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Everything posted by BOZO T CLOWN

  1. If I can put him in my shopping cart, I'll head right to the self-checkout BTC
  2. Bozo went to the FairyTail Lounge last night. Arrived around 10:45. Stayed till about 11:20. No Matty . When I left there were only 4 dancers and about 9 or 10 customers. I don't know if/when Matty ever showed up. Maybe he got a better offer...... On another note, Bozo hadn't been to FairyTail in about 5 years. I had forgotten what a dump it is. And a small dump at that. More than 10 people (dancers, customers, and staff) constitute a crowd at that place. Evolve, Atlas Social Club, and The Pyramid Bar were all much nicer, more spacious, and were in a better location. BTC
  3. Correct. Either way, Immigration officers on both sides of the border have a job to do. Part of their mission is to prevent people they suspect may be trying to work illegally from crossing over. They have a tough job. We should support law enforcement. BTC
  4. Whether the law is "idiotic" or not, is still THE LAW. And if you are a Canadian citizen, I suggest you contact your MP to change the law. Probably sooner rather than later because if the polls are accurate, Trudeau's government will get shellacked at the next election. And what exactly do Larry Flint and Congressmen paying for sex have to do with Canadian immigration officers enforcing their border laws? Do you object to Canadian border patrol doing their job by preventing non-citizens they suspect may be trying to cross their border to work illegally? BTC
  5. The NY TImes is a shell of what it once was. I would never pay for the digital version, and the paper version is good only to shred and use to line the bottom of my parakeet's birdcage. The Sunday Times is good for about 10-12 months worth of birdcage lining . It is hard to forget how the always justice-seeking New York Times allowed one of its stringers to tweet a bogus claim that ESPN tennis analyst Doug Adler racially slurred Venus Williams as “a gorilla” when he actually was praising her “guerrilla” tactic of “charging the net”. The Times then fell silent when ESPN, his career and reputation wrecked by a self-evident lie, fired him as a racist based on The Times’ stringer’s preposterous lie. The unwarranted firing of Adler with false racism claims cost ESPN big time in an out-of-court settlement, but the NY Times hasn't moved off its cowardly cruel, let-him-rot silence. ESPN quietly rights racist accusation against tennis analyst NYPOST.COM The preposterous case of Doug Adler being dismissed by ESPN as a clear-and-present racist based on a reckless, inaccurate tweet from a New York Times freelance tennis... And so, there they were in Tuesday’s Times, two headlines about a “guerrilla-style” bicycling event. Before NYC Marathon, Cyclists Rode the Course - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM For the last two decades, cyclists have been riding the course in the magic time after the roads are closed and before the thousands of racers begin. Before Sunrise, Before the Runners, a Guerrilla Bike Marathon But for the past six years they’ve allowed an innocent man to suffer humiliation, degradation, defamation, and unemployment. And to this day the Times and ESPN continue to allow this man to suffer from an obvious and demonstrable lie. The NY Times is complicit and gutless. BTC .
  6. And in more current breaking Hollywood news............. .....Debbie Reynolds found Eddie Fisher in bed with Elizabeth Taylor BTC
  7. "High Class" + "Exclusive" = EXPENSIVE BTC
  8. The "Erotic" option has been wiped out from his ad. For Bozo, that is a deal breaker. BTC
  9. He speaks 16 languages. If true, very impressive. BTC
  10. Joey was always a favourite of Bozo's. He was a must-see whenever Toronto was on the circus travel schedule. I agree that Joey was in his prime in the late 90's. Likely in his 50's now. He was great in the sack, and knew exactly how to push all of Bozo's (polka dot) buttons. Wish him well in his retirement. BoZo
  11. Bozo had a few sessions with him... all pre-COVID. At the time, he was in incredible shape. Looked exactly like his photos. Lean, smooth, muscular body. Not an ounce of fat. He was quiet, but pleasant. His English was good. Not great. All of our sessions were erotic massages w/he. I think that is probably his limit. At least it was 4 years ago. He always left me very satisfied. My guess is that he's a bit past 30 years old, since four years ago he was 29 yo. He gets the BOZO SEAL OF APPROVAL BoZo
  12. I've ben to FairyTale once. I've never been back. For those who don't know, FairyTale is a small neighborhood bar in Hell's Kitchen. Any more than 10 or 12 people (dancers and customers combined) would be a crowd, especially since they have to cordon off part of the bar to transform it into a lap dance area.. Tim's e-mail indicated 30 dancers were working Friday night. Although many of them looked very hot, Bozo passed. I couldn't deal with the swarms of people in that tiny location. Was afraid someone might accidentally elbow my nose and crush it,,,,, BoZo
  13. Bozo e-mailed Rentmen.com. I thanked them for their new rules. If these changes will ensure their continued financial viability so they can remain in business, they should be congratulated for implementing them. If necessary, they should make further changes. Rentmen.com should continue to focus on serving the needs of those who support them, namely the escorts and paying members. Despite what some here may think, Rentmen is a business, not a charity. BoZo
