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  1. Like
    RyanCross reacted to pubic_assistance in Beware Hiring on Cape Cod   
    Reminding everyone to keep your online conversations discreet.
    You're hiring an escort for their TIME.
    You can discuss their sexual INTERESTS but you shouldn't discuss PAYING THEM FOR SEXUAL ACTIVITY.
    Sting operations are rare, but you never know when one's gonna pop up.
  2. Like
    RyanCross reacted to + Charlie in I tried them so you don’t have to   
    Thank you for your noble efforts to help other clients!
  3. Like
    RyanCross reacted to wsc in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if either or both of the following happened as a result of RM's arrogance?
    A national gay publication (like the Advocate) brought back something like their old Pink Pages for escort ads, city by city. We see a resurgence in hustler bars nationwide, where you can both see and speak with prospects on either side of the transaction. Would love to chat more but I have other windmills to tilt with. Now where the hell is Sancho?
    BTW, I sometimes the miss the old ways of the old days. My doctor would tell me it's age-related.
  4. Like
    RyanCross reacted to Simon Suraci in Is it a known risk to schedule for an hour?   
    This happens to me too. A client texted me today to schedule a shorter, lower cost session right in the middle of a big block of availability where I could otherwise schedule two longer, higher value sessions. 
    I honored the shorter session because he booked first. I give priority to those who book ahead, or whoever books first. I keep my word after I book them. In this case I had to turn down two higher session value clients because the resulting two blocks of time were each too short to fulfill either of the higher fee session requests.
    Then….the low value client no shows. No cancellation message, nothing, just ghosts. So now I’m out of the lower value fee AND the two higher value fees. Frustrating. Sometimes this happens, especially with new clients, and I accept that. I don’t let it bother me anymore.
    If I had canceled on the low value client to accommodate the two higher value clients, the two higher value clients may have canceled or no-showed as well. You never know with new clients what they are going to do. You can’t win, and there’s no way to game the system. Some clients are real jerks sometimes and there’s no escaping that. I honor my first booked, first priority policy because it’s the only objective, low stress way to handle these matters. It also rewards and encourages clients booking ahead, which I prefer anyway.
    This is the reason a lot of providers behave the way they do. I’m not saying it’s right, but our schedules are constantly changing. It feels like we’re reacting to a dozen things out of our control and trying to make the best of all the moving parts each hour of the day as it changes. And we’re trying to make good money and use our time most effectively.
    The occasional unusual circumstance outside of my control pops up requiring me to cancel or reschedule on a client, but I never cancel because I got a “better offer”. Unusual circumstances are things like my whole building fire alarm is sounding.
  5. Like
    RyanCross reacted to Jamie21 in What are your red flags?   
    “You’re just a sex worker so it doesn’t matter if I flake on you, waste your time and treat your service like it’s something trivial” BUT “if I turn up then you’d better be totally professional and give me a great service or I’ll give you a bad review”. 
    Guys, you get the providers you deserve. Treat them like shit?…then  don’t be surprised if they behave in ways that are transactional at best. Treat people with respect for their time and efforts and you’ll get providers that are in it to do a great job. 95% of my clients are the latter, they’re great, but a few are the former although they generally don’t get through to a booking. They’re easy to identify from the first contact and I simply don’t deal with them. 
  6. Like
    RyanCross reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in High End Agencies Making a Come Back?   
    Holy shit, you're barking up the wrong tree.
  7. Applause
    RyanCross reacted to robberbaron4u in High End Agencies Making a Come Back?   
    Physical beauty, personal charm and, indeed, sexual prowess, are assets, a portfolio if you will, to be exploited for profit. For some, men and women, these are the only assets in their portfolio. Let us not treat them with condenscention for making the best of that which they have to offer to make a go of it in life..
  8. Like
    RyanCross reacted to marylander1940 in This Time Next Year...   
    I think it will be displayed in the Smithsonian!

