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Posts posted by soloyo215

  1. 8 hours ago, boinllanview said:

    I put this in the search bar however I saw no results.So gentlemen I will ask do you usually tip a provider and if so how much and what do you base it on,and if you do not why not?I would love to get comments and feedback.



    I do most of the time. Between 10-20 percent, based on overall satisfaction of the experience. No tip when I'd dissatisfied.

  2. On 4/7/2024 at 11:07 PM, asiantwunktop said:

    Is this standard?

    Nothing is, there are no specific rules for what goes on in those rooms, or how far a provider will go. Feel good if you feel good, set boundaries if it doesn't feel right. The provider will do the same.

    On 4/7/2024 at 11:07 PM, asiantwunktop said:

    Should I be flattered?

    Yes, in my opinion. Seems like the provider either likes you or wants a larger tip.

    On 4/7/2024 at 11:07 PM, asiantwunktop said:

    And my biggest question (lmao) was I supposed to tip more than usual? I already tip 40% because he’s cute and I know you’re supposed to give extra at these places, but I wasn’t sure if the hands-on perks meant I was supposed to give more.

    Scratch the part about the larger tip. "Supposed to", I do not know. I can only speak for my experience. What I do when I feel that the provider has gone the extra mile (or the extra inch, rather), I do tip more. However, a 40% tip is a little high. It might be that the provider might be taking it as you wanting more for a higher than usual tip, or again, maybe he just likes you. Since it's a 40% tip, personally that's quite high. Use your discretion, enjoy, but don't go bankrupt over it.

  3. 21 hours ago, Skirader said:

    So new to all this but when does one bring up what they ideally would want in a meeting with a providers?  

    Whats appropriate or inappropriate and what method of communication is preferred?  

    I imagine that you have first looked for providers that can acommodate for your interests (not all are). Their profiles might give you an idea of the things that they are prepared to provide. If you have chosen a provider who you know by their profile caters what you are interested in, you can ask in the initial conversation while you are coordinating the encounter. Always ask, never assume just because you read it in the profile.

    If otherwise you are either blindly looking for providers without knowing if they specifically cater to your interest, it's still good to ask, but you might want to be more sensitive to them. I know of at least one provider who (IN MY OPINION) overreacts a little when people ask him questions about things that are not in his profile. The same goes if you are interested in a provider that doesn't list your interest, but you are thrilled to talk him into it (willing to accept his fee, of course).

    Also, not sure how necessary your fetish is (not being insensitive, please read on), as there are some people who only feel aroused when doing things of their particular interest (aka, fetish). I know people and have friends who have different fetishes, and some have mentioned that they cannot function without the fetish. Others said that it's a preference. I imagine that can determine how relevant in the conversation it is for you.

    It boils down to asking the provider, but how you ask matters if the provider doesn't list openness to it, and when you ask might depend on how important it is to you.

  4. The topic of hygiene has come up in the past. Like others have mentioned, I too make sure that I am at my best in terms of bein presentable for the provider. Not only do I care that the provider feels comfortable, but it's just basic to have good hygiene.

    As I mentioned in other posts, the reality is that some men never learned to properly wipe their own butts. It's just reality. I remember in another post, was about massages, a client noticed that the provider had dude wipes available. I'm not a provider, but some of the ones I know have mentioned that some clients might not show up at their best in terms of cleanness, although that doesn't necessarily mean that they have poor hygiene.

    12 hours ago, Vulgarii said:

    With the pigplay and other gross fetishes becoming more popular these days, I'm starting to wonder if some men do it on purpose. One regular client literally wiped his ass with one of my towels. I was livid and raised Hell when I found out, and I got a box of towels delivered from Amazon later that day.

    I do not think it's on purpose, at least I don't think doing that on purpose is the norm. I woundn't call fetishes "gross", at least the fetish people I know are the cleanest, neatest people I've ever known. Having a fetish doesn't mean that you run your house and maintain your body that way. I'd just call your client and asshole for doing that to your towel.

  5. 3 hours ago, BSR said:

    Of course, doctors need university education.  Writers, entrepreneurs, computer programmers can be self-taught.  But a surgeon?  Eek!

    My micro-rant about educating physicians is that we should do away with the traditional model of 4 years undergrad + 4 years medical school and switch over to the European model of a straight shot in 6 years.  That way kids save 2 years of pricey tuition (even state universities can be hella expensive nowadays) plus room/board/etc. while gaining 2 years of earning an income + being a productive member of society.  Dental schools, optometry, and law schools should also switch over to the 6-year model.

