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Posts posted by LookingAround

  1. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Although I agree he's a handsome man and his height wouldn't make him less so....he IS advertising as a top and I know I've never been with anyone shorter than me who I wanted to bottom for.  I tried it once with an old b.f. in my younger years. He was 5'-7" and a bottom. One night he decided he wanted to fuck me. I laughed the whole time...it was so ridiculous. Like being fucked by a mouse. 🐁 We broke up soon after. He was a bit humiliated but I couldn't help myself. It was just too ridiculous.

    Charming as ever

  2. 8 hours ago, IamAdamRose said:

    No way in hell would i go with a client to a bathhouse 🤢🤢…. & nothing against bathhouses, i just dont think i’d wanna be seen with a client there


  3. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I forget sometimes that Americans often take things very literal with the word "you". I meant that as a general "you". I thought that was clear 

    Perhaps I should have used the antique variation - "If "one's " standards are low.

    Attempting to lecture a portion of your audience will not score you any points or elevate your position. It isn’t convincing. 

  4. On 3/31/2023 at 8:50 AM, Mrprofessional said:

    He claims that he’s “retired” from “massages” and he’s currently living outside the US.

    historically speaking: Yes he could be unreliable but when he was on and available….it was super hot. 😀

    Why do you say he “claims?” You don’t believe him?

  5. 2 minutes ago, ttm269 said:

    I think you are missing a point too. I’m not upset by the fact he doesn’t offer a 30 min rate. Like I said, I have had some providers say they don’t offer 30 mins. Totally fine. My issue was with the way he responded (with the whole $60…10 mins comment). He could’ve ignored or responded in a more decent way. Nothing wrong with being kind and professional in the way you communicate with people. It’s common human decency. Seems to me like you all are excusing his toxicity by chastising me for asking an innocent question. 

    You’re missing the point. He responded as he did because you came across as cheap the way you approached a well known and popular in demand escort with the first words out of your mouth being “Do you have a 30 minute rate?” You’re missing the point here. Read others’ posts above and try to get it. 

  6. 1 minute ago, ttm269 said:

    We clearly have different experiences. I have hired many providers for 30 mins on first-time. And in my experience, many providers usually have rates for 30 mins. Of course, there are a few who say at least an hour. If he said it was 300 for 30 mins, I would still pay it! I just wanted to know his rate for 30 mins, whatever it was. I ask for 30 mins for my first time with any provider because personally, I think an hour is too much. With time, when I’ve had multiple experiences with the same provider and we have great chemistry, I then request an hour or more with them because I’ve formed a connection and would love to spend more time with them. I’m never comfortable spending a whole hour with someone for the first we meet. Just my personal preference. And again, there are many well-experienced providers who I’ve spent 30 mins with. 

    Well now you have feedback that — especially to a well known escort who presumably is in demand — that comes across as cheap and asking for a discount. I’m surprised he even responded to you. 

  7. On 3/21/2023 at 9:21 PM, LostUpstate said:

    It’s still going on, I went to the event on Sunday about a year and a half ago. I’d say there were about 80 guys there, some really hot ones, too. I subscribe to their email list so I stay up to date with the latest news. Tuesdays are no longer happening since Paddles closed but they’re looking for a new location. People want an event during the week after work, it attracts a different crowd. Some say Sundays are hotter than Tuesdays, but I’ve had a good time at both. I remember the events on Thursdays like 20 years ago at J’s Hangout in the Meatpacking District and those were amazing. 

    They’re still checking for proof of vaccination so I haven’t been in a while. I don’t want to lose or damage my vaccination card, and I deleted the NY State app from my ancient iPhone 7, because I needed the storage for other things. 

    They recently had an anniversary party earlier this year, and in the email they said about 110 guys attended. 

    They no longer check for proof of vaccination I believe but they accept a photo of your vax card. I never took my actual card there I just showed them a pic of my card. 

  8. Rafael is a great guy. It’s well known he’s had implants. I think it’s amusing guys believe his innocent white lies about squats etc. People believe what they want to believe haha. Regardless he’s a wonderful person and the best of the best. But there’s no question he has implants. It’s well known in the industry. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Asterisk said:

    Who are you quoting saying that "undocumented" was racist?  I missed that.

    The term used in the post wasn’t “undocumented.” It was “illegals.”