  9. Applause
    RyanCross reacted to + Ace in This Time Next Year...   
    To quote Pete Townsend of The Who: it's been an "Amazing Journey....."
    When I made the decision 19 years ago to start escorting, it was (sadly) out of desperation to survive, & follow my passion, (music), in Las Vegas. That decision QUICKLY turned into a way of life for me, in what seemed to be the blink of an eye!
    I developed some great relationships along the way, saw the world, & had experiences that in my wildest dreams thought would NEVER happen to a "kid from Brooklyn."
    I'm going to be pulling my ads down a year from today (my 60th birthday, & the 20-year anniversary of "Ace"), & only see referrals from this site. I'll continue the relationships with my regulars.
    It's time.
    My phone number & email will stay active for the next year as well.
    I want to thank ALL of you & wish you all well!!!!
  10. Like
    RyanCross got a reaction from Becket in 411 on RyanCross   
    I appreciate your kind words and take no offense. I should add an addendum that not all is lost. Not everything is forsaken. Glimpses of a more decent epoch still occur. Gentlemen of class still very much exist within the ranks of today's clientele. Though such individuals are fewer in number, their contributions and counteractions do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While today's rookies in the industry largely missed out, I do hope that some of them get a taste of what once was and still could be. 
  11. Like
    RyanCross got a reaction from KeeperTx in 411 on RyanCross   
    I appreciate your kind words and take no offense. I should add an addendum that not all is lost. Not everything is forsaken. Glimpses of a more decent epoch still occur. Gentlemen of class still very much exist within the ranks of today's clientele. Though such individuals are fewer in number, their contributions and counteractions do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While today's rookies in the industry largely missed out, I do hope that some of them get a taste of what once was and still could be. 
  12. Like
    RyanCross reacted to Luv2play in What are your red flags?   
    I agree. I mostly book several weeks in advance because my appointments usually require travel on my part. I live in a small town several hours from larger centers.
    Because I am a frequent hirer and have a long track record on RM it has never been a problem. If I have to cancel at the relatively last minute I always send a cancellation fee. In the last year I think these have amounted to over $750 but I would have to check my bank statements as I wire the money.
    I almost never send deposits. And rarely request same day appointments. In all my appointments work out smoothly with no hassles on either end.
  13. Like
    RyanCross got a reaction from TJMS in 411 on RyanCross   
    I appreciate your kind words and take no offense. I should add an addendum that not all is lost. Not everything is forsaken. Glimpses of a more decent epoch still occur. Gentlemen of class still very much exist within the ranks of today's clientele. Though such individuals are fewer in number, their contributions and counteractions do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While today's rookies in the industry largely missed out, I do hope that some of them get a taste of what once was and still could be. 
  14. Applause
    RyanCross got a reaction from Walt in 411 on RyanCross   
    I don't do drugs and I don't have bi-polar. What I do have is freedom. To be able to discern who I meet and who I don't meet is one of the few benefits this job provides. I claim it as my continued right. Fortunately for providers, unfortunately for entitled clients, this is not a conventional business where the usual dynamics and mores of a service industry apply. It is a two-way two-sided contractual transaction where both parties have the freedom to decide on who they meet. I can see why some would take issue with this right of providers and the existing dynamic, but that would suggest maybe they're the one with a psychiatric problem or some stunted interpersonal skills not I. 

    I have a very strong financial incentive to meet you. Others are correct that I stand to financially benefit with ensuring an appointment follows through with you or if you cancelled, we meet another time. That is in my economic and financial interest. As indicated on here and my reviews, I've also met with countless others with no problems. So, if your personality or sense of entitlement is that much of a disincentive for me to meet, perhaps that calls for some introspection on your part? Essentially what it means is that I came to the conclusion that your negative attributes outweigh the very real financial incentive for me to meet with you as I have met with many others over the course of many years. However, I realize that it is easier and more effortless for some who lack this capability of introspection to instead convince themselves that the other person is crazy or on drugs. That delusion requires less work rather than confronting the reality that maybe you need some improvement in how you communicate and relate to others. If you can't even pay me hundreds of dollars to meet with you as I've done with countless others in this work (and in my personal hook up life I might add), then I sincerely don't know how such an individual can flourish interpersonally in this society. 
    If this particular individual is who I think it is, then they have over eight complaints on MyNumber from eight different providers than myself. This leads me to caution others on here to not take everything that is claimed on here at face value. There are always two sides to an event or interaction. 
    The website has a very judiciously sound, fair, reasonable and timeless rule when it comes to leaving reviews. If I did not meet you, then you don't get to leave a review. Isn't that great? According to the website:

    If you did not meet the Escort no matter the circumstance the Review will not be approved. Since the Reviews are subject of approval, RentMen webadmin has the right to reject a review"

    If someone attempts to leave a review without me agreeing to meet you or without us ever meeting, I simply message the admin with the receipts and documentation. To reference Tony Kushner's play, I am not Roy Cohn. I do not have clout. I am a homosexual.
    If one is to do this, please do compare it with the correlations that may or may not exist with the IQ, level of agreeableness or social skills of the clients who like me versus the clients who dislike me. I'm more curious if correlational patterns exist there versus which phases of the moon, we're in.  That may better help in making sense of this great unsolvable mystery. Of course, that is if we are to think no correlation exists between those who actually met me versus those who I didn't even end up meeting.

    As stated elsewhere, I've been doing this for a very long time. Some may even say too long. I've learned to watch carefully to subtle words and tone. My ability to detect whether it is going to work with a client is usually pretty immediate. A sense of entitlement can't hide itself very long. My senses end up being vindicated quite regularly because the reaction of a client to my rejection of them usually reveals further what kind of person they are. I also sometimes play a game where I'll say to myself after the first or second message "I bet this client has had complaints on Mr.Number". And time and time again, I'll be right when I look up their number. Sure enough, a handful of providers have complained about their time being wasted or a persistent pernicious arrogance that occurs in the appointment. 

