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Everything posted by Dmitri

  1. I have been to Jim twice , and both sessions were excellent! Highly recommend him!
  2. Correct. I noticed my masseur had no ad copy. I called him and I had to let him know! MF never even contacted him to let him know they pulled all his ad copy off! He was pissed when I called him to alert him. Lots of MF masseurs out there TOTALLY unaware that they have no ad copy to describe their massage sessions. And they pay MF $277/month for this kind of treatment?
  3. Agree with all said. Great experience!
  4. Firstly, SESTA/FOSTA has nothing to do with sites that pay or sites that are free. It has to do with ANY sites, free or not, that have forums, reviews, or escort or erotic massage ads that "promote prostitution." All you have to do is go into the Escort or Massage forums on this site, and everyone is recommending certain escorts or masseurs, and mentioning the sexual services they provide. In addition to all the reviews posted each day, that go into detail about sexual services provided, and include the website link to where you can find the escort being reviewed. Daddy's Reviews website is low hanging fruit, with it's reviews and sexually explicit forums giving advice on who to hire. It breaks all the laws in what SESTA/FOSTA is trying to accomplish. I do not know Daddy, but appreciate the service he has provided for all of us over these years. But SESTA/FOSTA will become law, and I for one would never want to put Daddy at risk. He seems like a great guy, and if he was a close friend of mine, I would tell him to take the site offline. I would never be selfish enough to want him to keep it online for my own pleasure, and throw him under the bus and risk a 10 year prison sentence, just so I could get recommendations on escorts or masseurs. That would be very selfish. This type of site is exactly who SESTA/FOSTA is targeting. It is a huge risk keeping it online, and risk going to prison. Ask yourself.....if this was YOUR site, would you keep it online with SESTA/FOSTA and all the shit going on with these bills and the climate in the Trump administration? I sure as hell would not. I would hit the "delete" button and sleep well at night, instead of tossing and turning in bed at night worried about getting caught and going to prison.
  5. It is best to Google "Sesta/Fosta" and read up on it.It is not about anything like grocery stores, robbing anyone, etc. It is specific to "Sex Workers." I have read thru the whole thing, and it talks about forums such as this where people exchange information on what Sesta/Fosta refers to as "sex workers." This could be escorts, erotic masseurs, etc. People such as us in this forum that recommend a certain escort, erotic masseur, etc. is one area they are targeting. That includes even if we PM each other. We are not the ones who are held liable. It is the owner of the website that has the forum, escort reviews, etc. that gets busted ( 10 years jail time) Yes, that would be Daddy who would get busted and serve jail time. They consider the owner of the website is"promoting prostitution," either with their forums or their ads/reviews. So these forums will become useless. since we can't exchange info on escorts and masseurs, according to Sesta/Fosta. That is why Cityvibe shut down already....Reddit dropped certain sexual categories....Craigslist dropped their personals where escorts/masseurs were posting ads, etc. Since the owner gets busted for running the site, it is a HUGE risk for them. Read up on Sesta/Fosta....there are articles all over the internet. When the dust settles, I have a feeling these type of forums will be gone. It has nothing to do with what server the forum is on.....it is the internet service provider who screens and blows the whistle....and any ISP provider this forum uses will always be in the USA. Read up on Sesta/Fosta and you will see the writing is on the wall. Ugh
  6. Not knowing where everything will stand once the dust settles and SESTA/FOSTA becomes law, I was interested in people sharing their stories of what they did before the internet? Who knows....someday (maybe soon) there might not be Masseurfinder, Rentmasseur, Daddy's reviews/forums, etc. So I was curious, what did you do before the internet to connect to get an erotic massage? Your experiences and suggestions of where to look without the internet will come in handy for all of us if things actually do go dark. Where did you find your erotic masseurs before the internet?
  7. So true, @EVdude ! Before I book I read a few reviews to see a pattern. With masseurs who have English as their second language, some of their reviews read like a SNL skit! This guy is HOT, though! Will try on my next NYC trip.
  8. Agreed. Got back to me in 2 minutes.
  9. The "no shirtless photo curse" has hit his Masseurfinder ad. I have seen Rainer before and he has a hot body, and does a great massage. To bad he know needs to hide that body under clothes in his ad now. That last photo.....wearing a suit (NOT a swimsuit) on a beach? My grandfather used to do that. So sad it has come to this.
  10. @Angel , great find. SO refreshing to find no sexual repression on Rent.pro! So great to see flesh again, and nudity in ads. Will contact a few to see if they will provide nude massage.