    True, kids run the risk of realizing that their chosen field isn't right for them, but that's a risk they run with the 4+4 model as well.  Another argument against is that kids won't get a well-rounded undergrad education, but guess what?  If you teach kids how to think instead of what to think, they can study Heigel and read Camus on their own.  Why tack on 2 extra but in the end unnecessary years of university?  Just so that doctors can wax poetic about that Shakespeare class in undergrad??  F*ok that!

    By saving aspiring doctors/dentists/optometrists 2 years of staggering loans (just 1 year for lawyers, but still a savings), the vast majority of them will end up far better off </endmicrorant>

    I agree about that model, and many others that are more convenient. Unfortunately, in the USA the model is not the problem. Regardless of the model we have in place, they are always going to find ways of making it pricey, racist and difficult to access. The American culture is anti-education, anti-critical thinking and anti-equitable access. The model that we use doesn't matter in that respect.

    The moment we start admitting how we in USA do things, then we will start having real solutions.

  6. That's a shitty move from RM, but I guess as a company that advertises hustling, why not joining it.

    I never trust reviews individually. I pay more attention to themes I find in reviews, that is, things that I see repeated multiple times. Number of reviews could be for many reasons, change of accounts, type of clients, etc.

    For a new provider I think it's always a little bit of a struggle to establish themselves as a reliable ecort. I don't necessarily care about how many reviews.

  7. On 3/27/2024 at 11:38 AM, Mydavid said:

    Yesterday, I met an escort. He is very handsome and hot. He welcomed me naked at the door, led me to the bedroom and lied down quickly. Soon I got to know he wasn't interested in me at all. He was lying there like a corpse. He didn't touch me with his hands, and when I tried to kiss him, he said he didn't like it but in fact kissing is on his into list.

    I was hesitant. I didn't know if I should leave, but I was shy and didn't dare to say anything. So I continued and fucked a "dead body" for the first time in my life. He didn't resist when I touched or moved his body, but never enjoyed it. I came, paid, and left far before the end time of our session. He kept lying on the bed when I paid and left, but said "Thank you!"

    What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

    Leave and negotiate paying less than agreed. If I want to fuck a dead body, I'd break into the morgue. You are paying to receive an experience that you enjoy, and that's not it. Part of the fantasy (and the reason many of us hire) is for feeling desired and wanted, even if it's not real. That's poor customer service. THAT SAID, I know of some clients who can't care less about it, as they care more for having a way with a beautiful, hot man. That's why I'm keeping this in "I" statements, as I know that some men care more about the hot body than attitude or mental presence.

    Without attacking the provider, I'd give a review based on your experience, but there's a way to express your dissatisfaction without making it a personal attack,

  8. On 3/27/2024 at 11:05 AM, viewing ownly said:

    Consistently, whenever someone I hire who I have a great time with reaches out on a return trip to my area and I say no, I'm put on the "no re-hire" list.

    This to me seems extreme. I'm not made of money, so when a return is a month later, it's too soon for me to financially do so. It doesn't mean that I don't want to. 

    I do appreciate that I was liked enough to warrant a repeat encounter, and I DO convey that in my rejection reply. Am I better off ignoring rather than responding that I can't?

    I'm batting zero with re-attempting to see anyone who I said no to for a potential second encounter. Flipping the coin and responding to my own post, who would I rather spend time with, a wealthy man who tips extremely generously and money is no object and will see me any time I reach out, or a paycheck to paycheck person who leaves a standard gratuity?

    It's extreme and a terrible business practice to shut donw a client who has paid his due and tipped well simply because he's not available on queue. That attitude is terrible to have on both sides over the other. Even when I don't have the intent to rehire, I am polite and pleasant, and I don't need to lie or give excuses. A simple "I am not available at this time" should siffice. There have been times when I am not available for different reasons, not just financial, and I still use the same line. Some times I have added, "I'll reach out to you when I'm ready" or something similar when I want to actually reach out later when I can or want. I don't ignore providers I have received services from, and I've never gotten attitude from any.

    If a provider is in high demand, I doubt the he's going to reach out to prospective clients blindly, as that seems to be more of an indication to the contrary.

    I just never see the usefulness of nastiness or attitude, and I think that a provider placing a client in their no-rehire list over simply not being available at a given time is as bad as the client placing the provider in his no-hire list for the same reason.

    I'm not a provider, but if I have a set rate for services, I can't care less for where the money is coming from, shouldn't matter if the money comes from this week's pay check, a trust fund, accumulated wealth or the welfare system. That's on the client to know where the money will come from. That's just me and my opinion, not law.

  9. On 3/24/2024 at 2:25 AM, viewing ownly said:

    There could be a multitude of explanations that one takes that off the menu of options. What I've found to be the most common reason is that they have a live-in boyfriend and save that level of intimacy for their partner. 

