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On 6/16/2023 at 9:21 PM, Unicorn said:

Where can one get free public transport just for being old? Makes me look forward to the not-so-distant future! 😃


Public transportation in the entire State of Rio de Janeiro (subway, tram and buses) — not just the City — is free for people over 65.

As of December 15, public transportation for seniors over 60 years of age in the City of São Paulo (but not the State) is back in effect.

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On 6/17/2023 at 1:21 AM, Unicorn said:

Where can one get free public transport just for being old? Makes me look forward to the not-so-distant future! 😃

United Kingdom and parts of Spain.

In the UK, it’s after age of 65 generally (but there are some variations). The exact benefit varies between the regions/cities. For instance, in London residents aged 66 qualify for a “Freedom pass” (a photo ID card) which allows free use of all of the Tube and bus network all day (after the morning rush-hour). There’s a similar card which allows use of the National train network with a 33% discount. 

In the Balearic Islands, there was a similar system for the aged using the island buses. This year, however, it’s been extended from just the elderly to all local residents. It’s an experiment to discourage car-usage. 


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Speaking of scams, here in the US widowed elders are a favorite target.  My 87-year-old dad, living alone in his home, fell victim to a tree trimmer who convinced him that the trees on his property needed trimming.   Over several months while I was away, this crook convinced my dad to write checks totaling around $50,000.   When I returned, I asked my dad about the tree trimmer, whose truck was parked in our driveway, and his response was very vague.  When I confronted the crook, he and his truck disappeared,  Since I had his address, I hired a reputable lawyer to seek restitution or sue.  After a couple of weeks, he said that the crook was a meth head with no assets to speak of and and that the fees for any attempt to pursue a suit would be money down the drain.  Shortly thereafter, my died passed away and his estate  was simply the poorer for this scam.  Elders (now to include me) beware!!

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6 hours ago, MscleLovr said:

United Kingdom and parts of Spain.

In the UK, it’s after age of 65 generally (but there are some variations)

One of the variations is in London.   TFL (Transport for London) will issue travel card providing free transport (trains, bus, etc) in London once you're 60.  It provides free transport from 9am-midnight weekdays, and all day Saturday/Sunday.    

Saves me roughly £3,000 pounds (roughly $3,800 USD) yearly.   Fairly certain I can find some way to spend those savings...

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On 6/16/2023 at 8:21 PM, Unicorn said:

Where can one get free public transport just for being old? Makes me look forward to the not-so-distant future! 😃

In Milan, Italy residents over 65 (or over 60 if retired) pay 10 Euros for a membership which lasts 4 years (renewable) and you get free public transportation in the city. I assume in other Italian cities it's the same...

Edited by Italiano
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I took a boy to Mexico and my bank card wasn’t working because of a suspected fraud alert. I couldn’t get my bank on the phone and asked said boy if we could use his card in the ATM and I’d pay him back the next day when I got it worked out. He was so uncomfortable and finally, VERY reluctantly agreed. We were dancing a few hours later in a club and he said “that was my last $400, please don’t leave me stranded in Mexico.” Completely out of the blue. He had been soooo scared I scammed him in person. I felt terrible for him and immediately Venmo’s him double so he could have peace of mind and enjoy our time.  I didn’t want this ass to be worried. 





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My brother was very concerned that a charity was trying to take advantage of my dad. It was purportedly a "veterans' charity" that had a name similar to a legitimate veterans' organization. One of the "veterans" (a retired Admiral, no less) kept calling my dad asking for money and would go on and on about my mother, who had just passed away and who supposedly had supported this "charity." (She hadn't. It was the legit one she supported.) My brother called me in a panic one day because my dad had been on the phone with this guy for almost two hours. 

I called my dad and asked what was up with the charity. He told me that the Admiral was very nice and sympathetic. I asked him for the exact name of the charity, and he wasn't sure. He thought it was the same as the one my mother supported. I asked him to get their name and tax ID number the next time they called. So, he asked for the info the next time they called. Sure enough, it wasn't the same charity. I asked my dad to let my brother or me know when something like this happened again or, at least, get the name and tax ID of the organization.

The "Admiral" never called back. We avoided a potentially expensive scam. 


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Time immemorial, perhaps for some. Remember pyramid schemes?

I think they are supplanted by post-modern scams. A colleague, one of the most intelligent persons I ever met, successful clinician and moderately successful hobbyist screenwriter on the side, decades ago spit up and left on the table what amounted to 10% of annual salary at the time. Excitedly told me about prospective payoff. Blanched when I explained the composite hundreds of thousands of dollars that would need to be put up by the ‘sucker born every minute’ generational iterations following her to prop up her windfall. 

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15 hours ago, SirBillybob said:

Time immemorial, perhaps for some. Remember pyramid schemes?

lol - there are schemes and then there are schemes.  always perpetrated by those w hidden agenda & shady intent.  exponentially exacerbated in the squalid recesses of anonymous Internet forums/chat rooms

a tangled web of identities, deception & illusion 

just don't get sucked into PMs & divulge any personal information is the best advice 

this has grown noxious & I need air 

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