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Posts posted by Mustang

  1. A bit of a different experience for me. Had an appointment with Jerry Monday, and finally left after waiting ten minutes past the start. The waiting area of a single chair by the desk is a joke. Phone ringing unanswered at least three times. Not going back


    27 is the epitomy of 'YMMV'. Some have had great experience and rave about it. Myself - I've not had any positive experiences there. From booking a specific person only to arrive and then told the person I booked wasn't working / didn't show up, to very poor massages, to the flop-house aestettic. To each there own, but there are better choices (for me).

  2. Can anyone confirm that they have monitors watching the interiors of the rooms?


    Discussed briefly in another thread. My last time there I noted the mirrors in the rooms look like two way glass to me. But I haven't been back to test it.


    I walked in last week looking for Jason and noted that there was a bank of video screens showing interior views of the rooms. I walked out.
  3. Imagine . . . You are now getting a massage while on candid camera for everyone to see!? WTF! Who will go there now? It's sure to be clinical. Guess you'll have to get massaged with your clothes on!


    I've thought more than once the mirrors in the rooms are two way glass.

  4. The gross indecency was just being openly gay, or at least open by the standards of the late 1800s. The Marquess of Queensbury wrote him a letter accusing him, Wilde sued for libel, and that's when Wilde was convicted. Wilde was brilliant, but his imprisonment broke him. Rupert Everett made a movie, "The Happy Prince", about Wilde's last days - it's in my netflix queue but I haven't watched the whole thing yet.


    Amazing that more than 100 years later and we're still being persecuted for "gross indecency". I am also a Wilde fan.

  5. 3565.jpg


    “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.”






    Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray




    Perhaps not the best quote to argue the case! Wilde was criminally convicted of "gross indecency", imprisoned for 2 years, exiled, and died in a filthy fleabag hotel room at an early age of 46 from rumored syphilis / meningitis.

  6. went to The one men spa tonight , i got the short guy and he doesn’t know any words and he just keep trying asking me 50 dollars tips , that was funny , because I think no one have feelings about him , maybe some old guy dose, anyway I won’t never go there again


    "maybe some old guy [sic] dose". No feelings about the masseur, but I have some feelings about this comment.

  7. I've had consistently mediocre to bad experiences at 27 Spa (not to mention the quality of the facilities). I've quit going entirely cuz there are too many other good choices. Life's too short for rude, bad service.

  8. I was very impressed haha. I’m checking out super men’s sometime this week in an attempt to see if he moved there. Very disappointed in the establishment for letting go such a skilled and personable masseur.


    Dunno why he was fired but I called over one time when he was on the schedule and was told he wasn't working that day. Then I booked him ahead only to arrive and he was a no show and I got assigned someone else. Guessing he was undependable.

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