convenient) for six weeks at the beginning of the summer, then gets ready for senior year-- how is that possible??
  13. I work as a civilian employee for the DoD. The military point of view is early is on time, on time is late, late is death. I'm always early!
  14. Message received, I will make a reservation and plan to be there. But if something interferes I don't want to get flak! But "man of mystery?" I worry about boring people by oversharing! I think I've told you guys everything except my favorite color. (Turquoise.)
  15. As odd as it is, I'm likelier to make this than the DC gathering, which happens when I nearly always have a work trip. I've never been to Palm Springs, either. I'll try!
  16. Your admirable attitude will be a big advantage in fighting this. Stay strong!
  17. He was also great in Newsies, which I saw Live in HD at a movie theatre.
  18. I don't think I've left scratch marks, but I got a few in my women-dating days. Those long fingernails...
  19. Liliom, Molnar's play that Carousel is based on is darker and less sentimental. While the title character's wife does say the line about someone can beat you and have it not hurt, Liliom (the Billy character) is not redeemed-- at the end he goes to hell!
  20. The Shakespeare Theatre in DC did a very good revival of Strange Interlude a few years ago and it was drastically cut-- down to four hours!
  21. I probably was naïve, but I didn't realize the craigslist personals involved escorting. I hooked up a few times some years ago, and it was always travelling businessmen in hotels, probably many of them married. I guess closeted guys don't get much chance to hone their skills, because most of them were disappointing experiences, which led me to stick to escorts after that. I didn't realize I could have found them there. (Yes, I noticed ads looking for generou$ guys but didn't think of them as pros.)
  22. I've changed my routine lately, as most days I go to either the gym or the pool after work. I shower there. If I'm up and feel like it I may shower in the morning too.
  23. My high school gym shower was basically a big tiled room with showerheads coming out of the walls, so it wasn't too hard to keep my eyes to myself. But one of the schools we played had these freestanding ones, and I hated them. Now would be a different story, maybe. Both my gym and pool have stalls, although only the gym has shower curtains.
  24. Wow. I'd long since given up on craigslist personals because of how many flakes and fakes there were, but as someone dipping my toes in the water, it was an educational site. End of an era.
  25. I'd been told about it by an older kid, tried it a few times without having an orgasm. When I kept going one time, I came but it was a dry ejaculation, no cum. But I think the next time there was some semen.
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