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  1. Like
    Mydavid reacted to jeezifonly in Douche problem   
    I used to have problems sometimes finding the right amount of water. Surprises, as you say. 
    Listen to your body, and you gotta rehearse if you expect to perform. 

    Rehearse, as in try different methods of delivery, retention, and expulsion when you have no plan for sex, and no pressure.
    Learn timing of your system’s natural elimination cycle, and you’ll become more confident with less water to be effective for the depth anticipated. 
    Find tutorials on muscle isolation of upper and lower abs - very useful, along with breathing. 
    A thin, long dildo is a good friend to have. Even if you don’t like toys as part of sex, it’s the most effective way to check your instincts.
    And just to beat the long-dead horse… FIBER. Fiber. Fiber. 
    Good luck!
  2. Like
    Mydavid reacted to rvwnsd in Douche problem   
    A favorite, long-retired escort once said "If you want to play in the back yard you will see some dirt."
  3. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Thique in Douche problem   
    I have a different perspective on this topic.
    Shit happens!!! No matter how thorough a bottom tries to be with douching / cleaning routine, it is impossible to know what might happen in the moment.
    I think top providers need to accept that it comes with the territory. And providers need to be respectful and understanding towards the bottom if such accidents happen… 
    Of course if the bottom has made no attempt at all to prepare, that’s a totally different scenario.
  4. Like
    Mydavid reacted to MikeBiDude in Douche problem   
    These were much discussed a few years ago here. Easy to travel with, just hangs over shower head.

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    Mydavid reacted to Simon Suraci in Douche problem   
    Or bring the hose and nozzle and attach it to where a regular shower head is mounted. Plumbing tape is handy too, to get a good seal. Be sure to use an adjustable pressure nozzle.
  6. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Hot4latin in Douche problem   
    A good bottom always travels prepared. Pro tip: always request an accessible room. Most will have a separate shower and hose.  😉

  7. Like
    Mydavid reacted to DamizzonNYC in Douche problem   
    A lot of this is just learning your body.  Process all of these tips, and do some trial-and-error preps when you don't actually have plans.  i.e. Experiment with it when there's no pressure. 
    With the time to do it, I go very deep with the hose, high volume, many hours in advance.  Then give it some real time to drain out.  Jumping up and down helps.  Jumping up and down on your left foot leaning hard left helps.  If you do a deep clean or two well in advance, you can do progressively lesser volume as you get closer and closer to ready.  Definitely give yourself time between completion of prep and leaving to go to your appointment. 
  8. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Nodalguy in Douche problem   
    Yes, definitely give a bit of time for water to drain out, and jump up and down a bit to try to encourage it. And be sure to use a dildo or something like that, as it will push out the pockets of trapped water and help them drain out. In my experience, it's not a two-minute kind of thing: you really do need to spend a bit of time and really work your rear with it. Otherwise, if later on someone is in there really working it hard and/or deep for a while, they will push the water out that you didn't.
  9. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Simon Suraci in Curious…record keeping   
    Like @Jamie21 I’m one of the few more organized and detail oriented of the bunch. Data is my friend. Doesn’t sound at all like an architect, does it?
    My appointment system is also a CRM tool and it keeps track of what a client booked, when, how much they paid including tip, and how it changes over time. I can track trends in time of day, week, month, and year. I also keep a spreadsheet of client and appointment data to check against my system and visa-versa. That tracks which payment method they used and what the transaction fees were, if any. That’s particularly helpful for taxes and reconciling my books.
    I keep detailed records of client interactions, preferences, conversation topics, and the like to remember things that will help me serve them better and continue conversations even after months have passed. You name it, I collect and maintain data to support my decisions and improve my business.
    February and August are my slowest months. February it’s definitely weather plus holiday season credit card bills coming due. Also it’s a slightly shorter month to begin with. August it’s mainly people traveling, but also weather (hot). Some of those travelers are coming to me from elsewhere but the volume is less than the dip in clients who would normally see me that month and are elsewhere.
    Friday nights tend to be slower, on average, while Friday afternoons tend to stay booked, especially with same day requests. Weekdays during the day are popular. Sundays and especially Sunday nights are quite popular. Saturday mornings are popular too. Saturday nights are variable, it tends to be more of a certain type of client - typically older single men, often for longer appointments. It’s all variable and there’s no hard rule, just some trends that have emerged over time.
  10. Like
    Mydavid got a reaction from TorontoDrew in Providing pic and age got me blocked by AdrianXL_Canada   
    I met these two guys in Montreal. They didn't ask me to offer my age and pic, but it was not easy to meet them smoothly because they are very discreet. They didn't show their face on RM, they use a seperate mobile phone number for RM. They made sure I didn't know them and gave me their address at the last minute.
    I wonder if they know you so that they avoid meeting you to keep their privacy.
  11. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Enronnja in $500/Hour   
    I am noticing that too. A lot of the guys are doing this as a side hustle and then you don't see them ever again. Very smart if you ask me.
  12. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + DrownedBoy in $500/Hour   
    Yes. And if you filter out the kids, it seems like the newcomers are charging less.

