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Eric Hassan

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    + Eric Hassan reacted to + WmClarke in A series of unfortunate events   
    I think, as others have mentioned, that couples counseling would be very helpful.

    This is very serious. Please get some counseling just for yourself.
    We are here for you.
    Wishing you a happy resolution.
  2. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to + ursalex in A series of unfortunate events   
    Even if your goal is to save your relationship, you should absolutely talk to a divorce lawyer to learn your rights. Frankly, the grounds for divorce, even adultery, rarely have anything to do with the financial disposition. You need to know the laws of your state, and it may temper his position if he learns that he can't really take everything from you. And his refusal to have sex may give you a lot of legal ammunition if you need it.
    Having spent 40 years practicing family law, I can tell you that same-sex breakups are just as messy as opposite-sex divorces. So know your rights while you are trying to save the relationship.
  3. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to slightly in A series of unfortunate events   
    As you have highlighted trying to make amends as your first 2 choices, I'm going to assume that your priority is maintaining this relationship. Escortrod's advice to first broach the subject of the both of you seeing a relationship counsellor first is sound. It could support the first (and maybe even the second) choice as it should help to identify where the barriers for miscommunication has happened within your relationship, and possibly help to facilitate dialogue as to your respective needs for intimacy. Having this sort of discourse is best mediated, as your husband is processing a lot of anger and distrust.
    I hope it all works out in the end.
  4. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to escortrod in A series of unfortunate events   
    I'm sorry to read about your situation. It certainly sounds upsetting, and scary.
    Before everybody pitches in with their advice, which I am sure will be useful, I will say that I think the best first step is to try to get into relationship counselling, if your partner is willing to participate. This situation is too complex to 'solve' in these forums, and no matter how you decide to proceed having your partner engaged and diffusing some of his anger will both be important.
    I hope this works out well for you both.
  5. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from LivingnLA in Generic PrEP   
    I'm all about getting good deals for the medication you want/need, even when that means using online pharmacies based in Canada or Mexico. PrEP, however, is an exception - to me, at least. Taking PrEP requires that you get regularly tested for HIV to make sure you're still negative and also requires monitoring of kidney and liver function - there's a possibility of side effects that may require brief breaks from taking the medication, or may mean the medication is contraindicated. I think it's a bad idea to fuck with that - it seems very unwise to me to be taking a medication to prevent infection with HIV without knowing that you are indeed negative and to risk possible damage to your kidneys or liver from ongoing, unmonitored use.
  6. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from + glennnn in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    I think you'll find a lot of value to participating in the forum but you might want to wait longer than a few weeks to make that determination.
    Also, clients won't always tell you how they found out about you or where they've checked you out. That's OK - that's their business.
    To me, the value of participating in this forum comes from the change to be part of the community. This is a chance to let folks know who you are and what you're about.
  7. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to MikeBiDude in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    +1 to the 100th
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    + Eric Hassan reacted to Moondance in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    There are clients who believe that a serious escort, a real professional, will be able to find some way to connect with anyone. It's a noble idea, and hooray for the guys who can rise to it, but let's be real: I think some of those "no chemistry" encounters occur because some escorts have limitations that they don't admit to. Personally, I'd rather know.
    That's also why I think it's a good idea for a client to provide an honest physical description if one is requested (maybe even if it's not). If there's something in the description that's going to lead to I'm-just-not-that-into-you erectile dysfunction, better to know before time and money are wasted. There will be some other escort who won't have an issue with a fellow who is chubby, or twelve-toed, or 75, and he's the better option for that guy.
    What I don't agree with is the notion that escorting might be "the only occupation that does not get to decide which clients are a good match for them." Believe me, very few people get through a career in any profession dealing only with the clients they want to deal with ... there's a reason why they call it work.
  9. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to NowOrNever in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    As a client, I would happily give you an honest and complete overview of my stats, just to make sure you were comfortable with my "type," but I would never send my face picture to a stranger over the internet. Meeting for coffee first (my treat), even for thirty minutes or so, would be a great alternative. Most things can be worked out with friendly negotiations.
  10. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to mike carey in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    I'd say it's another string to your bow. If you're happy with your business as it is you may well question the benefits of participating here. My take on it is that this is a community of well informed people, many of whom hire and who use what they read here to inform their hiring decisions. I don't hire often but my list of potential hires comes from here. There are some who have Fixed Ideas About How Hiring Should Work but most of us don't. You've explained how you run your business, and that it's working for you right now, so that should be the end of the discussion. Just don't sweat any negativity about your business model, there'll be plenty of other people who will understand and be happy to chat and get to know you.
  11. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to jimboivyo in Generic PrEP   
    and who knows if it's the real deal. do you want to be the guy who ends up with the fake prep pill?
  12. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from + glennnn in Generic PrEP   
    I'm all about getting good deals for the medication you want/need, even when that means using online pharmacies based in Canada or Mexico. PrEP, however, is an exception - to me, at least. Taking PrEP requires that you get regularly tested for HIV to make sure you're still negative and also requires monitoring of kidney and liver function - there's a possibility of side effects that may require brief breaks from taking the medication, or may mean the medication is contraindicated. I think it's a bad idea to fuck with that - it seems very unwise to me to be taking a medication to prevent infection with HIV without knowing that you are indeed negative and to risk possible damage to your kidneys or liver from ongoing, unmonitored use.
  13. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from AndreFuture in Generic PrEP   
    I'm all about getting good deals for the medication you want/need, even when that means using online pharmacies based in Canada or Mexico. PrEP, however, is an exception - to me, at least. Taking PrEP requires that you get regularly tested for HIV to make sure you're still negative and also requires monitoring of kidney and liver function - there's a possibility of side effects that may require brief breaks from taking the medication, or may mean the medication is contraindicated. I think it's a bad idea to fuck with that - it seems very unwise to me to be taking a medication to prevent infection with HIV without knowing that you are indeed negative and to risk possible damage to your kidneys or liver from ongoing, unmonitored use.
  14. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from maninsoma in Generic PrEP   
    I'm all about getting good deals for the medication you want/need, even when that means using online pharmacies based in Canada or Mexico. PrEP, however, is an exception - to me, at least. Taking PrEP requires that you get regularly tested for HIV to make sure you're still negative and also requires monitoring of kidney and liver function - there's a possibility of side effects that may require brief breaks from taking the medication, or may mean the medication is contraindicated. I think it's a bad idea to fuck with that - it seems very unwise to me to be taking a medication to prevent infection with HIV without knowing that you are indeed negative and to risk possible damage to your kidneys or liver from ongoing, unmonitored use.
  15. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from + DickyF in Do Any NYC Escorts Like Opera   
    I don't know opera well, but have enjoyed it every time. I enjoy being challenged by the music I listen to - I like art that I don't always quite get initially, but that grabs my ear and keeps me by it's side until suddenly something opens and this whole new world of beauty is right in front of me.
  16. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to TruthBTold in Joni Mitchell public appearance   
    I slightly disagree. She is a world treasure. She is up there with The Beatles, Bowie, and Dylan. We tend not to recognize female musicians as we do men.
  17. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to + honcho in Pecs & Nips & More   
    Another for @Eric Hassan ...

