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Posts posted by Andy768

  1. 12 hours ago, Act25 said:

    In recent years I have given my nieces and nephews $150 for HS graduation and $250 for college graduation.  I see all of them fairly regularly so I am part of their lives.  I have no idea what Miss Manners would say, but it's an amount with which I feel comfortable. 

    I like these #s.

    2 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    The students who struggled the most, and likewise are still struggling 20 years later, are the ones whose parents hosted the biggest graduation parties and invited the neighborhood.  The students who graduated with honors had only immediate family present. 

    This makes sense, doesn't it? For those who struggled, graduation is a real accomplishment and ought to be celebrated, shouldn't it? For those for whom it was more of a foregone conclusion:

    Ghost World

  2. 5 hours ago, jmichaeliii said:

    Be pleasant and nice.  I find it to be a major ice breaker when a provider first walks in the door and reaches to shake your hand, and you pull them in for a hug.  Don't know if I should be doing that or not, but it has never failed me yet.

    As a total introvert, I could never pull this off myself, but I love the idea and it would absolutely give me a warm and friendly first impression if a guy did this to me. (But I'm not a provider so perhaps I shouldn't be chiming in, but I just really loved this!)

  3. 8 hours ago, robear said:

    Along this theme, Jason Collins has an extensive list of "Porn Star Confessions" on his YouTube channel.  I've listened to some (not much reason to actually watch the split screen video) and found them interesting for the "real world" glimpses of the lives of pornies.  Caveats, I never heard of a lot of his guests, naturally, he's not IMO a great interviewer, mostly letting guests just ramble freely, and the format often runs to 1+ hrs, waaaay too much of some folks who are just not that interesting.  Also, some of his guests are engaged and articulate, some are ... not.  All that said, I've picked through for the "stars" I know and enjoy, and have found the discussion enlightening.


    Thanks for sharing! I started listening to his interview with Legrand Wolf, who is actually a very thoughtful and intelligent guy with an interesting backstory.

  4. On 5/12/2024 at 11:41 PM, francisssgorg said:


    When I first sucked his dck, it had an unpleasant taste to it, but I kept thinking that I dreamed about trying a black dck before so I should just suck it up, literally. He said I should undress too so he could suck my dck, but I said it's really asian size, and I wasn't getting hard because of all the mess.. So when he saw it, he kinda got disappointed. My personality is, I'm a people pleaser, so when I saw his face, I just suddenly offered to do more kinky stuff like rimming him... So he turned around and he had a really huge ass, like you could really get suffocated. And yes, I tasted sh*t, and almost gagged.... Oh god, I said to him, can you maybe wash your down there for a bit.... So he went to the bathroom and when he got back and I continued rimming him, it still tastes like sht mixed with like an old spice cologne or something. Then I asked him, did you put something in there? And he said he used an old spice type of body wash.....  


    12 hours ago, Bokomaru said:

    I can think of a few bad situations. 

    1. Met a super hot twunk bottom. When I went to fuck him I saw that he clearly had an open herpes sore on his asshole. Wtf? Why was he hooking up? Gently telling him that it wasn’t gonna happen did not go well.

    2. Met a very masculine muscular guy who wanted to sit on my face. A couple of minutes into it I realized that I had bits of toilet paper in my mouth. 🤮 

    3. Met a handsome dude who wanted to do a roleplay: straight guy getting serviced by a sub f*g. Great verbal. It was really hot, right up until the time that he slapped me in the face, and forgot to put down the poppers before doing so.  He hit bone, right in front of my temple. I literally saw stars, little flashes of light. There was swelling and a bad bruise on my face for over two weeks.  

    Wow, these truly are horror stories. Thank you for sharing but sorry you had to experience them :(

  5. 7 hours ago, nycman said:

    I think you nailed it. Hacienda falls into the BbB category. "Beautiful but Boring". I tried to "make friends" there both at breakfast and in the pool. It was pointless. They all seemed painfully freighted that I dared to say "Hello". It was almost like they wanted to interact but lacked even the most basic social skills required to do so. 

    But if all you want is a beautiful place to relax (with a stellar and friendly crew), it’s very nice. 

    Were your frightened would-be friends in the buff? I think I read someone's experience that it's maybe 50-50 in terms of guests who will opt for no clothes and those who will cover themselves - is this what others have experienced as well?

