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As someone who stays in his owns lane, runs like a racehorse with blinders... I really operate in a bubble, no social media, have hidden or not relied on an ad for probably 75% of my "career", I have to say it's been quite pleasant reading and getting a pretty good read on what my fellow "colleagues" here are all about. I've enjoyed seeing some solidarity among us providers. 
Once upon a time when I co-owned and co-operated a certain website I was happy to connect folks who I knew had the propensity or ability to "knock on doors" but since that ship has sailed, I am really out of the loop and don't talk to too many other providers. My best friend, whose name will remain anonymous is a retired superstar that lives in Las Vegas.... We still communicate on a daily basis, but we don't talk about this business anymore or if we do, it's quite infrequent. 
Short story long, I've become fans of quite a few here who happily make a life out of well, you can fill in the blanks but you get the gist of what I'm saying. It's also nice to get the sense that we look out for one another. I realize that we're all so different, have different gifts, yet the commonalities bond us.... I've always believed the pie is plenty big and there's enough for everyone on both sides. I want everyone to win 🏆 

Cheers to boners, excellence, and respect 😊

Danny aka Vin Marco

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16 minutes ago, Harryinny said:

Vin, I have been following for the last 20+ years, you were a star, you are a star and would love one day to meet you.  And your friend in Vegas is another star.

@Harryinny You're very generous, thank you for saying that. I I would love to see you someday before I draw the curtain 😘

I hate to use the phrase "at the end of the day", because it's so overused and ubiquitous but it's kind of hard to avoid in this situation, so I'm going to say it anyway, at the end of the day,  I'm just a regular guy with an unconventional and unusual, but extraordinarily happy life... I feel very fortunate to have crossed paths with so many wonderful people, people I still see from the very beginning .... I don't know if that says anything about me, them or both... but in any event I am grateful for that.  
I made up my mind about 18 years ago that this was the path I was going to take, I've never looked back, luckily, I've always had all the support in the world from my family and my close friends with respect to my "career" choices, and I've made the very best out of it and continue to do so presently. 

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15 minutes ago, soloyo215 said:

Vin_Marco, I don't know you, and only very recently I have known of you. Nevertheless, I find your words and overall attitude are very pleasant and well accepted. Thank you for that. I do appreciate a sense of solidarity and camaraderie, so I appreciate your words.


Thank you.... I appreciate it very much 🫂 

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I met vin 20+ years ago at a gay bar in chicago. Roscoe's. He was with zeb atlas and a client. Those two behemoths at the front bar with everyone staring is still engrained in my head. I went to meet both then whispered to vin... "shhhhh dont tell zeb but I think you are much sexier". Big grin on vin's face and he couldnt have been nicer or more of a gentleman. For that I say to vin "thank you". Maybe our paths will cross again one day. I live in Las Vegas and frequent palm springs quite often.  So one can hope!

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@Gymowner it was 2004 and I remember it like it was yesterday 🐘 I believe we communicated a bit after that 🙂 I hope time has been good to you and or vice versa 🙂 big hug to you. 🫂  I'd love to cross your path. I don't go to Las Vegas very often, only to visit our pal but if and when I do, I'll reach out 🙂 If you're ever in PS please let me know. I'm far more muscular these days than I was when we saw each other last 💪🏽Thanks for your kind words 🙏🏽


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Hey Vin

My "typical" guy is late 20's to mid 30's (I'm a 40-something-year-old). 

My favourite non-provider guy is 39 and my favourite provider guy is 36, both out of my "typical" range...

It's waaaaay too early for you to be contemplating using finite language. You clearly have a amorous following. H


orses for courses my good man. Horses for courses!


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I’m a 60-something client, and my favorite providers (Vin sits at the top of that list!) are all over 40, and their vitality, and drive, and intensity, and relentless pursuit of physical excellence, sometimes in the face of serious obstacles, inspire me on a DAILY basis. These boys are an ageless breed apart, and long, long, long, may they plow the rest of us to ecstasy and exhaustion!

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@myophile Thank you for saying that 🙂 it's a two way street and I feel the same way about you! 
No one escapes the aging process, Father Time eventually has his way with us, it's inevitable HOWEVER I've been hellbent on self preservation ( it's the first law of nature ) ... it's not even arguable that Im in much better shape TODAY than I was 10-15 years ago. I've taken extreme care of myself, I've put myself away when needed... of course I'm not 25 but I've learned how to outfox younger athletes,   I've made myself the hardest worker in the room or so I've convinced myself and with a discipline that would do most in... I'm well aware that my day of decline will come one day but not yet,  not yet.... I'll draw the curtain well before that happens. We're all aging together 😊
I hope to help motivate and inspire people and to let it be known that if I can do it, so can you 😉

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25 minutes ago, myophile said:

I’m a 60-something client, and my favorite providers (Vin sits at the top of that list!) are all over 40, and their vitality, and drive, and intensity, and relentless pursuit of physical excellence, sometimes in the face of serious obstacles, inspire me on a DAILY basis. These boys are an ageless breed apart, and long, long, long, may they plow the rest of us to ecstasy and exhaustion!

Amen brother! You’re preaching to the choir!

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5 hours ago, soloyo215 said:

Vin_Marco, I don't know you, and only very recently I have known of you. Nevertheless, I find your words and overall attitude are very pleasant and well accepted. Thank you for that. I do appreciate a sense of solidarity and camaraderie, so I appreciate your words.


