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4 minutes ago, StarGZ said:

It's likely confusing for people who are not that smart / people who can't read lol (I used "people", it's not personal) But I like the most information possible, in a straight single page, so I was a fan from the start. And Dean mentions his webdesign is intentional to make people talk

Referring to everyone who said anything remotely negative about his site as "not that smart" or not being able to read isn't personal?

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3 minutes ago, StarGZ said:

It's likely confusing for people who are not that smart / people who can't read lol (I used "people", it's not personal) But I like the most information possible, in a straight single page, so I was a fan from the start. And Dean mentions his webdesign is intentional to make people talk

I will freely admit, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed - never claimed to be smart.  But if this is "Dean's" idea of "making people talk" he must have a Windows Millennium Edition fetish.  <Insert Floppy joke here>  



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4 minutes ago, StarGZ said:

Obviously there are no virus on his website, it's completely safe and clean. There's a legit google service that tests websites/urls for safety. You can copy and paste any URL here to test for virus or anything, including Dean's url hilvp.com https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search?hl=en and you'll see/receive the report his website is safe and there's no virus. Legit provider that delivers as promised.

There must be a problem with your web browser or computer. Try tapping here https://www.hilvp.com/

Thanks so much I use Bitdefender and it seems to be overly sensitive

I did the google test and it was clear- all safe

In no way do I want this to impact him or his site

So thanks for the advise

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From personal experience, I know how much of a double-edged sword having verbose 'fans' can be.

Let me make a gentle suggestion:  When heaping praise, once a thread is enough and less is always more.

At some point, the spiel brings in diminished returns and people just numb out.


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36 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

From personal experience, I know how much of a double-edged sword having verbose 'fans' can be.

Let me make a gentle suggestion:  When heaping praise, once a thread is enough and less is always more.

At some point, the spiel brings in diminished returns and people just numb out.


I was just about to say the same thing. I tend to be be wary of superlative reviews on both extremes. Not to say they are not genuine, but they tend to be tainted too much by personal bias to be accurate for the general public. Just my 🪙🪙

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It stops being just “a personal opinion” when hundreds of men (myself included) hired Dean then straight up consider him the best meet up/best provider/best experience we’ve ever had 😄 and as Dean’s clients, we are mostly very affluent, we have hired hundreds of hundreds of guys, including the most expensive out there, and it’s just we consider Dean hilvp.com the best we’ve ever had, period, not trying to convince anyone, who cares, we are just sharing our (great) experience with Dean and being grateful to him. 

On 9/15/2022 at 7:26 AM, BonVivan said:
I had a session with Dean and all I can say is: amazing, best experience ever. The best I’ve ever had. Wowza. Wowza. Wowza.

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3 hours ago, StarGZ said:

@JTT Why are you polluting the thread without adding anything valuable/without having met the provider in person? Hard to understand if it's coming from an adult (I assume). It makes you look like you need more love in your life lol




On 9/12/2022 at 7:26 AM, SGZ said:

I've met Dean, great guy, delivers as promised. I've been seeing him regularly, he has been my Dom for a while- hot times...!! We usually agree on a time, I send the deposit to confirm, and we always have an incredible time. He's the best tantric therapist I've ever had too, he has healed a lot of shit/stuff in me through some of our sessions. I recommend trying his tantric skills too, it makes the experience different from any other guys all there. Definitely recommend. He’s the real deal and he delivers everything he promises, I just let him do his thing.

Regarding his work, 50+ forum veterans such as Former Lurker, Stefon_NYC, Vic, onlinedude, advnturpup, gersonides, armiller1979 have posted they've had the time of their life with him, and they have met him countless times. Fyton, Builder_nyc are veterans, same. FoxyG and JoeMendes are big posters, said he's great in the sack. Some other 50+ non newbie users who have met him said great things in previous threads. All users who have met him in person, newbie or old, without exception, posted on this forum a good time with him. His site has been www.hilvp.com. Some reviewers here said about their time with him: “Legit best meet up ever”.

And he just updated his skillset as of August 2022 with new things that really worked wonders for me, he delivers what he promises. He does videochats too. Among others, after a quick search, here are some people who have met him:

On 5/13/2021 at 5:54 AM, advnturpup said: 
Three words: Worth. Every. Penny.

  On 12/20/2021 at 5:18 PM, gersonides said:
Legit best meet up ever. 