    It also seems like many are just doing this as a side gig alongside their full-time job. They're not looking to travel America, stay in fancy hotels, buy the latest fashions, or take a selfie next to a Porsche.
  13. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Walt in $500/Hour   
    Perhaps, but I think it is also because more and more younger guys don't see this as taboo or that it crosses some cultural line that will permanently damage their "reputation.". Therefore, they may actually have another regular source of income, and simple the idea of having an occasional additional $500 a couple of times a month is their only goal with placing an ad.
  14. Like
    Mydavid reacted to italianboyph in Douche problem   
    If there's water left, you always make sure you're in shower/toilet 10mins or so after you do it, or how ever long it takes to push out. You may think it's all out , but it's also  better to be safe. If you get too deep you're gonna wanna make sure you're in there until it comes out. It's a process and you don't wanna rush it, so take your time. 
  15. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Jamie21 in Douche problem   
    Definitely this! Don’t rush it. If I’m filming a movie and I’m bottoming then I douche with a shower attachment a few hours beforehand until the water runs clear. Then half hour before filming I use a bulb to make sure it’s all ok. Even then sometimes if we’re doing lots of positions and the top is hung then there might still be a bit of mess unfortunately. Nothing too bad but just enough to stop, clean up and carry on.
    If I’m seeing a client and he’s said he might want to top then I’ll use a bulb douche half hour before the client visit. Mostly with massage clients the fuck is one position, doesn’t last long and they’re usually not as large as porn models. I really don’t like to be douching too regularly because it’s a pain in the arse, quite literally lol. Much simpler to just top! 
  16. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Eric91 in Douche problem   
    I feel like elevating your legs help relax that area and the water comes out easier.  Try putting some foot stools in front of the toilet and placing your feet on those.  
  17. Like
    Mydavid reacted to pubic_assistance in Douche problem   
    If you can't even take the small one...then bottoming probably isn't in their future.
  18. Like
    Mydavid reacted to pubic_assistance in Douche problem   
  19. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + No Drama,just good company in $300 versus $150/$200…   
    I just want to start by saying as a older man with no family, I am greatfull for those of your doing this work.  I look for escorts to acompany me to dinner and the thearter, other time for more personal company.
    When speaking to a provider for the first time I always inquire what they want for their time, I would never be so disrespectful as try to ask for less.  There have been times a provider replys with what are you offering I allway respond with what I have.
    I get theater tickes from the providence performing arts center for the most part and live north of Boston.
    I want to thank all providers for their work for those who enjoy the company of a kind person 
  20. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + keroscenefire in Douche problem   
    These pieces of advice are all good, but I also do think that a little water is not the end of the world. I always put a towel down when I bottom regardless. And yes sometimes some liquid comes out when I'm fucked, but it really is just a bit of water and any top that isn't an asshole understands that and won't be grossed out. 
    I think we can sometimes get a bit neurotic about being super-duper clean down there. The reality is that the asshole is a part of the body that really shouldn't be super-duper clean and we have to accept that. 
  21. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Simon Suraci in Douche problem   
    Tip: douche as normal. The shower nozzle is preferable to the bulb types (my opinion). After you’re running clear, stay in the tub/shower or wherever you are and lay on your left side. Lift up your chest. This helps collect extra water from your lower intestine and flush it down toward your rectum and out of the body. Do this a few times alternating between sitting, standing and laying again. Move your chest up and down as you lay on your side. It helps expedite the process of eliminating the extra water. Take extra time to move around switching body positions and wait for it to drain. You can’t rush the process without risk of an accident later.
  22. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Rudynate in Douche problem   
    a butt plug after you douche.  A provider taught me that.
  23. Like
    Mydavid reacted to JourneysEnd in Douche problem   
    Also helps loosen you up if you're about to take something big.
  24. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Shawn Monroe in Cleaning out advice   
    Use a dildo or buttplug after you think you’re done, to open up and make sure you’re really done. 
  25. Like
    Mydavid reacted to 56harrisond in Douche problem   
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