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Everything posted by RJD

  1. It’s true. A dentist or a dental hygienist can detect contusions to the throat and soft palate. It’s more evident in those engaging in aggressive oral sex.
  2. Actually, no. His profile age was 35, but he told me he was 46. That’s what was so surprising. He’s not a kid.
  3. Interesting article. I've found myself experiencing some of the same symptoms as the author, especially forgetfulness. Like her, I've spent the last year working from a comfortable home with all the necessities, but the day-to-day outside experience is missing and can cause stress, anxiety, and depression. This was the part which stood out to me most from the article: "The share of Americans reporting symptoms of anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, or both roughly quadrupled from June 2019 to December 2020, according to a Census Bureau study released late last year." We talk about bringing mental health out of the shadows and treating it with the same sense of urgency we do with physical ailments. We've had a tendency to dismiss those who complain about the restrictions imposed during lockdown and call them selfish, but the mental and emotional toll it's taken on people, especially those who live alone, is real.
  4. On RentMen a paid membership provides access to providers’ videos and semi-private gallery. Those in their private gallery still require them to unlock it. You also can tweak your settings so your visits are hidden, but I don’t know that requires a paid membership. On RentMasseur a paid membership provides access to their private galleries without needing approval. Blocking a potential client who has viewed your profile but hasn’t contacted you is beyond petty. Not everyone is looking to hire immediately, especially when planning a trip. I like to see who lives or will be in the city while I’m there, read the profiles and reviews and do some research before wasting anyone’s time or my money. Last year, pre-pandemic I hosted a RentMasseur provider in my home for a weekend who blocked me about a month later. We had a great time together, no issues or misunderstandings and we exchanged friendly texts after the weekend just to say hello, so I wasn’t some unknown person. I sent him a text asking if he accidentally blocked me or if I did something. Radio silence for three months, then out of the blue texts me saying he got “freaked” because I viewed his profile three times the day he blocked me. I honestly don’t remember hitting it three times, but I do have a habit of paging forward and backward in my browser, so I don’t know if I did that and it registered as a visit each time I did. He then tried to carry on a conversation like we were besties. When I tried to view his profile, I found he “unblocked” me. I moved on long before the text and never replied. He then sent a follow-up ONE day later, after three months of not replying to my initial text, asking why I haven’t replied. Seriously? You’re a grown man, not a twelve year old TikTok girl.
  5. I’m friends with a married gay couple who relocated to The Villages a few years ago and they love it. They socialize with neighbors and haven’t spoken of anything homophobic. They’re not seniors (yet) and they’re not the golf cart, early-bird special type. I guess life is what you make it regardless of geography.
  6. I'm not concerned about it nor will it dictate how I post, I was just curious to see what I posted that elicited 128 'meh' reactions.
  7. I'm still trying to figure out where my 128 "meh" reactions received came from. When I click the hyperlink there's one comment to which I received that ranking. All the other reactions have my comments which were reacted to. Reaction totals for RJD [TABLE] [TR] [TH]Icon[/TH] [TH]Title[/TH] [TH]Received[/TH] [TH]Given[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]⇑[/TD] [TD]Positive[/TD] [TD]1,180[/TD] [TD]771[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Like[/TD] [TD]829[/TD] [TD]593[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Happy[/TD] [TD]194[/TD] [TD]123[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Applause[/TD] [TD]145[/TD] [TD]43[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Love[/TD] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]8[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Haha[/TD] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]4[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Wow[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]⇑[/TD] [TD]Neutral[/TD] [TD]128[/TD] [TD]0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Meh[/TD] [TD]128[/TD] [TD]0[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]⇑[/TD] [TD]Negative[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]3[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Dislike[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Insulting[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]1[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]?[/TD] [TD]Sad[/TD] [TD]1[/TD] [TD]0[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  8. RJD

