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Posts posted by thedanNYC

  1. My guess is that he was trying to swindle you out of $100 thinking you'd rather agree to that last-minute change than cancel the appointment. If he had actually given you the wrong rate by mistake (and I'm not sure how voice-to-text turns four hundred into three hundred), then he could have

    "manned" up about it without putting you in an awkward spot less than two hours before you were supposed to meet up. I would have cancelled too.

  2. I have a large cd collection but my car no longer has a CD player ( I think they are being removed from new cars).


    I notice that the versions of songs on streaming services don’t match the version on my cd. Example I’m a big New Order fan; I bought the substance CD many years ago. But the Amazon music versions don’t match the ones on the CD. It’s not just old songs a Tame impala song changed on me as well. What’s up with that? ?


    I know you didn't ask for any suggestions, but this might be helpful:


    I haven't had to copy CD music to a computer, in a looooooooong time. But I think that should still be possible. If you do that and add the songs to a cheap MP3 player, then you can enjoy your favorite music in your car (and save some money).


    Also, if you have an Apple computer or iPhone, I'd suggest buying music on iTunes instead of Amazon Music because iTunes lets you hear a preview of the song before you buy it. That would allow you to get a good sense of whether you'd be buying the version you're looking for.

  3. Interesting. I've only ever seen gay guys consensually refer to each other as she, her, girl, etc., or using words like "bussy." But I've never noticed that kind of talk being directed at a guy specifically because he's a bottom.

  4. If you've ever seen a case of anorectal cancer, or even bad HPV, you might not be so quick to dismiss condoms, although they're no foolproof protection for HPV. If someone has GC in the rectum, he may have it in the throat and penis as well. Wait until treatment's over.



    Please, for the love of all that's holy, have mercy on our souls and delete that photo so that others don't need to suffer as I have having seen it.

  5. I've never hired him, but I've "bumped" into him a few times. I don't know what effect the corona lockdown had on his physique, but I can say that pre-corona he looked like his photos and was definitely sexy. Don't know if that's helpful.

  6. Before applying the advice previously received here I was planning to keep my pants on and asking for a full body massage depending on what happens on the next sessions.


    I think you had the right instinct. This is exactly what I would have done too. When scheduling the second (or at this point what would have been your third session), I would've said something along the lines of "the massage has really been helping me, and those 30 minutes fly so quickly! So I think I want to extend to 60 minutes and get a full body massage while I'm here. Do you think that would be helpful and have availability for that?" That would have given you a legit excuse to be naked during the next appointment and him a chance to steer you towards keeping the shorter session if he'd already started to feel uncomfortable with anything that had happened up to that point.

  7. Wouldn't that be a glorious ending though? I mean, if I've got to meet my maker, looking up at Mr. Roberts would be a great way to go


    That's so funny. "Excuse me, would it be too much to ask for you to crush my trachea? I'm ready to go right here."

  8. Sorry for the late update. I wasn't being a tease. I was collecting my facts and thoughts for a full report of what happened last night:


    When I arrived, the door was open but the studio was dark and completely empty so I thought there was nobody in there.

    I picked up my phone to call and confirm it was the case so I could just leave.

    Then he popped up and asked me to follow him to his room. We were, indeed, completely alone in the studio.


    When we walked into his area there was this amazing smell in the air. When I walked into his room I noticed he lighted up some candles.

    He asked me to get undressed and get on to the table. He said "take your time" before closing the door.

    While I was undressing I noticed a small monitor showing in CCTV the entrance of the studio. I didn't remember it from the 1st time I was there.


    I got undressed just leaving my nicest dark grey boxers so he'd notice the color contrast under the drapes when coming back. Sorry, @Daverwr I don't own or use jockstraps. I also slightly opened my legs as per @azdr0710 recommendation and put my arms above the drapes so they could be more at reach from the edge of the table. It's not a wide table, that's how it was easy for him to rub his c*ck against my elbow the first time even though I had my arms closer to my body on that occasion. Btw, I know what I felt the 1st time @coriolis888 I'm old enough to realize when someone is rubbing his c*ck against me and not another body part. I also lowered the drape below the middle of my back, closer to my butt. Before I had it a bit above my middle back because we had only discussed the upper back. He did massage my middle back this time.


    When he came in, there was maybe 1 min of silence while he was preparing. I was thinking "maybe he noticed my boxers under the drape".

    I believe he noticed that this time my arms were on top of the drape so right before starting he said: "I'm going to put my thighs so I can start the massage", and he did, so he started massaging and I could feel his thigh rubbing against my elbow.


    He then started making some conversation about working from home and people wearing suits and underwear during zoom calls. I thought he was trying to introduce the topic of underwear in our conversation so I told him that I normally wear shorts or underwear while I work from home. Not sure if that was the right or wrong answer. As I said before I'm a zero when it comes to the "one thing led to another" game. In any case, I was just letting him lead the session as everyone suggested.


    When he turned around to look for some more oil I took that as a chance to send a subtle sign so I moved my right arm a bit more towards the edge of the table. I think he noticed when he turned back because right before continuing with the massage on that side of the table, he tapped my elbow in a light but assertive way without saying a word. I reacted instantaneously, slightly moving my elbow closer to my body. And this time he didn't even put his thigh by the side of the table. He instead took 1 to 2 steps away from the table and extended his arms to keep massaging my back's right side.


    I believe from that point everything went downwards. He became less chatty, most of the rest of the session was in complete silence except for me trying to reestablish some sort of conversation which of course I failed at. And different from the previous session, no moaning at all. I actually followed your advice, not to the point of saying "yes, that feels good" or moaning myself, but I took some deep inspirations and exhalations that were easily interpreted as signs of relaxation and that he was doing a good job at relaxing my muscles, which he did not react to, at all.


