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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. On 8/20/2023 at 7:22 PM, daytongay said:

    He was available, nearby, had a couple videos showing him doing what I wanted him to do to me, and he was positively mentioned on here.

    There is no excuse for an escort to hound a client over a less-than-five-star review. I'm sorry to hear that he chose to react that way.

    Having said that, a quick question and three suggestions.

    The question: When you contacted him did you state what you were looking for (i.e., what you saw in his videos) and ask if he could accommodate or did you assume he would do what is shown in his videos? 

    Suggestion #1: It is best to state what you are looking for and ask whether the escort can accommodate rather than assume based on pics/videos. In my experience it makes for a better session. Everyone knows what everyone else wants and expects. If a guy can't or doesn't want to engage in one activity or another then no harm no foul and I get to decide whether to hire him. That said, if you did ask, he agreed, and then couldn't do it, everyone is aware there's a problem.

    Suggestion #2: When an escort says "satisfaction guaranteed" and you aren't satisfied let him know. 

    Suggestion #3: When presented with a  situation where:

    On 8/17/2023 at 3:21 PM, daytongay said:

    ..he's lit up my text messages and my RM inbox reacting as if I'd left a one-star review and said horrible and untrue things about him....he said he didn't want things to get ugly and that I should remove my "unfair" review. I told him he can say whatever he wants in response. He said I was a troll hiding behind a screen and that he wonders if I'd be so brave if he were in my town. I told him to look me up based on my phone number and that he can say whatever he wants about me to whomever he wants because I trust that nothing he can say will change the opinions of my family and friends about me...

    the best approach is to not engage and to avoid escalating. Ignore the messages and block him if necessary. It saves a lot of aggravation.


  2. 22 hours ago, Medin said:

    ...Three sites.  Three different names.  Is there a particular reason guys do that?   

    It makes sense (to me) when a guy has one name when he lists as an escort and another when he lists as a masseur. POUNDUGOOD can be very enticing when hiring an escort, not so much for a massage, especially when using a site like Masseurfinder that doesn't allow even a whiff of eroticism in its ads. I can even see a variation on a similar name between sites because POUNDUGOOD might have been available on one site and not on another. However, when a guy uses three completely different names on three different sites I see a huge bright red flag flapping in the wind. When the same guy has different stats on two sites I press the "NEXT!" button and move on. 


  3. Moderator's Warning: Enough with the name calling and arguing. Several off-topic, argumentative posts have been hidden. If you don't intend to discuss the topic at hand (The escort named Scott Lazarus) then don't post.

  4. Moderator's Note: Information that is not displayed by the provider in their public provider ad or profile, such as actual name, social media links, and contact information, is considered private information. Company of Men's Community Guidelines prohibit the posting of private information. 

    Thanks to everyone who has kept this thread going since 2018 without sharing private information. We appreciate your discretion (and respect for our guidelines. :) )


  5. On 6/28/2023 at 5:09 PM, bashful said:

    Is it meant to increase the food supply, or lower the cost to consumers.  I remember being young, on my own, not making much money, and waiting for chicken drumsticks to go on sale for 10 cents a pound at Dominik's and stocking up.  

    You should have bought them at Butera. They would have been seven cents a pound. 

    On 6/23/2023 at 8:03 AM, marylander1940 said:

    OP note: Does it really tase like chicken? It's also known as "no-kill" meat and I think it should be part of our diet and not all of it. 



    Soon, Americans are going to able to try chicken that comes directly from chicken cells rather than, well, a chicken.


    When lab-grown mean is commercially available I will try it. In addition to the environmental impact, so much of the meat we buy is produced in less-than-sanitary conditions. 

  6. Specifying pronouns makes it a lot easier for people to know how to address someone when they write to them. When faced with someone whose name is "Sean," "Chris," "Leslie," or "Pat" (among others) knowing their pronouns avoids the embarrassment of referring to a man as "she" or a woman as "Mr." To me, the origin story around specifying pronouns doesn't matter. What matters is the benefit of knowing that I should refer to Sean A. as "he" and Sean B. as "she." It simply makes life easier.


  7. 6 hours ago, RexB said:

    I just met up with him an hour ago. He got in touch a few days after he flaked and apologized, so I went ahead and rescheduled for today, and I'm glad I did just to satisfy my curiosity at least.  Physically he's my dream jock. Just the kind of body I love. Nice dick and beautiful butt. Big thighs, calves and feet. Wide shoulders, big bi's, tri's, flat defined abs. Very masculine and regular guy vibe. No tattoos, hallelujah! A real specimen. I haven't seen anything that appealed to me like this since Ryan Steel retired.
    But wait! He said I was only the second client he's met, and it's really hard for him to get into it. He said he's going to get off the site soon. Doesn't think escorting is for him, and I agree, but he's strapped for money so he tried it. I was enjoying myself but he seemed to be merely tolerating it so after half an hour I offered him half pay and he accepted. I had a good time, though short, and I'm glad I got at least a small dose of him but I could never justify recommending him. 

    Wow - escorting might not be for him but he certainly is a gentleman. I know what everyone is thinking: "What kind of gentleman flakes on a client?" and that is a fair question. I recognize that people handle stressful situations in different ways. He handles them by bailing. Not a great way to do that, but he did and then apologized. 

  8. I've also met him and enjoyed my time. Like @shawshini, I didn't bring up any of the Forum talk with him. 

    The funny thing was our text exchange the day we met. I typically don't do same-day appointments and had asked him about meeting up the next day. As we were texting, my schedule changed and we agreed to meet that evening. We had a very pleasant back-and-forth for the remainder of the afternoon. Very naturally-flowing conversation. He's one of my better hires and I would hire him again if he visited Phoenix or I was visiting a city he was also visiting.

  9. 7 hours ago, wsc said:

    ...The wounds are too fresh and the memories too recent to lend to making sound judgements. I'd hate for either of you to miss out on each other's company over a one-time indiscretion that would likely never come again. Give it some time and burn no bridges until both the wounds and the memories have faded a bit.

    Thank you for saying this. We ALL need to remember that people make mistakes.

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