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  1. Like
    DWnyc reacted to Jamie21 in What typically happens in a four hands massage?   
    I’ve done 4 hands for clients many times, even a couple of 6 hands. First thing to say is it’s expensive because you’ve hired two masseurs. 
    I do it with a few other masseurs who I trust and who I like working with. It’s a better experience for the client if you work with someone you’re compatible with so if you’re a client booking a 4 hands choose a masseur you like and then ask him to pick the other guy (or masseuse depending on what you like!). 
    I did a 2 hour 4 hands session recently for a guy. It was with a masseur I know (we have similar styles) and we worked head / feet ends and side by side at various times. Overall I think it worked fine and the client loved it but in general most 4 hands last an hour and progress quickly because the client tends to not want much massage. They want fun with two guys so it usually develops into more of an escort session very quickly. 
    I’d recommend that better value for money is had by getting a 2 hand massage. There’s too much going on with a 4 hands, it’s difficult to relax into it and unless the 2 masseurs are super coordinated it can feel disjointed. 
    I once did a 10 hands, not for a paying client - it was with friends. The guy on the table was anxious about it. I think my friend who had arranged it was keen to do it and had talked the body (the recipient) into it, but he found it difficult to lay there and get massaged by 5 guys. 

    There simply wasn’t enough room around the table and everyone was doing different things in different ways. You couldn’t call it a massage, it was a group grope session. The poor guy couldn’t get hard and had to stop after half hour. He got dressed and left!
    More hands definitely doesn’t make a better massage. I think the law of diminishing returns comes in after two hands. 

  2. Applause
    DWnyc got a reaction from tenderloin in Extortion by NYC escort   
    Congrats on handling this well - for your safety foremost, and to minimize financial damage.
    I am frankly sick and tired of hearing providers complaining about clients wasting their time and why this means they need to charge deposits (with paper trail), or require electronic payments or photo for security etc - I would have even a tiny bit of sympathy if the legitimate concerns on the client side were acknowledged, just once.
    The worst I ever faced so far (touch wood) was leaving my wallet in someone’s apartment and texting him as soon as I left when I realized, and him letting me back into his apt but then demanding 1 hr $ for the “trouble” I caused him. When I said I don’t have the cash he replied “I just checked and you do”. I’m sure he photographed my drivers license while he was at it. I did get my wallet back and paid him what he asked and was glad to be done with him and leave as soon as I could. Apparently he had a track record of this type of stuff and disappeared from the site shortly after.
    The good news is there was no further damage - nothing on my credit card, no harassment to my address etc and I’m sure it will be the same for you. He would probably be easy to track down and he’s likely betting that a few instances of low volume extortion will pay off with larger / repeat scale becoming problematic. 
  3. Applause
    DWnyc reacted to + FrankR in Extortion by NYC escort   
    The whole discussion around allegations that the provider is “illegal” is off track. Can we please get back to the extortion discussion? 🤔
  4. Agree
    DWnyc got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Text/Phone   
    The question is what are you seeking from the phone call especially if 5-7 mins - that’s a long time! - 7% of an hourly session! A provider would likely say I can answer whatever questions he has in a few texts and if there’s more he’s too much work!
    See the discussions constantly on here with providers complaining that even a couple of texts back and forth with potential clients drive them Nuts when added up over the day. 
    While I’ve met a couple of providers who actually insist on a call before meeting (likely to “sound me out” for temperament) I’ve found most express a strong preference for text which has always made sense to me - for efficiency and discretion. 
    Culturally I think we have moved away from calls to texts in most admin comms and I’d say good luck finding providers willing to invest the 5-7 mins you think it will take. 
  5. Agree
    DWnyc got a reaction from Deadlift1 in Extortion by NYC escort   
    Congrats on handling this well - for your safety foremost, and to minimize financial damage.
    I am frankly sick and tired of hearing providers complaining about clients wasting their time and why this means they need to charge deposits (with paper trail), or require electronic payments or photo for security etc - I would have even a tiny bit of sympathy if the legitimate concerns on the client side were acknowledged, just once.
