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Posts posted by purplekow

  1. Manforme  I hope you can find some new friends that share your situation.  It seems that to do so will require time and likely changes in your life that are likely to raise questions at home.  That being the case, consideration should be given to how you intend to proceed with starting a new group of contacts and maintaining the old group.  It seems you wife would likely want some explanation.  

    I agree with the others who suggest seeking out resources in Philadelphia. The Gay Mens Chorus is very good in Philadelphia and is usually open to new members.  But if you can sing,, look for a group go gay men who are interested in the activities you are.  One friend can be enough ore he might be a person who can introduce you to a whole community.  

    I do think you can have both a gay and a traditional life but you need to decide if you want them separate or if you are willing to trust those in your traditional life to understand you enough to allow you to explore the new life.  

  2. Well  I must say I hate all you jump out of bed and face the day people.  I am usually awake until 2 or 3 AM and then when the alarm goes off at 7:36 I hit the snooze button.  And when it goes off at 7:51 I get out of bed, pee and go back to bed. When it goes off at 8:06 I change the alarm to radio and lie there listening to music until the news comes on at 8:23.   Then if I need to be at work, I get up, shower and brush my teeth in the shower,  If needed, I will first leave a deposit for the sanitation department and do a crossword puzzle.  Multi tasking as it were.  So at 8:43 the radio show I listen too during the week has a segment Strange News in which II hear about things like the support alligator which was refused entry to a Philadelphia Phillies game and almost always some bizarre story from Florida.  At long last I am dressed and out the door.  No breakfast, no coffee.  Just a pet for each of the dogs.  If I am not working.  There is no alarm.  There is no music.  Just blissful sleep until I am blissful and pissful and then need to get up.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Ali Gator said:

    Each morning I...


    Tumble out of bed
    And stumble to the kitchen
    Pour myself a cup of ambition
    And yawn and stretch and try to come to life
    Jump in the shower
    And the blood starts pumpin'
    Out on the streets, the traffic starts jumpin'
    For folks like me on the job from 9 to 5

    Dolly is that you?


  4. I come from a large Italian family and though Italian Americans are thought to be very affectionate and physically interactive, that was not true of all of my family.  Most of my cousins were not interactive with either of their parents.  Some were interactive with their mother but not so much with their father.  However, in my immediate family, my father expected a kiss on the cheek when he came home and a kiss for both he and my mother when we went to bed.  That lasted until well into my teen years.  

    There were other branches of the family which were more verbal, with "I love you"frequently  being said prior to bed but there was no physical touch. I do not believe "I love you" was said publicly in my household despite the hugs and kisses.  

    So how was affection shown between parents and children in your home growing up, if was shown at all?   Later on, if you had children, was it shown in a similar manner?  


  5. 7 hours ago, TorontoDrew said:

    I'm not sure how you could have handled that any better.  What can you say in that situation.

    In response, to the I love you one can say,  "I really enjoy spending time with you too.  It is not love but it is very nice." 

    If you want to be sure the point gets across, one could say " I enjoy spending time with you but love does not enter into it." 

    Or even more direct. "I like spending time with you too but I do not get paid to have sex with the man with whom I am in love".  

    The always available  "I love you but I am not In love with you"  

    I am not saying these should be rehearsed but this situation has got to be expected to occur and the escort should be ready with an appropriate answer.  

    As a physician I am prepared with kind but honest answers to all sorts of questions.  One does not want to fumble one's way through questions such as "How much time do I have.?"

  6. Some may think it is a pity that the erection was my own.  Now that I am well into my seventh decade, the traditional morning erection is not a tradition like daily, it is more a tradition like Christmas, it comes once a year.  From age 11 to age 55 or so, it was an unusual day that did not start with an erection and an emission.  Since  then, there has been a slow but steady decline in the frequency of erection in the morning and emission to quell the desire.  Even rarer are the mornings when I awaken to find myself already pleasuring myself.  This morning when I awakened to an erection it was as though an old friend had come to visit.  We greeted each other with a warm shake of the hand and then we fell into a rhythm of communication that is easy, familiar, not at all forced and yet surprising and very enjoyable.  I am not sure when I will be visited again but I look forward to it eagerly.

    So, those of a certain age, when did those morning erections  stop being a daily occurrence.  Are you left mourning in the morning for the lack of return of your old friend?  

    For the younger posters, are you still taking full advantage of self advantage or is the day started without a bang?  


  7. When I first finished my residency, I was working running a residency program.  The hospital allowed me to have a small practice out of my hospital office and supplied me a single exam room.  One of the first patients I saw was an elderly Italian woman who was about 4 11 , 80 pounds and dressed in all black.  She was clean but her clothes were threadbare and her shoes were well worn.  After the visit, she asked me what the fee was.  I did not have a receptionist nor secretary at the time.  And though she was old she did not qualify for Medicare.  I initially told her there would be no fee.  I was not depending on this practice for anything significant financially and her appearance made it seem as though she needed the money more than I did.  She insisted that she pay something, so I told her ten dollars.  She seemed skeptical but ultimately said alright.  With that she opened a battered pocketbook and took out a thick wad of $100 bills.  She must have had $5000 in cash and she asked if I had change.   I did not and eventually I had to spend time getting the bill broken down to smaller bills.  

