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Posts posted by HotWhiteThirties

  1. I think that was what George V hoped when he said near the end of his life that he prayed after Edward Bertie and Lilibet (Elizabeth) would take the crown.


    I think you misspoke about Queen Mary and meant Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Mary was the mother of both Edward (David) and George (Albert).


    Yes, I did misspeak. I meant Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Thanks for catching that.

  2. In thinking it through, even if Edward (David) had not renounced and been allowed to maintain the throne while married to a divorcee, he did not have heirs with anyone, did he? Thus, the House of Windsor would still have QEII on the throne today with the current line of succession as we know it in tact. There would have been no King Geoge VI or Queen Mary, but outside of that, and a shortened QEII reign, everything we know now would be the same. Correct?

  3. Setting aside whether or not forgiveness is a virtue, or how active, and what was the level of any animosity aimed at the couple, it is worth remembering the pair defrauded, and essentially blackmailed his family. All before their unrepentant embrace of fascism, which many would argue sailed on edge of, if not went over it into treason - when Diana Mosley calls you, with disdain, a “true believer” she’s not referring to your religious faith. I would argue any acrimony there may have been was justified. I do think both EII, and QM employed an “out of sight, out of mind” approach when it came to E&W - they didn’t waste their time or energy thinking of them.


    If you’re comparing the lifestyles of GVI and EII to E&W’s, you’re being ridiculous. First, the former two were heads of state, while the latter were private citizens. Much of the opulence you see associated with GVI and EII are trappings of state, not personal.


    When he abdicated, in order to get a better financial settlement, E claimed a total net worth of $5mil - when in fact he had close to $70mil. E also forced GVI to buy Balmoral and Sandringham from him to the tune of $1.2mil a year for life under threat of either setting up themselves there or selling them. This was in addition to an allowance of $1.5mil a year, which was meant to be for life, but ended at GVI’s death. None of these payments came from the Civil List - everything had to be paid from GVI’s personal wealth, which as second son of GV wasn’t substantial by any means. This was all cash too - it doesn’t include the art, jewels, antiques, etc. E had inherited and acquired prior to abdication. The pair were then given the home they lived in as a “grace and favour” type of deal by the city of Paris rent free for life. France also exempted them from both income and inheritance tax. In terms of lifestyle, the pair had a greater income than their family.


    So yes, the pair lived an opulent, albeit empty and essentially meaningless life when compared with their family.


    Wow. Impressive.


    A thorough mic ? drop. ??


    Also educational. Filled in a lot of blanks for me. Well done.

  4. I never had much concern or interest in the Royal Family. I am a Republican in the sense that I value a representative republic/democratic forms of government, and as such, found monarchists confusing and to a degree superfluous. However, in recent years, I have grown to appreciate how constitutional monarchies function, and more particularly how HMTQ and Prince Philip have demonstrated something else I highly value - loyalty to duty and family. I find the history of the Royal Family fascinating, and in particular, the dedication of QEII and her Prince Philip. What a testament to so many virtues that are worthy of praise. A long life of service and submission, but also on his own terms. Well done, sir!

  5. I may not ever be able to join in real life, or yet be the "core demographic," (those days are coming very soon ?), but I sure wouldn't mind hanging out with a bunch of guys comfortable in their skin, no matter their age, and have a good time. That's beautiful! I enjoy reading about the event and commend all who organize and orchestrate it. The build up and excitement, as well as the reports of the weekend's camaraderie and fun, sure make me wanna join in! One can hope! Thanks for sharing, guys.

  6. Not ever been my thing to smell or use used underwear. Definitely love to see it on hot guys, and it seems easy enough money. I've had one guy ask me to promise him a pair after working out in them. Alas we have never got to meet again, and I didn't pursue it further. Now I wonder if I missed an opportunity for some extra cash? ??????

  7. My thoughts are the "don't waste my time" could have the opposite effect. I wouldn't think time wasters really care, pay attention, or have the self-awareness to be deterred by such a statement. However, it seems it would actually deter sincere interests. Aside from giving the escort/provider the perceived license to go off on anyone who approaches them who they judge as annoying, I don't see much value in it when it's stated this particular way. Of course, there are better ways to say it which might garner respect from those who the provider might appreciate serving.

