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Posts posted by blck37

  1. 18 hours ago, ShortCutie7 said:

    Reason number billion I’m glad this forum exists: I would have never even considered that I might be expected to tip someone I’m paying directly for a service.

    Same here. As a general rule, i dont tip for reasons above unless (i) for wow session, i would tip to round-up the payable or $50 (whichever more convenient) or (ii) if said provider provides extra-mile (eg arranging 3some) or I simply like that person that much, would tip up to more (either in % or $, again whichever more convenient).

  2. 6 minutes ago, lanyc said:

    Yeah... I think that's more the exception to the rule, to be incredibly trite. When someone suggests a "provider" and I click on it and I'm suddenly in Oklahoma (No offense to Oklahomians - I hear good things!), that's a whiplash I'd rather avoid. And a time waster.

    Okay, bye.

    Oh wow speechless

  3. 3 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    If the expectations are clearly discussed & the provider agrees, then that’s one thing.  I’m not quite sure how they would go about manufacturing desire when there isn’t any - but some providers must be better actors than others. Seems like a lot to put upon someone being hired for an hour or two. 

    we’re all different & hire for different reasons. I like to keep it simple & hire for sex only.  I expect the provider to be on-time, polite/pleasant & able to perform. That’s it.

    Looking back on my years of hiring, I’ve had an overwhelming ratio of very positive & satisfactory experiences. And I think it’s mainly because my expectations are simple & I clearly communicate what I want from the provider - there is no confusion.  The upside is that makes me an easy & dependable client where the providers will always come back.  Simple is good 

    btw - I prefer they take ED meds….because why not ??


    Second this. Great pounding > great BFE - simply because IMO the physical acts are real whilst the affection is acting.

  4. 7 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    agree.  this seems to be the continuing self-inflicted mindfuck that some clients appear to be fixated on.  They want to feel “desired” by the provider, whom they are paying for their company.  
    Thus, the comments here & there “I don’t need to pay for it” - meaning I’m still desirable. 

    “paying for it” has no correlation to being desirable or not. It’s about convenience & getting exactly what you want & when you want it. 

    ever notice how many super famous celebrities prefer paid for companionship?  It’s not for lack of options 


    Been there, not a pretty place. Great lesson for self mental space but deff wouldnt rec'.

  5. 3 hours ago, Hot4latin said:

    How would you even know? 🤔

    This comment. one do wonder indeed, how? And why would a client care? Surely client should be under no illusion that said provider want to fck him out of sheer physical attraction? Yes I know there be some connection there but if we were to take $$$ out of the equation, is there any providers out there who would invalountary (for free and not as a matter of 'appreciating long term client' or 'business strategy') hv sex with their client? Being friendly (as in hang outs or texting) is very possible, but to hv sex........?

    And I am not talking down 'clients' here, just being rationale.

  6. On 12/11/2023 at 10:51 AM, azdr0710 said:

    forum member @blck37 has made several inquiries about providers in Singapore lately and I'm wondering if he lives/works there.......you both may want to communicate with each other via DM for experiences and suggestions 

    Sure happy to assist. @Bdxhop let me know what are you looking for, I might be able to provide some insight. 

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