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Everything posted by Dmitri

  1. Who are the various threats coming from? And why would he be getting threats for interactive sessions?
  2. I always speak up if the massage session is cut short. It has happened many times where the masseur will do 35 or 40 minutes for a 1 hr session. I usually pay $120-$150 hr. If they ever cut it short, especially at that price point, I call them on it and ask them to finish the session for the full time. They never argue (they know they are wrong) and finish the full session. The key point here is to speak up. By not saying anything, they take that as a cue that it is acceptable and will do it to the next client. And the next one after that. So by letting them know it is not okay to short us on the time, we are actually helping protect other clients down the road.....and that client could be you.
  3. So to clarify @CarolinaRen , you were 15 minutes late for a 1 hr session, notified him by text you were running late. He told you to still come. By the time the massage started after you arrived late, there was 40 minutes left for your 1 hour massage. And he only did 25 minutes?? That sucks.....you were entitled to the remainder of the time. So he shorted you 15 minutes. I would have commented after the 25 minutes when he was wrapping up that you had time left, since even if you started on time (not being late) that is only a 40 minute massage and you were paying him for 60 minutes. Not cool. Unprofessional. I would not return. (maybe that is why he is offering discounts. Not enough clients since his business practices are lacking.)
  4. I have seen some odd questions in this massage forum. But this has to be the oddest question I have ever seen someone ask. This crosses the line into the TMI (To Much Information) category.
  5. Keep in mind that you answered a Massage Ad, not a Personals Ad for a quick hook up. Also, remember that your masseur is not doing this for a hobby, because they have nothing else to do. They are doing this since it is their JOB. It is how they pay their rent, buy their food, pay their expenses, etc. If you treat the whole experience from the perspective that this is not a HOBBY of theirs, but their JOB, from booking the session, to showing up on time, to treating them with respect, etc. you will become a valuable and favorite client to your masseur.
  6. @EVdude, you hit the bullseye! This whole post can be boiled down to those three things. Bad Luck. Bad Timing. Bad Manners.
  7. I have seen this question asked many times by Forum members. First, not allowing contact info from 12 Midnite till 6am is just plain stupid, and unfair for clients who might be on a red eye flight and want a late massage.....and masseurs willing to work those hours. Erotic activities occur day and night from masseurs on MF, not just between 12am-6am. If they insist on this stupid policy, Masseurfinder could EASILY solve this confusion by posting "Contact information is unavailable between 12 am-6am" I sent them an email a few weeks ago suggesting they do this, but received no reply. I feel that masseurs who post on MF are being cheated out of their advertising dollars (almost $300/month) since their contact info is not available 24/7, and some clients don't go back later to MF to check for the contact info, so both the client and the masseur lose out. Masseurfinder is a VERY poorly run site.
  8. Recycling the "New" moniker or not.....that first photo of him is HOT!
  9. 1) Tons of posted reviews.....many posted just a few days apart 2) Instead of posting prices...it just says "Ask Me" (I consider that the biggest red flag) 3) Moving around alot. Not as in a "traveling masseur", but as in living in LA for 3 months, then moving to NYC for 3 months, etc. It is a sign to me that "burn bridges" then move onto another city 4) In their ad if they ask you to "pre-pay" online for your massage
  10. I have been to Eli in NYC before and found him very arrogant and cold. There have been many threads in the forum discussing this. Last I heard he had pulled his ads offline since he was "so busy" as in overbooked. Then he posts an ad on this new, obscure website? I am confused.
  11. @MassageDrew , for a VERY stupid reason, MF erases contact info and map location information between the hours of 12 Midnite to 6 AM. Their LAME reasoning is because they feel that this is when "illicit" activities occur, and to make them seem more "legit" they do not provide contact info during those hours. Try them after 6am and the contact info will be back up.
  12. The site has not been abandoned and is up....running... and fine. 2 tip offs that I see it that way: 1) I called 2 masseurs I use from MF and both were billed in the past 2 days as they have always been. No break in their billing cycle. 2) At the top of the Home Page on the right side of MF there are a few links. One says "New". Click on that link and all the Newest Masseurs are listed.You will see they have been signing up masseurs in a steady stream, even as recently as today. LOTS of New Listings since July 1st. Sounds like a site that has not been "abandoned" Sounds like a site that is up and running.
  13. They have been going downhill for over a year, and had become one the least used massage sites out there, so no big loss.
  14. Another Newbie (Arsentiy) signed up again and this is his first post (this time as Jeremy123)......and STILL writing in broken English......English being his second language, just like in his ad text copy. And broken English as in his post as "DaddyGeorge." That is the giveaway. Double check your English when you post a comment and we would not be so suspicious. And no one is trying to spoil your business. This forum is just where we give our honest feedback on our experiences. We are not attacking you. You seem like a nice guy, so relax and good luck with your business.