  6. I can't think of a movie I walked out on, but I thought Twilight was just ridiculous. When it was revealed that his skin sparkles in the sun, I couldn't help but laugh - it just seemed like one unintentional absurdity after another. I turned to my companion and apologized for inviting her. It remains my standard for bad movies - like, was it just bad or was it Twilight-level bad?

  7. 5 hours ago, BigNoiseDallas said:

    I didn't interpret Andy768's comment that he would take the provider on a cruise -- I read it as asking if anyone had ever bumped into a provider at an unexpected place like a cruise -- that provider and client had booked the same trip completely independent of each other.

    Along those lines, I found out that a (male) friend who lived in Houston had a fling with a (male) friend here in Dallas. I met the Houston friend through my sister, and my two friends didn't meet through me (can't remember how they met). Also, the Houston friend had once been married to a female staff member I knew from my volunteer work at a non-profit here in Dallas. Those overlapping circles were a little too cozy for me. 

    Thanks for trying to clarify - I realize now how poorly I posed my question. I was actually wondering about running into any acquaintance (not necessarily a provider) at a place where you might quite literally be caught with your pants down. For context - I've never been to a clothing-optional resort, but the thought of running into a work colleague or someone in my field at one is pretty horrific to me. Of course I'd get over it, but I know it would be really uncomfortable.

    When I was a student, there were two times I ran into professors when I'd rather not have. Once was at the YMCA pool and I think we were both very deliberately timing our workouts to avoid being in the open showers and locker room changing area at the same time. Another was in class - realizing that I'd hooked up with the professor sometime (months? years?) earlier. We had to have a one-on-one meeting in his office at some point for the course, and it was a huge elephant in the room that neither of us acknowledged. It was painful enough to go through that as a student; really don't want to have a similar experience as a fully grown man.

    By the way, I've appreciated reading people's takes and stories even if they were more geared toward encountering providers, so thanks for sharing!

  8. On 4/8/2024 at 3:53 PM, samhexum said:

    I can't tell you how excited I've been about the eclipse...  because there's no word in the English language that describes an amount that small.

    I wasn't very interested either. But I'm not very interested in many things others love, like football and traveling. And I have interests that others couldn't care less about. So to each his own - glad some of you gentlemen enjoyed it!

  9. I've read a couple threads sharing stories and tips for when men have run into providers in public. Has anyone happened to run into a personal or business acquaintance at a resort/club/cruise? The thought of this makes me nervous - I'm the absolute worst at playing it cool and smooth in awkward situations - but I've been trying to embrace more of a YOLO mindset lately.

  10. On 3/24/2024 at 8:46 PM, BSR said:

    How did Navratilova ridicule trans people?  I'm not seeing it.

    Well, I just imagine that if I were a trans woman and someone referred to me as a "mediocre male athlete competing as a woman," I think I would feel like they're trying to jab/ridicule me and my identity as much as (if not more so) than make an argument about fairness in sports. 

    Of course Navratilova - who is a legend whom I respect immensely - has the right to express herself however she chooses. I just think when there's a choice, why not choose kindness? Identity issues can be tough for anyone; I say this as a cis man. So, I mean, just being respectful of other people's struggles by not ridiculing them doesn't seem like too big an ask to me. And I do think there can be a point at which there's too much walking on eggshells, but that doesn't mean we forgo basic etiquette.

  11. I was pulling for Yuma Kagiyama because I LOVE his overall skating (and he's cute as a button), but hats off to Malinin. There was just no beating him yesterday - it really was a fantastic, history-making skate.

    Also thrilled that Kaori Sakamoto three-peated! This was a fun and exciting Worlds overall!

  12. 23 hours ago, Luv2play said:

    For the last number of years I have been swimming 2 to 4 times a week at my private gym’s indoor pool. The membership skews to middle aged to elderly. This evening however when I entered the pool there were 4 twinks playing in the pool at the far end and just lil ole me. They were just horsing around and I did my usual laps. 
    They then used the hot tub adjacent to the pool and I joined them. They appeared to be straight to me. Anyway I went to the locker room first to shower and change. They soon followed and the first two went into the shower and drew the curtain, which can accommodate 2 in a squeeze. Then the next two came into the room and after the first two had emerged they went in. 
    All four were good looking, in their early 20’s and nicely built. One was black and the other 3 white. I was still getting dressed and was only a couple of feet from where this was all going down. The locker room is small and 8 would make it crowded. 
    As he emerged from the shower stall one lad said “I still have soap in my ass.” They all laughed. I simply drooled. lol . As I was leaving the room one lad said I had forgotten my swimming suit in the shower. Nice of him to notice. I had completely forgotten about it. 

