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    + Bullakaun reacted to sulika in A most bizarre reason to be out of commission.   
    But since every male is born with a foreskin, how about leave it the way it was meant to be!
  2. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to John Doe II in LeoFireXL Rentmen Dubai   
    Inquiring minds would like to know.
  3. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to crazyivan in LeoFireXL Rentmen Dubai   
    What did he do?
  4. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to CatDaddy in Sensuous vs. Erotic Massage   
    I know it when I feel it........
  5. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to + sync in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    I understand your anxieties. My practice was/is to ask at first contact "do you have any discomforts with race, age, or weight?" I do not have an overabundance of discretionary funds, therefore, I try to be as certain as possible of an enjoyable time before I commit.
  6. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to + EVdude in 411 on Saul   
    Sorry, couldn’t help myself!
  7. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to + LodoB in Chance Lachance - where is he now?   
    His stage name was Chace LaChance. He strictly did modeling, soft-core porn (wrestling, domination, tickling, foot fetish, jo) and solo scenes. He expanded into M4M massage and had a unique style and liked showing off his muscled physique to his clients. He was a hot time even with limitations -- and one of the nicest guys ever -- and with a boston accent. He became a certified massage therapist and minimized his M4M massage work when he was hired as a masseur by inhouse spa at a large Las Vegas strip hotel resort and casino. Here's a link to bio of some of his work: https://www.bodybuilderbeautiful.com/bodybuilder-beautiful/2014/06/chace_lachance.html
  8. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to xyz48B in Precaution v. Paranoia   
    What is precaution?
    What is caution?
    What is overreaction?
    What is paranoia?
    I ask this because as we look at numbers coming in throughout the country, we see that many states are experiencing “surges.” When you look at the numbers, these are nothing like March or April numbers. To be sure, they seem to be cause of precaution, but the actions of, say, California in light of what I see on CovidActNow don’t seem nearly as alarming as earlier this year. It seems fear is behind some of what’s going on as far as the political response.
    No one really knows much about this disease, so we’re told. Except every horrible imaginable thing about it is incontrovertibly true. That seems like paranoia to me. Precaution seems like looking at the facts and acting accordingly. No doubt, some behavioral changes need to be made right now, but too many are acting like this disease has poisoned the very air we breathe the world over.
  9. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to NYMassageAddict in Should I put on Hold massage ?especially the busy masseurs NYC are higher risk of spreading corona virus?   
    Just read this entire thread and it was quite fascinating to see early opinions vs opinions now. It seems so much of the spread is through droplets when people talk loudly, sneeze or cough. The surface spread seems to be viable but not nearly as likely.
    The masseur who talked about multiple negative tests (back to the throat) seems to have no credibility as the swab goes upward toward the brain not downward to the throat.
    There is a lot of misinformation out there. While the numbers continue to look encouraging, we aren’t out of the woods. Wear masks. Socially distance. Wash your hands.
  10. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to Jamie21 in Should I put on Hold massage ?especially the busy masseurs NYC are higher risk of spreading corona virus?   
    It looks like the virus is here for a very long time, probably years, possibly for ever. We may have better treatments but there’s no guarantee of that or if a cure. As with anything in life there are risks and if the virus is here forever then everyone is going to have to learn to live with it if some sort of life is to go on. The alternative is we all stay inside and avoid any unnecessary human contact. What should we choose? To live alone but safe or live a life that carries greater risk. It’s got to be a personal choice whilst minimising risks to others who make a different choice. I don’t blame or criticise anyone for making either choice. In many ways life has always been like this...(alcohol, drugs, smoking etc) are all choices all with personal and external costs to society. This situation is no different.
  11. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to relax man in Should I put on Hold massage ?especially the busy masseurs NYC are higher risk of spreading corona virus?   
    This is 100% false. People carrying and transmitting the virus may be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Stop spreading disinformation.
  12. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to + purplekow in The worst has not begun and today, I found it hard to go on.   
    I know some of you are curious as to what is going on in the world, the numbers, the policies, the what ifs, the should have beens. I just want to give you an idea of what goes on down where the results of those decisions which have been made come home to roost. So I will be posting a brief update on what is going on here based on truth but changed enough so as to not have any patients identifiable. .
