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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. This really the answer for everything. The theory of everything if you will. Not 42! 😂
  2. @DrownedBoy, I’m guessing “liking” each other was an assumption on my part. Even still, how devoted to the time paid for should an escort be expected to be?
  3. I also appreciate in a lot of other cultures from America, and Great Britain to a lesser degree, the question “how are you” is expecting an answer, with details. It’s an actual question. I have adopted that approach in my life. If I don’t care or don’t want to listen to a wellbeing account, I don’t ask.
  4. Likely. Actually, most definitely. I’m a mere 8 on the scale. I’m sure you’re sporting a 9, maybe 9.5! 😂
  5. @Jason Dutch, that’s because you’re a Philly man. And all that jawn. 😂
  6. It flummoxes me that we have some here who are asking, effectively, “how low can he go” to pull off the lie, rather than saying “he shouldn’t lie at all.”
  7. Purportedly a client pays for time when he hires an escort. That amount of time is decided before the meet, in most cases, I'm sure. It might change during, but on the whole, the duration of the meet is normally figured out before client and escort meet. It seems that 1-hr meetups would occupy the whole time the escort is with the client. Push in. Pull out. Go. Or whatever thing is agreed upon during the hour. I don't know what all you-all's warped fantasies and activities are! But for longer times together, how is "time" approached. If a client hires an escort for a weekend, say, what is the reasonable expectation for a client to have for an escort to dedicate to focussing on the weekend? What is the opinion of clients and escorts here about doing "business" while with a client who's paying for a weekend? How about phone time? I had a regular who continued his day job while we went away on vacation to Hawaii for a few days. He would do work meetings while we were out. That was a relationship that soured over time, but I think in part because he wasn't committed to the escort time. I accommodated it for a while, but eventually I just didn't book him anymore. I didn't like paying for his time when he spent a lot of it doing work for his daytime job. But I also recognize that if it's a 72-hr meetup, we're both going to need some time to check phones, maybe laptops, whatever. It doesn't need to be a sustained 72-hrs of interaction. That's simply silly to think for anyone, client-escort or anyone else hanging out with anyone for that matter. I suspect that escorts who were with me for multiple-day BFE were doing work with other clients while we were together. Is it fair for the client to put in their add "unavailable" during a multiple-day BFE? I'm assuming that some clients who might message to discuss a booking them won't message during that period if the "unavailable" is up, but then of course there's those who just don't care. Some employers don't want you doing anything else on "company time" other than "company work." Why does or why doesn't that same idea apply to multiple-day meetups with clients and escorts, in your opinion? I ask that of hirers and hirees here. I mean this for a conversation...not criticism or lecturing.
  8. Fascinating. “Gig” suggests organized to me. Do sex workers, including escorts/whores, explicitly participate in the (un)official alliance of “giggers?”
  9. I go for bombastic congeniality to undo the expectation of faked Victorian moralitude. No one expects anything from me but the craziesr-within-the-reasonable.
  10. Maybe I’ll start a faceless, one-pic ad with a single word in the description on RM “findom” so all the guys who want a rush to pay someone for nothing can pay me! 😂
  11. I applaud you. I feel like a lot of escorts aren’t invested enough to actually remember this stuff for the duration of a weekend while with me, let alone create a formal record of it!
  12. Pointless insofar as even having a site include in an ad. I can understand why some otherwise honest escorts would “embellish” (creative reframing of “lying,” there), but if dishonesty is a known factor and the info is simply overlooked because it’s assumed to be dishonest, then it’s really a moot point from the moment when the gun goes off. It’s as useful as the “ask me” response. Maybe RM ought to start including a field for blood type.
  13. I hire for BFE sessions that usually go a few days. I like to know a bit about the guy before we meet (beyond the RM generic ad info) before spending days with a guy. I also (delusionally) think a guy could pick up on some things about me before we actually meet. Texting works well for that. To me, for a BFE, getting to know each other a little is part of the prep for the meetup. I don’t want to pay a guy to sit for 30 minutes while I prep in the shower for a 1-hr session. I don’t want to spend 16 hrs out out of 48 getting to know each other.
  14. I hate those interactions because I won’t lie. If you want a pleasantry, don’t ask a question.
  15. I find it fascinating that most the concerns and comments are much more about the physical looks of some because of age, and maturity and “values” of someone are much more indifferent irrespective of age.
  16. News flash… Lying isn’t okay. We just accept it as inevitable in certain circumstances when we’re thinking with our little head…
  17. Wow. I’m surprised that 5% are women…That seems high to me.
  18. Some of it depends what you’re in the mood for too. Do you want a mature guy or a frisky youngin? I’ve done both. I’ve found the guys my age think sometimes we’re chummy and I really don’t like chummy in real life relationships. Young guys tend to be more selfish than older guys in my experience but by virtue of our age difference they subconsciously don’t attempt to identify with me the same way older guys do. That’s more interesting, but the immaturity and narcissism can be annoying.
  19. @Jamie21, if you don’t mind sharing, how many clients do you see a month? Are certain days feast and certain days famine? What about times of the day? I’m curious about the hard data. At my work, we were concerned that engagement was down last calendar year over the previous year – until we looked at the data. What felt like a negative change was actually a positive change of 3.9%. The data bore that out. If we relied on our impressions though, we would’ve thought engagement was down, not up. I think some of that’s important when we talk about escorting as a business, particularly in prices and frequency of hires. Who’s a repeat? How often compared to before? Duration? How many new hires compared to the past? What might be the explanation for that? This is where my corporate administrative mind starts chugging… 😂
  20. For me, age less about looks or anything physical or sexual. I look at it and (perhaps unfairly) make assumptions about personality based off it. But I’m also looking for something beyond plug in and pull out. I do several days at a time. A guy my age will provide a different BFE than a 21-yo
  21. The above was from @DWnyc For escorts primarily: how many of you keep records in a systematic way of hires? If so, what sort of info do you record? How do you keep track? Especially you guys where this is your job…do you do analysis at the end of the month etc. on how things went? What needs tweaking?
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