  11. Just checked MassageM4M to see if they made other stupid changes (i.e. changes that make NO sense) Sure enough, they did.... they have now taken all the text copy off of the reviews as of today. So now they have reviews with no text. (?) So here is what they changed this week: 1) They removed all of the masseurs ad text and have a standardized format. Check it out....very cold and impersonal. Before the masseur would write some text which was nice and personal. Not allowed any more. 2) They removed all rates. No more rates listed. 3) They removed all text copies from reviews. 4) No shirtless photos AT ALL (they used to allow ONE if it was outside by a pool) If they are afraid of getting nabbed for promoting sex workers....the above changes make no difference either way. Having a G rated review is okay....they don't need to ditch the review text altogether. Same with ad text. G rated ad text is fine....but not anymore. I checked their advertising rates. They are still the same. So the staff has ALOT less work to do....no screening text or reviews. Alot less services for the masseurs....but still at the same price.I think the masseurs should revolt and pull their ads and go to Masseurfinder or Rentmasseur.
  12. I am getting so tired of this rollercoaster. Each day you don't know what or who is next. Tonite I browsed the sites looking for a massage in NYC. Checked Masseurfinder.....all the pics are now clothed and not sexy. Checked MassageM4m....again no sexy pics, just a Sears catalogue grid of faces. Did find one cute guy, but had no rates posted. So checked another. Again no posted rates. Looked at a few....no rates. Then it dawned on me that MassageM4M is no longer posting massage rates.....AT ALL. They even took it a step further and REMOVED the rates from the masseur's reviews!! How are we supposed to comparison shop re: rates? Now we have to text and ask? That is going to become time consuming. These changes have become ridiculous. I, for one am REALLY getting tired of this shit. Every day a new, negative change on these massage sites.
  13. Wow....he sure makes a potential client jump through hoops just to get a massage. I clicked on his link expecting to see some muscular god put a potential client through all this. When I saw his pics.....what a joke! The guy is just average to below average in looks. Actually not very attractive. He should appreciate ANY business he gets. I don't care if you are a muscle man or 100 lbs overweight, we ALL deserve someone better than this guy.
  14. Just browsed MassageM4M. These massage sites are going from bad to worse. On the plus side, I like the new grid layout. Everything else sucks though. They have deleted many of the masseur's pics, so many masseurs only have a few lame photos. They also did some crappy zooming in on most masseur's faces which is not professional and not flattering on most masseurs......bad photo editing by M4M, probably without the masseur's consent. And to make it even worse, there is no ad text! Just a cold, clinical, computerized description. No personal ad copy from the masseur anymore. Bad move, MassageM4M. I will stick with Masseurfinder and Rentmasseur. At least they have ad copy by the masseur, which gives you more of a connection, and makes you feel like you are dealing with a warm human, not a cold computer robot.
  15. If Masseurfinder And MassageM4M want to give the impression that they are legitimate, strictly therapeutic massage websites they would act like strictly, therapeutic massage websites do. Any massage website that only offers therapeutic massage would only post ONE face pic of the masseur or masseuse. Period. There would be no need for 10 pictures of the massage therapist in various poses and activities.That is red flag number one to the feds that the MF and M4M websites are not just therapeutic, since it is a sign with 10 pics that the client is checking out more than the massage.....he is checking out how hot the masseur is. Red flag number two is the prices are WAY above the going rate for therapeutic massage. (seriously, $120-$180 for therapeutic?) The feds ain't dumb. So MF and M4m can have all the rules and regulations on no shirtless photos, no explicit ad copy, etc.....but those 2 red flags are the giveaway. If they want to go legit they would allow one face photo....and a cap on prices to reflect market prices. Any other changes they make are just a waste of their time, and still put them at risk.
  16. As mentioned, gay massage on the gay massage websites such as Masseurfinder and MassageM4m is based first on what you look like....and second on your massage skills. We all like the eye candy and most of us (not all) hire on looks first. The majority of hot guys will probably not bother going to massage school, and cruise through on their looks. But of course there are many that are hot AND give a great massage. The best way to protect yourself,@7829V, since you can't make them all go to massage school or get training, is to vet them before hiring. Go with the ones listed as Certified Massage Therapists.....and when you make your appointment, ask if they are Certified or have training, and how many years they have done massage. (important not to hire a newbie if you want true talent) Those of us who have hired for a while can tell the flakes from the talented masseurs by how they present themselves in their online ad, and how they present themselves when we make the appointment.
  17. CL made that move to avoid any liability in re: to SESTA. If Daddy started that forum, he would put himself at the same risk. Not a smart move for Daddy until the dust settles and we see where SESTA is headed, which is what CL is doing.
