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Everything posted by FreshFluff

  1. It's the mercury. Look at what it did to these birds.
  2. Happy T-day to Gman and everyone else on the board!
  3. Agree with both of these. True but very few men will beat up a female boss, even in self-defense. They might kick a male boss' ass if he's really gone over the line.
  4. They meet a guy and like him. However, the guy keeps bringing up gay this and that and eventually admits that he and other guys have topped each other. That's what I've heard anyway.
  5. They also murdered them in a particularly brutal fashion; one of them they actually chased Abigail Folger her out onto the grass and and stabbed her. At the time, she was some random heiress. Today, she would be a big Instagram personality.
  6. I agree about the frozen eggs vs. embryo, although my doctor thinks the difference is less than people believe. Nevertheless, I gave this a lot of soul searching and thought. I'm not going to change my mind about having kids alone, so that part is settled. Doing both as a hedge, as you suggested, is unlikely to work in this case. You are pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, sniper.
  7. Thanks for the will wishes, everyone! @Walker1 , I feel the same way. Unfortunately, the doctors warned me not to accept any "donations" for the next few weeks.
  8. A cocktail party is one thing. A dinner party, even a casual one, is a different story.
  9. All right, all you Queen Isabellas. Here I go, whatever the results may be. http://www.sonofthesouth.net/revolutionary-war/explorers/voyage-christopher-columbus.jpg
  10. I am sorry to hear it, Gman. It's especially troubling because she had a young family. My thoughts are with you and your family as you grieve.
  11. Yes, I do give sometimes. The last one was lying on a stairway in a subway station, sobbing, with half his face bandaged. His sign said, "Kicked in the face while sleeping on the subway." I walked past and then backtracked to give him a dollar. If he buys drugs, I hope they make him feel better.
  12. Very good point. I hadn't heard about Barbaro, but that's an interesting story.
  13. A fair number of women use a sperm donor and have kids on their own. But that's usually because they can't find a partner AND haven't had children yet. This guy is an exception to both of those rules. I have a feeling that people will get used to it. He'll continue to get laid all the time.
  14. Oh, I'd get designer sperm too. I mean, look at my avatar. On a basic level, I'm just jealous that he can outsource all the hard stuff without any societal disapproval. I could use a surrogate, but I'd have to do the egg retrieval if I want to use my own genetic material. I think you have to be able to deal with all possible scenarios for how the child will turn out; hopefully, this guy will be able to do so.
  15. @Walker1 , Yeah, I agree that you never know what you'll get as far as genes go.. Looks and athletic ability (depending on his own build) are easier to guarantee than intelligence, which is clearly important to him also. That's why he paid for the top-school eggs. Hope the kid doesn't end up with any special needs. As you say, that sometimes happens even if both parents are very smart. BTW, I'm definitely not criticizing him. I was just shocked that a nearly 60 y.o. man who already has 2 kids would want to go through the process again. Egg donors are typically sourced from college campuses and are usually paid about $10K for the risk, pain, and trouble. A few parents want donors from the very top universities , especially if both parents went to such universities themselves. But most women at elite schools are not desperate for money and put a very high value on their genetic material, so it's nearly impossble to get eggs from those schools. This guy probably paid around $100K just for the eggs--not including the cost of the surrogate and so on.
  16. Yep. You can't use a surrogate from NY for that reason. Some of these guys want wives from a better class, but this one didn't. He wanted a hot nympho and--surprise!--she cheated on him. As for prenups, even the best ones are sometimes invalidated by the courts, so a lot of men don't believe in them. I agree with you that he shouldn't get married. He is just bringing a lot of expectations to bear on this kid. He's already found a coach and everythinng. I hope the kid lives up to expectations and doesn't have any issues.
  17. This story gets even more interesting. This very wealthy guy is nearly 60 and already has 2 kids with his ex-wife who cheated on him. He hated having kids with a wife, which is why he wanted to have another set on his own. This guy was able to source eggs from an elite university, plus his donor is really good looking and tall. His designer son will be delivered to his doorstep soon.
  18. Do you clean the filters annually?
  19. A college friend died of an overdose last summer. It was later ruled a suicide. He was married with two daughters.
  20. I have a hard time believing that, no matter how submissive he is. I like Tyler and Ace's explanation:
  21. If she "makes" him do it, then he's still straight. It's similar to the sissification fantasy: "Make me dress up like a little girl in a dress and the hair bows!"
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