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Everything posted by FreshFluff

  1. Wide jaw, narrow eyes. I love long, narrow eyes myself. Here's a morph that makes an already masculine looking guy even more so. He's a beautiful man. I'm just validating what Gman said, which is that full lips on men don’t make them better looking IMO.
  2. You're right that they don't look good on men. Here's the most attractive one I found. The lips don't contribute to an overall masculine look. http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/4488322/733full-dominic-acosta.jpg
  3. Bee stung lips, the natural kind, are a sign of youth and fertility. They thin out with age.
  4. Why would some highly regulated utility care? It's not like its customers will get angry and switch.
  5. No deadbolt will be available when Bubba spots his fresh young ass in the shower. I know prison rape isn’t a joke, but if anyone deserves it, it’s this guy.
  6. Yes, I'm a she. This is an interesting option though. Problem is that everyone I know does individual therapy, so I'd have to find a group on my own. @BlueSky , sorry therapy didn't help. Yeah, one of the big risks is that I could spend $400/hour for months and get nothing out of it. @Charlie , it's fortunate that your therapist in college was ahead of his time (assuming this happened before homosexuality was removed from the DSM in the 70s). @LivingnLA , I think this guy is just a regular analyst--nothing more specific. I tried biofeedback once, a loong time ago, to help my concentration. It actually worked well, but then I read studies showing it was ineffective and assumed it was all a placebo effct.
  7. This has always been my philosophy too, but I don't think it will be enough this time.
  8. Thanks for the responses. @LaffingBear , I don't see therapy and self improvement/skillset development as mutually exclusive. I just thought the latter could be accomplished more directly in other ways, but eventually you hit a wall. @Kman and @Kenny , as you say, it's difficult to find someone good. I happened to get a referral from an acquaintance; he's a great fit but very expensive because he's an MD. I don't want to start a new search , so I'll probably go with him if I do it at all. @rvwnsd , I'm glad you found a good therapist that was honest with you. It's nice of you to refer friends because it's hard to find a good therapist than a good PCP or other type of doctor.
  9. Despite living in the therapy capital of the world, I've avoided it so far because I've always believed that the money and time are better spent on improving yourself or your skill set rather than talking about your problems. But now I'm thinking about it. If you've tried therapy, what did you get out of it? Did you feel it was worth the cost?
  10. As with any other surgery, the good ones can't be spotted.
  11. Mad Men's take on the demolition of the old Penn Station. The guy sitting to Draper's right represents the group that wants to tear it down.
  12. Do you really think the David-Jonathan relationship was sexual? I think that's more of a liberal vs. conservative than a southern vs. central European one.
  13. That little sucking thing that men do is not breastfeeding. Actual bfing is painful and difficult. That’s why formula exists.
  14. Thanks for noticing my new avi. When it comes to tiny floofy animals, I don't discriminate. As far as titles go, "Countess" is correct but "Princess" would be the most appropriate.
  15. Andrew was a real playboy before he met Fergie. He fell in love with a porn star and wanted to marry her. Now Charles...
  16. I'm surprised that they affect the follicle differently since both pull the hair out at the root.
  17. TBH, I can't imagine how painful this would be. I had my legs done in my early 20s. My pain tolerance is high, but I needed a pain medication in addition to the topical lidocaine. Do you have light skin and dark hair? Laser hair removal works best on that combination. I'd recommend that you have a doctor do it rather than some medspa person. Make sure it's someone who does a lot of laser hair removal.
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