On 4/10/2022 at 9:51 AM, dudeondude said: 

Amazing time, very intimate and sexy, I've felt types of pleasure I've never felt before, AAA+++ 
  On 5/26/2021 at 2:24 AM, armiller1979 said:
 I had an excellent 24 hours with him recently.  He was easy to communicate with and to arrange a visit (I flew in from out of town), and he was a great host. I had some issues getting the deposit to him, but he was understanding and we worked it out. He looks exactly like his pictures and is very good at what he does.  I echo @advnturpup's review: worth. every. penny.
I definitely plan on seeing him again...

  On 12/30/2020 at 4:16 PM, former lurker said:

A lot has been written about him. As I've said, everyone has his own tastes and own budget. But I found my time with him to be superlative. I've hired a lot of guys over a number of years. My time with him was among the most satisfying. He was warm, lovingly so, both in and out of bed. And he was incredible in bed. Not just a quick fuck. He made it feel like a total loving experience. I can be jaded. Making me feel as he did was a pretty fantastic thing. Hire him or don't. Not my call. But it's a bit odd for me to read all the commentary based on impressions from people who didn't see him. There are plenty of us who have. Part of my decision to hire him was @Hung_Cody having good things to say. I expect I'm less compelling than Cody as a partner, but ILHV made me feel great.

  On 11/1/2020 at 8:00 PM, former lurker said:
 I'm not a newbie. I've met ILVH and he is as he says. Handsome, educated, well-built and very good at all forms of bodywork. I found it worth my time and money to spend more time with him.

There are some internet trolls here who haven’t met him, and then the trolls try to be funny without having met him; but 45+ veteran members here have met him and said it was the best time as you can read above, and I can vouch for that too, best time and most skilled guy I've met. And he looks even better than his pictures! 

Polluting the thread?!?! 😆 May I point out that you have been posting chronically and generally oversharing. Pot…Kettle! 

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One might also add to the definition of “tacky” the following: “people who brag about how much money they have and how they can afford to give it to an escort even if the escort raises his rates”.

Some of these recent posts border on idol worship.  While I have infrequently been guilty of being infatuated with an escort I always remind myself it’s a business transaction and the escort really couldn’t care less about me as a person, only my Ben Franklins. 

Im quite sure Ivyleague is the quintessential provider but at the end of the day it’s all about the moolah. He’s making frequent trips to the bank and we’re left with a good warm fuzzy feeling after a session with him.  A win/win for both sides of the transaction.  

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4 minutes ago, StarGZ said:

 On 12/30/2020 at 4:16 PM, former lurker said:

And Dean was incredible in bed. Not just a quick fuck. He made it feel like a total loving experience. I can be jaded. Making me feel as he did was a pretty fantastic thing.

@BeanC Don't get jaded my friend, you never know. You haven't met Dean/you aren't his regular, because indeed one of his differentials, as many pointed out, is that he cares about us personally, and it shows, beyond sessions and beyond just sex life! Dean actually can give real love even in a dom session and that's his differential folks, I happen to know what real love is so I can tell, we can feel it's real, and we can feel he genuinely loves his clients and genuinely loves the sex. He came 6 times in one of our days, no porn on, and there's no way of faking that enjoyment. I don't just discuss sex with him- Dean knows philosophy, ontology, archetypes, many other useful/important things. He has helped me with a lot of stuff in my life in and outside bed, a great life coach you may say, and the caring between us goes beyond in many ways, and way beyond money, eventually he becomes like family. With Dean it's about the connection. In any case, my love language is giving gifts, and I get actual pleasure from giving, anyway, thankfully I give with gratitude! 

Indeed I agree it's a win/win, he provides values to us, we provide value to them, but with Dean as you get closer, it goes way beyond just money and in my case he became life family to me, I can call in an emergency, no money needed.

I’m not sure how to respond to your post so I’m not going to other than to say ‘the bigger they are the harder they fall.”  I wish you continued success with Dean.  

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It's becoming incredibly tiresome how @StarGZ is spamming the forum with his (or their) hagiography of this escort. I had long ago decided that I would love to meet him and I'm unlikely to resile from that view but if I were not already convinced, his ceaseless adulation would make me doubt the wisdom of contacting Dean. A clingy succession of posts, each praising Dean more effusively than the last does nothing to help him. If he is as good as you say, and I don't doubt that he is, you will serve his interests better if you just STFU.