    Btw I don’t know but it probably escaped the awareness of that poster that he, himself, is an “illegal” (to borrow his term) by virtue of his hiring. 😂😂😂

  10. 3 hours ago, Danny-Darko said:

    Because for some of us IT DOES MATTER! I at least don't expect an "Alpha Top that l loves being worshiped and dominating bottoms" to do drag or anything "feminine". For you and others obviously it's not an issue but for some of us it would be a major turn off and damper. Not everybody is attracted to drag queens/transexuals or effeminate men! And if you've been following any of these threads for any length of time you might have noticed. Why do people in the LGBT "community" feel the everybody must and should like what they like and think is politically correct?? It's just not my nor everybody's cup of tea! For those that like that, well ENJOY! You and others probably don't like many thinks I do like. And should I call you out and get judgmental and feel morally superior because you and others don't agree with my tastes?! "YOU BIGOT and RACIST YOU" for not following my ideas and the current PC trends?! 😲 How many times do we need to have this conversation on this forum and others for crying out loud? I shouldn't even have to explain myself because you happen to like drag queens and don't care and I don't and do care?! Get off you high horse and learn that different people like different thing in this world and it's perfectly fine to say so and not everybody is going to share your tastes!! 🙄

    “There were good people on both sides.”  We get it now. Riiiight. 

  11. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    The data that indicate(s) prep is 99% effective is the data sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry

    Independent organizations come up with a different number.

    But as always...people will believe what make them happiest...so you do you. I will stick with the actual research numbers.

    I don’t believe what makes me happiest. I believe the science and data. You believe in fantasy and your own numbers that exist between your ears that you make up in your mind and present here as fact. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Then why did @BtmBearDad just indicate that both his doctor and his reading agrees with my statement ?

    So clearly I am NOT "spreading misinformation". You may be reading misinformation because the pharmaceutical industry likes to paint a rosier picture of their product.

    The numbers you cite are wrong. The data indicate that prep is 99% effective. You are making up your own numbers and you cannot cite authoritative sources because there are none. You are left to make it up and rely on BtmBearDad as your source. 

    I rest my case. 

  13. 51 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    From ALL the reading I've done the efficacy that the pharmaceutical companies taut is ONLY valid IF you never miss a single dose. Then the range is 97% to 99 % . ( Pharmaceutical company claims 99% while independent studies show 97% ). You need to dig a bit to find the independent studies  because big pharma spends a lot to keep their data coming up first when you research. To me, 3% risk is still a risk. However topping as opposed to bottoming also reduces your risk.

    You’re wrong plain and simple. You’re spreading misinformation. 

  14. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Prep is never 100% effective and it's only 97% effective IF you take it 100% perfectly on schedule ( which virtually NO ONE does ).  So yeah...if you KNOW someone is HIV positive and they just shot a load in your ass..you should probably wait to see if you got the bullet in your game of Russian PreP Roulette

    Misinformation. It’s more than 97% effective — it’s about 99% effective. And I for one am completely adherent to the dosing schedule so don’t say almost no one is. You’re wrong in both your comments. 

  15. 6 hours ago, Coalmathison said:


    You said I researched a “poster” after he reached out to me. How ignorant are you? 

    I didn’t say it  You did.


  16. 5 hours ago, Coalmathison said:

    No problem baby. Tbh, I think it’s kind of creepy and border line stalker like that you guys have forums to bash us.  I have never seen a 411 that says anything nice about any escort. So if I come across as rude here, that’s why. 

    I am booked and busy on my tour in Chattanooga with multi hour sessions. That is where I will make the entire months living expenses in one weekend🤷‍♂️ Plus, I’m about to book a vacation to Vegas🛫🏨

    You don’t have to hire me, I am by no means desperate for clients… If me refusing to meet a bad client bothers you, then you’re probs the type of client that would rub me the wrong way and get turned down in the messages anyways.  I’m not concerned🤣However, I am logging off permanently… 

    Your commentary speaks for itself. I think it’s kind of ironic that you characterize the message board as stalker like when you began your commentary above by saying you thoroughly researched a poster in various ways after he reached out to you. I might ask who’s the stalker here? 😂

    Btw I’m not sure crowing about being booked while in Chattanooga is worthy of an entry in your resume. 

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