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Everything posted by ShortCutie7

  1. That sounds insanely scary and is a reason I’m so glad this site exists, if only as a way of vetting providers. One aspect of this sort of situation that I find baffling is the assumption that the client would even HAVE more money on them than what they would plan on paying the provider.
  2. I have had Grindr hookups pop up under suggested friends on Facebook several times, though in some cases we had multiple mutual friends.
  3. Came back to this thread to let you all know that I had my first ever meeting with a provider this morning and it was absolutely worth the $360 I spent! I won’t (financially or time-wise) be able to do this regularly, but I had no reason to worry and left very happy. That said, we didn’t get to do everything I had intended- the guy really followed my lead.
  4. Between the soy and scallions, you must have a tough time with Chinese food!
  5. Beauty and the Beast in 1996 or so. I was enthralled the entire show. I saw my first Yankee game a few weeks later… sportsball didn’t stand a chance!
  6. Ohhh, that explains it… I think I last tried to go in maybe fall 2020 and assumed it was closed for Covid, not for good.
  7. The Plaza also has an incredible/upscale food court in the basement (though I haven’t been since 2019 or so, so that could have changed). If you walk down to 46th street, turn west and you’ll find the block Little Brazil between 5th and 6th. Keep walking west, pass through Times Square, and you’ll get to Restaurant Row between 8th and 9th. Lots of great places- I’ve never had a bad meal in any restaurant on those blocks.
  8. My kind of guy! I now have an appointment to see my first provider next Friday 😍
  9. Exactly, I have neither made an effort to negotiate nor engaged in any back-and-forth beyond “thanks, I’ll be in touch when I have a better idea of when I can see you”. Thanks, that is very helpful advice and something I would have never thought of. And as @Jarrod_Uncut mentioned, it didn’t occur to me that the rate could change, or for that matter that the provider could move, etc.
  10. Given the rhetoric about unresponsiveness on these boards, I was VERY pleasantly surprised by how many guys responded via RM message (I as a general rule do not give my cell number to people I haven’t met in person).
  11. Exactly! That’s why I am confused as to the issue with reaching out to guys to find out basic info that is not listed on their profile but is important to whether or not I can hire them. .. I respond to potential client info requests as part of my job all the time and only end up seeing a tiny fraction of those who reach out, often months later. ETA: and my responses to work inquiries take a HELLUVA lot more time to write than “$300 for an hour, I host near Columbus Circle”.
  12. I am brand new to this and have never hired anyone. I intend on hiring the four I noted being “most likely to meet” in the next few months, and then eventually hiring most of the others further down the line. I have a very rigid schedule and their precise location plays a huge factor in if/when I’d be able to see them, which I had to ask them in order to find out… are there unspoken rules I don’t know about regarding timing of reaching out to providers? I now have the information I need to schedule something when I have the opportunity to do so.
  13. Both guys are very very hot, but I agree that Lucas is definitely closer to “classically handsome”.
  14. All I did was ask for their incall rate and location, which would determine whether I would continue the conversation. I reached out to so many because I did not expect the number of responses I received (and received the majority of responses after I had already sent most of the messages). I could not have wasted more than 30 seconds of anyone’s time.
  15. Exactly! The issue with my aversion to onions is that people put them in everything. I actually don’t mind that onion bomb because I would smell it from a mile away and know to avoid it… no sneaky little chunks of onion there!
  16. I find it very interesting that a lot of you are saying that you wouldn’t pay $300 or more for an hour-long session. I reached out to 16 escorts in the last few days and $300 was the LOWEST amount I was quoted (albeit the most common rate). Note that these are all in calls in NYC. Since I’m a bit of a numbers geek, here is my analysis of the numbers: Minimum: 300 Maximum: 500 Mode: 300 Median: 345 Mean: 362 There really does not seem to be a rhyme or reason as to which escort charges which rate (I couldn’t find any relationship with body type, age, ethnicity, etc). Out of the 16, there are 4 that I am most likely to meet, mostly based on their location and communicativeness (they’re obviously all hot as hell). Their rates in ascending order are 300, 350, 350, and 400.
  17. Ah yes, the classic moment when the item is on your plate despite not *technically* being in your food 😔
  18. I buy that! I know someone who hates most peppers but tolerates roasted red peppers.
  19. Wow, BOTH gluten and lactose intolerant… must be a tough Venn diagram to navigate!
  20. I also suspect that some men are lying about being from these countries… I was recently researching a masseur (who claims to be Latino), and found that many clients said that he was hot but didn’t really look like his pics. I then looked up his phone number and was brought to the Instagram of a(n albeit sexy and somewhat similar-looking) man of middle eastern descent.
  21. Yes, I can’t imagine having to spend money on a hotel room in your own city… part of the reason I’m looking at hiring a provider in the first place is to take my inability to host out of the equation. I have twice in my life split hourly hotel rooms with particularly hot hookups when neither of us could host, but it kind of defeats the purpose of paying a provider.
  22. I do think I might be mildly allergic to onions since I have gastric issues whenever I eat them (in contexts where I can’t taste them). Funny thing is, I love garlic! And ginger, for that matter. Though I don’t like anything pungent in breath.
  23. I really hate onions. In any form. You know how some people have a gene that makes cilantro taste different to them? I must have that with onions because there’s no way in HELL they taste the same to me as they do to people who like or even tolerate them. But my point is, it’s an incredibly inconvenient food aversion to have since onions seem to sneak their way into the majority of dishes. And if I have this issue with onions, I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be deathly allergic to peanuts, or highly intolerant to gluten, or have an any medical reaction to a very ubiquitous and often hidden food. Who of you who have these allergies/intolerances/aversions? Any stories of a time it was particularly inconvenient or worse?
  24. Thanks @MikeH10! Neither of those threads came up when I searched. I’m curious as to if he actually lives in NYC, and if he lives in Canada that would explain why so few New Yorkers have seen him lol.
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