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Everything posted by xyz48B

  1. A lot of shows don’t film more than a few weeks in advance. So if you’re looking for new prime time content, unless production includes a budget for social distancing and disinfectant etc., it’s probably going to be hard to find.
  2. @curiousbynature12 – He seems like a sweet guy and probably would give a phenomenal BFE. His rates given his work, although very high, weren’t why I decided to discontinue setting up an appointment. He was adamant he only bottoms and that just isn’t going to work for me.
  3. Masks work. You can go about most of your life masked. People need to stop making this out to be doomsday and wear the damn mask. Wear. The. Damn. Mask.
  4. By way of outset, I’ll say I haven’t communicated with him in a while. When I did, his rates were very high. I attributed that to his porn star appeal. I also wondered at the time if he didn’t have someone handling things for him and that could explain why his ad is still going on RM. I’m doubtful he curates it himself. I follow him on IG and he seems very busy with his personal life. It just seems doubtful RM is the top of his concerns at the present. He and Arad Winwin just got a new house (according to IG) and he seems to be really wrapped up in enjoying that. I stopped communicating directly with him when I learned he doesn’t top. So apart from his high rates some time ago, the above is me piecing together stuff by deduction.
  5. @Keenan – the things we stumble upon because of ignorance and naiveté! ?
  6. @Lucky – well, that’s more complicated. ? It’s novel. For one. The flu shot isn’t for novel but mutated strains. But the bigger problem is that no one with influence took this new coronavirus seriously when it first emerged.
  7. I first read about it in BBC. While there might be some degree of sensationalism around the media, it is still something we shouldn’t be cavalier about. Total panic is unwarranted. But total disregard is ignorant.
  8. @former lurker – I stand by what I said. We’ll have to agree to disagree ??
  9. Wharton or wherever – if school is about academics, you can get a good, solid education at a state school; if school is about prestige and connections, then you’re going to need to shell out daddy’s cash or incur a shitton of debt to go to Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Penn, etc. Ivy League doesn’t necessarily mean a better education. A good student will learn wherever. And a bad student will be bad wherever.
  10. In your time – but(!) a book is pretty public!
  11. This is faulty though. For one it skews the results of positives. Secondly asymptomatic folks can transmit the virus allegedly. Everyone and anyone should be able to get tested. Especially if they’re willing to pay out of pocket.
  12. Truth. But it’s the only thing that matters. No one cares about the risk factors associated with anything else. It’s COVID, COVID, COVID. That’s what matters.
  13. I had heard, uncorroborated, that hospitals with higher COVID counts could receive more federal money. I don’t know how true that is but I wouldn’t be surprised.
  14. That would be great but for some reason there is a lack of willingness to do that. Just like there’s a lack of willingness on the part of many places to do testing if you’re not symptomatic. I can understand testing only symptomatic folks if testing is an issue in a particular area, but for example in Massachusetts, our rate is so low that anyone who walks in (or drives in) should be able to get a test. We have the capacity, as per the governor. But many places are still limiting it to just symptomatic folks. And then we have the turn-around time on testing as well. Some places here are getting it done in 24 hrs. Others it’s still 3 days. What good is a negative test 3 days old if you don’t quarantine at home? I suppose that’s the point. Quarantine until you get the results, but it is extremely inefficient.
  15. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/06/30/883703403/as-coronavirus-surges-how-much-testing-does-your-state-need-to-subdue-the-virus This article highlights the difference between mitigation and suppression. I don’t recall goal being suppression back in March or April. Every other word out of Fauci’s mouth then was “mitigation.” I can remember Fauci saying we needed to get the positive test rate under 10% to reopen. Same with Cuomo. But now the article says suppression is what we need? So what is it? Even still, what figure counts as suppression? The virus isn’t going away. (Akin to unemployment. You always have some people unemployed. 5% unemployed is considered full employment.) In Massachusetts, we have daily a positive case rate between 1.5-3%. Is that suppressed? Rates are similar across the Northeast. The graphs shown on cable news saying cases are on the rise don’t necessarily show an accurate picture. On the rise from 10% or from 1%? If the 7-day rolling average goes from 2% to 2.5%, that’s “on the rise,” but it’s not the same as going from 10% to 15%. Data is data, but sometimes you have to look more closely to see what it’s actually saying. And don’t get me started on the over used term “spike.” What constitutes an inevitable uptick and what constitutes a spike?
  16. https://apple.news/A5QgRGrAjSJKo2j1yikMPRA News today... New Jersey halts reopening restaurants scheduled for Thursday. NYC likely going to do the same. Despite numbers that are fine. This is exactly what I suspected would happen. Fear. They aren’t allowing science to dictate what they do, despite saying they will follow data...They’re allowing fear of “what if...” THAT’s what bothers me. They say “data” will determine what we do but it’s not the data. It’s what’s happening in FL or AZ and they’re like, “what if that happens here?!” It’s data to implement measures but not data to lift them. I it just frustrates me. Politicians say one thing, we believe them, and then they just decide to do something different. Because even if the numbers are good, now the governor is like “JK. Different plans.” Have we forgotten all the measures started out of concern for overwhelming healthcare systems? Now it’s become avoid the virus totally. To avoid the virus totally, it’s obvious life must stop. You can’t have any semblance of normal day-to-day life if no virus is the goal. You can if it’s about not overwhelming the healthcare system. We have to decide what our goal is and be honest about it.
  17. “The above” is the quote in my post, not the Times.
  18. The above is from a BBC article I read about this yesterday. “Close monitoring” doesn’t mean we’ll be shutting down because of this. Now because of Coronavirus, as soon as people hear “new virus,” they’re going to think “pandemic!” and lose their collective minds. This is one of the problems with the nonstop media attention and sensationalism around this pandemic. People are either angrily exhausted or hysterically petrified.
  19. There isn’t a whole much to say about him in particular. Except for the formally active member of this board who did a cam session with him, nobody else we know has done any kind of interaction with him that we can report about except for texting.
  20. Sure wish we could hear from him…
  21. I have avoided Chrome largely because I use Google exclusively for searching and all my emails (work, private, and formal-private) are through Gmail. I use Firefox because I delude myself into thinking it’s the one way I can keep the Google juggernaut from having all my info. Ha!
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