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Everything posted by RJD

  1. I’m all for automation but there’s some things that maybe shouldn’t be.....like enema equipment. Plus, it’s USB charged. Do I sit it next to my laptop? ?
  2. As a client, I can only speak for myself, and honestly, I have too much going on in my life and too many other responsibilities to give serious consideration to how I can screw over a provider. It just doesn’t register. Or, it could just be that shit happens. it happens to all of us. Family emergencies, illness, work obligations. The timing may be bad, and having it happen a couple times in the same week might be unfortunate, but it happens.
  3. It all depends what you work out with your guy. Typically, an overnight will start early evening and go until morning. The exact times, what you do, what you want, his expectations for sleep, etc., should be clearly communicated with the provider before you schedule. I do overnights with a regular because I hate feeling rushed. Mine usually start around 6PM, we have a glass of wine, make out, have some fun in the bedroom, shower, eat, more making out and fun, sleep, wake to some more fun, shower, breakfast, and he leaves. Again, each provider is different and has his own idea of how many hours defines an overnight. If you want an entire night of “fun” you need to communicate that as well upfront.
  4. Heatwave Thor? He can drop his hammer anywhere wants.
  5. I’m a bottom as well and regardless of my level of horniness, kissing is still a requirement for hiring. I haven’t been with that many providers but each one has been a fantastic, passionate kisser. Poor (or worse, no) kissing makes a session, for me, nothing more than a mechanical fu*k.
  6. Conversely, he could've half f*cked you because you paid upfront. Where's his incentive to give you 100% if he already got his 100%. You can argue that it's insulting to the provider to think that, but it's equally insulting to the client to think you're not going to pay. There are risks for both parties, but I have never nor will I ever pay upfront. I've only had one provider in whom I showed interest require payment upfront. The only reason the subject was even broached was because he informed me he accepted electronic payments. I wanted to be sure he wasn't expecting an electronic deposit, so I told him I pay all cash at the end of the session. He asked how I could expect a provider to wait until the end and the donation was always paid upon arrival. I thanked him for his time and told him to take care. End of story. Even if he relented there would still be some unease because of that exchange.
  7. I don’t respond. I don’t initiate. These are completely unsolicited “smiles,” and messages I’m receiving from scammers and cat-fishers.
  8. Philabundance, a Philadelphia food bank and Wounded Warrior Project. A local animal rescue is the recipient of my Amazon Smile proceeds.
  9. Not sure how it is everywhere, but most of the PROs in my area are sketchy at best. I wouldn't be interested in them even if they weren't PROs. Also, A4A is nothing but bots and cat fishers. I've posted before that 99% of the messages I get are scams. Of those, a good number are guys who list various locations in the states (Oklahoma City seems to be a favorite) and their distance is usually 5,000+ miles away. Others are hitting you up for relationships from Russia, Ghana, or some other country. Add to that, their physical descriptions are humorous, like 6'7", 130lbs, 39" waist, and the pic is some built, beefy guy. It's actually become entertaining.
  10. One of my docs is an infectious disease specialist and I asked him about this very issue. His response was to use common sense, carry it with you and put it on if you're going to be within six feet of anyone, wear it while approaching or in stores, you don't need it while driving alone (or with individuals you've quarantined with), you don't need it if you're walking alone and no one is near you, be cautious not obsessive.
  11. I'm an animal lover in general, but without question for me, dogs. I had a dog from the time I was 12 - 24 years old who I swear was part human. We'd show her something once and she got it. We'd keep her cans of dog food lined up outside a cabinet in the basement. Every night at dinner we'd tell her to go get her food. She'd head down the steps, pick up one of the cans, carry it upstairs and drop it next to her bowl. I went through some medical issues as a child that required me to be bed-ridden for several months. She became very protective and it was difficult to get her to leave my side. She also had a distinct "don't fuck with me" bark that was much more ferocious than her normal bark. That bark only appeared a handful of times, but it was when she sensed true danger, like the person who banged on our door at 3AM, an intruder behind our house in the middle of the night, and every time she saw the troublemaker who lived down the street, who we found out later, threw a heavy planter into our backyard trying to injure her. One of the worst days of my life is when we had her put down. I still remember her eyes looking at me as it was being done. I cried just as much, if not more, as when my parents passed.