    Over the decade, there has been a very noticeable decline in client etiquette. The regression of society and our culture has been widespread and encompassing. Client and provider etiquette in this industry has not been immune to this bigger societal shift. It is an end of an era. When I started in this work, people didn't waste time. Date, time, location, and preferences were communicated clearly, timely and effortlessly. That was the norm back then, today it is the exception. Then people didn't act like I was their waiter or cashier. There was less ghosting, less last-minute abrupt cancellations, less flakiness, less of an attitude of "I'm the one paying". There was a sense of class and courtesy with clientele in these arrangements. A drink at a nice hotel bar before going up. An appointment that was scheduled days in advance. A nice meal before or after. Less unpaid labor and time wasting before meeting. Prompt and to the point on arranging, and more class/personality when time was spent together. Things have changed. I've heard others on the client-side label this development "the grindrification of escorting" when complaining of providers. In my experience, the regression has been on both sides of the deal. It's becoming something different than what it used to be. It's something else. I'm just glad that I got to experience its previous form while it lasted. I have a deep lasting gratitude that I got to live its final days before it dived into a lot of the current crap and nonsense. I'm glad my early days did not start in today's era. The time of decency is gone. 
  15. Like
    RyanCross reacted to + WilliamM in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Daddy/Guy was a very dedication leader here for well over twenty years. We counted on him always.
    Heartbreaking news
  16. Like
    RyanCross reacted to + purplekow in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    For the last several weeks I have come to this site expecting this news and was then relieved when it was not here. I was just heading to bed and decided I would check again, just to be sure. Unfortunately, this time, my expectation was met
    I hope that in his life, he had a sense of the important role he played in the life of many of the men of this site.
    I had the opportunity to meet him at the Palm Springs Party and found him to be a caring man but to me, he was more than a bit sad. It my sincere hope that he found joy in his life, satisfaction in his work and companionship in times of need. I also hope that in his passing he will be remembered as a hard working and dedicated individual who held this site together and who, as a result of that, held us together.
    It seems that we will all soon need to move on with our lives without the comfort and joy this site brings. When we miss this site, we should also take time to consider and thank the man who worked so diligently to bring it to us.
  17. Sad
    RyanCross reacted to Cooper in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am very sorry to report that Guy Fawkes/daddy passed away this evening of heart failure. For over a month he remained in the hospital unconscious and on life support.
    His passing touches us all. He was a man who dedicated his life to providing a Forum where men would feel free and comfortable talking about all sorts of topics that covered our life style.
    Having worked with daddy since he started this site I got to see first hand how much he cared about people and viewed us as his family. He was a very bright man with a love for life. He will be missed.
    RIP Daddy/Guy Fawkes
    With sympathy,
  18. Like
    RyanCross got a reaction from + bashful in 411 on RyanCross   
    I appreciate your kind words and take no offense. I should add an addendum that not all is lost. Not everything is forsaken. Glimpses of a more decent epoch still occur. Gentlemen of class still very much exist within the ranks of today's clientele. Though such individuals are fewer in number, their contributions and counteractions do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While today's rookies in the industry largely missed out, I do hope that some of them get a taste of what once was and still could be. 
  19. Like
    RyanCross got a reaction from + DrownedBoy in 411 on RyanCross   
    I appreciate your kind words and take no offense. I should add an addendum that not all is lost. Not everything is forsaken. Glimpses of a more decent epoch still occur. Gentlemen of class still very much exist within the ranks of today's clientele. Though such individuals are fewer in number, their contributions and counteractions do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While today's rookies in the industry largely missed out, I do hope that some of them get a taste of what once was and still could be. 
  20. Thanks
    RyanCross got a reaction from wsc in 411 on RyanCross   
    I appreciate your kind words and take no offense. I should add an addendum that not all is lost. Not everything is forsaken. Glimpses of a more decent epoch still occur. Gentlemen of class still very much exist within the ranks of today's clientele. Though such individuals are fewer in number, their contributions and counteractions do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While today's rookies in the industry largely missed out, I do hope that some of them get a taste of what once was and still could be. 
  21. Applause
    RyanCross got a reaction from Becket in 411 on RyanCross   
    I don't do drugs and I don't have bi-polar. What I do have is freedom. To be able to discern who I meet and who I don't meet is one of the few benefits this job provides. I claim it as my continued right. Fortunately for providers, unfortunately for entitled clients, this is not a conventional business where the usual dynamics and mores of a service industry apply. It is a two-way two-sided contractual transaction where both parties have the freedom to decide on who they meet. I can see why some would take issue with this right of providers and the existing dynamic, but that would suggest maybe they're the one with a psychiatric problem or some stunted interpersonal skills not I. 

    I have a very strong financial incentive to meet you. Others are correct that I stand to financially benefit with ensuring an appointment follows through with you or if you cancelled, we meet another time. That is in my economic and financial interest. As indicated on here and my reviews, I've also met with countless others with no problems. So, if your personality or sense of entitlement is that much of a disincentive for me to meet, perhaps that calls for some introspection on your part? Essentially what it means is that I came to the conclusion that your negative attributes outweigh the very real financial incentive for me to meet with you as I have met with many others over the course of many years. However, I realize that it is easier and more effortless for some who lack this capability of introspection to instead convince themselves that the other person is crazy or on drugs. That delusion requires less work rather than confronting the reality that maybe you need some improvement in how you communicate and relate to others. If you can't even pay me hundreds of dollars to meet with you as I've done with countless others in this work (and in my personal hook up life I might add), then I sincerely don't know how such an individual can flourish interpersonally in this society. 
    If this particular individual is who I think it is, then they have over eight complaints on MyNumber from eight different providers than myself. This leads me to caution others on here to not take everything that is claimed on here at face value. There are always two sides to an event or interaction. 
    The website has a very judiciously sound, fair, reasonable and timeless rule when it comes to leaving reviews. If I did not meet you, then you don't get to leave a review. Isn't that great? According to the website:

    If you did not meet the Escort no matter the circumstance the Review will not be approved. Since the Reviews are subject of approval, RentMen webadmin has the right to reject a review"

    If someone attempts to leave a review without me agreeing to meet you or without us ever meeting, I simply message the admin with the receipts and documentation. To reference Tony Kushner's play, I am not Roy Cohn. I do not have clout. I am a homosexual.
    If one is to do this, please do compare it with the correlations that may or may not exist with the IQ, level of agreeableness or social skills of the clients who like me versus the clients who dislike me. I'm more curious if correlational patterns exist there versus which phases of the moon, we're in.  That may better help in making sense of this great unsolvable mystery. Of course, that is if we are to think no correlation exists between those who actually met me versus those who I didn't even end up meeting.