    When I'm looking, seeing erotic listed is vital for my choice, but I'm at a loss as to what to do when that is no longer listed, but I know that it used to be. For some, it's a matter of private discussion for a larger pre-determined amount than a standard massage.

    Being teased and denied a sensual experience, at a minimum, when that's the whole reason that you've chosen the guy you're seeing over others, is flustering. It makes me personally second guess what I did wrong, not what they did. 

    Ask. It's the best way of having clarity. I have seen providers who have actually done the opposite. They removed therapeutic from their options. I think it's ok to inquire, especially since there has been a change in their profile. Nothing wrong with inquiring for clarification.

  10. On 3/23/2024 at 3:32 PM, WstVlgChris said:

    Hi, guys,

    I've had this situation come up twice in the past few months.  I see a provider (in one case, massage; in the other, escort), and the session is pleasant enough.  The guy was nice, I left happy, but it wasn't great and I'm not inclined to repeat. A few weeks later, the guy texts me (we had done the final setting up time and place via text, rather than through the RentMen or RentMasseur website) to say he's back in town and is available and do I want to schedule something. 

    My natural inclination is to be polite and respond, rather than ignoring the text. But on the other hand I don't want to encourage him, or have him think that it's likely I'll be hiring him soon.  So I'm torn what to do in these situations.  (In the case of the masseur, I texted back noncommittally after a day, saying I was quite busy; he responded with "Well, if you change your mind, I'm here until April 5.") Do I ignore the text, in which case he may think I'm rude or an asshole? Or do I respond in a neutral way, in which case he might think it's worth his time to keep chatting me up.  

    (I should say that I'm the type to avoid conflict.  I don't want to say "I'm not going to hire you again because....")

    I'm curious to know what other guys do in this kind of situation.  

    I have been to similar situations. I reply, politely stating that at this time I am not interested in scheduling something. However, it doesn't bother me to receive another text from him. I'm ok with that. Also, I might change my mind, I in fact have changed my mind and seen providers that I deemed "good but not great", and it's been good.

    I don't need to go to any of the extremes. I don't have to say why I'm not scheduling him. It's business, and they might even feel the same about me; I might not have been the best client. It's just bsuiness, reaching out to customers.

    Again, it doesn't bother me that they reach out, but if you feel differently, you might want to find a way of stating that you are not interested in receiving furhter communication. There are nice ways of doing that, but it's up to you.

  11. Back shoulders. Most of my therapists spend a great deal of time on my lower back, which I'm fine with, but I believe that some spend too much time on that part of my body.

    My favorite masseur is in PV, MX. He starts from the neck and he does stretches, and twists my neck. Nothing sensual or erotic about his massage, but it's a great massage.

  12. On 3/19/2024 at 9:52 AM, Lucky said:

    He didn't say that he had any interest in a specific person. In fact, he has no history of interest in Asians.

    Which is why I said "I wonder", so what exactly is your point?

  13. On 3/14/2024 at 6:43 PM, glennnnn said:

    What is the status of circumcision amongst our Asian brothers? Are men in Japan cut? In China? One rarely sees nude photos, and I don't recall ever seeing an Asian cock in person. Just curious...... No judgement intended.

    No different than the rest of the world. Some are cut, some are uncut. I have been with chinese, japanese, philipinos, thai, cambodian and korean, and I have seen both cut and uncut in all of them.

    I know that some gay men treat the cut/uncut thing the way people treat their religious beliefs, so I wonder, if you have interest in a particular person, will it be better to just ask?  The fact that they are from Asia or of Asian descent shouldn't make a difference in finding out. Just my opinion, not law.

  14. I still have my dirty, disgusting and constant sexual desire towards every other man I see. Of course, my brain reacts faster than my body, and my body certainly isn't the 24/7 walking erection that I was back in the day. I still function well when I need it, with a little help here and there. The additional help (magic pill) is optional, for when I have a more expensive provider.

  15. The whole thing looks to me like publicity stunt. The long coverage, the bragging, I mean, background stories about activism and elitism by victimhood, and the fact that not taking HIV meds is not as horrible as it was back when there was less known and less treatment for it. When I compare that action with when in the 90s people did that and actually died, or when there have been people who have set themselves on fire, or going on long hungre strikes, then you see how silly that guy looks (or should I say "those guys look"? Or maybe "guys" is not correct to use, so "those *** look"?).

  16. 28 minutes ago, marylander1940 said:

    Their or his pills?

    Maybe he's one of those "gender queer" types who uses they as his pronoun.

