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The Big Guy

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Posts posted by The Big Guy

  1. I think he is just very cautious about law enforcement.   When booking he has a canned text message that explains he is not an escort and that nothing sexual will happen.  I think being able to identify your phone by reverse number look up is part of his precautions.  I got massages from him on two occasions and found them to be good and him to be friendly. 

  2. I hired him for a massage several years ago in his Hell’s Kitchen apartment.  I found his voice mail was full and you couldn’t even leave a message.  I just kept trying and on my last night in town to my surprise he answered the phone and set up an appointment for that evening.   Just keep after it - he was a great guy and a wonderful experience.  

  3. Your experience does seem odd.  I have been going to the same barber since 1987.  I like the way she cuts my hair but also always look forward to our chats.  I realize everyone can have an off day but there seems to be more to your experience like something going on in their personal life that he didn’t want to talk about.  So when you go back will you ask as to the reasoning for a silent haircut?  

  4. 1 hour ago, MscleLovr said:

    I’d rather you focus on being the best possible version of yourself. Make sure you’re very well-groomed and nicely-dressed before you go out. You don’t need dazzling conversation skills, but you do need to smile and be approachable. Everyone typically responds well to a flattering question.

    Great advice.  Make eye contact with a warm smile and watch for an inviting response. Best wishes. 

  5. 2 hours ago, augustus said:

    Brokered CD's purchased through Fidelity/Charles Schwab are hitting 5%.

    I agree this is a good way to go.  Just be careful that many of the longer term CD’s are callable after a short period of time and you may be forced to reinvest at lower rates later.  It depends on the individual situation but I prefer to take a modestly lower rate for CD’s that can’t be called.  

  6. 1 hour ago, JustScott said:

    I’m considering a career shift and was wondering if anyone ever worked with someone professionally through a similar transition, whether a “coach” or some kind of recruiter or headhunter or agency.  Any experience you could share or words of wisdom would be appreciated.

    I used a coach during the final ten years of my professional career and he was helpful in getting me through a couple job transitions.  I prefer a coach over a recruiter or headhunter because I think they are more likely to be aligned with what’s best for you.   One simple piece of advice he gave me about job change was to not leave your old job just to get away from a situation you no longer like, but to leave only when you are excited about the opportunity and the fit for you future.  One word of caution, coaches can be very expensive so an alternative might be to find a trusted businessman who will mentor you for free. Good luck. 

  7. 3 hours ago, 7829V said:

    I’m seeing this guy. And I thing I’m falling for him. And have no desire of being with anyone else… I know that usually the “in love” phase does not last forever… just wondering if anyone can comment on this. Can you be in love and hire at the same time. I think I can’t. For better of for worse.

    Also I don’t think I can cheat. The lies, the drama, the hiding is not for me. Too much stress…

    Sounds like a great problem to have.  Glad you are falling in love - it’s only happened to me once.  Also the fact that you have no desire to be with anyone else tells me that this may me love.  Yes, you can be in love and hire but you both need to communicate about the situation and only do it if you both agree. One way I went about this was to have a conversation about what me and my partners sexual fantasies include.   This raised the idea of having a threesome and we were both intrigued but have never acted on it.  Best wishes to you. 

  8. My current lover is large and we are both tops.   It took several months but we finally had a session where I was able to get comfortable with him topping me and we had great sex where he could finish in me.   I mainly made up my mind that I wanted to please him and after a short time I relaxed enough to be comfortable and while I am never going to consider myself a bottom, I just made up my mind I wanted to please him and that became most important factor.  I know that may not be realistic for ever but I am glad we made it work.  

  9. A yacht owner may have indeed elected to hope it was destroyed to collect the insurance.  What I have found in business and personally is that insurance payment is far from certain.  The insurance policy gives you the ability to make a claim and start a very long tedious negotiation to collect.  Full recovery and replacement of value can often be achieved but only after a long and frustrating experience.  

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