  18. I might be wrong, but after reading through SESTA and FOSTA, it seems they are also going after forums such as this where we exchange information on erotic masseurs. (or as they call them in SESTA and FOSTA "sex workers.") Go on Google and read up on SESTA and FOSTA and let me know if I am correct. They talk in length about "forums" in both of these bills, where users (us) exchange info and make recommendations, such as you mentioned, in telling the "bland and sterile ads apart." And exchanging information on whether a certain masseur will massage in the nude, perform a HE, etc. Read up and let me know if I am interpreting those bills correctly in regards to this forum, and whether forums such as ours will soon be history.
  19. Picture #1 looks like the sexy, younger Dan. Picture #2 looks like the not sexy, older Dan. And picture #3 looks a bit like Sara Gilbert.
  20. I love Rentmasseur and have always prefered it over Masseurfinder and MassageM4m. I like the fresh,clean layout.....I also like the Personal Interview they offer where the masseurs answer questions. This really helps you to get to know the masseur even before you hire them. They also are the only massage site to offer private photos. On top of all this,they are not out to gouge the masseurs to place an ad. When I checked their rates they are only $39.00 month for masseurs. Masseurfinder and MassageM4m average $250 per month to place an ad! They are a legit site, and I have hired about 10 masseurs over the past year and had no problems. Their sister site Rentmen attracts the true escorts......Rentmasseur attracts the masseurs.
  21. Masseurfinder....MassageM4M...and most other gay massage website owners KNOW the services the majority of their advertisers provide. (i.e. massage with "other" activities....nude, HE, etc.) So even if everyone is wearing a business suit in all their pics, the massage rates the masseurs post is the HUGE red flag for the internet service providers and the feds. The going rate in the outside world for a one hour therapeutic massage is not in the $120-$180/hr range as on the gay massage sites. ( I just Googled it and the going rate for a 1 hr. massage is $60 in the real world) On these sites the rates they charge is the biggest red flag, not the photos. So with the owners having full knowledge of the services their advertisers provide, at very inflated rates, it is a huge risk. After reading up on SESTA, and the fines and prison terms incurred, I would not want to be in their shoes and take the risk. Even running this site...Daddy's Website.... and this forum is a risk. To scary for me. I think we are all heading to the back of newspapers again to find our masseurs.
  22. I went for a massage today with my regular guy (been using him 3 years so we are friends now, apart from client/masseur) and got the scoop. And it is bullshit. He showed me alot of what is going on with MF. The masseurs got NO advance notice. They just went into their accounts and got a message that SESTA would now dictate their ads. My masseur had many shirtless photos and they were all gone. With NO advance notice. Online at 9am....shirtless photos offline at 10am. That quick. Pity the masseurs that have not checked their ads, since masseurs don't check them every day. So those masseurs have question marks for photos, or very few pics left that pass the test. And many masseurs on MF are STILL unaware of the changes. On top of this, Masseurfinder now has a system that when the masseur posts a photo, it is screened by software from Google. If Google rejects it (shirtless, suggestive, etc.) then MF has no control.....it is all up to Google. MF cannot overide Google. If Google accepts it, then MF does their OWN sniff test to decide if they will post it in the masseur's ad. He showed me....he put a photo in with no shirt. It instantly came back declined because it was to quote Google "barechested". It even declined a tank top photo that showed to much skin. The weird part is my guy also has an ad on MassageM4M. They do not have the Google software. He posted an outdoor shirtless photo (M4M has an outdoor shirtless policy....no indoor shirtless photos) and it was accepted and posted. So MF must have signed up for the Google software. The thing that sucks is that MF should have respected the masseurs and sent them emails explaining the new policy....and give them 1 week to comply. But they did NOT. They pulled the rug out from under these guys and made it instant, with no advance notice. That really sucks and shows no respect for their advertisers. (sorry for the War And Peace post....but alot of info to convey.)
  23. But CL massage ads are still online.....VERY overtly sexual (?)
  24. This whole SESTA situations proves the saying "You don't know what you've got till it's gone." Never thought I would see this day.
  25. @tassojunior , I have to compliment you. You are brilliant! You explain things so well, and really know your stuff. 2 questions: 1) Will SESTA impact Daddy's Reviews and these forums where we exchange information? Will we be shut down here? 2) I am in NYC. If I Google "erotic gay massage New York" or "Gay Escorts NYC" tons of links come up.....including Masseurfinder and MassageM4M. When SESTA is signed into law, will these same links come up or be blocked?
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