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Posts posted by DWnyc

  1. On 2/9/2023 at 8:58 AM, JUWS said:

    I remember all of those, haha! And maybe the TS closer to Herald Square that you mention was K-Town Sauna west 32nd I think?🤷‍♂️    And the Roosevelt Ave. I don't know. Thank god there's one I never went to 🤣🤭

    Apparently the flushing and Roosevelt Ave ones were popular pit stops for cabin crew from JFK and La Guardia between shifts - without having to come all the way into Manhattan 



    2 hours ago, MscleLovr said:

    Quite right @JUWS 

    Tho Bette never sang there(at least, not to my knowledge), I had forgotten St Marks - in its heyday, it was hugely popular. I didn't use the Baths (as quick, anonymous sex never worked for me) but a nervous friend asked me to go with him - to my surprise, that evening I met separately 2 guys who also worked on Wall St then.

    I wonder if the one on Wall Street itself was a place to get deals done! 


  3. On 2/9/2023 at 11:23 AM, pubic_assistance said:

    Great photos.

    It's interesting that his RM Reviews start in the middle of the pandemic in 2020.

    I think most people were still isolating while he was busy spreading Covid.

    Don’t know him, but to be fair, he may have already had it and thought that made him immune (as many did at that time) 

  4. 11 hours ago, Enronnja said:

    One was quoting 350 yet there he is giving it away for free on Sniffies.

    Well if looking to hook up (ie for free) he may have more selective criteria for a meet.

    And providers are often lurking in the online dating apps with the link to their RM site ready to go if one doesn’t get the hint in the back and forth on what they’re really there for. 

  5. I don’t negotiate (unless it’s about extra time or something once initial appointment is underway).

    However I’ve found a polite no after a high quote is often followed by the request for a negotiation or the offer of a discount.

    My favorite recent one:

    - starts at $500 (around 10am) - my “no” is followed by a series of “i Know my worth, I have no problem finding quality clients who have the means etc”

    - goes down to $350 (around 2pm)

    - goes down to $250 (around 8pm)

    - text in the middle of the night, “I really need this appointment and think so do you, $150 if you can get here in the next hour”


  6. Reminded me of a bizarre experience: 

    As a provider takes me up to his hotel room he asks “do you like groups?” And while opening door the I see he has a friend there … I say I’m not donating more than agreed and I’m told the other guy is free as they’re sharing a room and it’s late and he has nowhere else to go. I ran out claiming I felt ill and it was nothing to do with them (my gut said this was weird and scary so get out without angering them). I got abusive texts the whole night saying I owed him double the amount discussed (for 2 people).



  7. 16 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    You've named a bunch of locations, but haven't named the venue. 

    I am not expert but I have sniffed around for action more than once, and I've never heard of any additional bath houses. Not since the Continental (that's the 72/Bwy you mention) closed decades ago ( when I was a child ) The Flushing and Roosevelt locations may be indicating the Korean Spas, not gay saunas. As far as Times Square, and Harlem, I have no idea what you're referring to.

    Challenge accepted ;)

    Didn’t know the names of the venues but had a mental picture in my earlier post. 

    Here are some random references from a quick internet search.

    1. Wall Street Sauna


    2. Mount Morris Baths (Harlem)


    3. Northern Men’s Sauna (Flushing)

    https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/saunas/northamerica/usa/newyork/nyc/12493_Northern Men's Sauna

    4. El Mirage on East Houston


    Roosevelt Ave and Times Sq will need more research … a friend I asked about them after I was drawing a blank said the TSQ location was actually closer to Herald Square / west 30s. And the one I called Roosevelt Ave was actually on one of the large cross streets.

  8. Don’t know anything about those on your list but I note they are mostly “versatile” or “versatile top”.

    I’m sure I’ve seen several discussions on this subject here so apologies to those who don’t like repeats, but given what you say is your criteria aren’t you better off filtering for someone who describes himself only as “top”?


  9. 2 hours ago, Jim_n_NYC said:

    I had looked at them but something put me off opening an account.  Can't remember why...I should really keep a list. 🤓

    I just did a quick search on customer reviews … apparently difficult to resolve any problems and you can never get hold of anyone, very long wait times on phone and for email query responses, maybe they can offer higher interest only by having minimal infrastructure 

  10. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    When was that ? The 60s ?

    Ha I think it would have been double digits then

    this is mid / late 2000s

    let’s see from memory:

    1. west side club

    2. east side (the one we’re talking about in the thread)


    4. flushing,

    5. Roosevelt av,

    6. Wall Street,

    7. el mirage or something like that on Houston 

    8. somewhere near Times Square 

    I didn’t say they were good and I certainly didn’t experience them all - but they’d always be listed in the magazines (remember hard copy) available to promote events 

    I have a friend who bought an apartment in a building near 72/Broadway that was the site of one of the famous ones (Bette milder used to sing there?) but then we really are going back in time 

  11. I have a couple of theories,  not just about Euro but about some providers more generally.

    First, that some providers see their job as simply being paid to be with people they would hook up with anyway (or could tolerate in their most horny / desperate moments). So they reject people who don’t fit their selection criteria and the financial aspect (a client baffled at why being willing to pay they can’t be with the provider) turns into a lack of respect given all this (“how could you possibly think I’d be interested in you” etc). See the discussion elsewhere last month on providers asking for photos before confirming appointments and possible reasons for that. 