    Fun story - thanks for sharing!


    I go to an open gym session where some of the guys will go shirtless, and there's one guy in particular with the most incredibly built and toned body... I feel like I can't even look his way, though, because if I dare to sneak a glance I will just STARE. So I feel like I'm constantly averting my eyes - and sometimes it feels almost like he's aware of it and purposely trying to do things next to me. It's like floating a pizza in front of someone who's trying to diet. There's a part of me that loves it and a part of me that's like, "Would you PLEASE just leave me alone?!"

  13. I'm planning a solo trip during which I'd like to lay out in the sun a bit, and I"m wondering how others who travel alone deal with the pesky issue of getting sunblock on the back. If at a resort, is this something a staff member could be asked to do (or is that against the rules)? If at a resort with mostly couples, is it poor etiquette to ask a man who is coupled to help you out? Or do you just figure out a way to do it yourself with some combo of reach around and/or applying to towel/spatula/some such contraption?

  14. 19 hours ago, BSR said:

    Every once in a great while, I buy a box of Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter which I have for dessert, a guilty pleasure that takes me back to childhood.  But I have no desire to have it, nor any other cereal, as my dinner.

    I haven't bought Peanut Butter Crunch in a long time because the price jumped so much -- eek!

    I love to have peanut buttery cereal of any kind as an indulgence too - almost always reserved for when it is on sale! They seem to have peanut butter chex on sale every so often at my local grocery store, so that's become a favorite. I can eat the whole box in a sitting, though, so I have to be careful!

  15. 11 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    This isn't the first person of color who got a pass on doing diligence to fill a diversity hire. But when that person crosses a line, the due diligence gets done after the fact. In this case the woman is clearly out of her league and shouldn't be in a position of authority when she can't navigate a delicate situation like the (always) divergent viewpoints on the Middle East and Israel/Gaza in particular.


    For me, there has been a distinct difference in the general feeling around Liz Magill and Claudine Gay. I think you could argue that they both "couldn't navigate a delicate situation." But only one of them seemed to be questioned regarding whether she ever deserved the position to begin with. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't get a general sense that people doubted whether Magill ever should've been president in the first place.

    It just seems to me like Magill's failure was "allowed" to be "she made mistakes" without question on whether she was qualified to be president, whereas Gay has been less "she made mistakes" and more "she was a diversity hire."

  16. On 10/3/2023 at 8:39 AM, kingsley88 said:

    I recently watched the movie "Always Us Strangers" starring Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, Claire Foy, and Jamie Bell and recommend it. It's directed by Andrew Haigh and if you liked his previous work (Weekend, Looking) then you'll most likely like this one. 


    I really enjoyed Looking but wasn't a fan of this one. It's just not how I experience grief and it came across to me as more stylized than authentic. But to each his own! And happy to support an earnest effort from Andrew Haigh (and my local art theater!) anyway.


  17. For me this was a swing and a miss. I've read that some of the people involved with the film felt in retrospect that it was a mistake to market it as a "history lesson" film, but that feels like a pretty accurate representation of how it came off to me: "after school special"-type messaging/subtext in an ostensible romantic comedy. Without sugarcoating it, the plot, writing, and acting of the rom-com part itself really didn't feel much different from some of the low-budget direct-to-video gay movies from the 1990s. I'm kind of surprised that it's apparently a critical darling - like, did we see the same movie?

    That said, I was happy to support the box office of a big studio-funded film like this, which I think really was a heartfelt effort by Eichner and the rest to produce something good. I appreciate the attempt even if it missed the mark for me, and I hope it doesn't slow opportunities for more big studio-funded LGBT films in the future.

    Also, I was listening to a fairly liberal-minded, young, straight woman talk about it, and she thought the sex scenes were egregious. Which was a wake-up call as to how inundated I am in my gay universe because - well, of course I didn't bat an eyelash at the content - but I really didn't realize how distasteful it might come off to even generally open-minded people.

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