  15. MassageM4M handled it's demise so badly. Just pulled itself offline, with no communication to it's advertisers or clients who supported them all these years, to alert them they were going offline. The CORRECT way to have done it would have been to post the following on their Landing Page: To All Advertisers And Massage Clients MassageM4M has reached the decision that we can no longer operate our massage website for personal reasons. To all our advertisers, please contact us at support@massagem4m.com for a full refund for any credit card charges which have been billed for the coming month. To all our advertisers and massage clients, it has been a pleasure to serve you the past 17 years since our beginnings in 2001. Thank you all for your support over those years and we wish you all the best. Our site will be going offline on June 21, 2018. Thank you once again for your patronage! THAT would have been a class act on how to exit gracefully. Instead they slipped away in the dark of the night, just left in a very deceitful way, with only an "Error" page when you visit the site now. They could have least posted something along the lines of the copy above out of respect for all of us who supported them all these years. REALLY badly done.
  16. There is no need to panic, guys. M4M was not "seized" by the feds, or forced offline. The site as of last week when it was still online was VERY "G" rated. It was obviously a business decision that the owners took it offline for whatever reason, i.e. poor health, ready to retire, etc. It was started in 2001 so was online for 17 years.....I can understand they were probably burned out, especially with all the SESTA/FOSTA bullshit. Masseurfinder could be next, but that also would be a personal choice, not because they have been "seized" by the feds. My guess is that they will stay online and profit from all the refugees from M4M who need a place to advertise. As far as Rentmasseur and Rentman, they are based in Europe.......offshore, (so no SESTA/FOSTA threat) and are somewhat new, so they will be around a while. I know there have been tons of changes over the past year for us clients (and for the masseurs)....we all need to just take a chill pill and not panic. Probably best if we all just relax and all go get a massage
  17. Only 3 possibilities: 1) They are working on the site and it will be back up (and better, I hope) than before. 2) They are going out of business, and are in the process of shutting down. 3) The owner of the site (Ernie) sold the site to someone else and they are in a transition. With all that has been said here, and observing over the past few days......I bet my money on #2. If it is #1, #2 or #3, their communication skills to clients and masseurs about what is going on sucks.
  18. Wow....correct me if I am wrong, but the glowing comment from a Newbie (his only post) is in the same broken English and tone as the text in the ad for Arsentiy. If you are a real Forum member, DaddyGeorge forgive my skepticism, but we have had issues in the Forum before with masseurs pretending to be clients. It is just that your post matches the text/broken English of the ad for Arsentiy, plus it is your only post and is overly glowing that we should go to him. Just saying....
  19. Was "fixed", but is now down again and not working. You click on any photo on the search page, and an error note comes up, and you can't get to the ad. (?) It is probably the worst massage site out there, so no big loss.
  20. One of my masseurs has a MF ad. He told me a few weeks ago he received a notification from MF that they would need 2 pieces of info from him to confirm his identity and age, to ensure he was over 18 years old.. This request was sent to all masseurs on MF. 1) A copy of his drivers license or a copy of his passport if he was a non-citizen 2) A three finger selfie that would match/verify it was him in the driver's license or passport. He provided a copy of his driver's license, and a three finger selfie....and that was it. MF is obviously just covering their asses by assuring everyone is over 18 years old on their website. They should have done this back in the day.....but after SESTA/FOSTA are now obviously being more diligent in their record keeping.
  21. Just ask. How else would you know,unless you can read someone's mind. When making the massage appointment ask if the massage session can become interactive, and if so if that includes an extra fee and what the extra fee is. If they tell you they do not offer interactive, there is your answer. If they say "Yes" , they will probably want to discuss it after you arrive, not on the phone. But at least you will know. There is no other way to find out before the session starts unless you ASK. The other option is to do what you have been doing, but that does not seem to be working for you. If it was working for you, you would not have posted the question. Good Luck
  22. WTF? $180 for a 1 hr. massage with no extras? So obviously he is being paid $180 for 1 hr. just because he is good looking? This whole massage pricing thing based on looks is getting insane.
  23. Young Matthew Broderick look alike.....what a smile!!!
  24. Most of us in this forum already know this, but for those like @jjxxxx that do not know.......just type the name of the masseur in the search box on the upper right of this page to search a masseur, before you post wanting info. I typed in "Andre" and there is tons of info on him. Check it out.
  25. You wait for him to let you know. You said he is your "regular masseur", which means you are his "regular client." For a masseur, "regular clients" are their bread and butter. If he wanted to raise your rate, he would have told you. He obviously does not want to raise your rate, since he has said nothing, since you are a regular. Leave it at that, and enjoy your massage sessions, knowing that you give him steady business, which is what any masseur wants = Regular Clients.
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