    The worst I ever faced so far (touch wood) was leaving my wallet in someone’s apartment and texting him as soon as I left when I realized, and him letting me back into his apt but then demanding 1 hr $ for the “trouble” I caused him. When I said I don’t have the cash he replied “I just checked and you do”. I’m sure he photographed my drivers license while he was at it. I did get my wallet back and paid him what he asked and was glad to be done with him and leave as soon as I could. Apparently he had a track record of this type of stuff and disappeared from the site shortly after.
    The good news is there was no further damage - nothing on my credit card, no harassment to my address etc and I’m sure it will be the same for you. He would probably be easy to track down and he’s likely betting that a few instances of low volume extortion will pay off with larger / repeat scale becoming problematic. 
  6. Hide Eyes
    DWnyc got a reaction from mltn in Two escorts that "only" work together.....isnt that "dangerous"?   
    Reminded me of a bizarre experience: 
    As a provider takes me up to his hotel room he asks “do you like groups?” And while opening door the I see he has a friend there … I say I’m not donating more than agreed and I’m told the other guy is free as they’re sharing a room and it’s late and he has nowhere else to go. I ran out claiming I felt ill and it was nothing to do with them (my gut said this was weird and scary so get out without angering them). I got abusive texts the whole night saying I owed him double the amount discussed (for 2 people).
  7. Like
    DWnyc reacted to Luv2play in Extortion by NYC escort   
    The only illegal in the United States that I have ever known to be such was a white Israeli lad who overstayed his tourist visa and got hooked up with an older man.
    They wintered in Miami and lived somewhere in Connecticut. Very hot guy and we had a roll in the sack. He couldn't work or drive since he had no drivers license or green card. I thought his life was very restricted. Oh he also couldn't read English but could speak it.
  8. Like
    DWnyc reacted to Jamie21 in Text/Phone   
    Texts can be answered when you have time, and discreetly if in company. Calls (unless a time for them is planned) are often made when you can’t answer because you’re with someone or in the middle of something and you can’t speak openly.
     I prefer my clients text or message me on WhatsApp. If they want a call it needs to be pre-arranged so I can take it somewhere quiet. Also I’ve found that clients who want to call sometimes are just looking for sex chat. They deny it but then ask questions like “what will you do to me?” etc. I have to say that I don’t do sex chat calls. This is why most guys prefer arrangements to be made by text. 
  9. Agree
    DWnyc got a reaction from + jessmapex in Extortion by NYC escort   
    To say someone is “probably an illegal” isn’t referring to the nature of the work (and that would apply to all providers without a qualifier as in the statement).
    “Illegal” as a description of someone is typically understood to be someone undocumented per US immigration law … but I doubt most who use the term know about the different categories of immigrants (including the legal ones) … or that there are in fact many Caucasian “illegals” (including a couple of providers I have met from places like Ireland and NZ - but that’s another story for another day 😊) 
  10. Like
    DWnyc reacted to pubic_assistance in 411 on Jared_Cross in NYC   
    I would imagine that for most everyone the first time isn't going to be on script.
    Navigating any human interaction takes experience and there's always unexpected events.
     You either take the session as your provider wishes, or you spell out a "blow by blow".
    After a few meets you will find someone who checks all the boxes. This sounds like a good start, even if it wasn't perfection. Better luck next time !
  11. Surprised
    DWnyc got a reaction from JUWS in AceReady   
    The profile was gone when I clicked on reading the first post … now it seems to be back logged in 15 mins ago 
  12. Like
    DWnyc reacted to robberbaron4u in AceReady   
    Certainly, a valid observation.
  13. Agree
    DWnyc got a reaction from + Mrprofessional in Extortion by NYC escort   
    Just as a caveat, there are plenty of providers with excellent reviews online and good anecdotal feedback here where I (and others I know) have experienced bad / potentially scary things.
    So take the precautions always, even when a provider seems totally legit, and remember there might be a very slippery slope from a provider’s good day to a bad one. Not maligning all or anywhere near most providers - but it just has to be a couple to ruin interaction for all of us. 
  14. Agree
    DWnyc got a reaction from Luv2play in AceReady   
    Not everyone has the luxury of time or budget for this level of diligence, though 
  15. Like
    DWnyc reacted to CuriousByNature in Extortion by NYC escort   
    This sounds horrendous and very scary for you.  Is there a link to this individual so others can be on guard?