    At midnight last night, after I had written my patient notes for the day and before heading to bed, I got on line to check how my patients were doing so the number of surprises are minimal for the next morning. Just as I signed on, I notice one of my patients, a 51 year old man who had had Covid for 10 days and was at home and then started doing worse and had been admitted to the hospital 2 days ago, was reported as having a respiratory rate of 30. He was not oxygenating well and they had increased the oxygen and then changed from a nasal oxygen supplying cannula to a face mask. I called the hospital and spoke to the nurse caring for the patient. She had called the resident who was on call but he was in the room next door intubating a patient who was being sent to the ICU and being placed on a ventilator. She told me the patient, despite the numbers, looked significantly better than he had an hour ago. 6 hours early, when I left the hospital, he looked very well and when I spoke to him and then his wife by phone, I mentioned that he was doing better and a discharge to home might happen in the next few days. Suddenly, at 11:30 everything became worse. He still said he was well but clearly he was not. I asked the nurse to have the resident call me after the resident was done with his other patient. I scanned the other patient's charts and except for the elderly lady I spoke of in the beginning of this post, they all were fairly stable. The older woman was requiring more oxygen and was now a bit agitated whereas during the day she had been calm, sleeping, not easily roused. This kind of change in behavior is common in patients with dementia who are hospitalized or have a dramatic change in their environs. When I called her nurse, I was told the patient was just settling down and had shown some improvement.
    After an hour or so, the resident had not called and so I called back and spoke with him. The patient had responded well to the additional oxygen. His breathing rate had dropped from 35 to 20 and he was oxygenating well on the higher concentration of oxygen, The patient did not feel short of breath but when he was treated, he admitted to feeling more relaxed. The resident went off to work and I went to bed. It was about 3AM.
    At 7 AM I got out of bed and felt a bit warm and took my temperature as is that is now part of my morning routine. Wake up, hit the snooze alarm for another 5 minutes and then lay there as I take my temperature, listen to the news and generally see if body parts are working. Then I get up and into the shower. My temp was 99.3, Not a fever but higher than I usually have. I showered and as the water ran over me, I could not shake the temperature reading. I took it again. 99.5. Probably went up as a result of the how water in the shower. The phone rang and it was the morning check by the team leader. She told me that one of the local hospitals had closed to admissions and that we would be taking their overflow. I told her about my temperature and she quizzed me about my health, advised me to take it again and instructed me to stay home if I felt at all ill. I continued getting dressed. I told her I would drive over and if I felt unwell or the temperature was higher, I would go home.
    I arrived, I sat in the parking lot taking my temperature and contemplating that perhaps I had contracted the disease. It is a thought all the care provides I have spoke with about this have several times a day. Standing on an elevator, at a stoplight, any second that you are not otherwise distracted that thought can jump up at you. I suppose many people get that thought.
    The temp was down to 98.6 and I headed in. My first stop was the man who had had a bad turn the night before. He had improved before I went to bed but he was having some difficulty this morning. I was helpful on with my gown by the spotter that ensures that each person gowning up to see a patient is properly prepared. The patient had gone from droplet precaution which is basically a six feet away and basic protective apparel including a mask and gloves and gown, to aerosol protection because of the high rate of oxygen which aerosolizes the virus and gives it a wider spread in the room. So now it was gown, gloves,N95 masks, already in short supply at the hospital, I was reusing one I had cleaned and placed out in the sunlight. Sunlight may help kill the virus on surfaces and I had not worn the mask for a long enough time that it was probably safe to wear. Then a surgical mask, a plastic face shield and a quick entrance into the room. He greeted me with a smile but it was clear he was breathing more rapidly. After a greeting you might give a frequently seen acquaintance you meet on an elevator, we got down to the hard conversation. Things were not looking good. His oxygenation was poor. His respiratory rate was fast. His screening tests for activity of inflammation in the body were all going up after a few days of a plateau. I explained to him what this meant and then broached
    the subject of a ventilator. I explained to him that it was likely he was going to need to be placed on a ventilator. We would try to do everything to prevent or postpone that, but we needed to be sure that this is what he wanted. I told him there was no guarantee even with the ventilator that things would turn around. He half asked half implored why this was happening to him. I had no good answer so I gave him the answer that I had, which was that I did not know why some people do worse than others with this virus. I did not have the answer to the question as to why he had been doing well and then suddenly was not. I did not have the answer to how long he might be on a respirator if he needed one but I did tell him it would more likely be weeks rather than days. As to what he could do, all I could offer is that he lie prone, chest and abdomen down, as that seemed to aid in this situation. It is called proning. He had tried it before and could not tolerate it. I encourage him to do the best he could and that half the day each day that way may make a difference. He asked why he could not eat or drink and I told him that if a tube was needed we did not want him vomiting as they put it in. He asked me to call his wife. I asked him how much of the details he wanted me to share with her. He said he wanted me to tell her everything, He then said: "I don't want to die". I am tearing up now as I type that but at that time, I needed not to show the desperation I felt for him. I offered him: "We will do our best to send you home to your wife" We will watch you closely. Lie prone. I will see you later". He thanked me as I left. He was sincere and I know I did all that I could, but I definitely did not feel that I was deserving of thanks. But if he had thanked me only to make me feel better, he had succeeded.
    The next time I saw him, four hours later he was sedated, in the ICU and on a ventilator. He was prone. In the interim, I called his wife who had clearly been hitting the computer sites hard. I answered her questions, sometimes the same one twice or three times and then finally went on to the next patient.
