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Anyone Care to Speak About Christmas Gifts Towards Their Escort Friends?

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OK, I might be a powderpuff, well actually I am (5'6", 240 lbs); but been around with escorts to look

out for being taken advantage of, etc. I've seen this one escort for over 10 years. Each Christmas

we exchange gifts, well it's one way I give, he receives. But that's fine, he's given me great companionship,

etc. I've provided big screen TV's, new tires for cars, GPS, etc. This year it was new tires, and I have

a Santa gift bag with lots of little gifts, cologne, A&F gift cards, little trinkets, etc. Does anyone else

do this? I spend at least a day a week with this person, although it's become more companionship but

also pay. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one out there. Rocky

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I don't do this but then I don't pay my true friends for companionship. I do give gifts to real friends and I usually donate to some charities of my choosing.


To be fair, I don't give Christmas presents to my Doctor or Lawyer or Plumber either. I do continue to patronize professionals that provide me excellent service. I will even recommend them to friends when appropriate.


Happy Holidays.

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I frequently will give an escort a little gift at the time of an appointment especially if I am going to their home. I am not a Christmas gift giver generally and I would not include an escort on the list if I were. If I found myself in your situation, I would have stopped at some point if there was not a reasonable show of appreciation, such as a gift or a free session. Gifts are not quid pro quo items but ten years is a long time to give gifts and not get one in return. Also he has not given companionship, you have contracted him for it. Continue to give the gifts if you like. I am sure the escort will enjoy receiving them.

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I have learned on this site that every person has a Different and unique relationships with the men they employ. If giving extravagant gifts makes to your hires makes you fell good, and you can afford to do so, then its OK. I am just wondering if you are not trying to convinve yourself there is MORE to your relationship, and the escort is savvy and only sticking around and being attentive for the financial benefits he receives.? You may perceive a "2-way street" when in fact the street is only ONE way. This house of cards COULD come tumbling down. Take a closer look into your motives for "giving". Much luck, and Happy holidays.

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Rocky, there's nothing wrong with your giving gifts of that size to your regular escort. Someone mentioned they don't give gifts to their doctor or lawyer, and I don't either, but I do give the super in my building a few hundred bucks, I give my housekeeper an extra week's salary, and my regular escorts at the time usually get the cash equivalent of an extra session. There are many other service providers I give gifts, though usually smaller amounts of cash ($100 or less). If you're with the escort as often as you are and you feel like giving him a gift of that size, there's nothing wrong with it. (I work with some guys who don't see their wives as often as you see your escort, and they give their wives huge gifts.)


One question for you, though. As opposed to a gift of cash, you do give him something personal. Well, tires aren't personal, but they're certainly suited to his personal needs. Unlike cash gifts, those sorts of gifts are often reciprocated. Do I read in your email that you're disappointed that he doesn't get you anything in return? If you are, you might say something to him (gently of course) that it would make you happy if he did.

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It is very generous of you to give your regular guy a gift and, as others have said, as long as it gives you some pleasure and you can afford it, more power to you.


I don't have and never have had a regular guy (I think my record is that I hired the same guy 3 times over a couple year period) so I can't say how I might change my thinking about giving gifts if I was in your situation, but my feeling speaking just for myself is that I would give something small but thoughtful to the guy. It's not about the money spent on a gift, but rather the thought that counts. I'm also aware that once an extravagant gift is given, and over again year after year, it is difficult (but not impossible) to downgrade the gifts so to speak. That is why I believe if I decided to give a guy who I started seeing regularly a gift, I would start off simple and reasonably priced and see how things progress from there.

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Rocky, there's nothing wrong with your giving gifts of that size to your regular escort. Someone mentioned they don't give gifts to their doctor or lawyer, and I don't either, but I do give the super in my building a few hundred bucks, I give my housekeeper an extra week's salary, and my regular escorts at the time usually get the cash equivalent of an extra session. There are many other service providers I give gifts, though usually smaller amounts of cash ($100 or less). If you're with the escort as often as you are and you feel like giving him a gift of that size, there's nothing wrong with it. (I work with some guys who don't see their wives as often as you see your escort, and they give their wives huge gifts.)


One question for you, though. As opposed to a gift of cash, you do give him something personal. Well, tires aren't personal, but they're certainly suited to his personal needs. Unlike cash gifts, those sorts of gifts are often reciprocated. Do I read in your email that you're disappointed that he doesn't get you anything in return? If you are, you might say something to him (gently of course) that it would make you happy if he did.


Gifts should be given "unconditionally" and without expectation of being reciprocated.

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I generally do NOT give out gifts to escorts at this time of year (I have too many on my staff and family, so it is a stretch on the budget to say the least).


However, to a guy I met some 14 years ago in Amsterdam, who still ranks in the top 3 in terms of sheer delight when we were together, I send some cash or a gift each year to him (although he retired already 9 years ago). He, nore than any other escort, made a big difference in my coming to terms with my sexuality.


To a few (very few) of my Hungarian escort friends, I usually send a gift basket to their home address in Budapest or environs over the New Year. These 3 guys each in one way or another meant (and means) something extra special. None of them really is working it anymore except for clients of the past who they keep in touch with, including me), and I appreciate that.

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Gifts should be given "unconditionally" and without expectation of being reciprocated.