  18. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from + WilliamM in Pecs & Nips & More   
    Thank you!!! His arms are AMAZING!!
    Speaking of which - I was in Puerto Vallarta this week on a big gay vacation and there were some good arms (and wonderful, inspiring, sexy, smart) men there. On our last night I had dinner with a group of friends and we ended up having a nice conversation about forearms and other fetishes. So fun!
    Thanks for the heads up, @honcho !!
  19. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to + honcho in Pecs & Nips & More   
    I want to make sure @Eric Hassan doesn't miss this guy's forearms . . . .
    The rest of him (face included) is also totally squirt-worthy
  20. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to jimboivyo in More Credibility for Bad Rentmen Reviews?   
    more reason that daddy's review is the clearing house and always will be
    no system is perfect but this site has been the most consistent throughout the years
  21. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to TruthBTold in Charles Dera or Johnny Castle   
    I agree. Really nice cock also.
  22. Like
    + Eric Hassan got a reaction from Aaron James in Charles Dera or Johnny Castle   
    Levi Cash is a-fucking-mazing. Blond dudes with furry forearms totally get me going!
  23. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to Erid in Charles Dera or Johnny Castle   
    Levi Cash and Scott Nails are hot too!
  24. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to jimboivyo in Charles Dera or Johnny Castle   
    castle's body is still beautiful but his face is looking a little rough
  25. Like
    + Eric Hassan reacted to RandyC in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    When I win the lottery all my escorts will get $500/hr... minimum...
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