    As stated elsewhere, I've been doing this for a very long time. Some may even say too long. I've learned to watch carefully to subtle words and tone. My ability to detect whether it is going to work with a client is usually pretty immediate. A sense of entitlement can't hide itself very long. My senses end up being vindicated quite regularly because the reaction of a client to my rejection of them usually reveals further what kind of person they are. I also sometimes play a game where I'll say to myself after the first or second message "I bet this client has had complaints on Mr.Number". And time and time again, I'll be right when I look up their number. Sure enough, a handful of providers have complained about their time being wasted or a persistent pernicious arrogance that occurs in the appointment. 

    Over the decade, there has been a very noticeable decline in client etiquette. The regression of society and our culture has been widespread and encompassing. Client and provider etiquette in this industry has not been immune to this bigger societal shift. It is an end of an era. When I started in this work, people didn't waste time. Date, time, location, and preferences were communicated clearly, timely and effortlessly. That was the norm back then, today it is the exception. Then people didn't act like I was their waiter or cashier. There was less ghosting, less last-minute abrupt cancellations, less flakiness, less of an attitude of "I'm the one paying". There was a sense of class and courtesy with clientele in these arrangements. A drink at a nice hotel bar before going up. An appointment that was scheduled days in advance. A nice meal before or after. Less unpaid labor and time wasting before meeting. Prompt and to the point on arranging, and more class/personality when time was spent together. Things have changed. I've heard others on the client-side label this development "the grindrification of escorting" when complaining of providers. In my experience, the regression has been on both sides of the deal. It's becoming something different than what it used to be. It's something else. I'm just glad that I got to experience its previous form while it lasted. I have a deep lasting gratitude that I got to live its final days before it dived into a lot of the current crap and nonsense. I'm glad my early days did not start in today's era. The time of decency is gone. 
  22. Like
    RyanCross got a reaction from TorontoDrew in 411 on RyanCross   
    I appreciate your kind words and take no offense. I should add an addendum that not all is lost. Not everything is forsaken. Glimpses of a more decent epoch still occur. Gentlemen of class still very much exist within the ranks of today's clientele. Though such individuals are fewer in number, their contributions and counteractions do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While today's rookies in the industry largely missed out, I do hope that some of them get a taste of what once was and still could be. 
  23. Thanks
    RyanCross reacted to wsc in 411 on RyanCross   
    Not, sir, for as long as you live and breathe.
    Your post is an erudite and polished Apologia, as good or better as some of the best I've ever encountered.
    I am sorry for the lack of consideration you've experienced from others, and hope I did not join that company in my joking -and perhaps clumsy- attempt to explain the dichotomy in reports of interactions between you and actual or would-be clients. Your expression of a personal viewpoint and perspective is welcomed and appreciated.
    To echo the above poster's sentiment, Bravo!
  24. Applause
    RyanCross got a reaction from Saabster in 411 on RyanCross   
    I don't do drugs and I don't have bi-polar. What I do have is freedom. To be able to discern who I meet and who I don't meet is one of the few benefits this job provides. I claim it as my continued right. Fortunately for providers, unfortunately for entitled clients, this is not a conventional business where the usual dynamics and mores of a service industry apply. It is a two-way two-sided contractual transaction where both parties have the freedom to decide on who they meet. I can see why some would take issue with this right of providers and the existing dynamic, but that would suggest maybe they're the one with a psychiatric problem or some stunted interpersonal skills not I. 

