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Posts posted by blck37

  1. IMO, all of providers and we as clients (and yes i am generalising here) lie. Some are of insignificant matters some are not. To the extent said lie is without malice, cause no harms and simply to not disclose certain personal aspect, i see no issues.

    Whilst the act of sex is inately intimate, one not necessarily comfortable to be all open, close and personal. 

  2. Whilst chemistry plays some part in elevating the experience and make job easier for the provider, its business transaction at its core. Like any other profession, a pro provider has a 'business persona' that he sells to his client. You might get a glimpse of his true self overtime but his business persona will be at the front. That is not absolute tho. Have regulars that turn into friends, our intimacy level swifts in and outside of bedroom (ie in or outside of business hours). He often see me for lunch/ dinner free of charge - during these occasions, he trully behave like a friend, no bfe hints just mates hanging out talking bout life and whatnot. But whenever he is on the clock, he swifts and play the bfe part well. Its the small things that changes, that intimate acts that one would normally show only to their partner.

    Other things that many pro providers excel at is off-hour marketing/ customer service eg checking in on you day(s) after play, using pet names, throwing in a freebie here and there in multiple days/ week long hire etc. Tho just like any non-hiring relationship, my believe that one is likely be geniune if they remember (substansial/ personal) things you said even weeks after. 

    There is no reasons why you should care whether he is acting or not. Would he be seeing you (and act they way he did being intimate etc) if monies is off the table - not taking into account those off-hours marketing freebies.  This hopefully would help one grounded in partaking in this hobby.

    That said, whether its an act or not, do not overthink it. Just enjoy the moment. But always always guard your heart - falling for provider is (far) too easy. 

  3. I have conciously avoided this line of question. The provider is there to work, period. The professionals will say and do whatever to make you feel special, notwithstanding how you look. They are there to make monies. Asking them to appraise your physical appearance is just looking to get your ego stroke, and they will stroke it (directly or indirectly) but its all business by the end of the day. Might as well not create an illusion that you are their type and creating unreasonable scenario in your mind. 

    Its imperative to differentiate their 'business persona' and 'casual friend persona'. 

  4. 6 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    I have an Asian friend who has had more than one provider slam the door on him when realizing he wasn’t what they assumed (with abusive commentary, so he knows that’s the reason) 

    Wonder how or why would the race of the client is somewhat important to the provider.....i just cant fathom it. I can see arguement for weight, physical appearance, age or hygine. Just not for race, religion or political belief.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Passionproject said:

    Been with him. Dm me. Happy to give some thoughts. Cliff notes. Pricing structuring is annoying. Flat fee for 90 minutes but lasts 45 at best. He’s aggressive, pure top, and knows how to pound you out. Doesn’t kiss really. Looks like his pics. Nice enough guy and definitely satisfies his bottoms that are looking for what he dishes out. 


  6. 2 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    As a client, I like hiring on long weekends, but that's me - and I'm not afraid to invite providers to my home.

    Big fan of long weekend hiring esp for couple days trip out of city or state. Good for the soul, not so much for bank account lol

  7. On 12/21/2022 at 3:53 AM, garetheast said:

    I wanted to see if providers considered it rude to ask whether they are available on holidays (Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas Eve and day, New Year’s Eve and day, etc.). Not everyone celebrates the same holidays and I don’t celebrate most of them. I’m happy to pay a premium for holiday services. I just don’t want to offend by asking if this is considered inappropriate. 

    Its a business by the end of the day. One wouldnt stop sending work email on holidays - well receipient might not respond but email sent anw.

  8. Agree that photo-reverse search is amazing tool. Plus ask for reference from my regular escort (granted i trust he always gv honest opinion, albeit might be with some agenda - competition and whatnot but he has never lead me astray).

    Cross checking his other socials (OF in particular) is also recc'd - might give you insight on his skills and (actual) sex preference. 

    Trust your gut!

  9. On 5/17/2024 at 12:30 PM, APPLE1 said:

    I think I phrased my question poorly. I completely understand the concepts of making sure they look like what they say the look like, and they they provide a good experience. What I don't understand is how or why I would put a huge effort into trying to determine if they were somehow dangerous simply because I met them ONLINE.

    When guys reference things like hurting, killing, blackmailing, etc., I don't understand why the online introduction puts me in any more danger than taking home a guy I met 10 mins ago in a bar or any other in person setting.

    I sincerely hope this is some sort of social experiment qs or purely for research purposes. 

  10. Met in months ago. Not as ripped as his RM picts but still in shape nonetheless. Play wise, not my cup of tea, wont repeat.

  11. 4 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:


    This is why I don't understand all the "recent experience?" questions in the Deli, when there are reviews provided from 6 months earlier on the same thread.  If a man is going to bareback with a stranger, wouldn't it make sense to look for someone who DOESN'T have any reviews from the past 6 months so maybe that's a sign they've been celibate and their test results might be current?!  For safety, someone shouldn't want to hookup with someone else who has been reviewed in the past month, lest they won't have had time for testing and treatment! 😇

    1. Bold to assume all clients left a review

    2. Safest approach would be stop bareback with escorts or strangers altogether

    3. Hiring is a risky game; bareback and hiring is a conscious choice

  12. 2 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:


    Let me refer you back to the end of my previous message:

    Also, when it's not working out, don't exacerbate being the odd man out.  Ask one or both of them to leave.

    No, you cannot demand them to pay attention to you, but you can end things and save yourself the stress.

    Yeah agree lesson learnt. Me not liking confrontation also plays part in that.

    Told the first guy what i felt next morning, he apologises and wish that i had said something then so he can fix the situation. It was awkward conversation. But hey he did well in the 3s that occur week after and i am seeing him again in 2 weeks time for a 3days trip.

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