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Seriously, though, yes, a companion in all environments, not just the bedroom, and ideally one who wouldn't give themselves away as a provider to the casual observer.

Personally I think uncle/nephew is easier to sell than father/son (particularly if there is no resemblance), but of course the onus isn't just on the provider to make it creditable. 

I've always thought that people who have mastered the social skills don't get enough credit for it.

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7 hours ago, robberbaron4u said:

"Handsome Son", a new category of escort that can be presented for admiration in the " light of the day" but, as with any MasterPiece, is not to be touched.

Now you have me envisioning a new take on "The Thomas Crown Affair", wherein Pierce Brosnan absconds with some impossibly gorgeous young man who is insured for 100 million bucks. 

I'm not exactly sure how one would 'forge' a gorgeous young man - I guess Henry Higgins plus plastic surgery plus personal trainer?

Of course, I would want to offer the young man a towel when he ends up wet and covered in paint.

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1 hour ago, guru68 said:

Personally I think uncle/nephew is easier to sell than father/son

I remember one time my then regular gent in London invited me to go to the rugby with him, his treat. On our way there, he told me some of his mates would be joining us, and he told them his “uncle visiting from NYC” would be coming. He was actually a bit worried I might be upset. As it happened, his friends commented on how much we resembled each other, and they were all calling me “Uncle ____” by the end of the first half. All in all, a great Saturday afternoon - it was fun being the “cool uncle” with the lads at the match, then the pubs after, and a lot of fun with the “nephew” being the “naughty uncle” that night. 😉



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3 minutes ago, BtmBearDad said:

I remember one time my then regular gent in London invited me to go to the rugby with him, his treat. On our way there, he told me some of his mates would be joining us, and he told them his “uncle visiting from NYC” would be coming. He was actually a bit worried I might be upset. As it happened, his friends commented on how much we resembled each other, and they were all calling me “Uncle ____” by the end of the first half. All in all, a great Saturday afternoon - it was fun being the “cool uncle” with the lads at the match, then the pubs after, and a lot of fun with the “nephew” being the “naughty uncle” that night. 😉



The younger generation has much to teach us. 😁

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1 hour ago, guru68 said:

Seriously, though, yes, a companion in all environments, not just the bedroom, and ideally one who wouldn't give themselves away as a provider to the casual observer.

Personally I think uncle/nephew is easier to sell than father/son (particularly if there is no resemblance), but of course the onus isn't just on the provider to make it creditable. 

I've always thought that people who have mastered the social skills don't get enough credit for it.

Personally, I have worked with "Godson" as my relationship with "companions" in the course of the last thirty-five years.

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7 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

Longtime forum member robberbaron has always had an eclectic and clever way of evaluating providers ( and in writing posts).

It kinda reminds me of when Linda Richman would introduce a topic to talk among yourselves...

... and indeed he has managed to get folks here to discuss!



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