    From that moment, the rest of the session felt like an eternity. I believe at some point he got closer to the table on the right side but I could only feel something like a paper or envelope in his pocket, that was it. Just a few minutes before finishing the session he asked about my plans for the long weekend which I replied to that I was just going stay home and relax (after all, those are pretty much the government guidelines since we are in the 2nd wave of Covid).


    I decided to just keep silent and let him do his job. When he finished he softly grabbed my arms and put them below the drapes and brought the drapes to the level of my neck and pressed with his hands on the area he was just massaging while saying with a soft voice "I'm doing this to remove the oil off your back". Then he left the room, said again "take your time", and closed the door.


    When it was time to leave I just went to his desk to pay. Since he decided to step back and keep the flirting off I also decided to step back and keep my generous tip, I just tipped 10%. He didn't even ask "if/when will I book the next session", or "I hope to see you soon", or "you still need more work on your back, let's schedule the next session on ... ". He just said: "I'll see you when I see you."


    These are some confirming/conflicting signs that have kept me thinking since last night:

    • He didn't ask/mention if I have a wife, or girlfriend, not even in the 1st session. Neither did he mention his girlfriend in this one.
    • He didn't talk about sports or other "straight" topics, neither he mentioned his girlfriend as a way to dissuade me from any advances.
    • I checked his reviews and I discovered there are at least 5 5-star reviews of young handsome gay men.
    • Perhaps there were cameras inside his massage room and that was the reason he was "behaving" so much? I don't care anymore.
    • Perhaps underwear after the prior session I had my pants on was too much too soon? I don't care anymore.



    • I'm not looking forward to anything more to happen but I will complete the other 2 sessions (doctor's orders) just because he's good at what he does (I have a lot less pain than during the first session). I will provide little to no tip though. And after the last session, it's over.
    • The fantasy was good while it lasted but I do have well-certified masseurs among my go-to guys here in Toronto and 1 of them is actually straight and provides me with amazing full service (massage + all extras) with no false hopes or fuzzle. We're just waiting for Covid to be over as he's also taking some time off from work. Ontario seems to enter in a 2nd lockdown due to a steep increase in Covid numbers and we need to be careful.


    This shows that any advice encouraging you to push things with a licensed therapist was bad advice. It commonly is. When this happens, you're better off simply enjoying the great therapeutic massage and the "will he/won't he" dynamic when it comes to any hanky-panky.


    I think I've said this before here somewhere. I've gotten lucky with a few legit certified therapists over the years (including one working at a chiropractic office). What worked for me was the opposite of the advice you got. For example, if the guy grazed my balls I did not react at all. If the guy pressed a boner on my arm, I did not react at all.


    That seems to communicate willingness better than reacting (either when the teasing happens or by changing your behavior during the next session). And I think that's because (a) an unwilling/straight guy would likely react to that by adjusting his position, (b) an unwilling/straight guy would likely feel uncomfortable and consequently wouldn't rebook, and © it suggests I'm not a creep who'll lunge for his dick if he decides to push the envelope a bit more. In my experience, a certified therapist will knock on your door, if you will, not to see if you'll bust it wide open... but instead to decide for himself, based on your reaction, whether he wants to risk checking if it's unlocked and try to slowly open it himself.


    Of course, it's possible that one happens to book with a therapist who is legit waiting for the client to grab the therapist's wiener (or send an obvious signal that falls short of that). But the risk with assuming that is that the therapist might end up being offended if you got it wrong. And an offended therapist might blacklist you from his practice, report you to the doctor who gave you the prescription, or even overreact and call the police on you.

  9. i certainly know the man is speaking a language other than russian and i cant make out if Vitaly is speaking the same language. But he is very fluent. if anyone can watch that video and understand what they are saying, it may not be a stretch that he speaks both italian and spanish as is stated in his rentmen ad


    The other guy says he is a trainer, and he's speaking Portuguese. He's serving as an interpreter for Vitaly, who is speaking in a language other than Portuguese and answering questions from his Brazilian fans.

  10. About 25 years ago I hired a guy to come in from Dallas for an overnite. I had not met him previously but he was very hot and had

    decent reviews. I have never hired for more than an hour since, unless I knew the guy. As agreed I gave him half up front when he

    arrived (via plane). He looked great!

    After we talked a half hour or so, I went to the bathroom in my apt. and he bolted, bag and all. I knew he had to probably go

    to the airport so I went there (which was before all the security gate stuff). And there he was at the Southwest gate going back home.

    He looked shocked when I appeared!! I told him quietly that he needed to give me every cent back or I would make a scene and

    security or cops would be there in a minute. He gave me all of it! (I would not likely have made a scene, but it worked). His ad disappeared

    soon after this!



  11. What is worse:

    1. When an escort shaves a few years off his age and posts dated photos; or

    2. When we shave a few years off our age for grndr or scruff?


    Number one because the misrepresentation is intended to stiff people out of money.

    Number two is harmless. If you like that D, does it matter if its owner is 28 or 30? I think most people would say no.

  12. I have no problem with this either. But I'm a gay adult with no kids.


    But if I had been watching Family Feud with my very own family on a Thursday at 8 p.m. only to have my little Cindy's eyes assaulted by a man's big bulge, which I'm sure he knew was on full display and which appears to be fighting for its life trying bust out of those pants, then maybe I'd have a problem with this. This is America, and my little Cindy has a constitutional right to not find out that penises exist until she's at least 25 years old or until one gets her pregnant at 15, whichever comes first.

  13. Well I’m not shocked by all of you early ‘risers’, but there’s nothing more exciting being the last one of their day and hearing those magical words... “Excuse me while I go and lock the front door.” ;)


    That line sounds equally likely to be the first line of a porno or a horror movie. Scan the room for emergency exits. :p

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