    She said she was quite pleased with our encounter but that she would not be coming back.  When I asked why she said something to the effect:  If you do not value your time and your expertise professionally, how good can the service be?  I want to see a doctor who knows what his work is worth. 

    Over the many years of practice, I did take that opinion somewhat to heart, but when I was going to do something nice financially for a patient, usually an uninsured patient,  I always told them, the usual fee and then would tell them that I so appreciated their trust in me that I would like to give them a discount, if they were comfortable with that.   Most would thank me, a few would refuse and occasionally, one would ask that I put that money on the side and use it for a patient that needed the help more than they did.    When that happened, and I eventually told the recipient of that gift, pay it forward,  why they were being given a discount, they were uniformly appreciative.  

    I know the services that the escorts here supply are discretionary and so there is not an exact parallel, but the old Italian lady's advice is just as valid.  Know what your work is worth.  The client who appears to need a break may not.  That may be a large roll of 100 dollar bills in his pants and not just that he is glad to see you.  

  8. 6 minutes ago, Rudynate said:

    Does Micheal Vincenzo count as a porn star? He's one of a couple providers I have seen on the regular.

    Micheal Vincenzo is a star for sure.  I have no idea if he is a porn star, but he is a star nevertheless.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Vin_Marco said:

    Admit it, Doc, it's kind of funny, right? 🤪

    Ir ha. very 1950s look to it. No doubt.  And I know you do not need them but glasses, give you a very studious look.  

  10. 16 hours ago, Vin_Marco said:


    Another great choice my huckleberry friend.    

    What is a huckleberry friend urban dictionary?
    Urban Dictionary describes a “Huckleberry Friend” as: Evokes someone with whom one has a carefree, innocent, hopeful, gentle friendship. Bucolic wanderers and dreamy wonderers. Those with which to share a sun-drenched youth.
  11. I tried to post the you tube video of the top 20 but I think it must be protected in some way.  



    I guess this is a fashion modeling contest.  There is a video on YouTube of the Top 20 men and Mr. Lebanon is definitely the most muscular guy in the group.  All the others are dark haired, lanky and mostly flat assed men.  Most are from Asia and South America, as was the winner of the contest held in Thailand......Mr. Thailand.  Though they seemed to be a fairly homogenous group I did favor Mr. Colombia, mostly because he looked great in his country's costume.  

  12. 41 minutes ago, Vin_Marco said:

    I'm eagerly awaiting to read the comments on this one PK baby!  I've done work for all sorts of studios, been on the cover of Playgirl magazine; twice a centerfold, been in Unzipped Magazine,   have done solo stuff for loads of "porn" studios, but to  "industry" people I'm hardly a "porn star" however to my friends and family I probably fit that bill lol There are real stars, yes, even in porn but I don't hold that title 😄 Have I been affiliated with "pornography"? You better bet your bottom dollar 😉 Because of my role with Manifestmen I could probably be called a pornographer lol 😂 

    * I do love me some porn star martini's though! 🍸 🕺🏼 



    One of my inebriants of choice when I do indulge myself. A porn star ️ martini 🍸 from Crown Alley on 19th St. in New York City.


    Combining flavors of passion fruit, vanilla, and sparkling wine, the Porn Star Martini has become modern...

    For those who want to know how to make one.

  13. Are all porn actors stars???  Even the guy who plays the unsuspecting and fully clothed best friend seems to take the credit of being a porn star.   No matter the ad on rent men or otherwise, no one ever states, I have done porn, they are always a     PORN STAR.  .   So have you ever met a porn actor or only stars??

  14. On 9/15/2023 at 7:59 AM, Vin_Marco said:


    In a parallel universe, I am living my best life as the writer of Hallmark Greeting cards and this musical card is my greatest accomplishment.  I used to hum this to myself when I was feeling particularly alone as a young teen.  

  15. Mecole is the young attractive black woman who has as little air time as possible because she does very little.  She is floating along and could go to the end because the thought would be that she did nothing to win the game, at least to this point.  

    Bowie Jane is the other woman, white Australian who has also done little to nothing.   These two really do have control of the game because no one wants them to go.  But also no one wants them to stay except as a vote.  Such is the life of a floater.  Tough to win from that position.  

  16. Actors act bringing the role to life. Make up and costumes bring a touchstone to the characterization. There is nothing more to this than that.  He is Jewish and he has a big nose.  Perhaps the real issue here is why do people necessarily believe that they gave him a large nose because he was Jewish.  Now if he did not have a big nose, then I would be fine with questioning it.  If he does a nude scene, are they assuring that his penis is appropriately Jewish?

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