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@StarGZ insulting me was really uncalled for. Your idol worship and near delusional romance of the guy is in some ways admirable and in other ways worrisome. I’m sure he’s a nice guy and probably a good escort but I doubt, after this, I want to know. I have no more to say as I’ve really said my thoughts but the escort would do himself a favor by asking you to tone it down or be quiet. 

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5 hours ago, mike carey said:

It's becoming incredibly tiresome how @StarGZ is spamming the forum with his (or their) hagiography of this escort. I had long ago decided that I would love to meet him and I'm unlikely to resile from that view but if I were not already convinced, his ceaseless adulation would make me doubt the wisdom of contacting Dean. A clingy succession of posts, each praising Dean more effusively than the last does nothing to help him. If he is as good as you say, and I don't doubt that he is, you will serve his interests better if you just STFU.

Agreed!!!  I was also contemplating Dean....but these exceedingly long posts filled with effusive and "ceaseless adulation" make me seriously wonder what's going on, and greatly lowering the potential I will contact Dean.

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Moderator's Note: The topic of this thread is not "Commentary about other Forum members," it is "ivyleaguehungvers." Please stick to it.

In days of old, @Guy Fawkes (may he rest in peace) would suggest it was "time to order pizza." For the new folks, that meant "it is time to cut the bullshit or else the thread gets locked and we klunk heads together." 

We are getting close to having pizza.

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@Wall Then don't contact buddy.. everyone here who has met Dean in person posted a good time with him, all the 50+ well-known forum members who have met him had a great time& they will keep enjoying sessions with him. What's going on here is simple, many well-known forum members posted Dean was the best provider they have ever met, and some jaded people who haven't met Dean can't seem to be able to accept that out of our hundreds and hundreds of hires, Dean hilvp.com was the best we have met. Envy maybe? Dean doesn't read this forum, he even tells me he doesn't want to know what people are talking about online, he takes feedback in person, so we satisfied clients are here vouching for him. As it was said, “no one is forcing any of you to spend your attention on this thread, hire dean, or read this thread, or post in this thread, go to other threads then, this forum is big.” Unrelated to sex, Dean even paints beautiful paintings- if you had seen the paintings he does/seen him do the paintings, you’d get… impressed. Some of us have gotten paintings from him, he’s very nice.

It'd be nice if this thread consisted of people who have met Dean, and we don't understand why people who haven't met him post here, super cool guy.

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@Wall Then don't contact buddy.. everyone here who has met Dean in person posted a good time with him, all the 50+ well-known forum members who have met him had a great time& they will keep enjoying sessions with him. What's going on here is simple, many well-known forum members posted Dean was the best provider they have ever met, and some jaded people who haven't met Dean can't seem to be able to accept that out of our hundreds and hundreds of hires, Dean hilvp.com was the best we have met. Envy maybe? As it was said,

I did ask Dean if he ever reads this forum and he said that for the sake of his psychological health he never reads any of the comments here or anywhere online, sorry guys, he doesn’t read you, he welcomes feedback in person, and that’s what matters to me.

Personally I wouldn’t read either if it was me. So, as Dean is not here, we satisfied clients are here vouching for him. As it was said, “no one is forcing any of you to spend your attention on this thread, hire dean, or read this thread, or post in this thread, go to other threads then, this forum is big.” Unrelated to sex; Dean even paints beautiful paintings- if you had seen the paintings he does/seen him do the paintings, you’d get… impressed. Some of us have gotten paintings from him, he’s very nice. He plays the piano too.

It'd be nice if this thread consisted of people who have met Dean, and we don't understand why people who haven't met him post here, super cool guy, it’s not just me saying that, everyone here who has met him in person agrees.

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23 hours ago, FrankR said:

@JTT Why are you polluting the thread without adding anything valuable/without having met the provider in person

Oooppsy "FrankR" / Dean ... getting sloppy in the web you are weaving 

I have met Dean. 

How would you know if I have or haven't "Frank"?


unless ... you are dean 🧐

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14 minutes ago, JTtorretto said:

Oooppsy "FrankR" / Dean ... getting sloppy in the web you are weaving 

I have met Dean. 

How would you know if I have or haven't "Frank"?


unless ... you are dean 🧐

 @JTtorretto it was @StarGZ who asked the question of you “Why are you polluting the thread etc etc”. I responded to his remarks.  See screen capture below. But I understand your confusion, @StarGZ edited his posts after the fact so it is hard to keep up with what, my high school English teacher would call, “verbal diarrhea”. 


Glad to report that “Dean” isn’t one of my multiple personalities.  I have not met him and I am not him. Just to be clear.

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