    The other theory (with absolutely no judgement towards anyone on these matters) is about drug / alcohol use and who does how much and does it affect them either long term, or does a client just catch a provider when they’re in a bad state. Socially I’ve seen people typically “normal” who exhibit paranoia, aggression, vindictiveness … followed by no memory or extreme regret and apologies - that part we don’t see in a transactional one off interaction. 

  12. I should add I’ve received offers a couple of times.

    First, in my late teens from an affluent elderly widower in our town - my reaction was one of rage and disgust, and I now really regret this since I didn’t have the empathy for him I might have now - he wasn’t threatening and just trying to see if something was possible and I remember him tearing up when I reacted badly to his proposal.

    The second time was in my late twenties from a married-with-kids senior colleague offering arrangements when he traveled for work - where my bigger worry was do I get fired if I turn him down - it seemed really awkward and confusing and I dealt with it by hiding.

    Most recently from someone much younger than me (maybe mid 20s) who just feels lonely and inexperienced and terrified of “the scene”. I think I’ve finally got the hang of all this - am not into him at all, and I let him down very gently citing how his life will be so much better in the long run if he chooses another way to approach this ideally with someone closer to his age, or seek someone more “professional” (told him to look at RM and have offered advice he wants to go down that route).

    I’m definitely on the naive side in these matters and I wonder if I’ve missed other situations including where I though people were hitting on me a bit too aggressively but were actually making a financial proposition. 

    Given how exceedingly average I am (maybe I’m a nice guy and approachable if that has any relevance) I can see how the more obvious targets could have a flood of offers from those with the means and feeling the need. 

  13. Just as clients sometimes forget they’re with someone who is only with them because of the transaction, I think some providers can blur lines between a paid engagement and a hookup in real life in their

    Providers are typically at the top end of the desirability scale (a key criteria for being in the business) and can sometimes act like they’re being approached by someone way beneath them (as they define it) at a club or online when the potential client questions start. And this can continue after the session, where they may lose potential recurring revenue because of the pattern repeating. 

  14. This discussion has been like watching a very badly scripted soap opera episode and then all of us sitting down together to discuss our feelings on the (lacking in credibility) storyline we just saw

    i feel like we established we are all nice people who don’t like treating each other unfairly.

    So the world is a better place 

    and a note to the OP - try a little harder with your bait next time? 

  15. 2 hours ago, BaronArtz said:

    Interesting.  Lately, I have been receiving more solicitations from escorts and masseurs I hired before, with discount offers.  That didn't happen before.

    Me too as I shared earlier. 

    I presume cost of living increases affecting the whole economy including rent and hotels are really biting.

    I’ve heard providers use words like “desperate” about their situation (eg when really pushing for an extra hour or repeat session) which I never have before (when typically it was more bravado, do you want more time? take it or leave it, I turn people away I’m so much in demand etc). Re-engaging former clients to jazz up revenue, including with special offers, makes sense in every other service provider business so why not this.


  16. 51 minutes ago, Archbishop said:

    I’ve had a few providers ask me to move my appointment last minute so they could accommodate another client. It didn’t bother me. Why should it!

    It should bother you as a client’s time is also valuable and should be respected. If it is really a last minute cancelation you may have arranged other things before and after so you could make that time, spent time preparing, spent money and time commuting to the meeting place etc so it would be extremely odd that you claim it didn’t bother you. 

    whether or not you’re real (many here rightly doubt you’re reporting on a real situation) and for whatever purpose you’re enabling discussion of pertinent issues. In this specific exchange - the issue being that a clients time is also important. 

    And I’m waiting for the plug for a specific escort (maybe the one you allegedly wronged) / your online business / link to your payment site etc at some point 😃 

  17. 8 hours ago, Reisr30 said:

     From time to time I have had a companion push to not use a condom and I politely decline;  I have always found that request odd specially when I am the one hiring and up front I outline only safe...

    I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve traded messages before meeting on this issue and the provider will either

    1) make it clear they prefer bare, plauknt safe may affect their performance and I can’t complaint if it doesn’t work for them etc

    2) refuse flat out - will only accept the appointment if we agree on bare, “I'm on prep you have nothing to worry about” etc 

    And in person I’ve experienced those who agreed on safe beforehand but really try to change that upon meeting. It’s the full BFE lol - “don’t you trust me? Don’t you like me? Dont you want it as much as I do …” etc etc 

    I discussed this with one provider who said in addition to it making it harder to … stay harder … there’s an assumption that clients asking for safe really do want it bare, and the request is some fetish where they want that overturned etc

    I’ve also been stunned that some providers don’t have condoms with them (but have every toy, outfit, party consumable you can think of)

    And these are all folks who say they offer safe on their profiles (else I wouldn’t be engaging with them).

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