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Posts posted by blck37

  1. 10 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    I was doing a 4 hands with another masseur I work with regularly recently and we were about halfway through the routine. Client was laying on his front. I was stood at the side massaging the client’s back and the other masseur was doing same other side. He then came round to my side and stood behind me. I bent over the table to suck the clients fingers (I know the client likes that) and as I did my partner took the opportunity to rim me. After about a minute of this I noticed the client lift his head quickly to see what was happening so I signalled to my partner to get back to the client.

    Of course some clients like to watch us but unless they’ve specifically requested a show then I think it’s important that all interactions between me and the other guy are inclusive with the client. I did make the mistake one time of neglecting the client which I felt bad about (client was fine about it) but it was unprofessional I think. 


    In a 3some setting, as a client i would feel left out if the provider first move is to rim the other provider, whilst all i got is a finger suck LOL. I think provider playing with each other is alright but only after they play with me. Each 'first' should be initiated with the client - unless the client say otherwise. 

    I might just stop the session if the provider were to first fuck or rim or kiss or suck or cum in the other provider, and all I got is some stroke.

  2. 15 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

    I once hired 5 guys for a fantasy. Two paired off and kinda left the bed we were playing in. My main regular said “hey fellas, don’t forget why you’re here unless you’re donating your time.”  It went a long way in refocusing the group lol 

    This is one of my 'fears' for a group setting. I think having a main regular who can kinda assist client in managing the rest of providers is important. I always have 1 for all of my 3somes. Find it very useful to manage unwanted situation eg kicking the other provider off the session or 'teaching' the other guy on how to do certain acts or to pay more attention to client.

  3. On 11/1/2023 at 2:12 PM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    I still stand by my decision to require deposits, despite what may have been shared here. I also have a hard time believing someone who says they’ve never been asked for a deposit. I’m sorry, no offense, but unless someone is only contacting a certain type of provider…I just can’t see it. You can’t tell me you’ve asked a provider to come see you from an hour or 2, maybe even: visiting from halfway around the country away: and not been asked a deposit. I don’t believe it. If so: just say you’ve never asked to see a provider further than a few blocks away or, one who wasn’t ALREADY in attendance or visiting wherever you may have also been in attendance.

    I know this topic been discussed to death, but I never get tired of talking about it though. I’m still willing to defend deposits as much as needed, even if I don’t need to. I’m also willing to accept exceptions: considering last week I did take 2 bookings without a deposit, however one was an outcall to a clients hotel very close to where I was staying, and the other ran into me in person after having prior seen my ad.

    I have even heard clients tell me they don’t do deposits, but then later learn they have a cash app or Venmo account. And have even later paid be thru that method.

    If the business ever moves into official Decrim, and/or if things continue online: I highly believe deposits would become the norm. I’ve already made deposits part of my website, there’s not much stopping other sites like RentM from making that a feature, and simply branding it as “pay for a pornstar”. So, don’t be surprised…if it ever happens. 

    My thing is: for every person who talks about deposits, I rarely ever see a legitimate reason why one can’t. I’ve know people send deposits by all means: cash in mail (in fact a former member of this forum even offered to do so with me, but at the time: things were “different” and I told him I would settle upon arrival), other means are western Union, Moneygram, cash app, Venmo, etc etc. 

    If someone is going to pay for something, what difference does it make whether they pay a portion ahead anyway? And then, some people expect to do the deed and pay afterwards. By the time you do all that, you basically got the person for free, and can pull a gun out on them and tell them to get the fuck out…technically. What’s stopping you from doing that. Morals?

    Okay…so all clients have morals is what you’re saying, including the ones who no show, or fake appointment requests? Only to not respond and then do the same shit two years later, only to not respond again, do the same shit again the next year, and the next year, and the year after?  🤷🏾‍♂️ 

    People need to get to a better mindset in this industry. So many people equate asking for any money upfront as a scam, or a sign of the provider not having money, etc etc. Time out for that. It’s a bit selfish and condescending to make as if the provider should shoulder all the initial responsibility of getting to/providing a place to host. Someone is going to end up alone or in a worse predicament.

    Case in point: one of the clients I seen the other day, paid a couple guys. I don’t think they asked for deposits: but his story was, he paid one guy $1,000 for the night and only got 2 hours before the guy got “tired”.  He ended up booking with me later on. 

    Overall: The big issue is, clients in 2023 and even particularly in some areas: have become more flakier than ever. Unless a provider works only from home, doesn’t travel or do Outcalls and possibly has another stream of revenue: deposit may not be needed. Or, if you’re in a city or neighborhood where things are relatively within close range…It may also not be required.

    But not every escort has the same situation. Like for me, I often have to travel to the next city or state, FEW STATES away to see clients. I would be foolish to do that without at least mentioning deposits. If when I arrive I have the luxury to be flexible, I won’t. But I also feel it’s fair to require the same standards from all clients, and even hosting a client without asking a deposit: has caused issues for me; guys who pretend they are showing up around noon, and then I book the room an extra night and they don’t show, or people who show up with no/less money than agreed. Even have had walk outs and no pay after offering services.

    The provider is always in the position of carrying the heavier burden, than the client. Even if you stand the chance to lose $50-$100: the provider can be losing $150-$300 per session for every flaky client. Just like for me last month, I counted up about $2,000 in fraudulent bookings, from clients who requested appointments but failed to follow thru. I hope each one gets the karma they deserve…

    80% of my booking are with traveling providers, never once they asked for deposit (to date). Only instance was request from one of the 20% (who is local) and I got scammed. Dude never turn up. I only do outcall so there is never any financial risk for provider to book hotel room etc.