  14. Co-Star of the hit series, "Three's Company", star of "She's the Sheriff", co-host of "Candid Camera", co-star of "Step by Step", Playboy Magazine cover model, successful Las Vegas nightclub performer, Broadway actress, movie star, TV talk-show host, author, businesswoman, health spokesperson, and Queen of the Thigh Master, (also the "Best Man" at Barry Manilow's wedding), Suzanne Somers passed away due to breast cancer at age 76. In addition to being one of the all-time greatest comedic talents, Somers (no relation to Bret Somers) was a fine singer, dancer, and dramatic performer. Arguably one of the most multi-faceted performers in the history of the entertainment business. She leaves behind decades of fine memories of entertaining millions of fans of all ages.. A rare talent in the mold of Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, and Lucille Ball, it is almost inexplicable that Somers never won an Emmy or an Academy Award. Suzanne Somers RIP BoZo 🤡🤡🤡
  15. Hate to burst your bubble.... Well, not really. lol. But 5 years from now, the Bodega Bro will be only 27 or 28 years old. Still young. He'll still be a blonde muscle-stud with gorgeous green eyes, pouty lips, and bursting with personality and charisma. And likely, the Bodega Legend will have a successful OnlyFans going generating tons of $$$. BoZo 🤡🤡🤡
  16. Bozo would pay plenty to trade places with that dog ☺️ BoZo 🤡🤡🤡
  17. Something is amiss. You hired him a few times and wasn't a great experience? So after your first not-great experience why did you have a second? After your second not-great experience why did you have a third? So on and so forth. How many is a few? Five? Ten? Do you live in an area where this guy is your only option? There has to be more here that you aren't telling us. This story just doesn't pass the smell test. BoZo
  18. He ran an ad awhile back on Rentmen. So apparently he escorts (or did at one time). That was in P-Town. He was 25 years old then. He still is 25... Remarkable. SensualJockNYC - Male Escort, Gay massage - Provincetown | Rent.Men RENT.MEN SensualJockNYC Gay Escort in Provincetown, Massachusetts, available for Modeling,Erotic Massage,Bodywork. | Find all the best Male Escorts at... BoZo
  19. I can't comment on any of the guys you asked about..... .....But your best bet may be to go to one of the strip clubs on your first night - Campus and Stock would be your best choices. They are a block apart from each other on Rue Ste. Catherine. Many, if not most, of them would be willing to go back to your hotel room with you. Find someone you like, chat with him, take him for a lap dance (that will give you a sense of how interactive he is), and then explain what you are looking for, and negotiate a price. Hopefully you will find a boy that you can click with. BoZo
  20. A short and simple response to the above Provider Entitlement rant: There is no unjust enrichment. There is no money grab. Rentmen sets the rules. If you or any other provider doesn't like the rules, then LEAVE. Find another venue to advertise. Your continual whining and complaining is not changing any minds. BoZo
  21. Yikes! With the exception of john #7, it looks like a Rogue's Gallery of ghouls, goblins, and gremlins......
  22. I wasn't aware that Cape Cod, Massachusetts is considered "MAGAland". Good to know that Trump's popularity has extended that far. Thank you for enlightening me. BoZo
  23. The first sentence of your post is quite perceptive of you. Though Bozo prefers "always" to "usually" However, the rest of your post is simply an escort's entitlement rant. Rentmen operates a business. They can change the rules under which they operate at any time for any reason. No explanation needs to be provided. Much like any hotel chain or airline changes its rules for its members. If an escort/masseur doesn't like the rules, that's too bad. Bozo doesn't like having to pay for high speed WiFi in my hotel room or pay to check my luggage at an airport (all previously free benefits). If you don't like Rentmen's rules, find a different sandbox to play in. Or build your own sandbox. Just stop the whining. Rentmen has legitimate reasons to limit X-rated photos (dick pics) to Premium members only. The escort has the option to remove the x-rated photos if he wants. If not, it will only be available to Premium members. It is no "gimmic" (sic). It is no money grab. It is how Rentmen chooses to operate its business. As for whether or not Rentmen is in compliance with German/Dutch law, Bozo is a circus performer, not a legal expert. However, it is hard to believe that a business charging customers $$ to view x-rated pics is illegal. It's time to man-up. if you don't like these rules, then build a better mousetrap. BoZo
  24. What a shame. In 2015, he wrote about being a victim of rape and sexual abuse. Very impressive, even more so considering most of us don't think of porn performers as being so eloquent. My Own Step Out Story | "I Killed Shane Erickson" LIFEAFTERSHANE.WORDPRESS.COM My name is Eric Anthony Crew, I am using my real name in this instead of using the infamous "Shane Erickson" of the porn fame that the countless "fans" around... For those who aren't familiar with Shane: Shane Erickson - Porn Base Central, the free encyclopedia of gay porn PBC.XXX BoZo
  25. As @caramelsub stated in an earlier post, it is possible, or even probable, that the switch to having X-rated material visible to only Premium members was as a result of legal action, or threat of legal action being taken against them. Or it could be to increase their profits. Either way, both reasons are legitimate. And anyone who calls this business decision a "money grab" has absolutely no concept of what a money grab is. For example, I am a member of numerous hotel, airline, and rental car elite membership groups. These companies are constantly changing their rules regarding freebies, upgrades, points, etc. Rarely, if ever, are these changes made to the benefit of the member. It happens everywhere all the time. It is not a money grab. It is a business decision. Get over it already! BoZo
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