    I have a very strong financial incentive to meet you. Others are correct that I stand to financially benefit with ensuring an appointment follows through with you or if you cancelled, we meet another time. That is in my economic and financial interest. As indicated on here and my reviews, I've also met with countless others with no problems. So, if your personality or sense of entitlement is that much of a disincentive for me to meet, perhaps that calls for some introspection on your part? Essentially what it means is that I came to the conclusion that your negative attributes outweigh the very real financial incentive for me to meet with you as I have met with many others over the course of many years. However, I realize that it is easier and more effortless for some who lack this capability of introspection to instead convince themselves that the other person is crazy or on drugs. That delusion requires less work rather than confronting the reality that maybe you need some improvement in how you communicate and relate to others. If you can't even pay me hundreds of dollars to meet with you as I've done with countless others in this work (and in my personal hook up life I might add), then I sincerely don't know how such an individual can flourish interpersonally in this society. 
    If this particular individual is who I think it is, then they have over eight complaints on MyNumber from eight different providers than myself. This leads me to caution others on here to not take everything that is claimed on here at face value. There are always two sides to an event or interaction. 
    The website has a very judiciously sound, fair, reasonable and timeless rule when it comes to leaving reviews. If I did not meet you, then you don't get to leave a review. Isn't that great? According to the website:

    If you did not meet the Escort no matter the circumstance the Review will not be approved. Since the Reviews are subject of approval, RentMen webadmin has the right to reject a review"

    If someone attempts to leave a review without me agreeing to meet you or without us ever meeting, I simply message the admin with the receipts and documentation. To reference Tony Kushner's play, I am not Roy Cohn. I do not have clout. I am a homosexual.
    If one is to do this, please do compare it with the correlations that may or may not exist with the IQ, level of agreeableness or social skills of the clients who like me versus the clients who dislike me. I'm more curious if correlational patterns exist there versus which phases of the moon, we're in.  That may better help in making sense of this great unsolvable mystery. Of course, that is if we are to think no correlation exists between those who actually met me versus those who I didn't even end up meeting.

    As stated elsewhere, I've been doing this for a very long time. Some may even say too long. I've learned to watch carefully to subtle words and tone. My ability to detect whether it is going to work with a client is usually pretty immediate. A sense of entitlement can't hide itself very long. My senses end up being vindicated quite regularly because the reaction of a client to my rejection of them usually reveals further what kind of person they are. I also sometimes play a game where I'll say to myself after the first or second message "I bet this client has had complaints on Mr.Number". And time and time again, I'll be right when I look up their number. Sure enough, a handful of providers have complained about their time being wasted or a persistent pernicious arrogance that occurs in the appointment. 

    Over the decade, there has been a very noticeable decline in client etiquette. The regression of society and our culture has been widespread and encompassing. Client and provider etiquette in this industry has not been immune to this bigger societal shift. It is an end of an era. When I started in this work, people didn't waste time. Date, time, location, and preferences were communicated clearly, timely and effortlessly. That was the norm back then, today it is the exception. Then people didn't act like I was their waiter or cashier. There was less ghosting, less last-minute abrupt cancellations, less flakiness, less of an attitude of "I'm the one paying". There was a sense of class and courtesy with clientele in these arrangements. A drink at a nice hotel bar before going up. An appointment that was scheduled days in advance. A nice meal before or after. Less unpaid labor and time wasting before meeting. Prompt and to the point on arranging, and more class/personality when time was spent together. Things have changed. I've heard others on the client-side label this development "the grindrification of escorting" when complaining of providers. In my experience, the regression has been on both sides of the deal. It's becoming something different than what it used to be. It's something else. I'm just glad that I got to experience its previous form while it lasted. I have a deep lasting gratitude that I got to live its final days before it dived into a lot of the current crap and nonsense. I'm glad my early days did not start in today's era. The time of decency is gone. 
  25. Thanks
    RyanCross reacted to + nycman in 411 on RyanCross   
    In all seriousness, the kids obviously got a brain. 
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