    The next patient was the elderly lady who had been looking worse last night and did indeed look worse this morning. I will likely report on her tomorrow if there is interest in this kind of posting. IF not, I will not burden you guys with all of this if I get the sense that this is not of interest, but I think it was important that you at least get a sense of the minute to minute horror of this.
    I did report that I am doing better today. I am doing better. My temperature never went up to over 99 again and I am home now The onslaught from the closed hospital was not very severe today and up until now, no one under my care died today. That pretty much is the best day I could have. I am going to be finishing up my notes, doing a quick computer check on the patients and then try to get some rest.
  13. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to + glutes in HOW MANY ARE STILL WORKING   
    Money can be replaced, your time and health cannot.
  14. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to rogerG in HOW MANY ARE STILL WORKING   
    Many people are struggling with thoughts of having no income. If lack of money is haunting people right now, they may not have the self-control needed to say no to customers. This is not the time to choose money over health. Meeting with strangers and performing close contact service is extremely dangerous to both parties. One simple look at how hospital workers are dressing to protect themselves, those who have proper supplies, should convince everyone that avoiding infection is the only way out of this mess.
    Not everyone will pay attention. Those who don't take heed risk paying a higher price, and their decisions may affect us all.
  15. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to OCDallas in Hottest Massage Video Ever?   
    I really prefer videos that show the entire massage and a nice happy ending. When it goes full porno I lose interest... I want to watch the experience I love, not what would be more like hiring an escort.
  16. Verbose
    + Bullakaun reacted to + Just966 in Nipple Play   
  17. Verbose
    + Bullakaun reacted to + Just966 in Nipple Play   
  18. Like
    + Bullakaun got a reaction from Wanderoz in 411 on CAlexlbero (SF Bay area)   
    Seems like a new face in bay area, don't remember seeing any past discussions about him...
  19. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to OCDallas in Worst Ever Massage   
    Y’all I just had the worst massage experience of my life. I’ve probably gotten about 100 massages before and this one takes the cake.
    He was a nice guy, showed up to the hotel on time. Advertisement reads ”trained and experienced” claiming 12 years experience, music, blah blah blah. It was like this guy had never given a massage before. It felt like he was just pinching all over my skin and not even hitting my muscles. He would do these really fast short motions that were completely ineffective and I was just laying there thinking “maybe this is how he just warms up and then starts the massage” as I’ve had a similar technique in the past and it was good. After about 20 minutes of the same he checks in and asks if the pressure was ok and I told him “honestly man I just have no idea what you’re doing... it’s like you’re not doing anything to my muscles at all.” I tried explaining that I wanted long motions, using both hands, arms, whatever he needs to do to get the job done and he started getting offended. I said there’s no way I’m sitting through 90 minutes of this and he’s like ok well I’ll do 60 minutes instead. At this point I’m so bored I pull out my phone and started browsing Instagram. Just laying there on my phone bored and he’s like well hey then why don’t you turn over and I’ll give you a foot massage. I said fine let’s do that and it’s the same damn thing on my feet like he can’t even find the muscles in my feet. After 15 minutes of that he’s like is this OK? I just laughed and was like it’s really not doing anything for me at all, I think we should just accept that it is what it is and both move on and not waste anymore time. So I got up, saw it had been 40 minutes, gave him $40 that he requested and wished him well.
    I just don’t understand how someone thinks they can get away with lying about their work credentials. It’s very obvious that he had no idea what he was doing, that he wasn’t trained, more than likely NOT certified, and a waste of everyone’s time.
    If you’re ever in Pittsburgh do NOT see Peter who is profmassage on RM.
  20. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to Lewis H in Worst Ever Massage   
    Hosting is inconvenient, but if he drives to you there's also a fee. Sooo, normal rates apply ONLY if you live within walking distance of his enormous appendage. I'm so glad I live several states away!
  21. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to big dale in Conflicted   
    Guys who come on this board and pretend they don't want a HE with every massage confuse me.
  22. Like
    + Bullakaun got a reaction from Redwine56 in Blindfold?   
    The massage school I went to, here in California, is one of the best in the state - we did not drape the eyes unless there was some glaring light on top of the receiver's face, making him or her uncomfortable to keep eyes open. I wouldn't think it's a standard practice unless the ambience really needs it to calm your senses down for you to relax.
  23. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to Richardbl in New Guys - Skip or Try?   
    You should risk. Otherwise you will never drink a champagne....
  24. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to ketut in Michaelfrancis in San Francisco??? 411?   
    still works
  25. Like
    + Bullakaun reacted to rvwnsd in Too honest?   
    No, I don't. Folks tend to respond well to those who are nice, honest, and authentic. I find it easier to be truthful and authentic than to make up stores and put on a persona that isn't mine. Additionally, being truthful and authentic does not require you to remember a story. There's nothingh to remember - it is all true!
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