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Everything posted by MscleLovr

  1. Adam has a lovely body. I’d enjoy getting to know him I’ve met this guy: he’s very nice but so thin. I felt he needed more protein. I find Charlie eminently do-able. I feel @marylander1940 that this man should star in your “Bulge” thread. He must be gay too, as he displays such good taste in buying that swimsuit.
  2. Certainly @Bearofdistinction you win the award for Best Headline to a Thread. I read the article you linked: to me, he simply enjoys being vile. I wonder if he is very deeply closeted or just derailed by self-loathing and wild insecurities versus other men and all women.
  3. say “You know I have feelings for you” unless you’re picking up the restaurant check or taking them shopping for luxury goods say “I’ll always have feelings for you” on leaving until after they’ve spirited the luxury goods away
  4. Definitely enhanced IMHO (I met him 5 years ago). I think the real fantasy is his claim to take “zero steroids”. My view is that he takes as many compounds as he swallows loads.
  5. The first man has a beautiful torso. Does anyone know who he is? The second man (Alex Valley) I find very do-able. Does anyone know if he offers personal services to supplement his income?
  6. MscleLovr

    Budapest Tips?

    I'd say: If you want company, take a companion with you. Failing that, PlanetRomeo.com is the best advertising outlet
  7. I'd have said 1978. I was mid-20s and in suit-and-tie when a goodlooking young man (3-4 years younger) propositioned me on Polk. He asked if I was free for the afternoon and would enjoy a couple of hours of fun with him. I mentioned, and he confirmed, my assumption that he would not be free ;-)
  8. I don't disagree. Maybe I should have written: ...move much. They stand and display, or stroll down a catwalk, and get photographed for which they're paid peanuts. The bigger reward they want or need involves a lot more physical engagement and commitment.
  9. I'm fairly confident that the blond pretty-boy is Jordan Ver Hoeve. He's a tall model in LA. maybe 22 now. We're 'friends' on Facebook FWIW that pic is from a shoot he did for Vogue Italia.
  10. I use Cialis regularly (certainly 2x, sometimes 3x a week). I find it works really well for me; it lasts 36 hours or so and my erections are longer-lasting than without Cialis. I find that it kicks in 2 hours or so after taking it, rather than the 6-8 hours mentioned by another poster. As an older man (lean and fit but nearing 70), I find Cialis has another great benefit. It shrinks the prostate so, unlike many older men, my urinary flow is good and the bladder empties fully. I don't need to urinate often and I don't wake during the night to do so.
  11. I agree about James West. For me, a few years back, he was a passionate and compliant bottom. He took a hard (safe) pounding, displayed excellent cocksucking skills and swallowed all my load without my asking. I thought, however, that he had retired for a 2nd time: do you know that he's back and working?
  12. I think Nick is quite aware of his appeal to a certain clientele. And I'm sure that he is savvy enough to find extra clients without my help ;-)
  13. Thanks for posting this @sydneyboy . I feel it may be an aberration that the Personals section continued in Europe and the UK long after it closed in the US. Closure is a pity as over the years CL Personals introduced me numerous times to attractive young men who wanted to meet an older man and develop new interests. It's where I met my current boyfriend.
  14. The OP is looking FOR a top, not to be one. I was first recommended to Lawrence by a fit, young well-muscled top that I tried unsuccessfully to make versatile. He described Lawrence as "the best bottom in London". I saw Lawrence a few years ago when he was slimmer but with a good physique. Lawrence was even then quite famous as an excellent bottom, and he proved a fun and compliant companion.
  15. He is not only buff but he's also discreet. Those who live in NYC and are interested in getting to know him better should note that Nick has been inviting direct messages on social media. He has expressly stated that he is "accepting commissions".
  16. I thought you knew of Killian, @Tarte Gogo. And he's only 20 or 21 now, @instudiocity
  17. Maybe a better label for him than "straight" would be that he's a "money-boy" - that would seem to be his true love.
  18. Thank you @bigvalboy That made me laugh. Of course, it isn't entirely true. I can think of 2, possibly 3, working male models possessed of very good physiques who would certainly be upset if anyone here suggested that they may on occasion and very discretely monetize their assets (to supplement their variable and meagre incomes as well as indulge their taste for expensive accessories).
  19. I disagree @Walker1 To me, he looks quite handsome in some pics. Obviously he has a great physique but in some photos, he looks rather bulky as if his upper body is over-developed and cartoonish-looking. I can't speak to OnlyFans @tassojunior but I know that in January this year there were a couple of photos circulating on the net of Nick Sandell naked. I asked about them on the 'other' site to no avail, and it took me some considerable time to find them. Best I can say is that I hope he's "a grow-er, not a show-er"
  20. https://www.planetromeo.com/#/hunq/danyyour Thanks for posting that link, @tassojunior He's rather handsome and looks to have a good body too.
  21. The cum-swallower has the working name Aaron, and I believe there are reviews of his working time in London on the associated site. The Aussie bottom has a new career and only sees a few clients of longstanding.
  22. Have you looked him up on social media and thought of sending him a direct/private message? If I were you, I'd simply state that you are very interested in meeting him and offer to be generous if he can provide some personal services.
  23. The 2 biggest, thickest dicks I ever saw in London were on an Australian power-bottom and an Australian deep-throater/cum-swallower respectively. Sadly, both now reside in Sydney.
  24. Some young men are so short-sighted (sigh) Luckily, other fit-bodied young men enjoy the attention of thick-walleted old men
  25. Nice guy. Not tall. Skilled sucker. Not a working guy.
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