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I Love a British Sex Scandal


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News has broken that the BBC personality at the centre of a sex scandal is the lead presenter of their evening news program, Huw Edwards. He has been suspended since it was learned he had paid large amounts of money to a 17 year old male in exchange for explicit photos oof the youth. 

Mr.Edwards is a married man with five children and is the BBC's top public face, having announced the Queen's death and also the main commentator on King Charles recent coronation.

Hus wife says he suffers from a mental illness and has been hospitalized indefinitely. Since when has being gay or bisexual a mental illness?

Oh yes, back before it was disavowed by the medical establishment several decades ago. Who are they trying to kid.

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Huw Edwards did nothing illegal, the police have said they are not interested. Maybe he was unwise but who hasn’t been unwise? I don’t think it is any business of anyone else’s what he does with his money and in his non work time. He’s not a politician he’s a journalist so there isn’t really any public interest in it. 

As long as he’s doing nothing against the law then he can do what he likes. Including paying silly money for pictures of an adult. I’ll sell him some of mine at those rates 🙂

Unfortunately for him the desire of some parts of the media industry to destroy the BBC has driven them to publish something that is not worthy of the attention it is seemingly getting. I bet plenty of those high profile people who are lining up to criticise him secretly think ‘there but for the grace of God go I”….

I’m not surprised he’s suffering mental health issues because it must be stressful for him being the centre of this circus. I hope he gets good help and can come back to do what he’s good at. 

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If age of consent is 16, but images are restricted to 17+ at the time captured (or traded?) the only scandal may be that a penis is in the picture. 
Famous hetero men with families sometimes love other men’s penises and hate when other people find out about the penis and to whom it’s (presumably) attached. 

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