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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. There are at least a couple of RM ads that show the provider wearing a watch on, ahem... a different body part. Not a wrist in sight.
  2. You may think you are not a good looking guy, but others who have seen you may disagree. There are many components that work together to create attractiveness and allure. For whatever reason, the provider life is not the path you embarked on, but hopefully the path you chose has proved to be more fulfilling for you than any of the other options you may have once considered.
  3. I think I'd be more offended by his overuse of exclamation marks and emojis!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. I hope not. If that part of him becomes 6'4" he'll need some sort of reel in his underwear...
  5. If I had a nickel for every time I was propositioned... I'd be completely broke. But in all seriousness, I imagine physical appearance is just one part of the equation. There must be other criteria that would raise a provider from 'physically attractive' to 'sexually appealing', and what that criteria happens to be would presumably vary from client to client. While I understand where the OP is coming from, and mean no disrespect, questioning why more people who attractive are not becoming providers is similar to wondering why more people who are tall do not become basketball players, or more people who excel at school do not become doctors. The other limiting factor is the social stigma in the USA and Canada around escort work. We live in a modern society, but many people carry the moral baggage of our Victorian ancestors. And ironically, the Victorians were not the moral purists they liked to think they were. They hid things better, people asked fewer questions, and the Victorians creatively justified the 'immoral' behaviours they partook of themselves while condemning anyone else who was doing the very same thing.
  6. 100% agree. I feel for both brothers and hope both are doing well.
  7. I read about his death just minutes after seeing a number of his paintings listed for sale on an auction website. When I first saw his work I thought it was too cartoonish for my taste, but it has slowly grown on me over the years. And in my opinion much more artistic than some of the newer artists that make their subjects look like anime characters. Not my cup of tea.
  8. This could be seen as a bonus for some visitors... LOL
  9. Was that the chain that tried to market plexiglass coffins?
  10. And here I thought I was the only one who gravitated to this song. For some reason I find it personally nostalgic, even though the film came out long before I was born. Thanks for posting it!
  11. Anytime I run into anyone I stop my vehicle and make sure they aren't seriously hurt.
  12. Maybe this is the Alan King who shows up? Except that he's been dead since 2004...
  13. I wonder if he tells Myfanwy that he's the only gay in the village?
  14. It was a tragic situation. My relatives in BC suffered through the heat dome, some of them in their late 80s. I understand the problem wasn't so much the daytime heat, but the fact that it didn't cool off enough at night. Not enough access to cooling centres, and older people not being checked on by neighbours and relatives.
  15. And some of us (okay, probably just me) are still waiting to experience that other PDA - private displays of affection... 😆
  16. Just what people look for in a masseur - lol.
  17. Yes, I see what you mean. I was just using it as an example - the writer of the story may have meant 'accident' generically, as in a 'traffic accident' - even though the 'accident' may well have been intentional. It seems like an oxymoron, but I've heard people say things like, "she killed herself in a car accident" - I suppose it really comes down to how literal a person may be.
  18. Won't everyone be rushing to get their taxes done that weekend?
  19. At first I thought that too, but realized the headline probably is equivalent to saying 'suicide by cop' or 'suicide by overdose'. His death was evidently suicide by car crash, or car accident - but leaving out the word 'car' definitely made me scratch my head a bit.
  20. I imagine it is some type of perspective effect from the position of the camera. In those laughing photos his thighs are considerably bigger than his entire torso. Which is no laughing matter if that is the case. But I'm sure most people looking at those shots won't be focusing on the size of his thighs.
  21. I'd be put off by that, but there are worse ways to use your hands....
  22. While it may seem like an interesting concept from a client's perspective, I don't think there would be any providers who would trade their time for a critique. I would imagine anyone entering this line of work would feel confident enough in their abilities to proceed without soliciting feedback, or they may already be receiving feedback - even unsolicited feedback - from some of those who are paying to spend time with them.
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