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1 minute ago, purplekow said:

Woke is meant to be demeaning and your disdain in this post alone makes my point. Thanks, though I am usually disappointed by most things you post, you manage here to disappoint and not disappoint at the same time.  

You're making this personal.  Glad to see I've hit a nerve.

PS:  Why don't you set me to "ignore"?  You'll have fewer meltdowns that way.

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It is not name-calling when it is true. Unlike @pubic_assistance, who opened another thread and cowardly called for me to be censored by the admins, I do not want them to stop. Our racist friends keep playing hypocrisy and pretending to discuss racist tropes. I prefer to have fun with their bigotry.

But good for you all. Keep writing. I will never be as eloquent as you are.

Edited by José Soplanucas
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OK. ENOUGH bitch-slapping.

Let's get back to the subject before we get it shut down. That's not fair to @Unicornwho introduced an interesting subject. Calling people racist doesn't really explain WHY you think it's racist to discuss ethnicity. How about instead of the personal attacks @José Soplanucas you share some insight to the SUBJECT at hand.

And for the record, I said your Hitler salute Meme should be censored. I didn't say YOU should be.

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1 hour ago, Unicorn said:

All right. I'm sure everyone following this string is dying to know what my exotic stud's ethnicity is

I just threw up - can it get more cringe ?  obviously, yes. I feel like it’s only downhill from here

49 minutes ago, BSR said:

But wokety-wokes screech

nobody says woke anymore.  just like exotic.  it dates you.  how old are you people ?  I suspect the word choice is specific to their online persona here & other sites where they troll - nobody would actually talk this way in real life.
Unless they want to sound very very stupid and very very old. which might be possible I guess 

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11 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

nobody would actually talk this way in real life.
Unless they want to sound very very stupid and very very old. which might be possible I guess 

Some people here are old.  Do you ONLY hang around  young people ? Because LOTS of people "talk like this".  As far as the "stupid" comment, It's the person who assumes everybody thinks the same, and talks the same who demonstrates a degree of cluelessness. Can we PLEASE STOP with the personal attacks ?

Edited by pubic_assistance
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17 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

OK. ENOUGH bitch-slapping.

Let's get back to the subject before we get it shut down. That's not fair to @Unicornwho introduced an interesting subject. Calling people racist doesn't really explain WHY you think it's racist to discuss ethnicity. How about instead of the personal attacks @José Soplanucas you share some insight to the SUBJECT at hand.

And for the record, I said your Hitler salute Meme should be censored. I didn't say YOU should be.

Awwww, you broke my heart. I am being so insensitive. I will call you Color Blinded instead of the R-word. We need a more politically correct word, as you are very "touchy" about it.

I had not noticed you were a victim of wokist bigotry.

My sincere apologies.

By the way, it is not a Hitler salute meme. It is your sister and twin soul Laura Ingraham saluting a crowd of mind-like folks and, unconsciously, going for the kind of salute she is more used to. She quickly redirects herself. The point is not the salute, but how she unconsciously shows who she is. She reminded me of you.

But sorry, now I understand you are suffering a severe case of Victimhood. My apologies; I will be more discreet about your Color Blinded beliefs.

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I am looking forward to my first trip to Europe this summer, where I look forward to being lots of exotic men from countries I've never been to.  While I won't approach every stranger with a question about their ancestry, I'm sure it will come up with men I meet in bars, saunas, or the parks.

I love exotic men!

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26 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

Some people here are old.

Old, white, angry & watching way too much television.  Usually speak in dated terminology that’s more akin to talking points.  There’s no reasoning with this crowd as they’re angry at everyone/everything/everywhere.  Usually angry for their own poor life choices and not happy with current circumstances - they hate change & fight it all day long.  Anger rules the day above all else. I saw the same exact thing happen to my parents up close & personal.  It’s a disease of the mind manifested in vitriol & anger. 

It’s a life lesson not to turn out like these people. Very sad.  

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On 5/20/2023 at 4:26 PM, José Soplanucas said:

As with everything else, it depends on the context. Usually, no one asks a White person for their ethnicity. Depending on the context, it may be constructed as discriminatory.

I wonder if @Unicorn misunderstood what the lecturer was saying. 

Indeed, it is a question that requires tact, but as other posters shared, I have asked it countless times in friendly conversation with no issues.

As a man of mixed colors, I can vouch that I am asked about my ancestry a few times every month.  Maybe it's the interesting mix of red and brown in my beard, or the origin of my last name, or my family's experience with immigration.  It's usually in context, and I am happy to respond.

Once in a while an irrate stranger will call me "racist" because they are upset that I drive differently than them or conflicted with them in the course of my work or for some other reason that set them off.  But I've never been called a "racist" after having actually done anything remotely discriminatory.

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8 minutes ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

As a man of mixed colors, I can vouch that I am asked about my ancestry a few times every month.  Maybe it's the interesting mix of red and brown in my beard, or the origin of my last name, or my family's experience with immigration.  It's usually in context, and I am happy to respond.

Thank you.

Some people are genuinely interested in hearing about other people's lives and family & culture is an important part of our life. It would be sad to have this lumped into some weird association with racism and therefore lost as a social norm in conversation.

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23 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

Some people are genuinely interested in hearing about other people's lives and family & culture is an important part of our life. It would be sad to have this lumped into some weird association with racism and therefore lost as a social norm in conversation.

you’re making the case to make personal inquiries based on someones outward appearance & how you perceive them - because you’re curious and want to know more. 

by this logic - should we inquire about someone’s disability because we can see it and want to know more ? Or, is there some line that dictates we use tact and discretion ?
the truth is you have no idea how a random stranger will react to your personal inquires about appearance & ethnicity - some will be ok and some won’t. Just like people with disabilities - some will be ok with it and some won’t. So why go there ?  

do you also ask heavy women if they’re pregnant ?  I mean - maybe you’re curious about that too. I’ve actually witnessed someone do this to a women who was not pregnant - at a client/vendor lunch.  Want to create an awkward situation very fast, try that. 

Personal invasive questions that can create awkward situations are bad manners and indicate poor social skills. Find a more interesting & intelligent line of conversation. Comments about appearance are lazy & dated. 


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