I do agree with you with one question in my mind. Shouldn't there be some feeling or sense that the time, effort, thought, etc (and yes, money) spent on a gift is appreciated in a real way? I wonder if expecting some genuine appreciation (perhaps more than the obligatory thank you) is appropriate or not for the spirit of giving gifts unconditionally.

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A GIFT simply should be to Whomever you want it to be, and whatever you feel appropriate in giving. It should be given unconditionally and without any expectation of Reciprocation. You should also be self aware of WHY you want to "Gift" this person. A little honest soul-searching might uncover an unexpected answer....

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A GIFT simply should be to Whomever you want it to be, and whatever you feel appropriate in giving. It should be given unconditionally and without any expectation of Reciprocation. You should also be self aware of WHY you want to "Gift" this person. A little honest soul-searching might uncover an unexpected answer....


Yes and a Very Big NO--yes in a perfect world gifts would be given this way. And I'm not sure Rocky even really expects a gift on the whole, but it would be an extremely unusual person who after 10 years of companionship and routine gift giving who didn't expect on some level at least a small gift or token in return whether it was a free session, a dinner- either home cooked or at a restaurant- just something to show that the OP's gifts were appreciated and not just something automatically due to the escort in question.



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Yes and a Very Big NO--yes in a perfect world gifts would be given this way. And I'm not sure Rocky even really expects a gift on the whole, but it would be an extremely unusual person who after 10 years of companionship and routine gift giving who didn't expect on some level at least a small gift or token in return whether it was a free session, a dinner- either home cooked or at a restaurant- just something to show that the OP's gifts were appreciated and not just something automatically due to the escort in question.




Rex, I will concede that it is probably normal and natural to think a gift SHOULD be reciprocated. Its just common courtesy, however i certainly wouldnt bring it up or discuss it, if in fact there was no reciprocation. The message being sent by the escort in not reciprocating in any way would be loud and clear, at least to ME.

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I agree with you JJ that everyone should be self aware of why they give the gifts they give. It can be quite enlightening to understand a lot about one's self and the relationship with others. I reflect on this every time I give a gift. I also remember years ago coming to the understanding that gift giving, for me, was a way to express my feelings towards others as I am not and have never been a physically or verbally demonstrative person with my feeling/emotions. In some ways I do expect something in return and that is some indication from the recipient of the way they feel about me. Doesn't have to be an item they give to me but it does need to be something that helps me sustain my own needs for the relationship we have, whatever that may be.

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I have no illusions as to the nature of the relationship which I have with a rentboy: that is, it is a "business" relationship with a service provider who furnishes "love and affection" and sexual intimacy for a fee. My postman, the custodian at the health club I frequent, the bank counter teller with whom I "do business", my dental hygenist, and others who have provided me good service to me in the course of the year receive a gift of cash money for the new year; each individual gift does not exceed $100. In my relations with these people, I exercise kind courtesy, and, in the end, I anticipate nothing more from them.

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Speaking to the OP's question, No I don't give gifts at Xmas to escorts.


For the last few years, I've been heavily involved with goodlooking amateurs who meet my needs. I have given each of them small gifts during the year when I become aware of something they need or desire. It keeps them sweet and doesn't cost me much (certainly much less than seeing a professional regularly).


From what the OP says, there is a sense of conflict; exchange of gifts is mentioned, then corrected to the OP giving and the escort taking. I know it's the OP spending his own money but I figure he would not be writing about it here unless he felt, at some level, that it is wrong. Trying to gain a closer connection by gift-giving is not likely to work. I view escorting for what it is - a business - and I know handsome, muscled young bottom-boys like to spend time with me because I have a big, thick wallet.

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Speaking to the OP's question, No I don't give gifts at Xmas to escorts.


For the last few years, I've been heavily involved with goodlooking amateurs who meet my needs. I have given each of them small gifts during the year when I become aware of something they need or desire. It keeps them sweet and doesn't cost me much (certainly much less than seeing a professional regularly).


From what the OP says, there is a sense of conflict; exchange of gifts is mentioned, then corrected to the OP giving and the escort taking. I know it's the OP spending his own money but I figure he would not be writing about it here unless he felt, at some level, that it is wrong. Trying to gain a closer connection by gift-giving is not likely to work. I view escorting for what it is - a business - and I know handsome, muscled young bottom-boys like to spend time with me because I have a big, thick wallet.


ML, I am in total agreement with how YOU see Hiring. And your last statement made me chuckle simply because that is what I have been saying since my first day on this site. However, its been a controversial opinion, and one which I have gotten alot of flack for, escpecially from members here who see THEIR practice of hiring on a Different level. However, in the end its all about being HAPPY so whatever your reasons for and beliefs of Hiring are, if they are working for you, AMEN !

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I don't believe in Christmas "gifts" as a general rule. I love to send small "remembrances" at times that are special to each person, not because it is a season of "gift giving" and I try to do this as much as possible to those close to me--working guys, fellow clients, and family and friends. It's nice to be surprised that someone is thinking about you at any time!


Boston Bill

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As I continue to "preach", escorting is a business, gentlemen, a vocation not an avocation for the lads. A gratuity or "gift" e to rewards, and, indeed, insures attentive good service, and, in my experience, it "works like charm".


In my experience, escorts find banknotes equally charming ;-)

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