  12. That's a very young Matt LeBlanc from "Friends." I remember seeing this in Giovanni's Room, a gay bookstore in Philly, back in 1990. I thought the guy was hot. Four years later, Friends premiered. Never realized it was the same guy until it surfaced a few years into the show. As it turned out, this was from a modeling job he did. He was paid for the shoot, didn't have ownership of the pics, and they were subsequently sold and used for this cover.
  13. Another scenario. What if the client only pays him a portion of what was agreed upon? This profession may be legal in several countries, but I doubt written proposals and contracts are being created when hiring. What happens in this case? Will the court then rule consent it revoked? What's the threshold when consent is revoked? Can consent be partially revoked and will that mean the provider is only partially raped? Or perhaps a more rational and pragmatic remedy is to take the client to court, provide texts and e-mails where amounts are discussed and agreed upon, and find the client guilty of the appropriate crime.
  14. Don’t they ask for the name of the person registered to the room? I stayed here too a couple years ago. I didn’t hire then, but did find a Grindr hookup. We were messaging as he walked over and when he was arriving I took the elevator down to the lobby. Since we exchanged pics and names we knew what the other looked like. i greeted him like a long lost friend by the front desk staff and we proceeded back into the elevator.
  15. According to Victoria Legal Aid: “Consent can be demonstrated in a variety of ways - either, by words, or by conduct alone, or by a combination of words and conduct.” By voluntarily flying there and engaging in sex they demonstrated consent. They didn’t change their minds during the act, which if they did, I’d agree, he would’ve no longer had consent. You can’t revoke it after voluntarily engaging in the activity for which you were hired. The guy deserves to be held criminally and civilly responsible for fraud and non-payment, but to say consent was revoked and convicted of rape is extreme and again, insulting to those who’ve experienced it.
  16. Then my work here is done! ?
  17. Yeah, but was your boyfriend getting $300/hr from you? ?
  18. Neither “stealthing” nor lying about one’s STD status occurred, non-payment did. It’s apples and oranges. One compromises your life, the other your wallet. He‘s guilty of crimes but rape isn’t one of them.
  19. The guy is a scum bag for sure, but I agree, it sets a dangerous precedent where sex work is legal. In that environment, it’s a legally provided service, similar to a plumber or electrician. You pay for that service and if you don’t, there are compensatory and punitive financial consequences. In this case, it appears to include fraud an identity theft. I don’t understand how the failure of payment negates the consent. The judge stated: "The sexual consent given was negated because it had been caused by fraudulent misrepresentations." The provider didn’t refuse the sexual activity or say no. He rightfully became upset when he was cheated out of his fee. I’d also like to know how the judge defines “fraudulent misrepresentations.” Aren’t lying about your age, using pictures that aren’t yours, inflating body part sizes fraudulent misrepresentations? And yes, it is an insult to compare a rape victim who never gave consent, was forcefully assaulted, and is traumatized to a professional sex worker who wasn’t paid. You entered into this transaction fully expecting to engage in sexual activity.
  20. Interesting. If this is a non-sexual Zoom session, according to his own description, I’m curious how he offers a boyfriend experience and why his physical description, including his 7” uncut dick, is relevant? ??‍♂️
  21. Did we own the same house? ? Same here. I had a two-story in Philly. We had snow and the temps were ridiculously frigid for an extended period so nothing melted except the bottom layer from the heat of the house. The water didn’t have anywhere to go and made its way inside. To make matters worse, the seams of my rubber roof weren’t sealed properly. The drywall ceiling in my guest bedroom was so saturated it was leaking in several places, including the ceiling fan, and sagging so badly I had to puncture holes in it so the water could drain and didn’t collapse. I had to get my roof replaced, the joists needed to be treated to eliminate mold, new ceiling and one wall damaged. They do sell a heating element that can be installed in your gutter and downspout. When you get snow and consistently cold temps you plug it in and it keeps the gutter and downspout clear of snow and ice. The bottom layer melts, but the water isn’t backed up due to ice in the gutter and downspout.
  22. This x 100. I have a steady regular provider and nothing gets me off more than getting him off. I may be the client, but there’s no reason our sessions can’t be mutually pleasurable.
  23. My uncle, who passed away a few years ago, had a very distinctive and calligraphic signature. Last year my aunt walked into a local tattoo parlor with her granddaughter, who went there herself, and had his signature tattooed on the inside of her forearm. She was 81 when she did it. As others have said, don’t let age stop you from doing this, especially if it’s meaningful.
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