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Average penis size has increased 24% in 30 years


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Stanford study concludes that average penis size has increased 24% in 30 years

- Researchers found that the average penis increased in size from 4.8 inches in 1992 to 6 inches in 2021. But in some regions, they shrank.

- According to a new analysis, the average length of the erect male penis has risen by 24% between 1992 and 2021, from 12.27 cm (4.8 in) to 15.23 cm (6 in).

- The genital gains were not shared equally across the world, however. Asian and European men experienced the greatest increase in penis size, while North American males' phalluses deflated slightly.

- Researchers have offered a wide variety of explanations for lengthening penises, from earlier onset of puberty to the prevalence of porn. 



Researchers found that the average penis increased in size from 4.8 inches in 1992 to 6 inches in 2021. But in some regions...


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Normative male genital measurements are clinically useful and temporal changes would have important implications. The aim of the present study is to characterize the trend of worldwide penile length over time.

Materials and Methods
A systematic review and meta-analysis using papers from PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library from inception to April 2022 was performed. PRISMA guidelines were used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity. Pooled means and standard deviations for flaccid, stretched, and erect length were obtained. Subgroup analyses were performed by looking at differences in the region of origin, population type, and the decade of publication. Metaregression analyses were to adjusted for potential confounders.

Seventy-five studies published between 1942 and 2021 were evaluated including data from 55,761 men. The pooled mean length estimates were flaccid length: 8.70 cm (95% CI, 8.16–9.23), stretched length: 12.93 cm (95% CI, 12.48–13.39), and erect length: 13.93 cm (95% CI, 13.20–14.65). All measurements showed variation by geographic region. Erect length increased significantly over time (QM=4.49, df=2, p=0.04) in several regions of the world and across all age groups, while no trends were identified in other penile size measurements. After adjusting for geographic region, subject age, and subject population; erect penile length increased 24% over the past 29 years.

The average erect penis length has increased over the past three decades across the world. Given the significant implications, attention to potential causes should be investigated.

Full study:


Belladelli F, et al. World J Mens Health. 2023 Oct;41(4):848-860. https://doi.org/10.5534/wjmh.220203


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Overall average flaccid length decreased proportionally considerably more than erection length increased when comparing past 3 decades. Therefore, counterintuitive large changes in the differential between flaccid and erect call into question the accuracy of measurement, notwithstanding that the cohorts for flaccid and erect measurement do not overlap entirely. 

Statistical measurement artefacts such as regression to the mean may explain this anomaly better than the hypotheses put forward. In the same way that flaccid length measurement may have naturalistically self-adjusting outlier values showing reduced difference between true and observed amounts over time, the more recent erect length values could similarly adjust downward going forward from current higher means, subsequently trending towards the earlier lower mean values, nullifying the observation of increase over the last decade compared to previous ones.

It also appears that erection length was predominantly measured by intracavernosal injection and, if not, the variation that would be expected by spontaneously solicited erections in a clinical as opposed to naturalistic arousal context could have been a factor. 

Edited by SirBillybob
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In sum, not buying it. I’d put a sock in it.

The dynamics of differential between flaccid and erect length and girth, principly smooth muscle tissue relaxation, are not even a footnote.

The potential for increased qualitative [sic] efficacy of penile injections, given they were evidently employed for clinical setting measurement, is not mentioned.  Artificial tumescence does not translate to real world.

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11 minutes ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

The growth will eventually stop.  A penis can't be more than 11 inches... Because then it becomes a foot!

Some of us reside in metriculated regions. Otherwise, unmitigated growth will yield a newly emerging STD, foot-in-mouth disease.

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Considering that improvements in nutrition have led to increased average body size in areas of the world where males were traditionally malnourished, it should not be surprising that the size of their penises has increased somewhat proportionally for the whole population. However, I think we all are aware from experience that it is hard to predict most individuals' cock sizes based just on their body size, nor predict their body size just from the cock protruding through the glory hole.

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One specific mean length difference within the data set across the dozens of studies in the analysis is 11.1 cm (4.4 inches)!! The much higher value is situated within a later decade research project. This difference is equivalent to 5.9 standard deviations from the widely accepted global mean. 98% of adult men fall within 2 standard deviations. No sexologist or researcher with basic analytical skills would accept the legitimacy of such a vast difference. It is bullshit. Moreover, that particular computed difference is over 4 times the estimated temporal increase put forward by the investigators. There is something to be said for face validity and simple logic. Anybody with critical appraisal skills can see that this one methodological measurement flaw alone would skew results. 

There have been other convincing criticisms of the study methods, including the effect of greater prevalence of pubic bone press penis length measurement technique in more recent times. That approach is associated with greater length values, up to almost the temporal length difference reported in this study. It was not mentioned as a relevant factor and not controlled for in multivariate analysis. 

The investigators did not describe testing a null hypothesis of no difference. The most interesting finding would be a change that garnered attention; that bias ran through the article. What is also unknown is the breadth of manuscript peer review submissions and rejections prior to publication of a Stanford/Emory piece of work in the more obscure Korean educational entity journal. There are many high caliber periodicals within the field. 

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12 hours ago, augustus said:

Unfortunately I was born before this started happening.

No worries. It is urban myth and the investigators themselves state that their findings need to be substantiated. I wouldn’t run out to invest in large-size condom manufacturing just yet.😉

It is much easier and faster to dismiss these research findings as specious than to undertake the onerous task of a similar investigation. 

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve actually noticed this very thing in younger gentleman/pigs… Guys seem to be taller and have these big old dicks and it also seems like they’re hairier~ sometime they’re in the 70s and 80s. Somebody figured out that smoking and eating crappy food wasn’t that healthy and I think a lot of people changed and invested some of their lives into physical activity and sports. Better food and better lifestyles on some level seem like they might contribute to more robust babies who have less the health issues of babies born to parents who are smoking cigarettes and slamming pharmaceutical drugs, and drinking like fish while feasting on ground beef and shmaltz~   
  On the other hand, I see a lot of younger people wearing earbuds and inseparable from their phones, iPads, computers, and flatscreen TVs, or other electronic devices, which actually state on their packaging that they admit radiation that can cause cancer. It’ll be interesting to see if cancer is proportionately on the uprise in individuals 60 and younger~ 

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25 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

Why are younger people getting cancer at higher rates when the incidence among older individuals... 


The irony in that article is one of the embedded ads: see attached image: discounts for 55 and older for McDonalds~ REALLY~!!! Did someone actually plan that~? The fun never stops~ 🤪😂


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