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Everything posted by FreshFluff

  1. Taco Bell's Mexican Pizza. Pizzeria Uno's individual deep dish. I rarely have these as I live in NYC, but are they really worse for you than other non-fast foods with similar caloric content?
  2. Also, from the looks of the women on that Czech street corner, I wonder how thoroughly the police there are enforcing their own age cutoff for paid sex.
  3. Thanks for the info, @RyanDean . It would be hard to update the script as the premise is based on the pre-Stonewall setting. A modern self-hating Michael would have to be written differently. Here's the whole movie.
  4. That's consistent with the original casting. All but Emory and Hank were played by gay men.
  5. The film was based on an off-Broadway play by the same directory. Not sure about the context of this new play.
  6. Playing Michael, Harold, Larry, and Donald are Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto, Andrew Rannells, and Matt Bomer. Not the casting I would have expected! http://variety.com/2017/legit/news/boys-in-the-band-broadway-matt-bomer-jim-parsons-1202604644/
  7. Sounds like role play. I mean, when a guy tells you "Please don't put me in that cage and whip me!", you don't take that at face value, right?
  8. Sigh. I think I'd go into prostitution if it meant I could be that age again. Maybe I could do only hand jobs like those cherry girls in the Philippines.
  9. I tried convince myself to want kids--stared at babies and everything--and it didn't work, hence my sig. However, on the off-chance Mr Right came along and wanted one, I'd do it for him. That's where egg freezing comes in. Creating a kid from the frozen eggs is a long shot, but that's the only option. My only hesitation is the possible side effects--everything from weight gain to serious illness. He sounds identical to the guy my friend described. I almost wonder if they are the same person. Do you think he'll eventually get a hot Swedish au pair that the kids love and marry her?
  10. So I just talked to a guy I'm sorta dating. His best friend, a straight finance guy, decided to have kids on his own. He bought some eggs, hired a surrogate, and is now expecting. He already has a team in place to raise the child(ren), including a nanny and a coach. He said it's cheaper than a wife. Wow. Anyone can understand why a straight woman would get pregnant on her own when she's almost out of time. For a gay man,likewise. But a straight guy who is under no time pressure and can find a wife quickly in any case?
  11. I looked him up. He's had a hard life. I wish him happiness.
  12. I think this is more of a prison-like situation in which a male was the only mating option.
  13. I wasn't referring to situations of that kind. I cared deeply about both guys I'm thinking of. I just didn't handle them right; should have been less distant and a bit more clingy.
  14. That's not the reason women are waiting. Surveys of women who freeze their eggs show that women are doing so because they "haven't found the right relationship." The reality is that men, esp those in urban areas, want to play around for 15 or 20 years before they marry. I can't blame them. That said, I myself squandered several good options. But deep inside, I wonder if I'd be happy if I had taken them.
  15. For a woman, there is some prestige in having married at some point and/or in having borne a child. It may be sexist, but people--not my family, fortunately--have told me, "You won't be young and attractive forever." Interestingly, a male client on this board said something similar, that a 50 y.o. man can't compete with a 20 y.o. boy in a club. Richard Feynman put it more bluntly in his Nobel lecture: "So what happened to the old theory that I fell in love with as a youth? Well, I would say it's become an old lady, that has very little attractive left in her and the young today will not have their hearts pound anymore when they look at her. But, we can say the best we can for any old woman, that she has been a very good mother and she has given birth to some very good children."
  16. That's precisely my position, minus the younger part. But if I want to leave that option open, I have to freeze my fluffy genetic material, which requires two weeks of hormone injections. Scares me. "Never spawned" in the past tense? A few days ago, I learned that with the right medications/surgery, women can carry a pregnancy (using someone else's eggs) indefinitely. The eggs age, but the reproductive system itself does not.
  17. Have you ever wanted kids? If you were ever married to or dated a woman, did she have an overwhelming desire for kids. "Overwhelming desire" means that she goes crazy whenever she sees a kid, particularly a baby? Edit: If you were straight and could palm the kids off on a wife, would it make a difference? For me, that would be ideal. I wouldn't need an overwhelming desire to have kids, just a basic desire to reproduce and a willingness to support my offspring. Someone else gets pregnant and delivers. I'd buy my wife a nanny to help her. At night, I'd "work late," have drinks with the guys, maybe have a few affairs. When I finally come home, the kids would be overjoyed. "Daddy!"
  18. No. I knew about sex. But until I was about 8, I thought that women's bodies periodically generated pregnancies after a certain age. Then, at age 11, I picked up a book at a bookstore. That was where I learned just about everything I knew about sex. This is the part that stuck with me. I'm linking to it because it's a little graphic: https://s5.postimg.org/k48j53nif/image1_3.jpg
  19. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/01/18/article-1244063-07E59A07000005DC-933_233x356.jpg
  20. Many people who have bariatric surgery have tried everything else though. The bariatric patient profiled in this NYT article describes the hunger she feels as "clawing at you from the inside out," which is probably the case for a lot of bariatric patients. If that's the case, then the only other way to losing weight long term to take a stimulant like Phentermine or Adderall.
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