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Everything posted by xyz48B

  1. I posit a socio-political answer for S. Korea – a general sense of responsibility toward the common good. Rugged individualism isn’t a virtue in Eastern cultures the way it is for the first generational countries of the Enlightenment.
  2. Interesting. Link? Just curious…
  3. I still struggle to do this effectively...Even though I understand the concept.
  4. I do want a good level of compatibility with the guy I’m hiring. I’m up front with him and tell him if he’s not going to enjoy it, it won’t be fun for either of us. What upsets me more is not that an escort has a preferred type, but when he ghosts you after finding out you’re not his type. I find that extremely unprofessional and simply rude.
  5. Feel free to go on sharing your opinion. I’m sharing my opinion of yours. To suggest I’m censoring you is rich. In fact, I’m advocating the opposite – a broader understanding of what counts as discussable matieral for this site. It would seem to me, you’d be the one to limit the breadth of topics – not me. That’s all I have to say on the matter at this point.
  6. To the OP – I wouldn’t want an electric car, although I suspect it’s going to be the (not to distant) future for the majority of us.
  7. @orville – So am I to understand you that unless it’s directly related to escorting, the topic isn’t germane to this site? That makes, by your interpretation, upwards of 90%+ of the chitchat on this site inappropriate. I don’t understand some members on this forum who feel it’s their responsibility to comment on a post or conversation’s appropriateness to this site, forum, or thread. My two cents: let the moderators moderate.
  8. We’d all love a report!
  9. I communicated with him a while back. My impression was that he’d rather be pleased than do the pleasing, like he was doing clients a favor than offering a service.
  10. I say lack of will and politics. Denial by some largely. And the idea that summer was going to make it magically go away.
  11. It’s also worth noting that, despite how it’s reported in the media, the experts have said reinfection is unlikely. What is likelier is infection resurgence after a patient appeared to have recovered. A patient’s viral count may be too low to register and they appear well, only to have the infection resurge. If reinfection were happening, the vaccine becomes moot.
  12. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-53469839 Researcher from Oxford on MSNBC stated the vaccine seems to also create “double immunity” – humoral and cellular response.
  13. At the moment, the nature of the current events surrounding Covid, with the US leading the world on cases and deaths, and our extremely political response, especially in some corners of the country, it’s near impossible to avoid discussing the science in political terms. Humanity is inherently a political creature anyhow. To think we can talk about our collective lives outside of politics is stupid. Everything about collective life is politics. The question isn’t so much if you’re going to discuss politics but rather if you’re going to attack someone for their politics. Those are distinctive. That we need a separate forum for “hot button” issues in this place is telling. People are unable to a) engage in discussion without resorting to attacks and b) people are too easily butthurt if they are challenged or attacked. Angela Merkel, for instance, has made political remarks concerning the Covid response that are clearly directed at the United States. That’s only one example. But given we don’t live in a nicely compartmentalized world where each thing has its own time in the spotlight, rather we live in a world of intersectionality (e.g. science and politics interplay), we need to consider the political implications of how people choose to respond to the virus when discussing the science of the virus. Maskwearing is an example. It’s become political. In some places, wearing a mask is a sign of allegiance to Trump; in others, it’s a sign of “belief in science” (as if science were a belief system). Either way, when projections etc. are made for the virus and its spread through populations, the politics will affect that. It’s silliness to think that politics is NOT part of the dataset. It’s really a matter of how you choose to engage in conversation around it.
  14. We’re discussing matters around “info” on Covid. I point out that new info on Covid is rarely met with hopefulness. I’m not sure why you would think it doesn’t belong in this thread…How we respond to the news about Covid – good, bad, or ugly – is absolutely what this thread is about. There’s been ample pontification in this thread that is questionably in this thread, but a criticism of how we consume the news around Covid is most definitely appropriate to a thread devoted to new information on Covid.
  15. @poolboy48220 – “Thingy” is one of my favorite words!
  16. I remember E. B. White cautioning against using “big words” when a more common one will do just fine.
  17. Not sure what defeat you’re hearing. I only hear that we’re doing a tremendous job. There’s delusion coming from the WH, not defeat. I’m not talking of the hope of scientists. I’m talking of hope from people who are pseudo-experts – like those on this forum. Some hopeful headline comes out or some hopeful story, and we talk about it couched in uncertainty and failure A drastically bad headline comes out and we accept that’s the way of things, no uncertainty there! That’s hopeless pessimism.
  18. I can’t understand why folks lead with the negative on COVID. Are we afraid to be hopeful?
  19. Wear. The. Damn. Mask. This is not difficult, people. It’s the single biggest thing that’s most effective. Other things help, of course, but wearing the mask does help tremendously. I am at a loss to understand people who refuse to wear the mask. It’s maddeningly dumbfounding.
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