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Everything posted by nate_sf

  1. http://www.natebeck.us/graypants.jpg
  2. I dipped my toe into the Daddy identity about eight years ago, when I was in my 40s. I didn't feel quite ready to be a daddy, so used the term "jrdaddy" in my Instagram profile ("jr" being "junior" of course, rather than JR Ewing or something like that). But now I'm over 50, I'm wondering if it's time to drop the "jr" and fully embrace Daddyness. I was talking about this with a masseur I see regularly and he thought I could squeeze a few more years out of "jr" but who knows. We both agreed it's great that daddies are being appreciated, given we're both in the demographic!
  3. Assuming you have an inspection condition in your offer and the timeline for that condition has not lapsed, this is negotiable. Based on what you've described, it sounds like an involved repair that could take several months if done properly and with permits. This is not to say it's not worth it, rather that it is probably not practical to expect the seller to make the repair within the timeframe of the escrow. I'd suggest you get an estimate from a qualified contractor to determine the expected cost of the repair, and use that to negotiate a credit before removing your inspection condition. This is assuming you are not in a competitive bidding situation. If it is competitive, it may not be worth it or able to be resolved. But replacing a retaining wall in a hillside area is not unusual. Over time as soils shift and moisture accumulates (or disappears), these structures fail. So it is not necessarily a cause for huge concern, but it is a significant construction project. In California most residential real estate transactions do not involve an attorney (unlike other states). However, your agent or broker should be able to help navigate this, including suggesting a contractor to get the estimate from, and devising a strategy for negotiating the removal of the inspection condition. That's what they get the big bucks for! But some agents are better with this kind of thing than others.
  4. The sky here in SF continues to be a deep, dark red. We have all the lights on and it feels like it's the middle of the night. Never seen anything like it.
  5. Yes! We had a Brussels Griffon and we joked that she was half dog/half cat since she had a number of cat-like characteristics. People would stop and say "what is that thing" and I'd say she was a kitty dog. She was completely insane and I loved her. She also appeared to have nine lives, as she cheated death so many times, each time to be resurrected from near-death.
  6. I'm optimistic that something will rise from the ashes, but I'm not sure what. But being here in the Bay Area since the 80s, I've seen a few downturns where everything went to shit, but then came the slow recovery years and those were the most interesting. The 90s were great, but also those were also my prime young adult years so maybe I'm not entirely objective. Once commercial rents drop, people can experiment with new business concepts, and if rents are reasonable enough they have that flexibility at least for a while. Then the economy starts perking up again, rents rise, gentrification sets in and things get fancier but less funky. Unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better as more and more businesses fail from the pandemic, but for better or for worse that will create opportunities for others down the road. Maybe not bars like we've know them, but hopefully something fun and interesting.
  7. When I was escorting regularly I had enough clients tell me I looked better in person than my photos that it made me think about getting better photos. Initially I thought they were just trying to be nice, but then I looked at my photos with a critical eye and realized they were really pretty lousy. This was a while back, when camera phones were not as good as they are now, so the difference between selfies and pro photos was probably more significant than they'd be now. But it can be hard to part with a good favorite photo, especially a favorite pro photo. I think 2-3 years is a reasonable timeframe, and/or does the photo still look fully representative in terms of face and body. I think the appearance of younger guys can change a lot between early 20s, late 20s, and 30s as they mature so there is probably shorter shelf life for photos. When guys get into their late 30s and 40s provided they stay in shape, their appearance may change less dramatically over the course of a few years. But a guy in his 40s using a photo from his 20s or early 30s seems like it would be a stretch.
  8. Welcome! Great photos and profile. Glad to have you join us.
  9. This morning I Googled "Gymshark" and had a look at the website. Now Gymshark ads are showing up in my Facebook feed. It's like magic!
  10. nate_sf


    I find this piece especially troubling. I don’t think it was an innocent exchange, it was a warning. You may already be on people’s radar and neither of you need that kind of gossip. Flirting is fun, exhilarating and gives you those butterflies but sometimes it’s best to leave it there. Enjoy the thrill but I agree with the others, don’t push it any further.
  11. Maybe he tried to text you on the number he had for you and hadn’t understood it’s a landline. He might be thinking “why didn’t he respond to my text?”
  12. Another approach could be to mention you noticed the polished nails and ask him if his nails are always like that, or just occasionally. Maybe a bit less confrontational, and in the follow up you can express your preference for natural nails.
  13. I have a couple of Instagram accounts, and invariably the first choice for the username was already taken. For one, I took my preferred username and added a number to it, for the other I added “SF” to it.
  14. nate_sf

    SF Spas?