    Regardless, this will NOT destroy you, no matter how you are feeling at this moment.  Try to stay strong and remember that he is breaking the law by extorting you.  Wishing you much peace and comfort.
  16. Like
    DWnyc reacted to pubic_assistance in Extortion by NYC escort   
    The only reason Escorts are able to extort money out of people is the sense that you won't go to the police and admit that you hired an escort in the first place.
    This is why I always suggest that on a first meet. Ask for a massage.
    Massage work is perfectly legal, and priced more cheaply. If you like the guy after a simple massage session and you know they also escort, then you have a relationship already established and any sexual connections in your future are a matter of two consenting adults agreeing to meet for some fun.
    Don't let this event freak you out about trying again. Just change your strategies and never have them meet in your apartment or hotel room. Always meet outside to confirm that it's the same person you were engaging online.
    Good luck.
  17. Like
    DWnyc reacted to excelntsvc in Extortion by NYC escort   
    years ago i had a hotel episode witha  provider who wanted to double his fee ... when his threats escalated, I picked up the phone and called security ... he took out like a bat out of hell .... in your circumstance, I'd simply have called the cops ... that alone would have sent him running ... giving him access to your private info is scary ... if something further happens, call the police and deal with it
  18. Like
    DWnyc reacted to BuffaloKyle in Extortion by NYC escort   
    Do not give him any more money! I 100% guarantee if you do he'll ask for more then again.
  19. Sad
    DWnyc got a reaction from pubic_assistance in AceReady   
    The profile was gone when I clicked on reading the first post … now it seems to be back logged in 15 mins ago 
  20. Like
    DWnyc reacted to Thelatin in Extortion by NYC escort   
    Sorry to hear this.  If it helps, I’ve been trolled by a disgruntled x more than you could ever imagine.  Every obscene accusation under the sun.  He’s created fake accounts trolling me on honestly every digital platform you can imagine.  Guess what…..nobody cares.   People are busy with their own lives and problems.
  21. Surprised
    DWnyc got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Extortion by NYC escort   
    Congrats on handling this well - for your safety foremost, and to minimize financial damage.
    I am frankly sick and tired of hearing providers complaining about clients wasting their time and why this means they need to charge deposits (with paper trail), or require electronic payments or photo for security etc - I would have even a tiny bit of sympathy if the legitimate concerns on the client side were acknowledged, just once.
    The worst I ever faced so far (touch wood) was leaving my wallet in someone’s apartment and texting him as soon as I left when I realized, and him letting me back into his apt but then demanding 1 hr $ for the “trouble” I caused him. When I said I don’t have the cash he replied “I just checked and you do”. I’m sure he photographed my drivers license while he was at it. I did get my wallet back and paid him what he asked and was glad to be done with him and leave as soon as I could. Apparently he had a track record of this type of stuff and disappeared from the site shortly after.
    The good news is there was no further damage - nothing on my credit card, no harassment to my address etc and I’m sure it will be the same for you. He would probably be easy to track down and he’s likely betting that a few instances of low volume extortion will pay off with larger / repeat scale becoming problematic. 
  22. Like
    DWnyc reacted to + DrownedBoy in Contacting Client for Repeat   
    Yes. There's been a sharp uptick in new providers in my area. At the same time, fewer and fewer guys are asking for more than 300 (or 350 if they're in high demand).
    (even better - some of the new providers are actually professional enough to work with!)
    This economy defies general understanding. Some economists say that it looks like we'll get out of this without a recession. But what I see in reality (including my workspace) shows the exact opposite.
  23. Like
    DWnyc reacted to NJF in Age Limits?   
    I doubt that there are enough under 40 clients out there, and the providers who restrict themselves to such unicorns would last long in the business.
  24. Haha
    DWnyc reacted to studchaser in Hiring straight guys   
  25. Sad
    DWnyc got a reaction from pubic_assistance in 411 on Jared_Cross in NYC   
    Not unheard of for providers to suddenly express panic / fake disappointment at what might have been etc as the one hour mark approaches while getting ready to rush you out  … with an option to extend at your choosing with a more leisurely and satisfying conclusion 
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