  8. I haven't initiated too many messages since I've been on here unless it was for specific feedback on someone, but normally I could piece it together what I needed to know well enough from what was written in the forum.


    I do relatively frequently have folks reach out to me for various reasons. In general, all have been kind. I enjoy receiving kind messages or inquiries where I can be helpful, and try to take the time to reply. I don't think I have failed to reply unless it became clear that the other party was gratifying themselves in someway and made it feel like a hook up on Grindr or something. I appreciate communication that is reciprocal - both contributing. Starting off the convo with, "Got any more pics..." or, "I wanna see your face," especially with little to no introduction is where I have typically declined responding further.

  9. Can't think of specific examples of bad camera work in porn videos, but I know I've seen it! What I find distracting is dubbed vocalizations in lots of BelAmi videos. There's very exaggerated moaning and grunting that doesn't even sound like it's coming from the actors. I visualize a couple of video production guys in a post-filming editing room, grunting and moaning into a microphone, trying (unsuccessfully) to sync their noises to the action.


    I know many will disagree with me, but I have never really liked any of the Bel Ami productions. For the reason @SundayZip mentions above, but primarily because it all seems so "plastic" to me. Just a bit of a yawn. Different strokes for different folks though...literally! ?? There's obviously a market for it.

  10. I go back to the days of Hooboy, but when Daddy took over, I actually remember being somewhat confused by Guy Fawkes, as I didn’t realize he and Daddy were the same lol. But I’m grateful for both of them lol.


    I came in a lot later than you, admittedly, but I didn't understand either. Took a long time to figure it all out. And only recently have I pieced together enough about Hooboy. I felt like I needed an orientation manual that didn't exist. A bit intimidating for a "newbie." As a result, I never expected to be much of a contributor, personally, but it just sorta happened (and I'm certainly not a major contributor, nor do I long to be. Just a member of the group. I don't have another group like this, which has increased my appreciation for this one.) And I won't likely ever meet anyone here, and never met "Daddy." TBH, I didn't quite know what to think about him. Once I realized that it was his benevolence that allowed for this to exist, I could easily respect and appreciate his "ways." They were based in need and reason and out of consideration of others. What a special "Guy!"


    Anyhow, it's unlikely I'll ever meet anyone here, and I will read with some envy those of you who enjoy a Palm Springs Weekend or a MAL meet up in DC...but nevertheless I have been helped by learning from, participating with, and living vicariously through those who are a part of "here." I will miss it if it ceases, and I echo the sentiments of all who hope for its continuation. I was thinking today, however, that perhaps this is a sign for me to make my exit. I never intended to be checking in here like I have...it's meant so much, honestly...I know I would miss it, but I have to admit since this news yesterday, I have wondered if it isn't time to move on and be thankful for what has been and remember it fondly. I might rather do that than try to login here and find an error message. I don't know. I keep coming back to being thankful, though, and that's a good mindset, me thinks.

  11. When I looked the profile said 'dominated', I guess they remembered that the denominator is on the bottom.

    Numerated, maybe but not denominated. Of course, if it's a three-way I prefer to be bisected.

    Well, hell! How funny! I clearly don't need to be writing entries to the forum too late at night and using Siri's suggested word function to save time!!! I inserted an "edit" to reflect what I really meant, but now that I think about it, I don't mind being the "denominator" with the two of them in the numerator! ????


    My sincere apologies to the OP for hijacking the thread with math! Hopefully someone has experienced the dominance this couple promises to provide and can provide encouraging feedback. ?

  12. Interesting. They're very cute, but it's hard for me to imagine being "denominated" (their word) (EDIT: Oops...silly me...I meant "dominated." Teach me to click the "suggested" word on iPhone!) by someone weighing in at 130#. For many dominance is not necessarily physical, I will accept, so I'm sure they will have a lot of interest....but for me, I need to at least believe it might be possible. At about 85# heavier, I'd sure enjoy the idea of dominating them! ???? Sign me up for that! ?

  13. Tattooing has a curious grip on some people. Some years ago I had conversation with a dream of a bartender with an extensive tattoo. He told me that he is ex-military and the tattoo is to remind him of his buddies he lost on the battlefield. I don't understand how anyone could ever forget such an experience or why anyone would want a constant reminder of it.