    In any event, it's insane, but I wish this is the first time I see people pulling that nonsense.

  17. I have heard and read similar posts expressing the same. You try some, you like some, you keep some, you love some more than others. I've also known of others who prefer finding one or two and forget about the rest of the universe, and that works for them.

    You were able to reach out to the other providers and work everything out. It shouldn't be different with the one that you have. Keep in mind that he doesn't know any of what you thought to make him the one to reach out.

  18. 16 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    Students aren't always 18-22 jocks.

    I graduated from NYU last year at... not 22 anymore.

    15 hours ago, ShortCutie7 said:

    And yeah, when I was a college student I was in the WORST shape of my life.  I look much better now in my 30s than I did at 18/19.

    Same here and with all the males in my family. We look better older.

    My two cents. This is not exactly a regulated profession, there's no code of ethics. That means that each provider establishes his rules as he sees them fit. If a provider wants to give a dicount or discriminate based on looks or age, there's nothing anyone else can do other than deciding to becoming or not his client.

    I imagine it will feel great to be told that because I'm beautifull I'll pay less, but if it doesn't happen, who cares. I personally have a dedicated budget already, and if a provider is above it, too bad, too sad.

  19. 5 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    You can have a "preference" for circumcised men, but still meet up with both.

    I just insist on giving their foreskin a little sponge bath before sticking it in my mouth.

    Depends. Some men are not that great at cleaning that area, some are, and some actually like it dirty.

    I have met guys who treat the cut/uncut thing the way some people treat politics. I have a hard time understanding people who have this polarizing mindset about it, but again, I have my own quirks, so whatever, I just let them be.

  20. 22 hours ago, BaronArtz said:

    What would be your advice?

    None. Let him be. Especially since he has safer sex with you. The only difference between him and many others is that he lets you know. Providers are in a high-risk line of work, that's no secret. Having first-hand knowledge and details about it might cause concern, but the way I see it, it's just awareness.

    I've herad of The Eagle in NYC. Seems to be the one of that type of establishment that has survivied. In my experience, the sex party scene in NYC is almost exclusively unprotected sex. Rarely have I seen a person using protection. And that's since way before PreP.

    22 hours ago, BaronArtz said:

    Having safe sex will protect me against HIV but not against other STDs. 

    That's not exactly that cut and dry. It depends of what you do and through which orifice. This is best thought of as levels of risk, rather than in absolute terms. Doing something increases or decreases the risk of transmission. That's why health educators (like I was once upon a time) use the term "safer sex" instead of "safe sex".

  21. On 3/1/2024 at 5:23 PM, keroscenefire said:

    There are a couple new guys with ads in Denver that I am interested. But I think they perhaps do escorting as a very, very side hustle. Both guys have told me they like to "plan ahead" for meetings but then they don't get back to me in a timely manner.

    Like one guy I tried contacting on Thursday to meet up last weekend only for him to get back to me on Sunday evening saying he had been skiing all weekend and just getting back into town but I should reach out to schedule something over the week. Texted Monday to do so and he just got back to me saying he got busy with "work stuff" but would be down to meet up this weekend. Should I even bother?

    Meanwhile, I've had pretty good luck with guys who have the "Available Now" on their profile. Like being able to schedule something with just couple hours notice. 

    I don't know, it just doesn't seem to pay to plan ahead anymore. What do you all think?

    You might be right. The newer generation seems to be more into spontaneously doing things than planning ahead. I see a similar effect in my work with the younger crowd, "planning" to them is just making a mental note a few minutes before the meeting.

    Just my opinion, not law.

  22. On 3/2/2024 at 8:04 AM, amused1 said:

    What do you feel is the best way to put together a 4 hour session? 

    The provider might need to have a saying on it, so I believe that as much as we could suggest you to propose availability and timing, you might still need to obtain the input from the provider. When reaching out, have an idea of the setup, including timing, so you can let the provider know. Also, providers might have experience in setting up a 4-hour session. I guess that depending on what is expected to happen, it could be as simple as scheduling a time/space, or as complex as bringing and setting up equipment and gear, or traveling. How simnple or complex the session will be can determine the logistics of it.

    (I feel like I said a lot and nothing at the same time).

  23. 15 hours ago, viewing ownly said:

    Not off-putting at all. Verse is too much of a risk, whereas indicating just one position exclusively lets me know exactly what they're (near) definitely up to. I prefer verse, but know that regardless of whether someone lists top / verse or bottom / verse, there's that out to entirely refuse what I might like.

    Again, not judging. Just curious. What do you mean versatile is too much of a risk? Risk of what exactly. I'm just trying to understand. If you're not comfortable replying feel free to ignore.


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