@soloyo215 Curious.. is your screen name = "just me" 

( fluent Spanish speaker here 😜 read and write ✍ 🤓

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17 minutes ago, soloyo215 said:

Yes, it is. I speak several languages, Spanish being one of them.

How cool!!!!!  That's so awesome! I speak 🗣️ 3 languages. I know people on this board that speak multiple languages and I find it just fascinating 😃


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8 hours ago, Vin_Marco said:

@Gymowner it was 2004 and I remember it like it was yesterday 🐘 I believe we communicated a bit after that 🙂 I hope time has been good to you and or vice versa 🙂 big hug to you. 🫂  I'd love to cross your path. I don't go to Las Vegas very often, only to visit our pal but if and when I do, I'll reach out 🙂 If you're ever in PS please let me know. I'm far more muscular these days than I was when we saw each other last 💪🏽Thanks for your kind words 🙏🏽


of course vin. it would be awesome to see you out in palm springs. right now i am on the heart transplant registry. i can go west as long as its on the way to san diego where the transplant will be performed. so while i wait for "the call" palm springs is doable. id love to catch up. tropicale is my go to hangout. much love.

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32 minutes ago, Gymowner said:

of course vin. it would be awesome to see you out in palm springs. right now i am on the heart transplant registry. i can go west as long as its on the way to san diego where the transplant will be performed. so while i wait for "the call" palm springs is doable. id love to catch up. tropicale is my go to hangout. much love.

Lots of luck with obtaining that heart and I hope you are well enough now to at least enjoy some of what life has to offer.  Even with those medical issues, you should consider trying to come to Palm Springs in April when many of the board members convene for dinner and pooling around and some fooling around and in addition to the pooling and fooling there is of course some drooling when we have some of the best and brightest of our companions in bath suits or less.  So no need to be cooling your heels while you await a new heart, come April, you can be fooling, around, tooling around with the guys, pooling around the pool and drooling over so many hot men.  Perhaps if you are up to it, some sword dueling will ensue.  

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11 hours ago, Vin_Marco said:

@Gymowner it was 2004 and I remember it like it was yesterday 🐘 I believe we communicated a bit after that 🙂 I hope time has been good to you and or vice versa 🙂 big hug to you. 🫂  I'd love to cross your path. I don't go to Las Vegas very often, only to visit our pal but if and when I do, I'll reach out 🙂 If you're ever in PS please let me know. I'm far more muscular these days than I was when we saw each other last 💪🏽Thanks for your kind words 🙏🏽

thanks kow. id love to join you guys. my transplant doctors cant predict when ill get the procedure but they say 6-9 months is appropriate... unless i take a turn for the worse. i was listed august 12 so we shall see.

of course vin. it would be awesome to see you out in palm springs. right now i am on the heart transplant registry. i can go west as long as its on the way to san diego where the transplant will be performed. so while i wait for "the call" palm springs is doable. id love to catch up. much love.

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53 minutes ago, Gymowner said:

of course vin. it would be awesome to see you out in palm springs. right now i am on the heart transplant registry. i can go west as long as its on the way to san diego where the transplant will be performed. so while i wait for "the call" palm springs is doable. id love to catch up. much love.

I'm crossing my fingers that all goes your way, that everything's that can be done will be done and when that time comes, I wish you a safe and speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 in the mean time, what you have shared makes me wanna hug 🫂 you that much more.  I will see you soon 🤞🏽🙏🏽 🥰

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3 hours ago, purplekow said:

Lots of luck with obtaining that heart and I hope you are well enough now to at least enjoy some of what life has to offer.  Even with those medical issues, you should consider trying to come to Palm Springs in April when many of the board members convene for dinner and pooling around and some fooling around and in addition to the pooling and fooling there is of course some drooling when we have some of the best and brightest of our companions in bath suits or less.  So no need to be cooling your heels while you await a new heart, come April, you can be fooling, around, tooling around with the guys, pooling around the pool and drooling over so many hot men.  Perhaps if you are up to it, some sword dueling will ensue.  

What he said ☝( or as I like to call him " the good doctor "  😉

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Well said,   I started this journey with 3 major supporters who had encouraged me to get in the "business" and then finally did.   I have a busy agenda each day,  but my work in this "field" goes on as a major sideline to my day.    When I stumbled upon this site last month,  I was thrilled.   Some great guys here who have reached out and shared their experiences,  all different and all important.       If I have questions on a personal basis,  I am comfortable with reaching out to those.    Looking forward to chatting up more and meeting in person with various social events.

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7 minutes ago, ICTJOCK said:

I,  too,  was a little alone with only 3 major supporters who had encouraged me to get in the "business" and then finally did. 

I'm sorry if my post was a bit misleading, I've never been alone in terms of clientele...I hit the ground running and have never really stopped.... I've been extremely grateful to stay as busy as as I have, hence my ability to not rely so much on ads. If someone doesn't think I'm exceedingly grateful to be just as busy today, they're dead wrong and outside their mind 😂 I realize my experience in this business is unique in terms of longevity and self preservation. When I initiated this post it was semi inspired by your contribution(s) to this board along with many others. @ICTJOCK

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Once I decided to get into the business,  it was pretty wild.   Most of my early clients were  "referrals"  from the three friends who encouraged me to do it.    I learned, was comfortable and was busy with more.    Joining RM  was just a part of the process over time.    For me, this journey has been remarkably positive,  I can only count a few negative experiences and I always try and see the "learning process"  out of each.   What was missing for me was the ability to chat with others with like experiences and share.    This site has certainly helped with that.    I've been impressed with the professionalism and dedication by the board to this site's success.

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