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  1. This has been a thing for some Dom clients I’ve connected with on Recon
  2. Some clients I can’t tell either way if they care if I cum. There have been plenty of times - primarily as a bottom - when I haven’t cum at all. Not because I wasn’t enjoying myself, just because they didn't seem interested in me cumming. Didn’t feel like that’s what it was about. Though you’re making me wonder how many of those guys were disappointed! I do have regulars who are clearly very invested in my orgasm and I always cum for them. Have you made it clear that it’s important to you?
  3. I honestly don't think I've ever connected with a kinky client by way of any of the mainstream platforms. They've literally all come from Recon!
  4. I had a client ask me to show up in a pair of assless neoprene pants once. Turns out neoprene doesn’t breathe too well under jeans.
  5. Not gonna lie, big fantasy of mine being that server.
  6. More of an escort than a masseur here so maybe it’s different. But I love getting that kind of a direction from a client. Especially on a first meeting. Gives me a real sense of what he’s about and what gets him off.
  7. I feel super naive here, and I can probably guess from context. But I’m gonna go out on a limb here - maybe look like an idiot - and just ask… What does this actually mean?
  8. Are you kidding? This is a badge of honor! This is how you know it was a job well done. 💦🏆💦
  9. Here you go: Telegram @damiandmde Photo Gallery Adonis Male1 Adonis Male2 Adonis Male3 Adonis Male4 Adonis Male 5
  10. I don't think there's anything I'd get from a profile that I wouldn't get from a direct conversation with a client. If I'm meeting someone new, I do like to know his history with hiring and what he's considered to be successful and unsuccessful experiences.
  11. I’d recommend sugaring as opposed to waxing. Way gentler on your skin. Way less irritation. Even as an experienced Brazilian sugar guy, I give myself 24 hours before any sexy plans.
  12. Honestly though, I love this sentiment. Sounds like he’s a super lucky guy. And I don’t think a thoughtful gift is going to make anyone feel weird!
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