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Everything posted by RJD

  1. He definitely made some changes to his profile.
  2. Ah, yes, a utility player. They do come in handy. They can “catch” and “pitch.” What’s really fun is to catch and pitch simultaneously, but that requires a dedicated catcher and a dedicated pitcher to join in the game. ?
  3. I’ll reiterate what many have already said. Natural moaning and groaning are turn-ons. It’s like an immediate performance appraisal. What really turns me on and brings me over the edge is when my top is verbal and engages in dirty talk while in the act, especially when we’re making out and he whispers in my ear about what he just did to me.
  4. Does it count if a Grindr hookup who works for UPS temporarily ended up working my area and would “pop-in” during his lunch break? ?
  5. Same. Although not fool-proof, I usually try to find identifying characteristics, like a hair pattern on their torsos or with the prevalence of ink today, a tattoo on the visible portion of the bodies in the video. I see nothing wrong with asking if they’re too similar and you can’t tell.
  6. I played Little League baseball growing up. I wasn't very good and back in those days they didn't worry about including everyone. The best players played, the rest warmed the bench. Also played sports (unorganized pick-up games) with friends in my neighborhood growing up. I have two older brothers who were very active in sports and a nephew who plays professional hockey, so even if I wasn't a participant, I was and still am a spectator. My best friend, who is also gay, has had season tickets to the Philadelphia Eagles almost the entire time we've known each other, which is now over 30 years, and I've attended several games with him. I've also attended dozens of hockey and baseball games. In addition to the excitement of the sport itself, there’s the whole strategy aspect which I enjoy like players being positioned correctly and the right play being executed. Oh yeah, and baseball players have great asses. ?
  7. This x 100. I love sex, but what I find most satisfying, and why I love overnights, is the intimacy and human touch. I’m a cuddler. I find being held or holding someone while drifting off to sleep so relaxing and comforting.
  8. In the early days of the “interweb,” a friend was very “loosey-goosey” providing pics of himself to guys he’d meet on-line with no thought of them being circulated and used by others. Keep in mind, we didn’t have smart-phones at the time nor the ability to snap a picture and easily send it. One day he chatted with a guy on-line (probably an AOL chat room) and they agreed to email each other their pics. Guess whose picture my friend received. ? Obviously the other guy disappeared. That may have been the original occurrence of being ghosted.
  9. If anyone believes Charles is Harry’s father, let me know. I have a bridge to sell you.
  10. RJD

    Claus Pelz

    Wow! The model is Caleb Blanchard. The man is flawless. Here’s a pic of him shaved. I usually like smooth, but the hair looks so hot on him. Here’s a link to an interview with him a few years ago. https://milano411.com/caleb-blanchard-multidimensional-muscle/
  11. Let me clarify. I have no problem with hot, dominant tops being verbally aggressive, whether it’s dirty talk or referring to me or parts of my body by certain names. In fact, I encourage it and it’s a turn on. I just don’t like those names to be female descriptors or body parts. More power to you if that works for you.
  12. Nothing kills my boner faster than calling my ass a pussy, clit or cu**. Wait, I take that back. Seeing one will kill it faster.
  13. You had me at New Order. I’ve found the same thing, however, my huge CD collection remains in boxes in my basement after my move last year, partly because streaming is so convenient and partly because I no longer have a CD player. I find streaming music via Pandora, I❤️Radio, iTunes, Amazon, etc., through my Bluetooth speakers too convenient to consider purchasing a player and breaking out the hundreds of CD’s I own even though they’re not the same versions.
  14. RJD

    RM GPS

    Under “My Location” you can be as general as the city or as specific as your street address. I’m assuming most providers try to be somewhat specific so you can see how far away they are without divulging their actual location. You can enter your street address and move the indicator to a different spot on the map.
  15. Didn’t even notice the missing “r” but I knew what you meant. “Pat, I’ll take an “r.”
  16. That explains why I see notifications of views to my profile but when I look there’s nothing new.
  17. Used to be? Almost every tap on Grindr is a bot “looking for that special love of my life.” They migrated over from A4A.
  18. Since December, I’ve met with @MascFitStud eight times in as many months. With the exception of the first, they were all overnights. Absolutely no buyer’s remorse here.
  19. Don’t think that’s accurate. I’m a regular of his and he told me why he created the ad, and it wasn’t because he had a partner. He’s a member here, so I’ll leave it to him if he wishes to disclose his reasons.
  20. The viewer/subscriber can tip if they want. You're not required to, however, some content providers expect tips to interact with their viewers, others don't. I've commented several times how I've DM'd Griffin Barrows on a couple occasions and he has been very responsive and friendly without anything additional beyond my monthly subscription. That kind of behavior keeps my auto-renewal active. Well, that plus his hot content. But, I've also subscribed and un-subscribed within an hour to a couple sites when it was obvious the subscription price got you teasers and any other content was an upsell and interaction would require a tip. Nothing turns me off faster than being treated like an ATM.
  21. I’m positive your client thought you were super kind, too. ???
  22. He’s on my “to do”list. ? https://rent.men/AlxWard
  23. Pajamas? We don’t need no stinking pajamas! I have a strict “no clothes allowed” policy in my bed and there are no exceptions to that rule. I’ve worn underwear twice since I started working from home in March when the lockdown started. It’s always sweatpants or shorts, depending on the weather.
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