    Interesting the subjects that come up in these threads. I am definitely not a fan of tons of tattoos or any tattoos really. Call me simple. To each their own, though, but I have none, and have only a few times had fleeting thoughts of getting one. Truly fleeting, though.


    With that said, if there is something/someone meaningful that they commemorate, I can appreciate that. I get the sense that it's not because they could ever forget such an event/person as it is creating an opportunity that someone might ask and they relay the story (at least where the tattoos might be readily visible). I'm sure that's only one of many reasons. Then after several tattoos, I think getting them becomes part of a "collection" of sorts to folks, and they keep adding to the collection over time and...well, sometimes it gets really out of control. To someone like me it appears to be a form of self mutilation, but that's an oversimplification to someone who has developed a "connection" that I can't appreciate to tattoos. ??‍♂️

  14. Truly sad news to read this morning. Thanks again to @Cooper for the diligence with which he helped Guy in these recent days. What a testimony of friendship that has been a lesson to observe!


    Whatever the future holds for this site, reading the thoughts and concerns of fellow members over recent weeks for Guy demonstrates the impact one person can have on many - known and unknown. If/when this forum closes, I wish you all the very best and am thankful I found "Daddy's" little corner of the world some years ago.


    Cheers,@Guy Fawkes/Daddy! Well done, sir! RIP.

  15. I'd like to commend the OP, @Wolfer, for following through with an update on his situation. I know these sorts of threads are begun asking for input and after 10 pages of replies from forum members its "crickets," from the OP. It's like watching a movie with no end! ?


    In this case the ending was neat, tidy, and hot! I'm a bit envious. ? Now we just need @Wolfer to return with detailed entries of his FWB exploits! ???

  16. Always interesting what seemingly mundane thing gets someone "worked up." I have my own items, so I get it. This annoyance is not one of them, however. I will say, that respect can be erotic to some, and I have always felt "provider" to be a respectful/safe term, where other terms seemed more charged. I don't personally find escort offensive, but on occasion have had guys tell me they preferred the term "provider." Maybe times have changed??‍♂️. I don't ever want to use a term that would seem degrading, of course.

  17. In August 2018 I spent a week on the coast of Montenegro and hiked up the mountain above the Bay of Kotor. Truly magnificent, although quite hot and humid. I struck up a relationship with a stunning young server at the resort and we had a great time. He showed me some of the mountain monasteries. We still keep in touch on WhatsApp. He wants me to come back this summer so he can take me to the mountains north of Podgorica.


    Sounds like a "hot" trip in more ways than one!


    The Bay of Kotor is breathtaking. Sounds like an awesome trip with interesting and exciting "distractions!" ?

  18. So it's an optical illusion?


    Well, I guess you could call it an "optical illusion." ??‍♂️ To me it's just the angle and distance of the camera. His hand is hanging in front of him...not on him...you can tell if you zoom in.


    Separate subject...I have always secretly admired the bravery of "Speedo" wearers. I haven't made it there yet comfort-wise. Maybe someday, but as the years march on...less and less likely if for no other reason than out of consideration of others! ????

  19. I getting really jealous seeing all the Croatia/Montenegro Dalmation Coast pics friends are posting on social media. '"At the birth of the planet the most beautiful encounter between land and sea must have been on the Montenegrin coast"....Lord Bryon




    Such true words!!! Breathtaking part of our planet! I hope to visit again someday...healthy and preferably without a mask!


    In the meantime, I am traveling close to home and cherish each opportunity.

  20. Definitely thoroughly discussed. So, you should be able to find lots of feedback on this subject. Enough to keep you occupied for hours. (Kudos to @liubit for attaching a link to an active thread on the subject.) Synopsis: the majority of clients don't like it or resent it; and most established professional guys don't require it. The minority see some value in it for various reasons that are usually specific to an experience, limitation, circumstance, or potential insecurity.

  21. Took me forever to figure out what any of this meant! I think I got there. Never watch/watched that show, so I was left trying to figure out what milk had to do with sex, and then I was thinking of "milking," but was simultaneously confounded by how a liquid could also be an escort? ???

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