    Palm Springs

    I’m a bottom and spent a fantastic weekend with @asianmusclebttm . If you want a handsome, engaging, passionate, intelligent, muscled guy with a great personality and sense of humor who enjoys intimacy as much as a good pounding, Aaron is your guy. Those three days flew by.
  9. I’m a new dog dad. I just rescued my boy two months ago. He’s a two year old retriever/pit mix. I had people telling me for years that I should get a dog, but I know the commitment needed. A pup isn’t something you can put in a drawer and forget once you tire of it, and I can never see myself returning a dog for that reason, so I knew I had to be mentally prepared for the responsibility. As with many, the isolation from COVID quarantine got the best of me. Is he a lot of work? Sure is. There is no alone time. I had to start closing my bathroom door (I guess he figures if I get to watch him...), take him out several times each day, regardless of the weather (February was brutal with cold and snow), make sure he’s fed, deal with dog hair everywhere, work with a trainer to teach him manners (he loves everyone and all animals and thinks they’re all ready to play). But, I melt when he jumps up on the sofa, lies down next to me, puts his head on my lap and looks up at me as he falls asleep while I scratch his ears and rub his belly. That is the moment I forget about going out in bad weather, vacuuming dog hair, and picking up poop.
  10. As a child Abbotts Mighty Milk was delivered by the milkman in glass bottles. In the cold weather the cream would rise to the top of the bottle. Now, as an adult, I drink Fairlife 2%. When I want a treat, their chocolate milk is awesome!
  11. I bought one, tried it, and boxed it back up. Followed the instructions to the letter and all it did was create a wet mess on my bathroom vanity.
  12. OMG....Wacky Packages....I haven’t thought of these since I was a child. I was obsessed with them.
  13. You know who’s really close to NY? ?
  14. Jump the shark originates from an episode of Happy Days when Fonzie literally waterskied over a shark. The show had pretty much run out of steam and they were grasping at straws for story ideas at that point. Since then, it’s been used whenever anything has passed its “expiration date.”
  15. For me, my biggest regret is not traveling more when younger and seeing the world. I envy those who have traveled extensively and experienced different cultures. Growing up in a blue-collar, lower middle-class home, travel and vacations were never on the table. There was no discretionary income for those sorts of "luxuries." When you're struggling to keep a roof over your family's head and food on the table, the idea of spending money to go somewhere was considered wasteful. That thinking gets ingrained in your own mind and it takes a while to de-program yourself from it. I didn't take my first plane trip until I was 27 years old. Even as an adult, when I traveled on my own dime my parents still thought vacations were wasteful. Although I've traveled some in the States and Canada, I still haven't made it to Europe, Asia, or Australia. Sadly, with the exception of visiting family at the Jersey shore two hours away, neither of my parents ever experienced a real vacation. My second biggest regret occurred in 2010 when I had my finger on the trigger to purchase 1,000 shares of Netflix at $8.79. It closed on Friday at $540.22.
  16. Actually, Lit’s closed in 1977, which was the same year Gimbel’s opened their new store in The Gallery Mall. The Lit’s building at 8th & Market is incredible and was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
  17. Actually, Lit’s closed in 1977, which was the same year Gimbel’s opened their new store in The Gallery Mall. The Lit’s building at 8th & Market is incredible and was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
  18. Glad you were finally able to connect. I spent a 3-day weekend with him back in September. What an incredible guy. Everything from looks, personality, intelligence and a genuinely nice and kind person. It was like hanging with an old friend even though we just met. Even now, five months after our weekend, we still text and chat with each other.
  19. My worst was a distinguished one-night career at McDonald’s when I was 15 years old. This is back in the day when you were required to wear dress shoes which turned into skates on the greasy floor. My shift started at 4PM on a Friday afternoon until closing, which was midnight. Then, the closing shift prepped for the morning shift, so we didn’t get out until 2:30AM. I worked every station that night except for the registers. When I needed to refill the sliced pickles from the 10 gallon barrel, I asked a co-worker what we used to scoop them out. He turned to me and held up his hand. Gloves weren’t a thought in those days. I was sent to the walk-in freezer to get more burgers and was instructed to stomp my feet when I got inside to make the rats scatter. I had to refill the ice in the beverage dispenser. When I opened the lid to the commercial ice machine there was a cockroach frozen in an ice cube. My feet were throbbing by the time I got home. I slept until noon the next day. I was scheduled to be in at 4:00 again. I called at 2PM and quit. My take home pay for the evening was $17.56. I have flashbacks whenever I review my social security income statement because, being 15 at the time, that was the only declared income for that year and it still appears on my statement. Side note: I’ve never eaten at a McDonald’s since.
  20. It’s hit or miss. I hired College Hunks when I moved two years ago to haul away unwanted items and for the actual packing and move. They have different crews who specialize in each service. The haulers were all pretty beefy. The movers not so much and one was rather sketchy. I also hired them once I moved for assistance with carrying and assembling newly arrived office furniture which was freight dropped in my garage to the second floor in my home. They were the cutest and beefiest. I will say, like all service providers, you have a better experience if you treat them respectfully and not like hired help.
  21. I've never been one to come up with imaginative or interesting screen names....my initials.
  22. This is the guy I was referencing in one of my first posts ever on this site and additionally about cam sessions. I hadn’t found this forum yet in November, 2019 and he would’ve been my first hire. I also thought everything on a guy’s profile was truthful because <<<sarcasm on>>> everything on the internet is true <<<sarcasm off>>>. In hindsight, I’m glad it didn't happen. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/canceling-due-to-sickness.145845/post-1837132 https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/how-much-to-pay-for-an-online-cam-chat-session.157996/post-1956907
  23. No, it wasn’t. I was genuinely curious where you found that statistic. I haven’t been a member of this forum for anywhere near the amount of time you have, but I’ve read all of the threads about overnights on this site and although there have been comments about snoring by both escorts and clients, I never came away with the idea that most escorts complain their clients snore.
  24. Genuinely curious, where did you obtain that statistic? Was there a survey of escorts? Some poll taken on RM? Can you link to it?
  25. OK, so you didn't have initial contact with any of the three alternates until Plan A wasn't happening. How long after checking into the hotel did you decide on Plan B? I had a no-show occur with me last year while on a work trip in Boston. I contacted the guy I wanted to meet a week before traveling so I could arrange my schedule and book the two hours. Everything went smoothly and he even texted me the morning of the appointment to say he was looking forward to meeting me. That night, while at dinner with colleagues, he texted around 7PM that he couldn't make it. Our appointment was 9PM. By the time dinner was over and I returned to my hotel it was after 8PM. I then spent two hours scrolling through other profiles, initiating contact, most going unanswered and those who did basically laughed at my attempt to get an appointment within a couple hours even though their “available now” indicator was activated. I’m glad you turned that lemon into lemonade, but I think you also had a huge amount of luck that your three alternates were available. You were also looking for a replacement for an overnight and had the flexibility to schedule multiple one hour sessions several hours before the desired meetings, especially your second and third. Mine was a one-shot, two hour session for that night.
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