    Separately, I am a bit confused with your method of determining loss. Loss of opportunity (whish is indirect in nature) is not the same with monetary direct loss. The former is highly contestable, but not the latter.

  4. 2 hours ago, TT3690 said:

    Sounds frustrating, but I would never pay up front just to inquire- guys can be very flaky on the provider end as well and when no one else does it, it looks suspicious. If it's worth not dealing with time wasters that's your decision, but you might be shooting yourself in the foot there.

    He is hustling hard, and i can respect that.

    But notwithstanding, I will have to second this view. In a world where majority providers wont or cant provide full and clear information on their service upfront (eg some dont list their rate, or put 'ask me' or do not provide enough info on their 'do and donts'), and now clients are expected to pay just to get that information? Or to check their availability? Hm.....

  5. 3 hours ago, sfhairyman415 said:

    If you haven’t already, let the providers know what your fantasy entails. Get specific.  Does your fantasy include sex and what kind?  Romantic or rough?  If it is a good match, they should let you know. 

    Second this. Better for client to tell provider in detail what they are looking for and ask provider to confirm that they are able to provide.

    From my personal exp, asking provider's 'do and donts' rarely go far, they likely wont provide much details simply bcs they more often than not do a lot of variety of services. So easier to tell then what you want instead.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Anthony said:

    Nobody has provided a resolution. I'm being told to move on and let it go but there's literally no alternative given.  

    That's funny how you mention if I stopped looking at their profile I might move on. Well almost exactly a year ago in December of 2022 is when I found the provider and messaged them only once via email and got no response so I did move on but now they are resurfacing again with new pictures coming from clients that meet with this provider which started up my drive again to hire this provider. When they ignored me this time around, I looked deeper into them and wanted to know why which is how I found the address and other info as well. Honestly, if the provider told me themselves they aren't interested, I would move on but I'm left on a cliffhanger. 

    Let me say my piece one last time. Level me here, make me understand.

    To my understanding, you and them are stranger to each other. Have no prior relationship. You have tried to establish multiple communications but ignored by them. Being ignored, you then dig out their home address with aim to mail them. Others voice their opinion that mailing private residence is one step too far, its a no go. Keep emailing, calling or texting them, after being plainly ignored, are also a no go. 

    So what sort of resolution or alternative you looking for that fit your desire?

    Being stranger, they have no obligations whatsoever towards you. They dont owe you closure or anything at all. You owe it to yourself to find peace with the circumstances you are in.

  7. Just now, Anthony said:

    I need a provider and I am a bit addicted to the pornos he was in but I don't think this is the place to tell someone they need therapy when we are all trying to hire a provider for a deed that could be illegal itself depending on the laws in your area. 

    I am not and will not critise your 'hiring' practice (as I am doing it myself) but i will call out your 'stalking' tendency. Its not the same, and if you cannot see it. I give up. No matter what other say, you will obv find reasons to justify your action.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Anthony said:

    He is actually the only provider in my area which is why I want to communicate with him so badly especially since I know he isn't hundreds of miles away. 

    Just so know address is not private information and is accessible online. Heck even celebrities and pop stars addresses are online. I'm not trying to blow the providers ID but they were once a pornstar. There's literally no other providers in the area and I've been looking for a really long time so when I found the address and noticed they are conveniently  located not to far from me, I got really excited until they didn't respond to any of my messages/calls. 

    Gosh, that's true. I am very obsessed with him! What can I do? 

    Oh yes thats why celeb or pop stars hire private securities.....my friend let me be very blunt you need therapy. This isnt some teen rom com movie/ novel. Wouldnt be funny if you end up with restraining order.

  9. 3 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    They’re probably getting enough business by just being available. No need to do much in the way of customer service. You can assume that if that’s their attitude to the enquiry process their attitude to the massage will be equally diffident. If that’s the case you saved yourself some money and time. Hire guys who answer your questions and who have a professional advert that provides the necessary information. 

    This is a reasonable and practical take. Many providers told me they would more often than not take this approach as they have sufficient existing loyal customers basis and do not mind the posibbility of losing new businesses due to lack of engagement on their end. On that note, i found that they are actually not arrogant and are nice guys irl, their reason to not engage simply driven by business reasonings - they do not care for new clients, whilst they treat their existing clients well.

  10. 4 hours ago, Anthony said:

    There's a provider I'm interested in that doesn't respond to any emails or text messages or phone calls. I have the providers address and the only other way of communication is snail mail. Is it invasive to mail a letter to a provider? Should I mail the letter via USPS or drop it off at their mailbox myself? I'm highly considering it since I'm really interested in the guy and can't get in touch with him any of way. 

    Super curious how in the world you come to have knowledge of a stranger's (yes that provider is a stranger to you (and vice versa you to him) in this instance) resident or mailing address? Surely this info is not something one normally advertise on RM, OF or any other social media. Just based on this alone, your obsession is borderline illegal its called 'stalking'.....not a good look buddy.

    I can understand the need to try to connect to a provider multiple times in case of whatever reasons but surely there is limit to that, norm would suggest 2 or 3 times via published means of communication. If no response, its just not meant to be, move on. I had just got ignored few hours ago by a provider in midst of setting up a session, i guess he got better offer....sent him 2 follow up/reminder texts, still got no response whilst his RM and his WA status show he is online....for me, that was clear response and signal that he is not interested with my business. Life go on, there are literally plethora other providers out there, one hotter than the other.

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