    Yes, that was my experience too. Fun times!
  15. From what I've been reading, rents are dropping in historically expensive cities like New York and San Francisco, but have been rising in other places. This from an article I saw the other day: The trend spreads nationally, according to Zumper, which claims a majority of the 10 most expensive cities became less expensive over the month, including New York City, Boston, Los Angeles and Oakland. Meanwhile, rents in less expensive cities across the country are increasing, leading to a compression which the Zumper report claims is fueled partially by the rise in remote work amid the pandemic. “The result of the above two effects is a ‘squeezing’ of the price distribution of rentals across the country as historically expensive cities become cheaper and historically cheaper cities become more expensive,” said the report. “This effect has continued to accelerate this month as COVID-19 persists on and more Americans are opting for cheaper places to live while working from home or away from their offices.” So unfortunately, if local demand for rentals is rising, landlords and property managers will become more selective and demanding of prospective tenants. So it would not be your imagination if that's what you're experiencing, but that's little consolation!
  16. ABBA Voulez-Vous tour at the ASU Activity Center. I was 10 years old and the entire family went.
  17. For those concerned about their graying chest hair, Just For Men Mustache & Beard can help with that. And it doesn't look ridiculous.
  18. My suggestion would be to get in touch through Facebook and let him know you're gay. It gives a reason for getting in touch and can be a bonding experience. If things go along OK, then ask him if he's on Insta (even though you already know that) or mention that you follow him there. This would give him an opportunity to share his sexier side, but would also allow him to put up a boundary if he's not wanting to go there. I would not mention you'd seen the Rentmen ad. Different guys have different ways of compartmentalizing these things and it's hard to know what kind of reaction there could be, but it could be bad. Having been an escort and having done porn myself, there were a few instances where people from college told me they'd seen my videos. In one instance it was OK and we laughed about it (and then he invited me to a sex party at his house!), but with another the way he approached it was unnerving. I'd like to think I'm level-headed and knew what I was signing up for, but was surprised how I felt in the one instance.
  19. Yes, I'm guessing shaving his head had probably been something the client had already been contemplating so did not complain. I know when I shaved mine, I had been thinking to myself about it for a long time, but it wasn't until a friend suggested it and offered to do it with his clippers that I took the plunge.
  20. Same here, it was definitely the preferred look in the 90s. I ordered a Nair-like thing through International Male, it was basically Nair for men. Real pain to maintain, so happy when hairy began to come back in style. As for my own preference, I lean towards hairy but it really depends on the guy.
  21. I started going bald in my 20s and first opted for one of the "systems." It was a disaster... not only did it look like a wig (and people said so to my face!), it was uncomfortable as hell. The hair was magnificently thick, but that further added to the ridiculousness since my natural hair is fine texture. Plus once installed, they did the inevitable upsell saying I needed to get a second "system" for when the first was being deep cleaned. Given that my natural hair was never great to begin with, I've been much happier since clipping it, and ultimately shaving it. Now I use something called Headblade that looks like a little car, basically a razorblade on wheels. It works really well for a close shave, with minimal cuts. As some may know, my husband was also an escort, though unlike me he specialized in domination. He had a regular client who had a combover, and in one session he tied the guy to a chair, took out a razor, and shaved the combover off. Though the guy was initially shocked and probably not very happy, the next time they saw each other he said it was the best thing ever and could not thank my guy enough.
  22. My favorite nude beach around here is San Gregorio on the San Mateo coast (the private beach, not the state beach). If you like solitude, it's got it in spades. (Though if you like company, its got that too.) http://www.natebeck.us/IMG_20200620_070607_657.jpg
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