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The really fucking good ones...

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I have to say I am kind of blown away by how good some escorts are.  

My first hire ever was a little less than a year ago. Not sure what I was looking for but expectations weren't high. There were a handful of guys I met who were good, fair, average, and some not great. But I met one dude and when the connection is there and they're good at what they do, HOLY FUCK.  He and I have since traveled out of the country together, etc.  This man really set the bar in my mind so high it was going to be unbreakable. I'm not even talking about just good sex, but he makes me want to be a better person. When I am ready to get off the bike or don't want to do another rep, picturing this guy makes me stay on the treadmill for another few minutes or push through the last few reps a little harder. Love it. 

So last night in a random city, I did the usual homework and hired someone else and it was another version of the first guy above. Just absolutely incredible. This isn't just some of the best sex I have had in my life, or 'paying for sex' but a real high in every way possible. 

Here are some notes on what I have learned: 

  1. Do your homework on providers. The more thorough and well-written their profile is, the better. The time and energy they put into their online persona is directly correlated to the time and energy they will put into you as a client. 
  2. Reviews are everything. Both of these guys have 5.0 across the board. One has 60-70 reviews, all five stars. The other has over 120 reviews, again all 5.0. Not 4.7, 4.8, or even 4.9. I'm talking 5.0. If they can pull that off, they are doing something fucking awesome. It's not even up for debate. 
  3. Be nice. Be upfront. Explain what you want and approach with respect always. 

If you're just looking for quick sex, find a hot guy and have a blast. Sure. That's sort of easy, right? But if you're open, there is so much more you can get from these transactions. Just open your mind and fully figure out what you want and need. 

That's all for now. Later guys. :)

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If you are lucky and a good client and persistent in researching escorts, there are many fantastic men out there.  The recent Palm Springs weekend is an example of just how many great guys are out there.  So congratulations to you for finding two good ones and keep on looking but with an eye toward excellence no just a quick fuck. 

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19 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I'm curious how the Palm Springs weekend works. Would you mind DMing me? 

There a several threads about the Palm Springs weekend and unfortunately it will be another 50 weeks until the next one.  Basically, it is a bunch of horny clients and some very professional providers getting together over 4 days to swap war stories and in some cases swap bodily fluids.  Usually it is a casual opportunity to meet fellow posters and to put a face to the name and in some cases to put a face in other locations.  

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