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Everything posted by FreshFluff

  1. Ooh, a handsome doctuh with a house on Fire Island. Your uniform probably helps/helped!
  2. I went to a new doctor the other day. While he was listening to my heart with the stethoscope, he got very close, and I'm pretty sure I felt his cock on my leg. I wasn't attracted to him, so I felt a little uncomfortable and crossed my leg over. I don't think he did it on purpose though, and he was very helpful otherwise so I'll give it a pass. (He forgot to weigh me and ask basic questions about smoking/alcohol use, but he had no problem giving out referrals.) Has this ever happened to anyone?
  3. Your new-found attraction to women is convenient because the 40+ hetero dating world is a buyer's market. You get the pick of the litter. Your companions, whether male or female, don't need to know your entire relationship history on the first date. Trust me: Most women that age would be thrilled if a successful gay man turned bi for them . Most would even be fine with your having some occasional bi fun on the side. Just let them know your intentions and the kind of relationship you want, if any. Have fun!
  4. Women's relationships with alpha males are akin to playing the lottery. Generally speaking, women have sex with the alpha male, in hopes that the alpha will choose them instead of one of the many other women available to him. As George Bernard Shaw put it, "the maternal instinct leads a woman to prefer a tenth share in a first rate man than exclusive possession of a third rate one." But eventually, most women want to settle down. If the alpha lottery doesn't work, they settle for a beta male, who is less desirable and scarce and thus has to offer support to land a woman. The woman is typically much less attracted to the beta than to an alpha, but she fulfills her marital duty in exchange for stability and partnership. It will go away about the same time that men stop being attracted to hot women. I do have a childhood friend who, because of her earlier experiences, didn't want to get married. She ended up marrying quiet early, but the agreement was that once they had kids, she'd work and he'd stay home with the kids. She ended up doing very well. Now, like a wealthy man, she travels the world while her husband stays home with the kids. I'd say that's the exception that proves the rule.
  5. To be fair, he didn't say he was that good looking. He said he has a cute face and works hard for his body.
  6. Let me guess: You have that fierce, you-wanna-go-outside-and-settle-this look that's so attractive to both men and women. That's fine, but it also makes it harder to meet people. Look at it from their POV: You could be a hot guy up for M4M sex, or you might rob and beat them up. Work on cultivating a more open, friendly expression. If you're as urban-looking as you say, it won't make you any less masc looking
  7. Thanks for the photos, @gallahadesquire . It's unfortunate that there is no view of the famous waterfall. I guess that wasn't what FLW was after.
  8. I'm glad you had a good trip to drop off your other twin and that you got to see Fallingwater. I'm curious: How is the view of the waterfall from inside the house? It seems like the view is most stunning from outside.
  9. I'm sheltering in place. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/01/24/16/3C74635700000578-0-image-a-56_1485275245640.jpg
  10. http://31.media.tumblr.com/3bc044610160a78383732b2ab35a2868/tumblr_n2uz2wk4Ml1shxu82o3_400.gif
  11. That is true. TBH, I can't name most of the sub-forums, let alone read them. My last post was meant as a reply to my initial statement about BDSM, but I accidentally put it under your post.
  12. There are many ethical BDSM aficionados on this forum though.
  13. I can't completely agree with BVB on this. If the story his mother tells is right, then Buck took advantage of these young men, addicts or not. But I have spoken to BVB several times, and he is definitely a humane guy.
  14. True but getting serious money for using can make people who wouldn't otherwise have a problem into addicts.
  15. Good lord. This story really upset me for some reason. And yeah, if he was paying enough, it would be really difficult for someone who's hard up for money to turn him down. Maybe the BDSM community needs to rethink it's "Anything goes between consenting adults" stance.
  16. Same here. I want a Pom, but I'm not confident I'll be able to take care of it adequately.
  17. Hmmm, sounds like a certain kitten. BVB will know where to take him.
  18. I need a Pom to hug right now. Unfortunately, Pixie, the one I posted above, has been sold. Hope the breeder puts up another one.
  19. Here's your favorite critter, Azdr. http://www.laylagrayce.com/thumb.aspx?size=400&path=images%2FKashwere%2Fkashwere_KASHR0101alt3.jpg
  20. I was just toyin' with you, @azdr0710 . I know you like rugged dogs. But nothing wrong with bringing in a girlfriend for them.
  21. @azdr0710 , this is the dog for you.. According to the seller, she's 3 years old and still "very tiny." You can take her hiking as long as you long as you wash and blow dry her afterwards. You can brag to other hikers that at $5000, she's the most expensive dog on the trail. Just try to say no to her. Jhttp://www.charspoms.net/availablePixie2.jpg
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